Okay, so first off; hey guys! I've finally managed to start writing out/uploading this RWBY fanfiction that I've been working on for a little bit over a year now; haha.
So. For a little while I had roleplayed as Miss Nora Valkyrie on tumblr and, well, I had kind of already shipped this ship, but thanks to a fellow RWBY roleplayer (who roleplayed as Roman Torchwick) it kind of developed a life of it's own. Now; if you know what two tumblr accounts I'm talking about, you might possibly know what's in store for our two lovely main characters.
However; even though I'm basing a lot of inspiration on the roleplays I had with said person/buddy of mine, there will be some slight changes. Like for one thing, how the two met will be the first idea I had for that (since it kind of has to do with a little running thing that'll be in this story) but I will have a fair amount of similarities in this story.
As for updates, I'll try to keep them steady for this fanfic; but we'll have to wait and see how it goes; as well as how well this story in general is going to be recieved.

For now though; I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of "Stay".
Point of views will possibly change; however, Nora is easier for me to write so there is a chance that a majority of the story will be from her point of view.

A quick important note about the title: It's influenced by the song "Stay" by House of Heroes; and will definitely play a part in the story (as well as several other songs)


Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or it's characters. I do, however, claim ownership of this fanfiction.

Chapter 01: Meeting Her

sometime in the future

He felt her breath on his neck as her hands tangled into his hair as he pressed his lips to her neck. She let out a low squeak when he had moved; simply moving so that she was still sitting on his lap. He looked at her and she smiled at him; pressing a rough kiss onto his lips.

When she pulled away, he softly murmured her name; a smirk on his face as she noticably shivered. Her turquoise eyes looked him over; searching his face for sincerity after hearing him state those three words.

He nodded and her eyes shone; before she closed them and pressed her lips to his.

She then pulled out of the kiss; whispering the phrase back to him.

"I love you too, Roman Torchwick."

Present Day - Several months before

Roman Torchwick let out a breath as he looked at the female on the ground in front of him. She was short; even while she was recovering from being knocked over, Roman could tell that she was short. Her short orangey-red hair was about chin length; sticking out in multiple directions at the bottom, and her eyes were turquoise blue. Fairly notable to him; maybe in a different situation he'd have appreciated them more; but right now, however...

"Watch where you're going!" she snapped; her face switching between sadness and frustration.

It was then that Roman had noticed the still fresh tearstreaks that were on her face. She had quite obviously been crying before Roman had bumped into her; and if anything, this probably made her day worse.

"Sorry about that shortie. Won't happen again." Roman stated; proceeding to hold his hand out to the girl. "Need a hand?"

The girls' eyes proceeded to narrow. "You make a short joke, and then offer to help me up? Not very gentlemanly of you." she stated with a scoff. Roman rolled his eyes. "Are you going to accept the hand I'm offering you, or not?"

The girl grabbed his hand and let out a low 'oof' as he pulled her up. "Now then, girlie; care to tell me why you were crying? It's fairly obvious that you were." Roman stated. The girl let out a breath; mumbling something before she turned away from him. "It's...kind of a stupid reason, so you don't need to worry about it." she stated softly.

Roman frowned. "Now come on. I wouldn't feel right as a gentleman if I walked away from an upset girl without doing what I could to make her smile. Besides; this is the side of town a girl like you shouldn't be in." he stated. The girl looked at him; searching his face to see whether he was serious or not. She let out a breath. "...I got in a big fight with my older brother, okay? It's no big deal, I'll get over it; And I can handle myself. You don't need to worry about me." she said, smiling. She then looked around and let out a giggle.

"Hey, do you want to get a cup of coffee? My treat."

Roman blinked; looking at the shorter girl in slight surprise; before quickly recovering and smiling. "Who am I to turn down an invitation from a pretty girl like you? Lead the way, girlie." he stated. The girl let out another giggle before she turned towards Roman; fully facing him and sticking her hand out.

"My name's not girlie; it's Nora. Nora Valkyrie."

Roman shook her hand. "Call me Roman."

Nora's face brightened. "Well, Mr. Roman, I've found a small coffee shop on this so called 'wrong side of town' that I really enjoy. We can go there." she stated, before turning around and starting to walk in the same direction that she was walking before. Roman turned and began following her.

"So, how often do you journey to this shop?" he asked. Nora shrugged. "Whenever I feel down or need a pick me up. It's one of my favorite places in this town, after all." she said happily. "Oh really?"

Nora nodded. "It's not like it's an underground crime network or something. And even if it was, I'd still go. After all, what other coffee place can you name that is willing to serve you coffee and pancakes at all hours of the day and or night?"

"I take it you like pancakes?" Roman asked. Nora let out a giggle. "Yup! My best friend Ren is really good at making them; and so is my older brother Nathan, not the one I had the fight with, which was James, he's kind of a jerk. I also have two younger brothers, and since I'm the only girl, I have to try to keep them all in line whenever Nathan isn't home because of work, but then again, James is gone a lot because of his job as well, so it's not like it's not too often that James and I fight...just every other time we see each other. My younger brothers, Simon and Tyler, oh they're great. They're twins, which kind of annoys James because they like to play pranks on him, until he's a complete jerk about it. Then again, it probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't teach them some pranks before I left for school."

Roman blinked. This girl...is a motormouth. Or, from what he gathered, she could be, mixed with her tending to ramble on about things.

Just what did he get himself into?