Hey, guys !
Update !

here you go!

a nice chapter for revenge! :P

Disclaimer : Woah ! this is Sabine... I just wanted to say that Ezra broke the Disclaimer button !

"If we want to make revenge, we need help..." Zeb stated.

"Well, I know just the thing." Kanan grinned.

"What do you mean ?"

"The Empire" The room became silent for a long time, til Hera yelled.

"WHAT ?! Are you crazy ?!"

"Now that you've mentioned it, YES !"

"Maybe Kanan's right Hera."

"Zeb, don't tell me you agreed with him !"

"A guy needs to agree with his pal..." Zeb and Kanan's fist bumped with a chuckled. Hera sighed before Chopper came in with a beep.

"Ugh, fine. but only this once !" Kanan then frown at Hera.

"now what you ?"

"Well, we kinda need the help of Seventh Sister, Fifth brother, and Kallus."

"WHAT ?"

"do you want bucket heads or Vader ?" Kanan raised an eyebrow.

"On second thought, no."


"What are these for ?" Ezra pushed 2 buttons at the same time. 1 made a click sound, and the second made her macro binocular go up and down over and over

"YOU PRESSED THE LOCK BUTTON !" she yelled as the binocular gave a flicking sound.





"Let me guess. Ezra pushing buttons on while you're testing it after your visor broke ?." Hera came and sighed.

*snap hiss !* a button from Sabine's helmet hissed and sparks came out.

"AAHHH! IT'S BURNING HERE !" Sabine tried to remove her helmet but failed constantly.

"The lock remember ?" Kanan pointed.




"ARGH! This thing is annoying !" She grunted as the micro binocular on her helmet continued to flicker up and down.

"Anyway... Sabine, we need you in the cockpit please ?" Hera said.


So, we need a help from those three imperials ?" Sabine said.

"Yup, and we need you to lure them," Kanan told them.

"Wait, that's not in the plan !" Hera shouted.

"Just, do what I say, and they'll follow you" Kanan smiled.

"Hehe... easy bait." Zeb chuckled as the Mando rolled her eyes.

The Fifth brother was done taking a shower and now getting dressed up. But suddenly, he noticed that his "hat" was gone.

"Where is my hat ?!" He looked everywhere in his room but didn't found his helmet. He ran out and got raged.


"You're bald..." The seventh sister chuckled.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO TAUNT ME !" The fifth brother growled.

"Don't worry. You're not the only who got their things stolen." The big Inquisitor then noticed she wasn't bringing her lightsaber.

"your lightsaber I presume ?"


"WHERE'S MY PANTS ?!" Kallus got out from his room using his clothes and a towel.

"Having a bad day ?" FifthBrother grinned.

"And I think you're having a bad day either."

"Hey, you two! If we want to get our stuff back, we need to go outside the hangar bay A.S.A.P" The seventh Inquisitor said.

"why ?" Kallus asked.

"Cause there's a note that says, 'if you want your stuff back, go outside the hangar bay. A.S.A.P" she took a note from her pocket.

"Okay, we're here " Fifth brother said. The three was outside. The fifth brother felt embarrassed cause he wasn't using his hat. Kallus-

well, let's just said, his face was so red, cause he's still using the towel.

"OH Imperials !" the three then looked in the same direction. Sabine was using her helmet, while putting Fifthbrother's hat, igniting Seventh sister's lightsaber.

"YOU !" The three growled.

"Hey, three dumbest imperials I've ever met-" The three charged at Sabine before she finished her sentence, and the Fifth brother pounced, making her fall. The others just made a pile.

"*gasp* Can't breathe !" Sabine raised her hand, waving it.

"So you need us to take revenge on the little padawan ?" Kallus asked.

"Yup," Kanna nodded.

"We need something to make him regret to pushing buttons again. err... something like that." Zeb rubbed his back.

"So we need a button then ?" Seventh Sister said.

"Yeeeah... But, there's one thing..."

"What is it Lasat ?" The fifth brother said.

"He kinda destroyed all of the buttons in our ship." Zeb then pointed the smoking ship.

"How about we use the imperials ?" Kanan questioned.

"Nope..." Kallus shook his head.

"Why ?"

"Cause he had pushed all of the buttons." They all then looked at the imperial building. It was smoking.

"That was fast..." Hera said, amused.

"Okay, now he's gone too far !" Sabine shouted.




"uh... is that your macro binocular flicking?" Fifth brother pointed her helmet.


"okay okay..."




"anywho... there is one button that hasn't been touched in the Ghost." Hera thought.

"and that is ?" Seventh Sister raised her eyebrow.

"The Holonet button."

"OOoohh... the hologram that destroys a child's brain..." Seventh Sister said sarcastically.

"So... um, what are we going to do with the holonet ?" Kallus fold his arms.

"Maybe we could broadcast something..." Kanan suggested.

"Uh-huh... and let the galaxy know all of our secrets..." Zeb reminded the Jedi.

"well, not secrets. We'll just use fake names. That's all."

"okay. That could do. There are a communication tower and a droid that can help us. Oh um, by the way. Can I have my pants back ?" Kallus said.

"Oh, it's at the top of the pole" Sabine pointed a near flag pole that has Kallus's pants on top of it.

"QUICK! TO THE COMMUNICATION TOWER !" Zeb yelled as they all run, leaving Kallus to get his pants down. Which is embarrassing, cause all of the stormtroopers were looking at him.

The things that are going to happen is just an act! :D

Ezra sneaked into the Ghost. He didn't want the crew to notice that he destroyed an Imperial building. But that wasn't the problem. He's afraid of Hera's wrath because he didn't buy her Groceries that Hera asked. He yawned and went to watch something. He went to the smoking halls, where buttons sparked from the controls. The padawan sat down on the couch and stretch his arms. Ezra was bored. He then got an idea. He turned on the holonet, and then came a picture of an advertisement.

Advertiser:"Congratulations! You had won a C1-10P DROID !"

"What ?! It can't be me right ?" Ezra said.

Advertiser:"Yes, it's you! EZRA BRIDGER !"

"Do I ever heard your voice? It sounds like Kanan ?"

Advertiser:"I uh... I- *whispers* psst Hera, what do I do?"

A sound from the background:" *Whispers* Just say you don't know what you're talking about !"

Advertiser:"okay. Um... *starts to talk normally*We don't know what you're talking about !"

"Huh... okay."

Advertiser:"You didn't only get a C1-10P, droid. BUT TWO C1-10P Droid !"

"Wait, I DIDN'T !"

Advertiser:"You'll get a prize if you answer the question. Ready ? Who is C1-10P ?"

"What do you mean C1-10P? The Droid I only know is Chopper-"


*the screens then shows three Chopper, waving at the screen*


Advertiser:"Sending them to your ship now..."

"NO !" Ezra pushed the next button, and then the next thing happened, is an image of something-

annoyed him...

Advertiser(It's the fifthbrother :P): "*deep voice* In the galaxy of chaos. Where there is no hope. And the Empire rule the universe. a group of heroes will RISE !"

*Lights turned on*


Advertiser: " THE REBELS !"

*plays a cache song*


"NOOOO !" Ezra screamed in agony.

Advertiser:"Introducing, KALLUS! AS THE LEADER OF THR REBELLION !"

*the screen showed Kallus leading a group of Rebels. Fighting Zeb*

"no... My nightmare..."Ezra whimpered as he covered his face. He pressed the next button and a thing happened.


"Nope !" The annoyed padawan pressed the button again.

Host(Seventh sister):"Welcome to my tv show again my precious audience..."

"Ewwww..." Ezra said in disgust. but continued to watch it anyways...

Host: "And now, I'm with the most greatest Jedi I've ever met. Kanan Jarrus !"

*the audience claps*

"This can't be happening... this can't be happening..." he repeated the words over and over.

*Kanan came in*

Host:"Welcome Puny- I mean, Jedi. How are you today ?"

The Great Jedi that the Host had ever met:"Gorgeous... as always *winks*"

"EEEWWW! Force, take my EYES and wash them clean like a stormtrooper armor!" Ezra pushed the button.

Advertiser (Kallus's turn :D) : "Do you ever feel alone ?"


Advertiser :"Disoriented ?"

"Sometimes, I guess ?" The padawan rubbed the back of his head.

Advertiser:"Need someone to guide you and tell you what is wrong and what is good ?"

"YES ! This ad know me so well !"

Advertiser : "Then you need to call our best PERSON !"

"wait what-"

Advertiser :"HERA- I mean, MOM ! She will guide you through your LIVES with RESPONSIBILITY !"

"NOOO !"

Advertiser:"And the best is, she'll give you RULES !"

*Hera pops up*

The Best Mom:"Hi kids! I'll teach you to be a good kid !"



Ezra didn't want to watch any of the shows. Yet, because there is nothing left in the ghost that he could do, he searched for a fine channel.


Narrator (Zebby !):"This is the story, of an Inquisitor, and a Mandalorian..."

"Oh no. please don't..." he whimpered like a cute Tooka.

InquisitorThe Imperial (Fifth brother): "I need to go...*Walks away slowly*"

Mandalorian(Sabine):"Wait! *grabs Fifthbrother's arm*"

Inquisitor:"I need to go. The Empire needs me !*crying*"

Mandalorian:"Then I'll go with you. *holding tears*"

"It's so touching... yet so TORTURING ME !" Ezra cried. tears unconsciously flowing down his cheek.

Inquisitor:"*sigh* I'm going to war. And if you go, you'll die."

Mandalorian:"I will now leave you. Trust me. We fight together, we die together."

Inquisitor:"You will ?"

Mandalorian:"yeah *smiles* I will..."

*their faces got closer, and the next thing-*

"NOOOO! THE AGONY! WHY ?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME TV! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY PRECIOUS GIRL !" Ezra pushed the button harshly before anything he didn't want to happen, happens.


"GET OUT FROM MY LIFE YOU ADVERTISEMENT OF HORROR! YOU WILL NOT GIVE ME THOSE ORGANIC LIFEFORM MURDERERS !" He punched the button, and it smoked. The holo turned off. But pops another show...

Dad (I mean Kanan) : "Hey kid, what's up ?"

Daughter (Sabine, heheheheh):"*sniffs* I blew up a building..."

Dad:"A building? What did you do ?"

Daughter:" I found a thermal detonator in an Imperial building, and I was so curious. I pressed the button, and suddenly, it beeps loudly. I ran, and the building exploded! Many died and mad, because of my curiosity... *Cries*"

Ezra suddenly felt a sudden ache in his stomach. He remembered. He always does those kind of things...

Dad:"There there *Pats her back and leveled himself so he could face Sabine* Now you know, pushing buttons you don't know is not good right ?"

Daughter:"Yeah, I know. *stares at Kanan with a smile*"

*all of the sudden, a big thing, covered with black clothing came behind Sabine's back. He was holding an electro staff*

Ezra raised an eyebrow. "What's a black thingy coming from behind?"



*And then The big black thing, electrocute Sabine from behind while a big rock hit Kanan's head. Pushing his head, and then-*

(use your imagination...)

"NOOOOOOO! Ew EW EW! WHY ?!" Ezra cried. he turned it off and ran to his room.

The next day...

"Uh... hey kid, can I come in ?"

"Leave me alone Zeb! I don't want to push the open button !"

"Why ?"

"I'll have a nightmare about Kanan and Sabine !"

"Oh... that." Zeb chuckled. all of the crew with Fifth brother, Seventh sister, and Kallus were there. waiting for the kid to come out.

"Looks like mission accomplished !" Seventh Sister clap her hands.

"Yup. But now he's traumatized by an experience that should NEVER HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE !" Sabine growled at Zeb and Chopper.

"Hey, I thought it was the ninja scene !"

"We canceled it remember ?" Hera snap him.

"Oh yeah..."

"And chopper, why did you throw a rock to my head ?!" Kanan said while holding a pack of ice to the back of his painful head.

"WHOP BWA WHOOP GRRRR! (It was meant for Zeb! but you're too tall!)" Chopper beeped with a laugh.

"Anyway, we're done here." Fifth brother gave them a slight smile.

"Aww, who's smiling ?" Sabine teased.

"What? I- I don't smile" He then pouted like a grumpy Loth cat and Everyone laughed.

"Let's just go. It's been a pleasure doing this. goodbye, Rebels..." Kallus said as he and the two inquisitors left the ghost.

"Welp looks like Ezra won't push anything again right now. Including pushing my buttons..." Kanan sighed in relief.

"But, um... he needs to get out from the room ya know ?" Hera told the Jedi.

"Yeah... I know-"

"OH NO! MY WAFFLES ARE IN THERE ! MY BABIES !" Zeb banged the door with his fist.

"Get away Zeb !" Ezra groaned.

"LET ME IN !" Zeb pushed the button from the other side.

"broken remember? You need to open it from inside." Sabine smiled.

"Welp, time to use-"

"Kanan, Don't you ever use your shiny sword to cut my door !" Hera glared at Kanan.

"Okay." He sighed.

"Welp, who wants space waffles? I'll make new ones for you Zeb."

"US !" They all shouted. They went to the Dining room, leaving Ezra.



the door sliced open from inside by a lightsaber and then Ezra yelled.

"GUYS ! WAIT UP !" Ezra shouted. but realized the hole on the door.

"I'm so gonna be grounded by Hera." He said with regret.

"Ezra..." They all groaned. Ezra just chuckled slightly with a grin.


I'm sorry for grammar errors, or any other errors...

so, um. the end



bye bye guys :D