Chapter Four:

Bonnie's POV

I sighed, as I decided to update my status.

Bonnie Bennett: "I'm taking the weekend off. I need a girls' night with Caroline. I don't care if Klaus decides to come to town and throw another tantrum. I don't care if it starts raining fire. I'm not helping you. I don't want to hear from you. I don't want to see you. Don't even ask, or I'm setting your ass on fire. – feeling in desperate need of a vacation"

I'm so tired of everything. I just need one night, where I don't have to worry about anything. Just one night. Is that really too much to ask? Apparently it is. I sighed.

Caroline Forbes, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan and 2 others like this. Elena Gilbert commented on your status.

Oh, goddess… I don't think I even want to know what Elena had to say. It's probably something about how I offended her and I don't have the energy to hear her whine right now. I really don't.

Elena Gilbert: "You don't mean it, Bon. If we were in trouble, you'd help. Why am I not invited to the girls' night?"

I read over what she commented. Yep. That sounds about right. Why is always up to me to help them? Can't they just stop inviting trouble into their lives? I mean, seriously.

Stefan Salvatore and Damon 'Eternal Stud' Salvatore like this.

I rolled my eyes and stretched my fingers, before setting them straight.

Bonnie Bennett: "No, I won't. I deserve some time to myself for once. You're a vampire. You can handle it, 'Lena. I want a drama-free weekend. You're too busy deciding which Salvatore you're into, so only Caroline is invited… maybe Matt. I still love you, though! Next week, I'm yours."

I really don't need to be guilt-tripped right now. That is literally the last thing I need. And that includes the apocalypse.

Caroline Forbes and Rebekah Mikaelson like this. Rebekah Mikaelson commented on your status.

I don't understand how Rebekah is even related to Klaus. She's so much better than he is. He is such a drama queen.

Rebekah Mikaelson: "If Matt comes, I'm coming, too."

I snickered, when I read her response. And you know what? I'm totally fine with Matt and Rebekah coming. That's fine with me.

Matt Donovan likes this. Matt Donovan and Klaus Mikaelson commented on your status.

Poor Matt, he's probably defending his manhood. I didn't mean to call him one of the girls.

Matt Donovan: "Bonnie, you I love you, but I'm not a girl! You're gonna have to give tonight a new name if you expect me to be there. I'm a man – damn it!"

I laughed, when I read what he said. Poor Matt.

Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Rebekah Mikaelson and 1 other likes this. Klaus Mikaelson commented on your status.

Oh, dear, God. He's going to find some way to make this all about him. Mark my words. I don't even have to be friends with Klaus to know that.

Klaus Mikaelson: "I beg your pardon, witch, but I do not throw tantrums. I am the Original hybrid. I am not a child."

I'm not sure what's funnier… the fact that Klaus is so predictable, or that it's so easy to piss him off?

Marcel Gerard likes this. Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes commented on your status.

Oh, this should be good. At least Caroline will have my back. I can count on that much.

Elena Gilbert: "Rebekah can go and I can't? Way to make a girl feel loved."

Yep. Typical Elena. I didn't really expect anything else, though, to be honest.

Caroline Forbes: "Klaus, have you met yourself? All you do is throw tantrums when you don't get your way. What do you call daggering your family?! #angerproblems #he'sindenial"

I snorted, when I read Caroline's response. This is gold – pure undiluted gold.

Bonnie Bennett, Rebekah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson and 20 others like this.

At least we aren't the only ones who know it!

Bonnie Bennett: "Rebekah if you can leave the drama at the door and swear not to complain, I don't care if you come, for Matt's sake. Matt we can just say it's a night in. Lol. I never said you had a vagina."

I tried to correct my mistake of implying that Matt was one of the girls.

Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes and Matt Donovan like this. Rebekah Mikaelson commented on your status.

I'm almost afraid to see what Rebekah said, because I have a feeling that it'll piss Elena off… not that it's hard to do.

Rebekah Mikaelson: "Thank you, Bonnie. That won't be a problem. Awe, is the doppelganger jealous?"

I stifled my laughter and waited for someone else to say something.

Klaus Mikaelson commented on your status.

Why won't Klaus just go away?

Klaus Mikaelson: "Fuck all of you. You're dead to me."

Awe, Klaus is throwing a temper tantrum, just like we all knew he would.

Elena Gilbert, Matt Donovan and Rebekah Mikaelson commented on your status.

All joking aside, I hope I didn't actually hurt Elena's feelings…

Elena Gilbert: "I'm a little jealous, but I get it Bonnie. No worries. We can have a REAL girls' night next week."

Awe, okay. I'm glad she gets it. At least someone actually does.

Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Jeremy Gilbert and 2 others like this.

Now, let's see what Matt said.

Matt Donovan: "As long we change the name, you can count me in, Bon!"

I laughed, when I read his reply. Of course, we'll change the name. Like he even had to ask.

Bonnie Bennett, Rebekah Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes like this.

I doubt Rebekah will have any trouble fitting in. What did she have to say?

Rebekah Mikaelson: "Nik, have you forgotten that half of us are dead already? Lol. You're getting old brother. #someoneiscranky"

She'll definitely be a good addition to our relaxing night in.

Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Kol Mikaelson and 3 others like this. Damon 'Eternal Stud' Salvatore commented on your status.

Oh, my 'Lanta. What does Damon want? I honestly don't even want to see what he had to say.

Damon 'Eternal Stud' Salvatore: "Come on, Judgy. We all know that you're friends are your kryptonite. Even if you did manage to stay away, I would drag your ass out here to save us."

Damon just had to shove his nose in, where it wasn't wanted. Does he ever mind his own business?

Damon 'Eternal Stud' Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson and Kol Mikaelson like this.

That man needs to get over himself. Pronto.

Bonnie Bennett: "You just have to ask yourself one thing, Damon. Are you ready to die?"

I smirked, happy with my response.

Stefan Salvatore, Caroline Forbes, Jeremy Gilbert and 5 others like this.

Well, I have a friends' night in to get ready for. This should be fun.