"Boys!" Bilbo called for them. "You're late! Thorin is already sitting at a meeting with Mr. Fundin and his brother!"
"I need a pain killer!" Fili complained.
"He's got a hangover and he's acting like a bitch..." Kili complained to Bilbo.
"I heard that..." Fili gasped annoyed.
"Come on I have something in my office..." Bilbo pulled them to the lift.
Bilbo gave Fili a glass of water and a painkiller. "Move it, your uncle is annoyed as it is."
"You're late!" Thorin scolded Kili the moment he sneaked into the conference room. Their design was on display on the huge TV.
"We're sorry!" Kili gasped and took a seat opposite the two men.
"Balin and Dwalin, this is Kili, my second nephew." Thorin calmly introduced him.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Kili replied politely, a bit startled by the intensive glare he got from the tall bald man.
"The pleasure is all mine." Balin calmly greeted the boy.
"Where is your brother?" Thorin gazed at Kili.
"He's not feeling well. He should be here soon." Kili quickly explained.
Bilbo soon walked in with Fili and showed him to a chair. The blond slumped into in and clearly he had problems focusing on anything.
"So I take the party was great?" Thorin sniggered.
"Better than great!" Fili replied with a smile, then he gazed at the two men sitting opposite him, and somehow he felt uneasy under their glare.
"I'm not sure he should be here with us, he's in pretty bad shape." Bilbo whispered to Thorin.
"It's our only chance to have this meeting, so we cannot postpone it." Thorin spoke to them. "Your mother's husband and his brother will be an important part of our family now, so today I want to talk about how our relations will develop in the future." Thorin began explaining his vision of the business relations between the two companies.
Fili suddenly caught the gaze of Dwalin, his step father's brother, the way the man was looking at him suddenly seemed familiar. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He gazed back at Kili, and again back to Dwalin, who clearly was gazing at both of them with an usual weight in his eyes.
He tried to focused his brain, and then it hit him. He remembered those eyes gazing at him last night... in the elevator... His stomach made a painful twist, and suddenly he want pale.
"Are you okay?" Kili's gentle voice reached him.
"No!" Fili gasped and ran to the nearest bathroom.
"Just fucking great... Just how much did he drink last night?" Thorin asked Kili in a firm voice.
"I have no idea, he was drinking with Dain and Gimli." Kili quickly said. "I'll go check on him." He rushed out of the conference room.
"I'll go after them." Bilbo quickly realized there was something deeply wrong going on.
"Breathe..." Kili told Fili holding his head up as he was throwing up his breakfast.
"He saw us..." Fili hissed in between vomit attacks.
"What do you mean?" Kili whispered.
"Yesterday, in the elevator..." Fili gasped, Kili gazed at him with crossed brows, and realization suddenly hit him.
"He saw us..." He went suddenly pale. "Oh fucking shit!" He gasped.
"Are you okay?" Bilbo calm voice startled both of them.
"Kili are you going to vomit as well? You look awfully pale!" Bilbo noticed and helped the brunet to sit down on the floor.
"I thought I was okay, but suddenly I felt weak..." Kili complained.
"I'll go tell your uncle you both need more time." Bilbo told them gently. "I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Run away with me." Kili whispered to Fili.
"What do you fucking mean run away?" Fili hissed.
"I got it all worked out, I got the money." Kili told him.
"And just fucking leave? Leave home? Our family? Our school? The company?" Fili hissed angrily. "No fucking way!"
"That way we could be together..." Kili whispered with defeat.
"And we would have nothing!" Fili gasped. "You're fucking crazy!"
"We're done for!" Kili made him realise. "He knows!"
"Fucking hell!" Fili hit his head against the toilet. "This fucking hangover is going to kill me."
"Run away with me, we'll be fine and we'll be together!" Kili insisted.
"I'm not going anywhere!" Fili gasped. "I can't just fucking go and leave!"
"Fine!" Kili gasped with despair. "Stay here and rot!" He darted out of the bathroom.
"Fili?" Bilbo came back after some time to check on them. "Are you okay?" He gently patted the boy's back.
"Where is Kili?" Bilbo's question rang dully in the bathroom.
"I don't know." Fili replied gloomily.
"I'll go talk to Thorin." Bilbo told him gently.
"Are you sure?" Balin asked Dwalin with a stern voice. "You cannot go say such things without proof."
"I know what I saw..." Dwalin insisted.
"Keep it to yourself!" Balin hissed when he saw Thorin come back to the office.
"It seems the boys don't feel well enough to continue the meeting, for which I apologize." Thorin told them calmly.
"You can't blame them, they just had a big event." Balin told him calmly. "We can meet them when I come back from my holiday with Dis." He smiled calmly.
"Let's continue with the official issues, and later I'll show you the project." Thorin quickly added.
"Are you sure you have no idea where Kili is?" Bilbo asked Fili for like the hundredth time.
He had called Tauriel, but she said she had no idea where he was.
When Kili did not come back within half an hour he decided to call the housekeeper Mrs. Bringsbee.
"He was here just a moment ago." She told him. "I'll go take a look in his room." She walked up to the bedroom. "I'm sorry but he's not here!" She gasped.
"We'll be right there!" Bilbo told her swiftly. "If you see him don't let him leave the house!"
"Yes sir!" She replied and hung up to go search the house again.
Bilbo motioned Thorin to join him for a minute in the corridor.
"What's going on?" Thorin gazed at his assistant worried.
"Fili's feeling really bad, I'm taking him home. But I have no idea where Kili is. I called Tauriel but she has no idea where he is. Mrs. Bringsbee said he was at home so we're going there now." Bilbo quickly told him.
"What do you mean you have no idea where he is?" Thorin gasped.
"That's the problem!" Bilbo hissed.
"Go check at home, I'll get Ori to search the building here!" Thorin immediately made the call. "Call Tauriel again, if anyone knows where he might be it's her." He noticed in a grim tone.
"I have no idea what to do!" Bilbo gasped clearly lost.
"Don't panic, we'll find him!" Thorin told him. "I'll finish this as fast as possible."
"Is there a problem?" Balin asked in a worried tone.
"Fili's is not feeling well so Bilbo is taking him home." Thorin told them politely.
"I see, so can we continue?" Balin asked calmly.
"What about the second boy Kili?" Dwalin noticed.
"That's the real problem, but we'll find him soon enough." Thorin tried not to seem too worried.
"What do you mean?" Balin asked worried.
"He tends to have panic attacks." Thorin told them slowly.
"So this is nothing new?" Balin really worried.
"Not really." Thorin calmly confirmed.
"If there is anything we can do to help!" Balin immediately proposed.
"If there will be I'll contact you." Thorin replied calmly.
"Mrs. Bringsbee where is Kili?" Bilbo asked worried.
"I honestly have no idea!" She told him. "He was here around one, but now he's just gone."
"Oh my..." Bilbo rushed to his room.
He walked in and he immediately noticed Kili's laptop wasn't on his desk. He reached into the wardrobe and it looked as if someone had turned it upside down.
"Oh my!" Bilbo clenched his head.
He rushed to Fili's room and found him crying on the bed.
"Fili are you okay?" Bilbo asked worried.
But Fili just continued crying and passed Bilbo a piece of paper.
"I hope you'll be happy. Goodbye and take care. Don't look for me..." Bilbo gazed at Fili.
"Do you mean he ran away?" Bilbo's voice was near breakdown.
"Oh my Mahal I need to call Thorin!" Bilbo quickly pulled out his phone.
"Where is he?" Tauriel rushed into their house.
"We have no idea where Kili is!" Bilbo gasped with defeat.
"I meant Fili!" She gasped.
"In his room!" Bilbo told her coldly.
She ran up the stairs.
"What the hell happened?" She corned Fili.
"What do you mean?" Fili was still sobbing.
"He was all bright and happy in the morning, what did you tell him?" She insisted.
"I can't tell you!" Fili continued crying.
"Cut the crap, if you want to find him you need my help!" She insisted.
"Did you two fight about something?" She insisted.
But Fili did not respond he just continued crying.
"Fucking hell!" She gasped and slammed the door.
"So you have no idea where he is?" Bilbo asked Tauriel as she came back to the living room.
"No idea..." She folded her legs worried.
"Tauriel where is Kili?" Thorin stormed in.
"I have no idea..." She began sobbing desperately. "I'm really worried!"
"Fili?" Thorin asked Bilbo.
"He's pretty shaken, he's crying in his room." Bilbo told him.
"Do you have any idea where he might have gone?" Thorin insisted.
"He just left this..." Bilbo passed the note to Thorin.
THE END of part 1
The sequel Visions of Blue will be up soon.
For all my readers - I'm currently spending more time and focus on Ao3 - so if you want swifter updates I recommend you take a look at my profile there. /users/LadyBardock