ok before we began I just want to say that I've never watched attack on titan, ever, not one episode so I'm doing all of this by research and my own ideas, so please review let me know if I'm screwing this up at all, second this chapter is when I introduce the second character and I promise it'll be a smashing good time

Jack looked around at the soldiers that had him surrounded, they were all around Eren and Armin's age.

'What is with this place and teen soldiers?' Jack thought to himself as he slowly raised his hands and laced his fingers behind his head, he listen to the other soldiers fearful whispers.

"What is it?" a shorter boy with a buzz cut asked.

"Why is it on fire?" a girl with a ponytail said.

"Is it a titan?" said a short girl with short blonde hair.

Now Jack had been called many things in his life monster, freak, demon, doodoo head, though that last one he hadn't heard since his brothers were ten, but the one thing he couldn't stand was being called 'IT' at least a monster or demon were something but 'IT' was nothing.

"IT HAS A NAME!" Jack shouted in anger.

"HOLY CRAP IT TALKS!" the soldiers screamed in fear and surprise.

"Kill it!" the leader of the group that surrounded Jack ordered to his underlings.

"Wait!" Eran said as he Mikasa and Armin jumped between Jack and their comrades.

"Don't hurt him he's a friend," Armin said.

"What are you guys nuts!? Look at him he's some sorta titan or demon!" the boy who had ordered the others said.

"No he's not Jean he saved us and all these people," Eren said.

Jack walked between his new friends and stopped in front of the soldiers before him.

"Eren I appreciate the help, but I can stick up for myself, Look I know I'm really spooky looking but I'm not a titan and I can prove it." Jack said, he snapped his fingers and returned to his human form

"See?" He said.

This new revelation was a shock to everyone, even Eran, Armin, and Mikasa who had only seen Jack in his Rider form. They were very surprised to see that Jack was only a few years older than them, they looked at his eyes, they told a tale of sadness, anger, rage, and hardship, and they looked years older than the face they were attached to and there was something in them something dark and insane but despite all of this they were also soft and kind.

"Jack...You're human?" Eren asked shocked at what he has seen.

Jack chuckled and said "Eren that is very debatable, but at the very least I'm no titan," He said while starring Jean down.

"This only proves you're some kind of freak and a monster. I should kill you now just to be safe," Jean said as he raised his swords to attack Jack.

"You'll do no such thing," Mikasa said and she drew her own swords in order to protect Jack.

"Mikasa please I can handle this, there's no need to spill innocent blood, look kid you want to try and kill me that's fine by me, heck I'll even give you a hand," Jack said.

Then quicker than Jean could react Jack grabbed on to his wrists and forced Jean to stab him through his chest where his heart would be, he then took his other wrist and ran Jean's sword through his chin and out the back of his head. Jean let go of his weapons and backed away slowly as Jack took his own knife from within his coat, and stabbed himself in the back of his neck where a titan's weak spot would be.

Everyone was beyond shock; they had no idea what they were looking at. This thing clearly wasn't human, but he proved he wasn't a titan either, and no matter what he wouldn't die. Jack removed the blades from his body, everyone stepped back expecting a geyser of blood to erupt, for Jack had clearly cut some major arteries, but the blood just trickled out from his wounds before his cuts and clothing stitched themselves back together with an orange glow like embers from a fire.

"Look, Jean was it? You can't kill me I'm already dead," Jack said as he handed Jean back his swords.

"What's going on here?" A voice from behind Jack said.

Jack turned to see three other soldiers had joined them but his focus was only on two of them. They were two teenage boys one was around Jean's height and had blonde hair and a slight tan, the other was as tall as Jack and had black hair and was sweating profusely. To the average person they appeared normal, but Jack knew better he could see into their souls and it was causing him to scream inside his head.

'Those two... their souls are drowning in innocent blood...they're the cause of all of this…I don't know how...but their the reason for this death, this destruction, all those innocent lives extinguished...it's their fault... they're guilty…GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!'

"Sir, are you ok?" A soft voice said pulling Jack out of his mindless rage.

As he came back to reality he saw who had spoken to him. A girl with blonde hair that was put up in a messy bun. She had piercing blue eyes that starred into Jack's with worry that contradicted her face that was unemotional as stone.

'She's special like Eren, but her eyes are so full of sadness' Jack thought to himself.

"Yeah I'm fine" Jack answered out loud.

"Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt. Good to see you guys are still around," Eren said as he addressed the three new comers.

"Eren do you know this guy?" the blonde boy identified as Reiner asked.

"Yeah his name is Jack he saved me and Armin and has killed three titans with his bare hands," Eren answered.

"What!? how'd he do something like that?!" Bertholdt asked.

"Like this," Jack answered as he transformed back into his Rider form.

The three new arrivals jumped back and drew their weapons ready to cut Jack down but were stopped by Eren and Jean who stood in front of them.

"Wait he's a friendly...I think," Jean said.

"Are you sure?" Reiner asked.

"Not really, I don't trust him," Jean responded as he gave Jack the stink eye.

"Well I do I've seen him work and he can kill titans better than us," Eren said.

"Look I hate to break up the party but we have more pressing issues, can you get these people to safety?" Jack asked as he pointed to the crowd he just saved.

"Yeah I've got a couple guys that can lead them to the inner wall. But we've got other issues," Jean answered.

"Such as?" Jack asked.

"Well we've still got a lot of other people out there and we're running out of fuel for 3DMG and replacement blades," Jean said.

"How can you get more?" Jack asked.

"We usually have supply points stationed around, but they've all been wiped out and they're not sending any more from H.Q. They're probably hiding inside like cowards," Jean answered with anger in his voice.

"Don't be too hard on them it's kind of a mess out here, Where's your H.Q?" Jack asked.

"In that direction but you can't see it, there are too many buildings in the way." Eren answered.

"Not a problem" Jack said as he walked towards the buildings blocking his view and walked vertically up its wall, as if he was walking on the street, and up to its roof.

When the others got over their shock at what they just saw they joined Jack on the roof and found him staring at the H.Q while he stroked his chin in contemplation. The H.Q was a small fortress like building that was currently under siege by titans of various sizes.

"If I get rid of all those titans can you get to your fuel and weapons?" Jack asked.

"I don't know even if you could the supply room is most likely infested with three and four meter class titans I don't think we could clear them out in that confined of a space" Jean answered.

"That's it then we're done for! Game over man! Game over!" the boy with the buzz cut said.

"What are going to do?" another one asked.

"What can we do? We're all goanna die!" Someone answered.

"You all are nothing but cowards! I'd rather die facing the titans head on than sit and wait to be eaten like all of you!" Mikasa said before she flew off.

"Mikasa wait! Ugh she'll run out of fuel she goes on like that." Eren said.

"Which one of you has the most remaining fuel?" Jean asked.

Armin and the boy with the buzz cut raised their hands.

"Ok Connie you and Armin go after her and bring her back" Jean ordered.

The two boys took off as Jean turned to address Jack.

"Is there anything you can do?" He asked the Rider.

"I can take out the smaller ones inside, but I can't do that and fight the larger ones, so I'm going to need some help," Jack answered as he got down on both knees.

"What are you doing?" Eren asked.

"Calling for back up." Jack answered.

The world around him halted to a stop as he entered the astrological plain.

"Stephen can you hear me?" Jack asked.

"Yes Jack it's good to see you have made it safely to the other world," Dr. Strange said as he appeared to Jack in is astrological form except he had his arm in a sling that wasn't there the last time they met.

"What happened to you?" Jack asked.

"We'll get to that in a moment." Stephen answered.

"But I think you should know that the raid was a success we got the children out safely, arrested the kingpin, I'm sorry to say as you predicted he bought his way out of custody within an hour," Dr. Strange said.

"That's ok Stephen as long as the kids are safe, so I take it the Avengers helped you?" Jack asked.

"Yes they did and I had to explain why you didn't join us." Stephen answered.

"How'd pa and mamma take it?" Jack asked.

"Your father, Captain Rogers, took it relatively well. Even though we didn't consult him he was very proud of you and your decision to help others." Stephen answered.

Jack nodded and asked "What about mamma?"

"Your mother broke my arm and tried to shoot me in the head before your father could restrain her," Stephen answered as he pointed out his new sling.

"Yeah that sounds like her; she's not the black widow for nothing," Jack chuckled.

"But enough of this Jack, you didn't contact me just to catch up, do you require something?"

Jack scratched his head as he said "It's a long story Stephen."

He then proceeded to tell Dr. Strange all that had happened. He told about the walls and the people that lived with in them, and about the titans and what they were doing. He told about Eren and Annie and the feeling he got from them, and Reiner and Bertholdt and the guilt that laid heavily on their souls. He then told about the H.Q and his plan on clearing it out.

"My God Jack this is worse than I ever imagined, so you need back up, who do you have in mind?" Stephen asked.

"You know who Stephen he's the only one strong enough." Jack answered.

Strange shook his head and rubbed his forehead with his good hand.

"Are you sure you can keep him in line?" He asked.

"I'm sure, I have no doubt that he'll help. I'm just not sure how the locals will react to his appearance," Jack reassured.

"Indeed, very well if you draw a transportation sigil like the one we used to get you here our combined powers should transport him safely, but be careful Jack any mistake could lead to disaster," Stephen warned.

"Understood I'll contact you in ten minutes when I'm ready," Jack responded.

"Good luck Jack," Stephen said as he left the astrological plain.

Jack stood up and addressed the soldiers before him.

"Alright listen up I have back up on the way but I need a wide open space to get him here, anyone have any ideas?" Jack asked.

"There's a town square it's open enough but last time I saw it titans were crawling all over it." Eren answered.

"Alright it'll have to do. Eren follow me I may require your help, the rest of you wait here we won't be long." Jack said.

He then jumped off the roof and saddled his horse as they took off down the street, following Eren to the town square, and leaving the other in tense anticipation for their return. As jack followed Eren he soon saw the town square, and just as Eren had said it was full of titans. There were three fifteen meter class right in front of him.

Jack charged towards the monsters he used the horsemen to blow out the leg of one of the beast, as it fell forward jack jumped off Ayla and used his chain to wrap around the neck of one that was standing behind the falling titan, he then used the chain to propel himself towards the falling titan's head and used his katana to slice through its neck killing it. As he landed he yanked on his chain pulling the second titan to the ground, when the monstrosity landed on its stomach Jack leapt into the air and brought his sword down upon the weak spot on the down titan. Finally the third titan charged towards the Rider, Jack placed his hands on the street and as the titan was run chains erupted from the cobblestone and wrapped themselves around the monster's arms legs and neck.

As jack lifted his hands from the street it was revealed that the chains were coming from the palms of his hands he then pulled hard on the chains and the living metal links ripped the titan apart killing it instantly.

Eren landed next to Jack and looked in awe at the carnage around him.

'We might actually win this' Eren thought to himself.

Jack turned back to human and took out one of his knives he then used it to slice open his hand and used his blood to draw a large circle on the ground and the transportation sigil in its center.

"Eren I need you to watch my back as I do this" Jack said as he turned back to his Rider form.

He knelt down and called out to Strange.

"Steven are you ready" He asked.

"Yes he's agreed to help." Strange answered.

"Good I knew he would, I'll set the sigil on fire in ten seconds you do the same on your end and we should be able to transport him without any issues." Jack responded

Jack knelt down and counted down to ten when it was time he lit his sigil a blaze. He could feel it working, his back up was almost here, just a little longer.

"JACK LOOK OUT!" Eren screamed.

Jack turned in time to see that a ten meter class titan had got past Eren and was now swinging its giant foot towards Jack. The titan kicked Jack as hard as it could straight into a building that was several feet behind the Rider, causing a massive hole in the building, the titan walked towards the damaged home preparing to finish the job.

"You freaking abomination!" Jack cried out as a chain shot out from the hole in the house and wrapped around the titans neck.

Jack then used this to propel himself towards the titan with great speed, he used the momentum to crash into the titan's head feet first, the force of the collision caused Jack and the titan to fly backwards and slide across the street until the monster crashed into another building, when the beast opened its eyes it saw Jack standing on its face and pointing the horseman between its eyes.

"You killed my friend; I'll make you scream for that," Jack threatened.

Jack was about to pull the trigger, but stopped when he felt something deep inside of himself, his friend had made it; he was here though there was something off about him, Jack put it to the back of his mind as he jumped off the titan's head and then used the chain still wrapped around its neck to kill the monster. Jack walked towards his horse as Eren landed next to him.

"Jack what happened? Did you're back up get here?" Eren asked.

"Yes Eren he did but that titan caused me to lose focus, so he's here but just not where I wanted him to be, but he's not far off. We have to find him before..."


A loud roar kept Jack from finishing his sentence as he and Eren looked in the direction it had come from. Eren had never heard anything like it, it didn't sound like a titan it sounded almost human but with more rage and anger. Jack on the other hand knew exactly what it was and he softly said.

"Oh, there he is,"

Mikasa was in trouble she had attacked the titans too fast and too reckless, and just as Eren had predicted she had ran out of fuel and crashed into the street, however this was the least of her problems, after she crashed a fifteen meter class titan had picked her up before she could recover, and was now lifting her towards it's open mouth. Mikasa struggled against the monster's grasp to no effect, her arms were pinned to her sides and she couldn't reach her blades in order to cut her way out.

'This is it' she thought to herself 'I'm going to die, and there's nothing I can do about it. I'll never see Eren or Armin again, and I'll never be able to tell Eren how I feel about him'

As the titan brought her closer to its mouth she closed her eyes in anticipation of her fate, and waited for it to be all over.

'I'm so sorry Eren..I..I love you,' she thought.

She was brought out of her mind by the sound of loud roar. When she opened her eyes, what greeted her was a sight she couldn't imagine a smaller three meter class titan had jumped inside of his larger brother's mouth, and was keeping it open with little effort showing a sign of strength that should of been impossible for its size, but besides that was this titan's strange appearance, for one thing it's skin wasn't a red or pink like the others, it's skin was a shade of emerald green and it's body was very muscular and more defined than it's brethren, stranger still was it was wearing some form of purple pants that looked torn and tattered.

'What is this thing!?' Mikasa thought to herself, before she got the biggest shock of all.

"HULK SMASH!" It yelled.

The strange titan then ripped the top of its larger brother's head off and then began to slam it into the lower part of its jaw as the titan began to fall flat on its back. When it landed the smaller titan was continued to beat the larger one with its own severed head until the upper half it was using disintegrated in its hands, without missing a beat the smaller titan continued it's beating of the larger one using only its fist; showing extreme strength.

Mikasa just starred in shock at the beating before her and barley noticed Armin and Connie landing next to her.

"Mikasa are you ok? What happened?" Armin asked, he knelt next to his friend to make sure she wasn't hurt.

Without saying a word Mikasa pointed to the two titans fighting in front of them, the boys eyes grew to the size of saucers as the saw the green titan pound on the larger one till it stopped twitching. The three teens froze in fear as the smaller titan walked up to them and starred down at them as it took deep breathes.

"Scarf girl ok?" The green titan asked.

"It talks! Titans don't talk!" Connie said with fear and confusion.

"Me Hulk. Hulk help." The titan now identified as Hulk explained.

"Hulk here for Jack. Hulk help Jack." Hulk continued.

"Wait, you know Jack? Jack Claymore?" Armin asked.

The Hulk nodded.

"About this tall, bony and on fire?" Connie asked as he lifted his hand to Jack's height.

"Yeah, Jack Hulk's buddy." Hulk answered.

Mikasa stood up and walked up to Hulk as she bowed in front of him.

"Thank you for saving me. We know Jack and can take you to him if you'd like," Mikasa said.

Hulk grinned and ruffed up Mikasa's hair with his hand as softly as he could.

"Scarf girl nice to Hulk. Hulk like…"


Eren yelled as he attacked Hulk with the machete Jack gave him and his own blade, his blade shattered on contact but Jack's machete was able to cut Hulk's neck, Hulk grabbed for his neck and screamed in pain as he turned to where Eren had landed.

"PUNY BOY CUT HULK! HULK SMASH PUNY BOY!" Hulk yelled as he lifted both fists into the air.

Before Hulk could deliver the fatal blow two chains wrapped themselves around his arms and turned Hulk to face where they came from. Jack was standing there holding on to the chains with all his strength.

"Hulk don't hurt him, he's a friend he thought you were a titan," Jack said.

"What titan?" Hulk asked as jack called back his chains.

"You've already meet them buddy," Jack said as he pointed to the now disintegrating carcass of the titan Hulk killed. The Hulk barred his teeth and growled.

"Puny giant try to eat scarf girl. HULK SMASH PUNY GIANT!" Hulk yelled as he punched the palm of his hand with his fist.

Eren looked at Hulk then at Mikasa.

"Is that true?" Eren asked.

Mikasa nodded while Jack and Hulk walked up to the group of teens.

"Guys this is Hulk, he's a good friend of mine, Hulk this is Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and Connie, They're my friends, ok they won't hurt you," Jack said as he made the introductions.

Eren walked up to the hulk and looked at the ground as he said.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, thank you for saving my sister, if I had known I wouldn't of..."

Eren was cut off as Hulk grabbed him and wrapped him in a large tight hug

"It ok, Eren just try to help friend. Hulk would do same." Hulk said.

"Ok hulk you better let him go he's starting to turn blue." Jack said with a light laugh.

Hulk dropped Eren as the young man gasped for air.

"Ok now that we're all on the same page we better get back to the others before they're titan kibble," Jack ordered.

Eren, Armin, and Connie took off towards where they had left their friends,

Mikasa joined Jack on his horse since she was still out of fuel and they took off after the boys, while Hulk leapt from building to building following his friends.

Well there you have it folks Hulk is the second champion now next chapter we'll see them clear out the tians at the H.Q Now how about some reviews I want to hear your thoughts on how the story is coming along tell me what you think of it especially if I'm screwing up.