and in my heart there stirs a quiet pain

his eyes drip blue. / (the rain is full of ghosts tonight)

his eyes drip blue. blue like water. blue like tears. blue like the ocean where the sea breeze causes the palm trees to sway, where riku was still innocent and kairi still laughed, high and free.

blue like roxassora- roxas' eyes. and he doesn't have a heart, he knows, but it damn well feels like he does, as if when roxas (sora) was here, something missing slotted into place that he hadn't remembered well enough to miss, and when roxas (sora) left (died), he took everything that was left in his jagged, hollow, mess of a heart with him.

(it hurts more than looking at saix (isa), hurts more than namine's smiles, hurts more than the heartless tearing into him, destroying him, piece by piece by piece)

and the worst part is, he knows he's still missing something, that somehow, his jagged mess of a heart is too much for only roxassoraroxas to have caused, that there must have been something (someone) else, with eyes like the ocean where riku was last innocent and kairi was last carefree, like tears, like water, like the blue drip drip dripping down his face.

axel grieves.


found this in one of my old sketchbooks. why was it in a sketchbook? who knows, but it's decent, so i thought, why not?

the poem in the title and summary is "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why", by edna st. vincent millay, which was uniquely suited for the fic.