Hand in hand they walked slowly from the light into the waiting darkness of the forest. Ally had started to wonder if they had made the right decision after all. They didn't even have a weapon to defend themselves if needed.

As if Steve could read her mind he stopped walking and said, "I think we should craft something for protection."

"We?" Ally mocked. "You know I can't do the things that you can."

"That's because you are lucky," he shot back. "You don't have some evil virus creeping around inside your body. You're… normal."

Ally knew what a sensitive topic this was for her friend. It couldn't be easy to be a carrier of the same virus that had devastated so much of their world. "At least you don't have to worry about it hurting you," she offered as comfort. "You're immune. Not to mention super strong and immortal. You should be jumping for joy!"

Steve hit a tree with his fist. He kept beating against the trunk until pieces started to break off and he had enough to assemble a crafting table where he could then make a sword. The whole process didn't take too long.

Steve shook his head in sadness. As young as he was he was also smart enough to realize what this virus meant for him one day. Soon he might be the only one left in this whole ruined world. No, not alone, he corrected himself. He would have all the horrible creatures to keep him company each and every night. That's why he had to see one for himself. He had to know what was in store for him one day. "Let's go," was all he spoke aloud.

Next Time...

"What's that," Ally gasped.

Steve listened and he could hear it too. It sounded like something rustling in the grass off to their right. Steve held his breath. His feet seemed to move on their own accord as he crept towards the noise.

"What are you doing," Ally hissed out, but Steve was no longer listening to her.