
The sleeping blonde lazily turned her head, mumbling incoherently. Mei thought she heard her name in the jumble but dismissed such nonsensical thoughts quickly. Who knew what ludicrous buffoonery took place in her step-sister's mind? She did not have time to dwell on it- the club applications to check, the forms to submit...

Mei exhaled slowly. She had spent her entire day working on her student council work yet it felt as if she had accomplished so little. If only she could concentrate! Tiredness provoked a sharpness into her edgy voice, shaking her step-sister out from her slumber. "Yuzu... Students are to head straight home from school. The student council room is no-"

"I know, I know! I'm sorry." Rubbing her eyes and yawning slowly, Yuzu whined apologetically, "When are you going to be done, Mei? It's so late..."

And yes, exhaustion was but only one factor to her unpleasant mood; Mei was annoyed too, very annoyed. Mei spared a sideways glance to the ticking clock and then looked to the frosted windows. Winter coldness was seeping through the iced crevices, and darkness was beginning to blanket the school.

"If you are genuine in your apology, you should go home." Mei said coldly, turning away, "I have more work to do." Yes, it was getting late, but she could have been done hours ago on this work if she had not been so distracted.

Yuzu twiddled her thumbs and laughed nervously. "But we're going to miss the last bus. Can't you do this work another day? It'll be dangerous if you go home by yourself."

Dangerous? Yuzu was one to speak, her mouth with those pink, pouting lips dripping with vulnerability the entire time she slept- so defenseless. Mei frowned, her frustration rising. It was true that Yuzu's purity certainly attracted her, but this white innocence was precisely what she could not let her twisted self destroy. Yet another reason why she did not (no, did) enjoy sharing a bed with the blonde. Especially during the winter, sharing body heat was much more efficient. Much more... pleasurable. Of course, she'd never admit to that.

Concerned, Yuzu stepped towards her. "Hey Mei, are you okay?"

Mei watched the distance between them close. With that face, how could she argue? "The school will be closing soon," she muttered, clearing the stack of school club requests on her desk. She packed more work in her bag; she would finish it tonight and make up for lost time.

"That's not what I'm asking..." Yuzu said, shaking her head. "I'm worried about you, Mei. You seem so stressed recently, you never seem happy. I wish you would let me help."

"You could help," Mei began, "by being less of a prob-" The student council president broke off mid-sentence, and she reconsidered her words. Slowly but surely, a familiar smirk played on her lips as she regarded her step-sister with hooded eyes. "You could help." A silent moment's tension. "You could make me happy."

Confused yet intrigued, innocent Yuzu leaned forward, "How?" Yuzu's eyes lit with an eagerness to please, and for Mei, just having this power over her step-sister to made her indeed very... satisfied.

Mei drew closer to Yuzu, the student council president's flitting eyes softening as she raised her hand to her older sister's warm cheek, now blushing a deep crimson color. Pushing back some loose strands of Yuzu's blonde hair, she let her fingers brush her step-sibling's reddening ear. If her stepsister was going to be weak, it would only be in front of her. Mei would make sure of it.

"M- Mei?"

"Do not sleep in the student council room again."

Obediently, Yuzu nodded, her breath holding and eyes widening; the blonde trembled in relish as Mei's fingers slid across Yuzu's ear to her chin- her head tilting back in submission to Mei's guidance.

Mei loved her effect on Yuzu.

"If you need to rest, we have our own bed."

Author's Notes:
My first fanfiction ever~! :3 In dedication to the first manga to truly reveal and reaffirm to me my bisexuality-
Saburo Uta's Citrus is a truly magnificent, heart-pounding read, so please support her.
If you could comment, review, or let me know your thoughts, it would be very much appreciated! ^_^