Pearl and Amethyst met up with Garnet and Steven at the house. The tallest gem had already made several bowls of popcorn and had gotten just as many bottles of soda, knowing Amethyst's appetite.

"Hey guys, did you get the movie?" Steven asked as he peered down over the side of his room. Amethyst held up the case, an excited smile on her face which was completely void of her previous blush.

"Sure did. We're gonna bring the house down!"

"We will not!" Pearl scolded, her blush not having quite faded yet. "We are going to watch this movie like civilized individuals."

"P.." Amethyst started, holding back a laugh. "You want us.. to watch Dogcopter.. like we're all civilized."

"Well.." Pearl was starting to realize what she had said. Of course it would be impossible to watch a movie with so much destruction while trying to be orderly.. "Fine." She said with a huff, starting her way toward the kitchen. "I'll be making some tea while you get the movie ready.."

"Sure, sure.. Hey P." Pearl turned and Amethyst took this opportunity to wrap her arms around the taller gem's waist. "Love ya.." Then she let go, heading up Steven's stairs to pop the video into the T.V.

Pearl's smile couldn't be any wider as she returned to her walk toward the kitchen. Amethyst.. had never actually said those words until now. Sure, she admitted it that night they became a couple, but hearing her say it just to say it.. it felt good. The pristine gem looked at the bandages around her hand from when she had previously burned herself. Smiling, she decided that tonight would be the night. Pearl collected her pot and filled it with water before placing it on top of the stove. Looking in the cabinet, she found her usual tea cup along with a box full of green tea bags. Though she found the thought of consuming food absolutely vile, she could stand liquids, especially tea, as it was made from the purest substance of water. Placing the bag in the cup, the pot soon began to whistle.

Having poured the boiled water into her cup and removed the tea bag after the flavoring had set, she started her way to Steven's room. Once up there, she found that Steven had decided to sit in Garnet's lap rather than take his usual place at the bed. Instead, Amethyst was laying on her stomach on the mattress, with just enough room for Pearl.

"Hey P." Amethyst raised her hand as her girlfriend came up the stairs.

"Steven said we could use his bed to sit together. That cool with you?"

"Well.." Pearl was a little hesitant to take a place on Steven's bed. After all, it was his. "I suppose if Steven's really okay with it.."

"Yeah Pearl, it's okay." Steven was idly listening to the conversation while paying attention to the previews showing on the T.V. The fourth segment of Lonely Blade was supposed to be 'coming soon' at the time Dogcopter was made, Pearl supposed.

With a nod and a smile, Pearl took her place at Steven's bed beside Amethyst, who helped the pristine gem steady herself as she was holding a very hot drink.

"Thank you Amethyst." Pearl sat cross legged as Amethyst leaned her head on the pristine gem's shoulder.

"You don't gotta be so formal, you know." Amethyst teased, though quietly. Pearl knew she was just playing around. "You're welcome, anyway."

"Guy's, it's starting." Steven's hushed voice quieted the couple, and their eyes turned to the T.V. The movie started just as Steven described. The nameless girl's dog got hurt in an accident as it was chasing its ball, and she was forced to take him to a mad scientist because no vet could do anything. Steven, of course, cried during this part. Then the dog, now Dogcopter, attempted to get used to its new body. It could fly easily enough, but it had trouble with the weapons. Amethyst loved this part in particular, as the dog accidentally destroyed pretty much everything it looked at.

The purple gem was enraptured, having already consumed two full bowls of popcorn. Garnet was stoic as usual, but feigned interest in the movie to appeal to Steven, who was just as into it as Amethyst was. Pearl though, was lost in her own thoughts, having barely finished half her cup of tea.

How was she going to say it? She could just be straight forward and come out with it. Maybe that was the best option, considering it was Amethyst she was thinking about. Or she could make an elaborate plan, leading up to the grand finale, so to speak. Then again, Amethyst wasn't one for surprises, unless they were to scare people. As she racked her brain on the possible ways to go about this, the movie had already ended. Pearl was brought from her thoughts by a nudge to her side by the very being she was thinking of.

"Hey, P, you alright?" Pearl looked up to find Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven staring at her, concern on their faces. Well, they all seemed concerned except Garnet.

"Oh.. y-yes." Pearl took a sip of her now cold tea, moving to stand from the bed. "I'm sorry.. I was just thinking, is all. I'll watch the movie some other time, Steven." She turned to smile at the boy. "I promise. We have it for the entire week, after all."

"Alright.. but you promised, so you have to do it!" Steven was perfectly okay with this. A week was a long time to watch an hour and a half. Garnet stood, lifting Steven as Amethyst hopped off of the bed.

"Alright.. Time for bed."

"Aw, really?! But it's hardly dark out!"

"Look again." Sure enough, though it was just barely dusk when they went to actually get the movie, it was night time now. An hour and a half can make a huge difference.

"Aw, fine." Steven crossed his arms in a huff, causing Garnet to chuckle.

"Come on.." She turned to lay him in bed, Amethyst and Pearl saying a 'goodnight' before walking down the stairs. "The sooner you get to sleep, the sooner you get to see Connie tomorrow."

"Connie's coming?" Steven asked excitedly, stars in his eyes.

"That's right." Garnet continued, tucking the little one in. "I called her mum and told her about your blisters. Asked if Connie could come over and she agreed."

"I'd better get to sleep then!" Steven announced, pulling his blanket up to his chin. "Thanks Garnet! Goodnight!" The tallest gem gave Steven a kiss to his forehead before standing, turning to head down the stairs herself and through her temple door.

"Goodnight, Steven."

"You sure you're okay Sweet P?" Amethyst was definitely concerned about her girlfriend. It wasn't normal for Pearl to just.. space out like that.

"I'm fine, Amethyst.. really." Pearl had taken a seat on the couch after she washed her tea cup in the kitchen sink. Amethyst was standing in front of her, a hand on her hip.

"Wanna talk about what it was..?"

"Will you lay in my lap again?"

Amethyst smiled, a light blush on her face at the question. She definitely liked laying in Pearl's lap.. If Amethyst said it once, she'd say it again. Pearl was by far her favorite bed. The purple gem climbed on the couch, laying on her back as she rested her head on Pearl's legs. They stared in each others eyes for just a brief moment before Amethyst broke the silence.

"So watcha been thinking about?"

Pearl sighed, though smiling as she looked down at her loving girlfriend.

"You're not going to give it up, are you?"

"You know me better than that, Sweet P."

"Yes.. I do." With another sigh, with a deeper breath, Pearl began to speak as she played with Amethyst's hair.

"I was thinking about us.. Well, about you, mostly." Pearl's voice was calm and collected, though it was obvious that it was filled with emotion. Amethyst listened to the best of her abilities. "It just.. surprises me that so much could happen in just a few days. We were at each others throats that one night.. When I called you that certain name that I regret saying."

"It's alright, P.."

"I know.. I know that now. It's just that, at the time, I didn't think that we'd ever get like this. That we would ever become.. romantic."

"Do you regret it.?"

"No! My stars, no.." Pearl looked down at Amethyst, who had closed her eyes. How could the pristine gem ever regret this..?

"I'm happy.. Happier than I've been in such a long time." Tears started to form in Pearl's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "You've done so much for me. You've made me feel like I matter. Steven makes me feel the same way, but he's Rose's son, it's to be expected, but you.. You have never treated me like a drone. You have always treated me like a person, and not just a gem. I don't care that you came from the Kindergarten, I don't care if you never actually saw what others like me are like.. You've always treated me just as she had, though with a bit more teasing than I'd like." She chuckled at this, wiping her eyes of her tears, closing them in the process.

"What.. what I'm trying to say is.. that you complete me. You're everything that I've ever searched for. A free spirit, not a care in the world about what happens to you, as long as you and everyone you care about are happy.. Amethyst.. I love you.." Pearl opened her eyes again only to find that the object of her affection had fallen asleep. Amethyst's mouth was barely open as she silently snored. Pearl smiled, almost finding this situation funny. Maybe.. maybe this was a sign that it was the wrong time. Maybe it was too soon for Pearl to fall in love again. She bent over, kissing her girlfriend's cheek, whispering as she sat back up.

"Goodnight, Amethyst.."

Author's Notes: Hey guys, I've decided that I'm just going to go ahead and make the next segment a new story. I just love writing, and having to wait for anyone's approval feels like torture to me. xD It also feels as if this is just a good place to end this segment, kinda like I felt with my first story, "Does She Hate Me?" As before, I'm going to make a little summary of what's been happening, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy what I make in the future. Like always, so long for now.