This is the last will and testament of Serenity Darrenforth. Should my confidants or kindred be listening to this recorded message now, I am either dead or have been missing for three years. I make this will with sound body and mind hoping that you can contact these people one last time to let them know of my fate in person rather than a letter sent by courier. Whether they, themselves, are alive or dead, leave the envelope with their corresponding name either with them, or on their grave.

Arcade Gannon- former researcher for the Followers of the Apocalypse, doctor

Craig Boone- former New California Republic sniper, first recon division

Veronica Santangelo- former Brotherhood of Steel scribe, procurement specialist

Rose of Sharon Cassidy- former caravan leader and owner, called "Cass"

Raul Tejada- former "Ghost of Mexico City", ghoul

Lily Bowen- former vault dweller, Nightkin mutant

If you come across a partially cyberized dog named Rex, be nice to him. He and this Eyebot named ED-E traveled with me once, and deserve respect.

Good luck on the road. I hope you find the same excitement and adventure I did.

The woman clears her throat.

And if you get any ideas about following my trail, don't, you've been warned. And ED-E, don't you dare help them.

A young woman in her early twenties rushes from the a living room to a bedroom, and wrenches open a dusty wardrobe. She digs through the numerous light armors, pulling a number thirteen armored jumpsuit from a hangar. "ED-E," the girl prompts, slipping into the suit. "I want you to replay one of your logs."

The battered Eyebot inquires as to which one.

She adjusts the buckles of the armor pieces. "The one with my mother on it."

He complies.

In the background, there's automatic gun fire from numerous sources.

"ED-E," the Courier yells, over the shots of lasers. "You need to get out of here, I'll cover you!" The metallic clap of a six-shooter being reloaded is heard in the foreground, presumably hers.

Distressed beeps from her robo-companion tell her otherwise.

"ED-E please don't argue! I need you to go home to tell my family! Can you do that for me?!"

More distressed beeping followed by his modified energy zapper and her quick police pistol shots firing at their assailants.

What sounds like a crashing of metal reverberates thorough his speakers.

"ED-E," the woman screams. "Don't you dare die on me!" A muffled rumpling all over his speakers drowns out the fighting temporarily.

Recorded ED-E beeps sadly.

"Oh no you're not," Plastic colliding with plastic and a softly rusty squeaking noise are still clearly heard even as the warped noises of lasers echoes closer and closer. "Because I'm giving you all of these energy cells."

He beeps high and low in protest, then a whooshing whirring noise replaces the soft clinks.

"ED-E go home," the Courier whispers into the speaker. "Override code: Fly far, fly fast."

The floating robot, most likely realizing what his master has done to him, beeps at her sadly once more before speeding away from the gunfight noises.

A faint struggle and a loud thud can be heard as the recording ends.

From a footlocker at the end of the queen-sized bed, she grabs her mother's old black and brown Pip-Boy and a stack of six old letters labeled "IN CASE I DIE, SEND THESE". "Do you wanna go find her, Ed?" She pats the top of his orb-shaped body.

He makes a quick series of beeps and boops in an excited fashion.

"Even against her wishes?" The daughter narrows her eyes at the robot.

ED-E floats off to the front door in a determined fashion, waiting impatiently for her to open it.

The girl slings a pristinely kept scoped hunting rifle onto her shoulder, and a broad machete into her pack. She grabs a red baseball cap from a shelf of hats next to the door, gesturing to the robotic messenger. "Let's go find her, then."