Three Days Later
Today was Natsu's funeral, the entire guild was dressed in black. There was no laughter, no smiles, no happiness at all. Lucy walked behind Natsu's casket as the entire guild took him to his final resting place. Happy sat on Natsu's casket wanting to be as close to his best friend as possible. Gray walked next to Lucy keeping a hand on her back. Ever since the death of her husband she was prone to weak spells. Gray and Erza had been her rock the past few days. Without them she probably would have given up. But as she watched Natsu being laid to rest Lucy couldn't help but feel another part of her shrivel up and die. Sure everyone had nice things to say. Some were really heartfelt and full of love but Lucy couldn't help to feel angry and bitter. Yes they had lost a friend but she had lost a husband, best friend, the father of her child, and the love of her life. The magic counsel had told her he would forever hold a spot as one of the ten wizard saints. That had only made her feel worse. It really was a great honor but that wasn't going to bring him back. Lucy watched as the rest of the guild members paid their respects and left. Once she was finally alone Lucy sat done in front of Natsu's tomb stone and for the first time in three days cried. "I am so angry at you right now! I hate you for leaving! But then I hate myself for hating you! You promised me the first day we met that we would be a team. Now we are about to go on the biggest adventure of all and you left me here all alone! How am I supposed to do this all by myself?" As the last word left her lips Lucy felt as if two warm arms encircled her. Closing her eyes Lucy lost herself to the sensation. Even in the afterlife Natsu had come to comfort her and remind her he never really left.
9 Years Later
"Come on Natsu, Igneel hurry up or we will be late!" Lucy called to her twins with impatience. "If we don't hurry up we will miss your friends."
"We're coming!" Natsu Jr. called as he raced his brother down the stairs. It took Lucy's breath away everytime she looked at her sons. They were a spitting image of their father. Most of the time Lucy swore they inherited nothing from her and everything from him. But in the end it didn't matter, in fact she was grateful for that. It made her feel more connected to Natsu.
"I'm here!" Igneel said.
Lucy shook her head to clear it. "Great let's go!" Lucy walked the boys to Gray and Juvia's house. "Now boys I know you are here to celebrate Jared's birthday but promise me you won't cause any trouble. That means no fire and no fighting. Happy will stay with you to keep an eye on both of you."
"Yes, mom." Both boy's said a little miffed.
"I love you!" She said as she gave them a hug and watched them run to meet their friends. Sighing Lucy gave a wave to Gray, then made her way into town to run some errands before she headed to the cemetery. Today was the ninth anniversary of Natsu's death. Pulling her husband's scarf closer Lucy tried to hold back the tears. The pain never went away she just found a way to make it so it didn't cripple her. Truly the only thing keeping her alive was her sons. After she finished her errands Lucy made her way to the cemetery as she walked to her husband's grave she noticed her sons. Why were they here and not back at the party? Lucy was getting ready to question her sons until she overhead what they were saying. "We wish you were here daddy." Igneel whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"I wish you were here to teach us how to use our magic. To read to us at night and teach us how to fight. But most of all I wish you were here so mommy wouldn't cry." Natsu Jr. wailed as he sunk down to his knees.
Lucy covered her mouth to hold back her sobs. She knew her sons loved and missed their father but she never realized how much pain they were in until now. Igneel looked up and noticed his mother. "Mom why does it hurt so much to miss someone we haven't even met?" He cried as he brushed at his tears with frustration. Lucy walked over and hugged her sons.
"You have met him. He is always here in your heart and everything you do. He tucks you in at night, he walks you to school, he laughs with you and comforts you when you cry. He has and always will be with you." Lucy said through her tears. And as if to prove her point a warm light enveloped the family. Lucy and the boys knew right away who it was.
"Mom its dad! Just like you said!" Igneel said with excitement and wonder.
"Dad we love and miss you!" Natsu Jr. cried.
"My family you are and forever will be my entire world! I will never leave you when you need me I will always be there!" Lucy smiled at the sound of her husband's voice and the warmth of his presence. For the first time in 9 years her family felt whole and complete.
I've been thinking about doing a spin off where he doesn't die and expanding more on the twins story. Let me know what you guys think!