This is a one-shot and I just had the idea pop in my head and couldn't get rid of it.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Naruto or Bleach.

Smoke and dust fill the small underground hole as two tiger hybrid neko cubs hold each other tightly. Both are a rare set of twin's one pure white that his pointed ears and tail blend in the only color are his eyes of black and gold, named Shiro, while his brother Ichigo, a color carbon copy with orange hair and brown eyes with sunset orange ears and matching tail. Their mother was a tiger neko and their father a human. Only nine years old the boys are old enough to know when something is horribly wrong. They had been sleeping earlier in their home, Ichigo had been recovering from an illness that left his back hurting, before both woke to screams of terror and their mother rushing into their room. It's not till they are outside that they see the fires and bodies of the villagers as their mother runs. They are shush when they ask where their father is as their mother lowers them into a dark hole. With a tearful smile and her last "I love you" their mother closes the hatch and locks it before shoving a couple of barrels over it. Shiro and Ichigo world collapse.

They can hear the muffle cries of the villagers as raiders pillage their village. Shrio tugs his little brother closer as he whimpers in fear. The smell of brunt wood and death permeate the small cubby and Shrio's own fear starts to bubble up.

"I'm scared Shiro." Ichigo whimpers

"It's okay Ichi." Shrio says holding back his own fear, "Mom will come back to get us."

They both know it's a lie and it does little to help, but Ichigo is grateful that Shiro if trying.

Cough, cough, cough

The smoke and dust is starting to get thick making it hard to breath. What has seem like days but it has only been a couple of hours when the last scream is heard. And a few more before either allows themselves to relax. Shrio tries to open the hatch but it refuses to budge even when Ichigo helps it moves very little. Tired and hungry the boys fall back to the ground. Ichigo starts to cry and Shrio only can hug him tight in hopes that he can calm his little brother, rubbing circles on his brothers back Shrio feels two bumps near Ichigos shoulder blades and they seem to cause him pain. It's after Ichigo cries himself to sleep that Shrio soon follows the stress and tension that both had felt hits the little cubs hard. They curl tight into each other's embrace the only warmth there was in the cold dark hole.

When next they wake, it's not the sun or sounds of birds but voices. Voices that neither recognize.

"Wow this village got hit hard." A male voice yells out.

"Hn" another male this one more calm, "Must have been a non-human village or at least had non-humans living in it."

"Yeah think there are any survivors?" A female voice follow.

"Who knows? The execution squad came thru so most likely not." An older male answers.

"Should we even try to see if any survived?" the first male asked.

"Hmm, seeing how the death squad never leaves any alive I doubt that we will find anyone." The older man states. "Buuttt it probably wouldn't hurt to check, just in case."

The twins hear the group move before they are again casted in silence. Neither make a sound fearing that this new group is part of the one that destroyed their home.

"Hey Kakashi sensei, look over here." The female shouts and it sounded very close to their hiding spot.


"This body…looks like this person was trying to do something. I mean that why didn't this person run like the others or why wasn't it in the town center with the pile?" the female voice ask.

The sound of more feet coming closer and Shrio pulls Ichigo behind him and backs up against the dirt wall. He silently wishes for a weapon of something to defend him and Ichigo.

"Looks like the death squad miss one." The calmer voice says. "It's female and she was lucky to die like this and not torture like the others were."

"It looks like she was moving these barrels, see there are marks in the dirt. Why was she doing that?" The hyper voice question.

"Who knows." The older one states

When quiet descends on the twins the boys relax. But it's not until Ichigo sneezes that has both tense waiting for the voices to discover them. Quickly putting his hands over Ichigos mouth while Ichigo does the same for Shrio they wait but hear nothing. They relax, however the sound of scrapping above them and sand raining on them has both scrambling back. The hatch moves, it jerks with creaks and groans before a trio voices ring out.


The boys are bath in light as the hatch is flung off its hinges.

"Kakashi there are survivors!" the female shouts.

"Quickly get them out of that hole!" the one now known as Kakashi shouts back.

"Naruto get in there and hold them up for me and Sasuke."

"You got it Sakura!"

Before the boys can do anything they are grab and toss up to two sets of hands. Shiro in a panic struggles out of the hands that hold him. His tail lashes back and forth.

"Hey watch it kid we are just trying to help you." The other male said tightening his grip so the cub couldn't get free.

Shiro not caring about that only wants to get to Ichigo. He can hear his brother mews and he can see that Ichigo is also trying to get free. He bites the hand holding him drawing a bead of blood before being drop.

"Ow he bit me."

Not bothering with anybody else Shrio rushes to female who is holding a terrified Ichigo. Using his tiny claws he scratches the woman's arm. Hearing a yelp he grabs his brother and tries to run into the nearby forest. But before getting five steps his path is blocked by Kakashi he tries to back away only to see the pink hair female and the male that he bit. With three directions cut off he makes a break to the right, only to hit the other male.

Corner Shrio keeps Ichigo close his ears laid flat against his skull as he spits and hisses at the four surrounding them. By now he can see what they look like. The older male, he knows as Kakashi, looks to be in his mid-thirties with silver hair that defies gravity and a mask covering half his face and one eye concealed. The female which from what he heard earlier is Sakura was at least 15 to 16 with pink short hair and green eyes. The male next to her had dark hair and eyes and had a scowl same age as the female. The last male was blond with blue eyes short spikey hair and seem to be a bit hyper also the same age. The last two he had no names for but he trusted none of them. He looks away for a sec when he feels a tug on his arm.

"Shi-nii what are we going to so?" Ichigo quietly whispers.

Shrio is at a lost. He knows that they can't fight their way out the four around them are bigger and stronger. So far they haven't done anything to them except get them out of their hiding spot. He tenses and hisses more when the blond squats down in front of them. The twins are shock when a pair of fox ears and a tail sprouts from the blonde's body.

"Hey there its ok we are not going to hurt you." The blond says in a low voice, "My name is Naruto."

Shrio growls at the fox, "What do you want? Leave us alone!" he all but shouts.

"Hey calm down. We only want to help. These are my friends Sakura and Sasuke and my sensei Kakashi." Naruto says, he keeps his eyes on the pale twin but he glances towards the other when he sees him starting to sway. Nodding to Sakura he tilts his head to Ichigo when the cub face takes on pale color. He can see that the pale twin is very protective of the other and knows that they have to get his trust before they can help the orange hair one.

"Will you let my friends look over your brother? He looks to be in some pain." He tries again. He inches closer to the pair hoping that they see that there is nothing to fear.

"I said back off we're fine!" Shrio yells his tail lashing violently.

Shrio gets ready to jump the blond his claws are out and he bares his needle point teeth. But before he can do anything he feels Ichigo slump against him. His voice is quiet but Shrio can see that the others can hear him.

"Shi-nii I don't feel good."

That sentence has Shrio forgetting about the ones around them as he catches his brother falling.


Ichigo complexion was very pale and Shrio can feel his body trembling. Rubbing his back he feels that the bumps from before were bigger and his worry sky rockets. He doesn't realize that he is shouting. He feels more than sees Ichigo being taking from his grasp. The fear and the stress from last night catch up to him and the last thing he sees is Ichigo laying still on the ground as Sakura hands glow green.


It felt like Ichigo was floating. He didn't feel any pain and he thought that he was dead. All he saw was blackness, he felt scared.

'Where is Shrio?' Ichigo thought.

He wanted to see his brother, he wanted to see anything besides this darkness. He started to move but he couldn't it felt like he was being restrained.

"Hey calm down." A voice echo through the blackness

'Who said that?'

"It's ok just open your eyes."

'My eyes their not already open?'

"Come on kid let me see your eyes."

Ichigo tried to open his eyes, they felt like they weigh a ton, and the first thing he saw was bright yellow and blue eyes filled with concern. He wanted to touch it his arm shakenly reach out and grab a handful of soft hair.

"Hey welcome back."

Turning his head slightly Ichigo came face to face with the blond fox he and Shiro met in their destroyed village. The thought of Shrio had Ichigo shooting up and he would've jump out of the bed he was in if the fox hadn't grab him.

"Whoa there where's the fire?"

"My brother, where's my brother" Ichigo cried out, tears being to fill his eyes as panic entering his voice. He struggles more, digging his tiny claws into the fox's skin.

"Careful! You're not fully healed yet. Your wings are still new."

'Wings?' sure enough when Ichigo looks over his shoulder he sees two leather bat wings almost as long as him. "I want Shrio!" Ichigo yells out his frantic struggles increase.

Naruto holds the little wing neko trying to keep him from injuring his newly grown wings as well as making his illness worse. He can't say that the nails scratching his skin don't hurt, they'll heal in seconds, but they are more of an annoyance. He considers calling Sakura but thinks that will only make the cub panic more.

"If you promise to stay in bed I'll go get your brother. He is right outside the door." Naruto says, slowly petting the area behind Ichigos ear calming him down a little. Getting a slight nod he places the cub back on the bed and opens the door only to have a white blur push him into the wall as Ichigo squeals when the blur grabs him both disappear behind the bed.

Naruto could swear he had whiplash from how fast the older twin moved. Looking outside he can see the Shrio had been busy. The damage was amazing. Thinking it was better not to ask he closes the door and waits out the protective twin. It isn't long when his sensitive ears hear the boys whisper conversation.

"Shrio stop it, you're hurting them." Whines Ichigo

"But I want to know what they feel like." Shrio whines back. "When did ya get these?"

"I don't know, they were just there. That blond nii-chan told me."

"I don't trust him he's too nice."

"I don't know I thinks he is ok."

"Your too trusting, he could be like those people who killed mom."

"Am not."

"Are too"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Back and forth their little argument continue till Naruto just couldn't take it anymore. He reaches over the bed and lifts both boys up before placing them back on the bed then stepping out to grab two trays of food. Shoving the trays into the boys laps Naruto takes a seat on the other bed in the room. It's Ichigo who is the first to eat, followed by a still upset Shrio. Waiting till the boys mouths are full of food Naruto decides to talk to them.

"Ok first off I have a name, its Naruto, second you're safe here we are not part of the group that attacked your home. I do want to help you so if there is anything you need or want just ask, ok?" watching both boys eat and nod. "Third, this is a hybrid / human village so it's fine if you show off your ears, tails, or wings in this case. Now what I want to know is if there are any other relatives that you boys know of that can take you in?"

Watching the twins give each other a look, as if they are silently talking, it surprises Naruto that it's Shrio who speaks up.

"We don't know what happen to dad, but I think he said that we had cousins somewhere and mom said something about an uncle. We don't know them though."

Naruto was afraid of that, he knew that it was a slim chance that the boys would know that whereabouts of their other families. Unfortunately that leaves them with a bit of a problem. Since both boys are underage and one happens to be a rare hybrid the most likely outcome would be that both would end up in the orphanage, but Naruto can already see that that will not happen if Shrio's earlier actions are anything to go by.

"Alright here's an idea I would like both of you to think over." A beaming smile overtaking his face Naruto practically jumps at the idea that just pop in his head. "Until we find your family how about you two live with me?"

But the reaction from Ichigo and Shrio is mixed. Ichigo looks more curious while Shrio only scowls.

"Here me out." Naruto begs, "If you don't come with me you'll be placed in a orphanage and we all know that you would be trying to escape?" the last part pointed at Shrio whose scowl deepens.

"You won't get in trouble will you oni-chan?" Ichigo asks his brown eyes filled with concern.

"No worries I won't let anything happen to you." Naruto shouts giving the twins a thumbs up before dashing out of the room leaving the boys sweat dropping and wondering what they had gotten themselves into.

"What do ya think Ichi? I still don't trust em" Shrio says as he flops back on the bed.

"I think we should stay with him. I like him." Ichigo following his brother curling up next to him.

"Fine but the moment that he turns his back on us I 'm getting us outa here."

Ichigo only nods before yawning and wrapping his tail and draping one of his wings over him and Shrio while the other is stretch out behind him, since his wings a new he doesn't know how to retract them. Shrio places both his arms around Ichigo before sighing and falling asleep.


Racing across the small village a cloud of dust is seen as a blond fox makes a mad dash for the village heads home. Naruto is excited and he hopes that baa-chan will let him do it. Banging open the door and yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Baa-chan I need a favor!"

"Shut up brat and close the door!" A voice yells back as a bottle of sake flies at Naruto's head.

Naruto ducks and grabs the flying bottle before tossing it back at the woman who threw it. Tusnade was a tall young look blond with her hair in long tails. She had only been the leader of the small village for only a year but had taken a liking to the blond fox almost imminently.

"What do you want Naruto?" she huffs out expecting something totally far out from the fox.

"The two boys team seven brought back." Naruto ask slightly bouncing on his heels.

"The rare twin nekos, one of them a sphinx? What about them?" an eyebrow raised in question

"I want to foster them or adopt them." Naruto's happiness practically spilling out and into the room that he is vibrating with it.

Tsunade stared back at the fox in shock silence. Of all the things she was expecting that wasn't high on her list. She knew that Naruto would have ask later but not so soon.

"Do you understand what those boys will require? Ichigo will at least need more attention than Shrio due to his wings, right now their fragile and could break easily, and Shrio has already shown how protective he can be. Can you deal with everything that those boys bring?"

Leveling Naruto with a stern look and watching the emotions fly across his face before he smiles.

"No problem granny, I can help them out and take care of them. "


"Please, let me do this they need someone who knows what they will go through."

The plea was so unlike Naruto that Tsunade looks into the blonds eyes. After a few minutes she sighs.

"Fine but you have to keep a close eye on them. Bring them in for checkups and keep Ichigo from bending his wings wrong. I going to have someone look in on you every now and then." She sternly says before handing a thick book to Naruto, "I want you to follow this book it should help you."

Looking down at the dusty volume Naruto snorts at the title. 'How to fly for dummies' 'well this will be helpful to Ichigo but how will this help me?' truing over the first couple of pages Naruto can see what Tsunade meant.

'Oh crud.'

"Now get out brat and go get settle. The other brats can go home with you later but for now get you place ready."

Giving his leader a two finger salute before jumping out of the nearby window, Naruto rushes back to his home and starts to throw out the things in the spare rooms.

It's the next day that Naruto meets Ichigo and Shrio at the hospital. He changes into his fox form nudging the boys onto his back. Ichigo hesitantly gets on first then is followed by Shrio. When both a secured Naruto leaps into the air causing the boys to squeal in delight. He knows that this won't be easy and there will be times that the twins will dislike him but he hopes that the cubs will grow to see him as part of the family.

The End

Hope that ya'll like it. Thank you for reading.