Sonata to Memento Mori

Prologue: Memento Mori

"Memento mori… be sure to remember you will die."

A phrase I tend to repeat regularly in all honesty. It's a reminder and a motivator for me and my allies. A note that we're mortals and will one day meet our end… and so, that it's best not to waste this life while we live it. Sure, some may interpret this as being hedonistic, but I prefer to see it this way: Do what you can do with the life you're given, and do your damn best to make the years count to. How long you live shouldn't matter… it should be how you lived those years and the impact you managed to leave.

And for those of us at Arzenal, that means one thing: Take down as many DRAGONs as we can before biting the dust.

I've been at this my whole life, a veteran by all standards despite my young age. And in the seventeen years I've been around on this planet, I've taken down dozens of DRAGONs, and I've seen just as many comrades go down in flames.

My name is Blaze Memori, a soldier of Arzenal, but, I'm not an ordinary one, as you'll see. This is a story you all know, but through the eyes of another and what I experienced until our long war finally came to an end… so, remember that phrase I spoke.

"Memento mori… be sure to remember you will die."