Good lord there has been so many follows and favorites, I'm so thankful to you guys. I hope more people start reviewing I really want to hear feedback good, bad and everything in between.

I've noticed I haven't really been using Italian terms, so I will be changing that starting now and I will go over previous chapters and make corrections. Story won't change, just some terms to make this feel more real.

As soon as our driver, Tony, drops us off at home I walk up the steps to our front door as if I'm being lead to death row.

I've seen a lot of death — mostly by the hands of my own father. But to know I'm the one that will be pulling the trigger very soon makes me feel like to walk into the house my mother has made a sanctuary for her family is all of a sudden disrespectful.

I wonder if Papa has trouble facing Mama, such a sweet loving woman, after he indulges in bloodshed.

"Hello, my darlings!" Mama chimes as we walk through the front door, making me queasy.

I can't stomach her finding out what her baby girl is going to become. What I've been doing all this time.

'Oh yeah, mama, I've had a change of heart and can't wait for ballet class!' But secretly only 'cause Papa said If I want to learn Morse code, I can't give you anymore lip about stupid ladylike activities.

"Hey, Ma, is there any food?" Em asks, kissing her sweetly on the cheek.

Mama rolls her eyes at her son.

"No, Emmett we've transported to a third world country and food is scarce."

Emmett gives Mama a dry look, "Joke now, woman, but if that day ever comes I'll sell you for a Big Mac."

He bounces away from her swinging hand and runs off to the kitchen, Ma screaming the age old mother comeback, "I brought you into this world, I'll take you out!"

Ma gives me a kiss on the cheek and asks me how school was with a bright smile.

I smile back, momentarily forgetting what lays ahead of me and tell her all the sordid details of Mike and Jessica's fiasco.

The look of horror on my mothers face is absolutely priceless.

"He seemed like such a good boy!"

"Mother! He wears a chain attached to his wallet! That's proof enough that's he's a doucebag!"

"Language young lady!" Ma and Emmett call out at the same time making us all laugh and earning Emmett another attempted slap on the shoulder.

Mama is the first to somber, but it takes me a while to figure out why. I finally realize she's looking behind me at the entrance of the kitchen with a startled expression.

I twirl around ready to see an invasion of cops or another outfit but what I find only makes me wish it were an invasion of that sort.

"Please, don't let me ruin your good time," Nonno James, grounds out with a disturbed scowl on his face.

"Father?" Papa calls out, almost hiding his surprise, "What a lovely surprise." Papa with his proud but cautious stance, walks to his father, a man, while not young, no less imposing than the day he, well the day he was born probably.

"I would have announced myself, but I couldn't reach you." Nonno usually speaks so softly but even when he does his tone feels like it's cutting into your skin.

"Yes, my apologies sir, I was discussing business with —"

"Makes no difference to me what you were doing, when I call, you answer."

Nonno moves past Father with a frightening glance my way and heads straight to Papas office.

The laughter has been sucked out of the atmosphere, any movement seeming too big in the uncomfortable stillness.

Papa looks to me with a pained expression.

Oh my god. It's clicks in my head.

He knows.

Nonno does not show up unannounced. He is a man of structure and tradition, not everyone has such a stick up their ass about impeccable manners, especially with your own friends and family, but Nonno does.

It's no coincidence he's here on the day I'm supposed to be tested.

Papa keeps me informed on all dealings on the sly, we've crafted quite the sophisticated coded language so that if we're ever overheard on accident it will seem like we're having an innocent conversation. When in reality he's keeping me in the loop without fail.

Maybe our code has finally been cracked, I mean it was bound to happen. Or maybe we were spotted by someone and tattled on. I don't know how, but we've been compromised and now we're fucked.

Papa and Nonno have been in Papas office for maybe an hour, but it has of course felt like an eternity. I wish I could eavesdrop but Papas office is soundproof and I couldn't hide behind the painting before they entered.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Emmett asks from his seat beside me.

I don't look up from picking at my nails.

"You know what they're talking about, Emmett." I sigh.

My whole body jerks to attention as the office door opens with a flourish and Nonno walks out with something I have never seen in my almost eighteen years. A smile.

A scary, self-satisfied, manic smile showing off coffee stained teeth and demon intentions.

Oh god, oh no, it's bad. It's so-o-o-o bad.

He walks past us without a glance and I'm glad, if I had made eye contact with him while he was wearing that grin I think I would have turned to stone.

"Shit." Emmett whispers, when we hear our front door close.

"Isabella?" I hear Papa call out from his now open office door.

Oh god no!

I stand too quickly, almost tipping over, Emmett catching me, my only saving grace.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." I shake off his hand and walk to the office, knowing my life is not going to be the same once I do.

I round the door frame to see my father sitting at his desk, his hands cradling his head — defeated.

I close the heavy door resting my forehead on it; I can't see my father like this.

"He knows." I whisper.

"Yes." Papa says just as softly, it's a wonder we can hear each other.


"He didn't come right out and say he knows what we've been doing all these years, let alone how, but he made it very clear that . . . "

I turn to my father tears rolling down my cheeks without my consent.

"Just say it, Papa." It's not like I don't already know.

"He's found a suitor for you. I tried to pass off my usual story that I'm looking around for a man for you, but haven't found anyone that can be of use to me or the Outfit. I tried telling that son of a Bitch you are my daughter, it's my job to provide you with a groom, but —"

"But he reminded you Don trumps father."

He sighs angrily, his nostrils flaring, his eyes red rimmed.

I open my mouth to speak but I let out a small scream instead as he very suddenly grabs a a crystal filled with scotch and throws it against the wall to our right.

"You know what? No! Not this time it doesn't! I promised you I would not sell you to a man!"

My heart is filled with hope, We can fight this! He's willing to disobey that scum to give me the life I want, the life I deserve!

Papa is still talking, going on and on that he'll fight for me, for my rightful place in his outfit and my heart continues to lighten and brighten. God, I love my father.

"I don't care what the sick bastard will do, he can have my throat slit for all I care! You are not marrying Edward Cullen!"

Any hope I'd let myself feel turned sickly in my heart. Oh god, I'd gotten too caught up in Papa championing for me I didn't even think of the consequences deliberately disobeying my grandfather would have on my father.

He wouldn't have him killed. He's his only son, his only child period and if they die by your hand, and if Papa were to die after we disclose our plan it would be so obvious it's by Nonnos hand, he'd be disgraced no matter his reasoning.

Honestly the hope for the past eleven years has been for Nonno to croak and Papa to have taken over by now, so that we could make my debut that much smoother, no one above to stop us.

And when the old bastard never died we just came to terms with the fact that we would have to fight tooth and nail.

But that was before Nonna knew. Before he laid down the law that I'm to be married.

If Papa disobeys the Don, he won't be killed, he'll be past over as Nonnos successor.

"I have to marry the man." I whisper through a fresh wave of tears.

Papa stares at me stunned.

"Beautiful?" He whispers looking at me as if I've betrayed him.

I take a deep, jagged breath, already regretting every word I'm about to say.

"If we disobey his word, he won't kill you, he'll denounce you as his heir. He'll pass his title to one of your cousins. But we both know you should be the Don! You should have been in charge for a long time, but that asshole has been too proud to step down."

"Isabella we can think of some —"

"No, Papa, I have to do this! Say we break his law and I debut as a Made Woman, and everything goes as plan and I thrive in my role, I'm just one woman! You'll never be in charge even if he drops dead, he'll make sure of it and you will have lost everything you have worked for! But if we do as he says and I marry, what did you say his name was, Edward? If I marry Edward, you will one day take you're rightful place in this family and Champion more than me! You can work to change everyone's thinking!"

"But you will be married, Isabella! Even if I do change the minds of some, I damn will bet your husband might not be one of them! You'll be under his thumb until one of you dies!"

I walk passed the desk and hug my Papa with all the strength I have right now.

"I know. Knowing Nonno I'll probably be stuck with someone just like him. But I'm just one person. I've never wanted that life of a kept woman, but I'm not weak, I'll give just as good as I get, whatever Edward those my way. You gave me that strength. But this is bigger than me. There are so many other daughters that need your voice."

Through my speech Papas arms had been by his side but by the end he's hugging me back, squeezing the life out of me and crying softly.

I haven't seen my father cry often, but I'm glad he does now. It means he's accepted what I'm saying. I'm glad, because I mean every word, no matter how much they hurt and terrify.

"Your strength and bravery never ceases to astound me." Papa kisses my forehead, his tears marking my skin, making me shiver.

I will not be a doormat to my husband. I am strong and skilled, I'll be just fine, or die fighting.