Hey all! My apologies for not updating for about 3 months. I have had no motivation whatsoever and I do sincerely apologize! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ezra clenched his teeth and grunted as he struggled to break free from the Inquisitor's grasp. The Lasat was nowhere to be seen, and he couldn't sense Kanan anywhere.

"You again?" he managed to jeer through his gritted teeth. "Haven't we been over this once already?"

"Twice, actually," said the Inquisitor, quite casually, "if I can recall."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was going to as you the same thing," he tightened his grip slightly, causing Ezra to take in a gasp of air.

"And…why should I tell you?" the boy whispered, gradually losing his ability to breath.

"I want to find a good reason to kill you, is all," said the Pau'an.

"Then why don't you just get it over and done with?"

"Hmm…I might consider that." He released his grip. Ezra slumped to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. "Lord Vader wishes to see you, personally," he continued, slowly wandering away from the boy who was too preoccupied with breathing that he was unable to catch the Inquisitor by surprise. "I might say that it would be such a privilege to meet the most powerful – ahem – 'second' most powerful Sith Lord to ever live."

"And why…would I want…to do that?" asked Ezra, oblivious to his correction.

"You are powerful, Ezra Bridger," said the Pau'an, looking down at him with his red eyes flashing gold in the darkness. "My Master would be pleased to have such a fine, young, talented Apprentice like you." He knelt in front of the boy, and their eyes made contact. "You could become the most powerful Sith in the entire galaxy. You could do whatever you want."

Ezra stared at him as if the Inquisitor was the dumbest person alive.

"It sounds tempting, but no thanks, I'll pass," he finally stated, pulling himself up onto his feet.

That one moment was what he made himself ready for.

That moment when the anger that had slightly passed over the Inquisitor returned in full force.

No words, just actions.

Ezra leapt out of the way just as the Pau'an's knee swung up to hit him in the gut. He somersaulted and rolled across the ground, grabbing both his lightsabers as he came to a complete stop. The Inquisitor seized his lightsabers and ignited them as he came hurtling towards the boy.

Blue and red blazed together as the powerful swords collided. A great zapping, screeching sound emitted from the sabers as they struggled to push against each other.

The Inquisitor brought the swords down, causing both opponents to stumble.

Then a real battle commenced.

Zeb shook his head and peered through the crates. He caught glimpses of red and blue light, and saw Ezra and another guy fighting one another.

The Lasat wanted to help, but he knew he had to stay quiet. He had no weaponry that matched a lightsaber.

Instead, he brought the commlink on his wrist up to his mouth and whispered, "Kanan, you there?"

Kanan had sensed everything.

The Inquisitor, Ezra, and forces of darkness and light gaining power and forcing themselves against one another.

He and Sabine were now running in their direction.

He heard what Zeb said, and in return he replied, "I know."

The Lasat frowned. "What?"

"I know what's going on," said Kanan as he and Sabine turned a corner. "Stay put. I'm almost there."

The commlink closed, and Zeb grunted. "Stay put," he grumbled. "This is a very uncomfortable position to 'stay put' in."

Out of all the things he needed to concentrate on, Ezra could sense Kanan was nearing. All his meditating, all his self-training, had taught him well.

The Inquisitor slashed.

The boy stumbled.

He slashed in turn, losing his calm.

"Would you stop already?" he almost yelled as the Pau'an came at his again.

"Why should I?"

"We've been through this twice before, and I've kicked your butt both those times," said Ezra, pushing his rival back with the Force.

The Inquisitor merely chuckled breathlessly. "You're a good opponent," he said, whizzing his lightsabers where he stood a few meters away, "besides, I have a good feeling that I'll sever you and drag you to my Master, if it comes to that." He leapt forward, slashing down with his blazing red swords. Ezra rolled out of the way, deflecting the red blades as they missed him by a hairs breadth.

At that moment, Kanan's shadow blocked the doorway to the storage compartment. Ezra dared not look away from his enemy as the Jedi Knight ignited his green lightsaber.

"I knew I had sensed another Jedi here," said the Inquisitor with a sly smile. "There is nothing more exciting than fighting two Jedi."

"Sabine," Kanan said, keeping his eyes on the Pau'an, "get yourself and Zeb back to the Ghost and tell Hera to get ready to leave."

"But – "

"No buts! Go!"

Sabine hesitated, but eventually helped Zeb up and hurried out of the room.

"I should really be following Lord Vader's orders," the Inquisitor thought aloud, "but I cannot help to think that I should be killing the both of you."

"You keep wishing that," said Ezra, simply.

The darkness lashed out once again, the and light parried his fatal blows. Kanan was quick to make himself a part of the fight, but it took some getting used to for the Jedi to avoid cutting each-others heads off.

They didn't realize how long they had been fighting, but the Jedi were beginning to tire. The Pau'an, however, was staying light on his feet, as if using the draining energy of his opponents against them. Soon enough, Ezra was beginning to fail, and struggled to defend himself. Kanan still had strength, but he didn't know how much more he could take.

"We have to fall back," Kanan managed to say as he tried slicing the Inquisitors arm off, but missed.

"That's a good idea," said Ezra, slowly making his way towards the entrance of the storage compartment, and allowing Kanan to take the lead.

Their enemy was tiring, but he was enjoying this moment so much he didn't seem to notice.

A moment in time is all it takes.

A moment that can change everything.

Kanan wavered, struggling to defend himself now.

With the little strength Ezra had gained, he made his way to fight beside Kanan.

The moment happened.

The moment when Kanan lowered his guard.

A split second.

Ezra saw it coming, and hauled himself in front of the Jedi to defend him.

The red sword blazed cut across his torso, and he stumbled a few meters from them, dropping his lightsabers.

Kanan stood there, shocked.

He quickly gathered his thoughts and Force pushed the distracted Inquisitor with all the strength he had.

Sizzled flesh made Ezra clasp his hands around his torso and curl over, but Kanan caught him before he was completely on the ground.

"Ezra," he said, shaking him to keep him awake as they knelt there on the floor. "We have to go now while we still can."

There was a moments silence, and the boy nodded.

Kanan grasped his lightsabers and placed Ezra's arm over his shoulder, hurling him up onto his feet.

The Jedi didn't look back as he hurried to the awaiting Ghost crew.

Ezra: …

Me: …

Ezra: Ow…

Me: Yeah…