Within minutes they were in the Kaalis System.

A large planet loomed before them as a faint green wisp of star mist hovered around it like a lingering smell.

The Ghost's radar was gradual in picking up the small base that orbited the planet Harus. The space structure radiated little energy, and the ships' senses soon determined that it was the atmospheric shielding that contained breathable air.

As they drew nearer, however, both Ezra and Kanan felt something. Their slight reactions made the others merely glance at them with concern.

"What is that?" asked Ezra, quietly, "it feels…"

"Cold," said Kanan, looking at the boy. "Very, very cold."

"And…familiar," Ezra muttered, turning away so the older couldn't read his lips.

Hera slowly continued to make her way towards the base. The closer they got, the larger it became, and soon enough they were etching into its cargo bay and landing lightly on the floor.

There was a persistent tension in the air as everyone stared out into the black of the abandoned base.

The Jedi were concerned now, for the cold feeling had completely disappeared.

Yet, Ezra had sensed this before. This very same disappearing act almost frightened him, but he was careful not to dwindle on his emotions, especially with an accompanying Force-Wielder only meters away.

"Okay," said Hera, letting out a sigh she hadn't noticed she was holding. "Our mission is simple; get in, get the information required, and get out of here in one piece. Understood?"

Everyone nodded.

Kanan gave Ezra a long, thoughtful gaze.

"Zeb," he said at last, "I want you and Ezra to pair up to cover more ground."

"Ugh, really?" Zeb complained. "Why do I have to babysit the kid?"

"Hey!" said Ezra with a scowl.

"Firstly, you're not babysitting him," Kanan explained, "just, watching him." The boy raised an eyebrow in suspicion as the older Jedi continued. "And secondly, I have a bad feeling that we'll be running into trouble sooner or later, which makes me suggest that it would be wise to have someone who can wield a lightsabre with you."

"I can handle it," Zeb debated, but the consistent eyes of Kanan told him otherwise. With a roll of his eyes, he sighed with defeat. "All right," he said, "he can come."

"Good," said Kanan, "Sabine, I want you to stay with me, for the same reasons." He glanced at Zeb and Ezra. He then turned to Hera.

"I'll stay with the ship in case we have to make a quick getaway," she said. Chopper whizzed and beeped nervously, and the Twi'lek placed a comforting hand on his metal head.

The Jedi nodded. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that then." He turned back to face the rest of the group. "Right, let's get the information we need and get out of here." With that, they departed and began their search, with Hera sitting by the controls, fearing the worst.

The hall was dark, and the cold of abandonment hung in the air. Ezra and Zeb crept past crates and damaged parts of droids as they went deeper into the structure. There was a long silence between them, the Lasat at the front with a torch in one hand and a tracking device in the other, and the boy behind him, his hands at the ready to grab his lightsabers.

Yes, he had two, in fact.

But he preferred to use the one he received from a Jedi temple on Lothal when he was six.

The other he occasionally brought with him was his fathers. It wasn't with him all the time because it was the only remnant of his parents, and he felt he needed to keep it safe and to never use it.

Since he had seen the rebels, however, he had felt the need to take it with him for situations like this that may include trouble, which, in this case, was highly probable.

Overall, he was prepared, although he didn't feel prepared, for trouble.

The torchlight Zeb held skimmed across the walls and floor as they veered right. A small piece of metal fell from its place somewhere nearby, causing the Lasat to jump.

Ezra only merely perked his head up at the sound, and watched the large creature in surprise and amusement.

"Since when did a Lasat get scared?" he asked as they moved on.

"It's none of your business," Zeb grunted at him, securing the torch in his hand.

Ezra wanted to say more, but he respected the guy. He knew about his race, and what had happened to them. Instead, he decided to strike up a conversation. "So, how long have you known the others?"

"A while now," said Zeb, moving the torch about the place as he strutted along. "Sabine recently joined, so I'm still getting to know her…and her background."

The mention of her name caused Ezra to smile slightly with admiration. "Wren is her last name, right?"


"Huh. I think I've heard of Clan Wren somewhere before."

"How so?"

"Eavesdropping," the boy replied, "I did a lot of that while I was on the streets."

Zeb grunted again, and made a left.

"What do you think of him?" asked Sabine as she flashed her torch along the ceiling and walls. Kanan walked only meters ahead of her, a tracking device in one hand and a torchlight in the other.

"It'll take some getting used to, being around another Jedi," he replied, glancing down to check the device every now and then.

"So, you're considering letting him join us?"

"After what he did, I'm coming up with some good reasons why he should tag along."

"Well, that's good," Sabine smiled, "it's be good to have another member of the team. Especially another Jedi."

"Yeah," Kanan sighed. The Mandalorian couldn't tell if the sigh was of concern or of relief. Perhaps it was both.

There was a pause.

"It's been so long since I felt the presence of another Force-Wielder," the Jedi gradually said. "At one point I thought I was the only one left." The emotion in his voice was nothing Sabine had ever heard. He was never really one to tell others how he felt about things.

He froze, so suddenly Sabine bumped into him.

"What's wrong?" she asked, concern and worry etching onto her face.

"It's that same feeling again," said Ezra. Zeb didn't know what to think.

"What feeling?" he asked.

"I felt it before as we were making our way to the base," the boy explained. "That same cold presence, lurking in the shadows."

"What do you think it is?"

"A Sith," said Kanan to Sabine. "Well, not a Sith, but very close."

"How can you tell?" asked the Mandalorian.

"I've never felt the presence of a Sith before, in all honesty, but I just know that this, whatever it is, is different."

Sabine wasn't quite following.

"It's hard to explain," said Ezra with a small shrug, observing the puzzled expression on Zeb's face.

A loud bang was heard somewhere down the hall.

The Lasat and the young Jedi stared towards the sound, trying to find any sign of movement somewhere in the darkness.

Slowly, quietly, they made their way into a small storage compartment. Crates were stacked in heaps against the walls, and metal from disassembled astromech droids.

Quite suddenly, out of nowhere, Zeb was thrown into a large pile of crates, creating a large crashing sound as they landed on him.

A hand appeared around Ezra's neck and pinned him to the wall behind him. A white, and quite ugly face appeared before him, golden eyes gleaming and a hideous smile on his face.

"Hello, Ezra Bridger," he hissed. "We meet again."

Ezra: The suspense is killing me!

Me: That's what makes it good.