Thank you for reviewing my story. I really appreciate it.

I don't own Bones.


His brother was worried about something, but refused to explain on the phone. Meeting him at a little bar that wasn't too far from his home, Booth waited impatiently for Jared to arrive and break whatever bad news he had.

Entering the bar, Jared stood in the doorway and waited for his eyesight to adjust to the dim light. Spying his brother in the corner of the room, he walked over to the bar, ordered a beer and waited. Once the beer was in his hand, he walked over to where Booth was waiting and sat down across the small table from him. "Thanks for coming."

Wary of the situation, Booth sipped his beer and then placed the bottle down. "What's wrong, Jared? Why all the cloak and dagger shit?"

Jared was certain that Booth was going to blow a gasket but at this point he wasn't sure what else he could do, who else he could turn to. "My friend . . . um . . . Kevin O'Donnell, we were in the service together . . . um, well he found some work for me and at first it seemed like it was easy enough . . . um, it wasn't strictly legal, but it wasn't hurting anyone and the money was really good."

The more he heard the more Booth realized that his brother was in real trouble. Appalled that Jared had once more fallen in to a shit house, Booth drained his beer bottle and slammed it down on the table. "Fuck! What the hell have you done, Jared? For God's sake why can't you do anything right?"

Furious, Jared debated on whether or not to leave the bar and take care of his problem by himself, but in the end, he knew he couldn't. "Just . . . just let me talk okay? For once, just sit there, keep your mouth closed and listen to me."

Surprised that his brother was actually telling him what to do, Booth closed his mouth and leaned back against his chair. Glaring at the younger man, Booth crossed his arms and wished he'd stayed home instead of getting involved in his brother's never ending problems.

Not sure how long Booth would just remain silent, Jared nodded his head and explained. "Kevin knows a guy that gives him small jobs. They're the kind of jobs where you just do them and you don't ask questions . . . pick up a package here and deliver it there . . . stuff like that. The money is so good, Seeley. I've never had a job that paid me like this . . . I've been able to buy Padme things I've always wanted to buy her. She's even thinking about letting me come back home. I . . ." Stopping Jared rubbed his forehead and tried to think of a way to explain what he needed to explain without the man sitting across from him going berserk.

Waiting as patiently as possible, Booth tried to think about how he could get Jared out of the mess he was in before the man ended up in prison. "Jared . . ."

His hand slapping the table, Jared quickly shook his head. "No, let me talk." A faint film of sweat appeared on his forehead while the younger man struggled with what he wanted to say. "Okay, listen . . . I know I should have said no and I want to say no now, but something has come up and . . . Seeley I need you to help me stop this thing. If you don't innocent men and women are going to die and I can't let that happen. I may be a loser, but I'm not a murderer. If I do this thing a lot of people are going to die. If I walk away from it, I'll be killed and they'll die anyway . . . please Seeley, I need you to help me fix this."

Booth was horrified at what he was hearing and even though he wanted to beat his brother senseless, he forced himself to remain calm and to sit where he was and listen. Barely able to control his rage, Booth finally ordered his brother, "Just tell me, Jared. What's going on?"

Relieved that his brother was still sitting with him, Jared nodded his head and explained. "Kevin has been offered the deal of a lifetime, but to do it he needs two million dollars. He plans to rob Victor Mosborian's place for the money. Everyone knows that guy is as evil as they come and that he keeps a large quantity of cash in his house. Kevin's contact said there is an inside man in Mosborian's organization that works for the FBI and the inside man says that Mosborian keeps millions in cash in his safe all the time. Kevin wants me and two other guys he knew in the Navy to help him get the money. Once we have that money we're going to turn it over to this contact of Kevin's and he's going to give us a list of all the undercover FBI agents planted in gangs and criminal organizations in this country and around the world. Kevin plans to sell those lists. He thinks those lists will be worth a hell of a lot more than two million dollars."

The blood draining from his face, Booth stared in disbelief at his brother. "You've got to be kidding me . . . I . . . oh my God, Jared."

Certain that his brother now knew the magnitude of the problem, Jared slowly nodded his head. "Now you see why I have to stop this thing. I have to get my hands on that list and I need you to help me. I can't do it by myself."

His thoughts racing, Booth wanted answers, "Who is Kevin's contact?"

Irritated with Booth, Jared answered sarcastically, "For God's sake, Seeley. If I knew the answer to that question what the hell would I need you for? I don't who it is. Kevin said it's someone in the FBI . . . it has to be doesn't it? Who else could get their hands on a list like that?"

Slowly shaking his head, Booth groaned. "Fuck. I thought we got rid of all the bad eggs at the FBI . . . Don't you have any idea who this guy is?"

Shaking his head very slowly, Jared realized that his brother had been betrayed too many times by the FBI not to believe him. "No, I'm sorry. I wish I did."

"I can't involve the FBI if you don't know who the rat is." Frustrated with the situation, Booth drummed his fingers on the table, trying to think of how to get his hands on the list. "When does Kevin plan to rob Mosborian?"

Leaning closer, Jared folded his arms on the table and barely spoke above a murmur. "In two weeks . . . I'm not sure why. Kevin is lining up equipment and working out the plan. I'm not included in the planning. He just wants me for muscle. Once we have the money, Kevin will arrange to deliver the money and he'll collect the list. He has contacts that will sell the list. He thinks we might make about ten million dollars if not more."

Slowly closing his eyes, Booth tried to come up with a way to get his brother out of it, but couldn't. The fact was, he knew he would have to become involved and that worried him. Should he tell Brennan? Should he tell Caroline? Could he take care of it without their help? The last thing he wanted to do was to endanger his wife or his friend and if he involved them in this mess he knew they could be killed. He'd already seen what it was like to deal with the FBI when it had hidden enemies within. Dangerous enemies who would not hesitate to kill to get what they wanted.

Opening his eyes, Booth finally turned his gaze towards his brother. "Tell Kevin that you want to invite me in. Tell him about my background and make it look good. Mention my gambling and make him think I'm in over my head and need money fast to fix it. I'll help you rob Mosborian and get the money. Once Kevin has the list, I'll take it from him and that will be that."

Relieved that his brother was going to take care of it, Jared nodded his head in appreciation. "Thanks Seeley, I mean that too. I can't handle this mess on my own and I can't walk away. Too many lives are in danger."

"You did the wise thing coming to me about this one, Jared." Feeling sick to his stomach with worry, Booth slowly stood up. "Call me if Kevin will let me in. If he won't I'll try to think of something else."

Watching his brother walk away from him, Jared realized that his brother really loved him. Why else would he endanger himself to help him out? As Booth left the bar, Jared whispered, "I love you Seeley."


Sitting on the patio, Booth watched Christine as she played in the pool. The child was using her water wings and floaties but was staying in the shallow end of the pool just to be safe. Paddling over to the ladder, she climbed them and left the pool. Pulling off her water wings and floaties, she threw them on the ground and ran over to where her father sat. "Daddy, please come into the pool and play with me."

His hand taking her hand, Booth smiled, "Sure Honey." Releasing her hand, he removed his t-shirt and placed it on the table next to his chair. Walking over to the pool, he dove in and came up shaking his head to fling the water out of his eyes. Not sure where his daughter was he found her standing on the edge of the pool laughing.

"Okay you little monkey." Moving closer, Booth stood about two feet from where she was standing. "Okay we'll count to three and then you can jump towards me. I'll catch you."

Excited, Christine stomped her feet and laughed again. "Don't drop me, Daddy."

Amused at how excited she was, Booth tried to keep from laughing. "Daddy would never drop you, Honey."

Taking a step back, Christine quickly lunged out into the pool towards her waiting father. Catching her with ease, Booth hugged his child. "I love you, Christine. Always remember that I love you, okay?"

Squealing with delight, Christine placed he arms around her father's neck. "And I'll always love you, Daddy."


The house quiet, Booth sighed as he stared at the ceiling in the dark bedroom. He'd committed to helping his brother and he knew that it may cost him his life, but he'd done everything he could to try a way to help him without risking his life and in the end, he knew it would have to be this way. Kevin had accepted him into the plot because of his Ranger background and Booth had met the man twice to go over the plans to get the money Kevin needed to buy the list of FBI agents.

Worried about Brennan and what would happen to her if he died in this adventure, Booth sighed once more.

Awake and listening to Booth, Brennan finally rolled on to her side and placed her hand on his hip. "What's the matter, Booth?"

Booth realized that his sighs were louder than he meant them to be. "Nothing really . . . I'm just thinking about one of my students . . . he . . . um . . . he's got some family trouble and he's trying to help out, but it might turn out badly and . . . um . . . you do things for family even if it can hurt you."

Not sure why Booth was worried about the student, Brennan rubbed his hip slowly. "Perhaps he should ask for help with the situation."

His hand seeking her hand, Booth sighed once more. "He can't. His brother made a mistake and um . . . my student says that no one can help but him. It's complicated Bones. It's dangerous and complicated and he's just going to have to take care of it. That kind of thing happens. Sometimes you have to help even though you know it can turn out bad . . . Look, Bones . . . um . . . don't worry about it. He'll do what he has to do and it will work out. He's smart and he's got a lot of experience in the Army . . . it'll work out. I have faith that he'll get through it and in the end he'll be the better man for helping."

"This student sounds like he needs to get help whether or not he thinks he needs it." Moving closer, Brennan moved so that she was hovering over her husband. Kissing him, she smiled, "You're a good man to worry about your student, Booth, but if he doesn't want your help then there isn't anything you can do about it."

Returning her kiss, Booth smiled, "Yeah, you're right . . . I love you, Bones. I've loved you since the day I met you." Eager to show her just how much he loved her, Booth moved so that he was facing her. Kissing her, he assured her, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me. The best thing, Bones."

She loved him and in the next few moments, she proved it to him. "I love you, Booth."


Okay, this story is just supposed to fill in the blanks between season 10 and 11. I hope it did the job and it was interesting. Let me know what you thought of it. Thank you.