Cedric never realized how much life Sofia brought to the castle, and by extension, his little corner tower. It had been five years since Princess Sofia and Princess Amber went away to finishing school. Cedric had not thought much of it when the thirteen and fourteen year olds packed their things and took a flying chariot off into the distance. However, now he replayed that scene on an almost daily basis. Had he really thought about Sofia, that annoying, troublesome... charming... delightful...

"Enough!" He told himself.

Maybe he just needed to get out of this stuffy workshop. He had been working all week on a potion that would make the drinker do anything he asked. His latest cunning plan to get a hold of Sofia's amulet. Sure he had tried many different ways to become King in five years but he was always thwarted. Who knew an avalanche in the throne room, a plague of crickets in the King and Queen's bedchamber and chocolate milk rain in the library would not make King Roland relinquish his crown. Oh well, tonight Sofia would return and the potion was almost perfect, only one ingredient remained, a single hair from the intendeds head weaved with his own.

Cedric slammed the potion book shut and pocketed the vial.

"The kingdom will be mine. Tonight starts a new chapter in my life Wormy."

He looked over at the stuffed crow on his mantel and let out a sigh. He really was getting lonely and since the death of his parents the portrait on the wall was eerily silent and how long had it been since he celebrated his 30th Birthday? With nothing but a simple cake taken from the kitchen and a short congratulations from the King, Queen, and newly Knighted Prince James.

A loud rap on the door woke Cedric from his daydreaming.

"Yes what is it?" He snapped towards the door.

Baileywick stepped into the room. "The King requests your presence in the thrown room."

Then turned around and walked off. Cedric made a rude gesture then mouthed the request to himself.

"Honestly no respect, and for Cedric the Sensational!" He smiled to himself at the little title given to him by Sofia so long ago. Even though she was now 18 she must still be the little aggravating child she always was.

"Well it will not do me any good keeping his royal highness waiting." King Roland had become exceptionally brash with him without the buffer of Sofia's kind words. There he did it again, what is it will his brain today! It must be the excitement of seeing the amulet of Avalor again, yes that has to be it! Cedric assured himself more as he took the stairs to the thrown room.

There was the King in his high backed chair looking regal, as always, though a bit worn from the years. To his left Prince James, now a strapping man himself, which just last year was Knighted and back at the castle for his sisters return and celebration banquet tonight. To the Kings right Queen Miranda, lovely, with her hand on the Kings arm... oh to have a Queen...

"Shut up you old fool." Cedric whispered to himself. Then stepped around the corner timidly.

"You summoned me your majesty?"

"Yes Cedric, I would like you to conger roses from the sky when the girls step down from the carriages, just like when the Queen and Sofia first came to the castle. Please do not make it rain this time!" King Roland said.

"Oh Rolly, that's so sweet you remembered!" Queen Miranda commented, then they shared a kiss. Cedric looked away bashfully.

"Of course your majesty, it would be my pleasure." He bowed and headed for the front doors. Once he finally had that amulet he would be the one ordering everyone around, dropping roses for himself! Wait, that was lame, he would make it rain diamonds and fire! Maybe not fire.

As Cedric raised his hands to practice the rain of roses spell he saw a small dark shape coming toward the castle, no ten small dots.

"Are those flying chariots?" He said.

"Oh look they're here!" prince James said behind Cedric, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Dad! The chariots are here!" James yelled back toward the castle. Cedric rolled his eyes and put his hands behind his back while he stepped to the side as the King and Queen walked out onto the inner Bailey. Behind them all the servants filed out and lined up to unload what seemed like an extensive load of luggage. Why else would they need ten carriages for two girls? Cedric's thoughts were confirmed when he heard the collective sighs of the maids and what seemed like large packages tied to the roofs of each carriage.

After what seemed like an eternity the horses landed huffing from exertion on the roadway and clopped noisily to stop at the base of the castle steps. Cedric held his breath as a footman stepped down and opened the chariot door.

"Daddy, Mommy, Brother!" Came the high pitched sing-song voice of Amber. Cedric rolled his eyes again as he raised his wand. Then he stopped cold as Sofia peeked around the door beaming. Beautiful could not even begin to describe the vision gracefully climbing from the chariot, and her eyes were on him.

"Ahem Cedric! The roses!" Exclaimed King Roland. Cedric shook his head.

"Of course your majesty. Ra-he di-flora! A shower of white rose petals fell from the sky but with something else... something shining with the petals...

"Diamonds!" Amber exclaimed! "Oh it is perfect Daddy!"

"It really is, thank you so much Cedric." Sofia walked over to them and touched him on the arm. Cedric's cheeks flamed red.

"You are very welcome your highness."

"Please Cedric, just Sofia is fine, you are my friend still." She smiled. Cedric bowed to her, afraid if he said anything he would burst with stupidity.

"Oh Sofia, you are too kind as always. It's still Princess Amber or your highness to me. Now we must get unpacked! Oh Daddy, Mommy, you wouldn't believe the gorgeous gowns I discovered over seas! It took us absolutely forever to fly here and we only have six hours to prepare for the banquet. I do not know how I will be ready by then! Suzette, put that hat box down immediately, I absolutely need the green parcel in carriage four or five right this moment!"

"Yes ma'am." Suzette said as Amber rushed off giving more orders.

"Well some Princesses never change." James said as he laughed and headed inside.

"Oh Mom, Dad, how I have missed you! Sofia said as she hugged them both.

"Oh how you have grown!" Queen Miranda gushed over her.

"A true vision." King Roland said. "Cedric, help Sofia with her bags, I'm sure she has a chariot or two full and Amber has everyone else busy."

"Actually Dad I only have two suitcases, I had most of my dresses just altered." Sofia said with a slight blush.

"Good, then this won't take long." Cedric said as he walked toward the chariot.

"Mr. Cedric thank you again for carrying my bags for me." Sofia said as Cedric dropped her suitcases off in her newly cleaned and dusted room.

"Well it is not like you had much Princess." Cedric shrugged.

"Please, call me Sofia Cedric." She said.

"Umm Cedric, while I was away... ... ... oh nevermind, I have a banquet to get ready for. Thank you again." Cedric frowned a little.

"Okay Prin... I mean... Sofia." She smiled as Qhe walked out and shut the door.

Cedric paused outside her door. What was she about to tell him? Still his friend? Could it be she had not forgotten him while she was away. Could it be...

"Cedric!" Cedric jumped at the sound of his name.

"My Cedric what has gotten into you? Anyway my mom needs your help in the dance hall, something about a broken chandelier." James said.

"Oh and by the way the diamonds were a good touch, see you at the banquet tonight. I need to look over the list of eligible Princes coming tonight. Hopefully they brought their sisters!" James lifted a hand as he walked away laughing to himself.

Yes, the diamonds were a nice touch Cedric thought. He did not even mean to have diamonds fall. Though the way they fell in her hair... Eligible Princes!

"Wait, Prince James!" Cedric yelled as he ran after him.