Hello! I'm Kuromiiongou. Call me whatever you like- Anyways,this is my first story I've written. I'm not 100% sure if my grammar is correct since I might have missed a few here and there (tell me if you see any that I missed! I'm also open for constructive criticism and requests for future scenes in future chapters). But besides that,enjoy! There aren't any pairings atm since I'm not sure if I should add pairings or not...


"Fuck…",Yata cursed under his breath. Curled up in a dark alleyway,he groaned in pain. The stab wound on his left shoulder and his ankle bled and hurt like hell,causing him to curse even more than ever. Where did the HOMRA's Vanguard get such wounds? Two words.

Damn monkey.

Making an attempt,Yata slowly stood up with his back being supported by the wall behind him. Aside from the small loss of his dignity,he was glad he managed to escape one of their usual battles with each other. Honestly,he would have fought until one of them is nearly dead,but today wasn't the right day. Not when he has stomach cramps,not when he met that strain a few weeks ago. Instinctively,he grabbed his skateboard and was about to head to HOMRA for some bandages to fix his wounds. That was until he realized- He couldn't go there. Not when his pride was in the way. He would rather die than let someone from HOMRA or Scepter 4 catch him alive in this state. Closing his eyes from the pain,he tried to remember what happened a few weeks ago.


Yata was alone and doing one of his regular routine of cruising the city casually on his skateboard while doing impressive tricks here and there. A normal day,a normal day. That was until he changed his route and went into a dark alley for a shortcut. It was a shady looking alleyway,enough to make normal people feel eerie about it. But not Misaki Yata,oh no no no. Being HOMRA's Vanguard,he had nothing to fear- Plus he was used to these kind of stuff anyways.
"I'm pretty hungry...I should probably hurry up and find a place to eat before meeting up with Kamamoto.",Misaki mumbled to himself. All he could think about was food,of course,this made him forget about his surroundings...And a strain running fast with panic in its' veins towards Yata himself.
"G-Get away!",It screamed in panic which had snapped Misaki out of his thought,although,a little too late…

"Wah-!?",Was all Misaki could say before a puff of smoke got in his vision- causing him to be temporarily blinded. Once the smoke cleared,the strain was no where to be found. Only a confused and angry Misaki Yata was there,on the ground.
"Jeez...What the fuck was his problem!? If he was still here I'd have punch in into a pulp!",Misaki stood up,only to feel slight heaviness from his chest and...wait...something didn't feel right for Misaki. In a swift motion,Yata checked his chest. Not so flat like a man anymore. Misaki looked at his hair with the mirror app in his pda watch. Somewhat longer because now it had covered his shoulders. Last was his you-know-where. Not there.
"I-I...W-Wh-What….?",He was utterly confused and in a panic. Yata Misaki wasn't a man anymore. Oh nope.
Rest in peace his dignity.
He has become a female thanks to the strains power.
After a few minutes of incredible amounts of stuttering and screaming of confusing and panic,he- well,she now- finally calmed down and sat down. Trying to piece it all together.
"S-So...the g-goddamn strain turned me into a girl...R-Right! All I have to do is punch him until he turns me back into a boy- Wait...Shit! I don't even know where he is!" Even more minutes later of incredible amounts of panic,Misaki actually and finally calmed down once and for all.
It'd be stupid to ask HOMRA for help,much less walk in the bar in this state. It would have been a rest in peace for Misaki's pride and dignity,especially if saw her like this. No way was she going to turn her head towards the blues,even more of her pride and dignity would be gone.

As for now,Misaki was on her own in search of the strain- and to avoid HOMRA and the blues as much possible in this state.
For the past month,it was going well on avoiding Scepter 4 and HOMRA's clansmen. However,her male clothes she had been wearing had really weigh her down. It was too baggy and big for her now smaller and slender figure. It wasn't going so well for the poor girl.
"Mi~ Sa~ Ki~"
It really wasn't going so well for the poor girl.
'Fuck! Damn Saru picked the wrong time!',Misaki internally screamed in her head. Cursing her terrible luck.

"So this is where you've been...Went missing for a month only to find you prowling around the streets? How stupid of you Misaki.",Saruhiko teased in a amused tone. He had missed the anger in his face for the past month,and really yearned for his attention. However,what he didn't admit was that he was actually very worried about where Misaki had went. But being the tsundere he was,he never once said it out loud. And seeing Misaki here,he was relieved- and also in the mood to piss his beloved to the oblivion as much as possible today.

'Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore…',The words repeated in Misaki's head numerous times. The stomach cramp that appeared out of the blue just now didn't help. Quickly,she tried to run away on her skateboard. A frown appeared on Saruhiko's face.
"Misaki...Don't you ignore me!",Saruhiko yelled as he chased the petite girl,unaware of her situation. The chased lasted for almost an hour or so,with Misaki reluctantly trying her best to ignore his sassy insults and dodging his knives too. Unluckingly,a knife stabbed into Misaki's shoulder and ankle,causing her to fall off her skateboard and roll into the ground with pain.
"Ugh…",Misaki whimpered in pain slowly reached for the knives. Aggressively pulling them off her body as she struggled to stand up.
"Fuck you….",Misaki growled unconsciously under her breath.
Finally,Misaki's beautiful voice filled with hate. He didn't exactly hear it properly,but he knew that ""he"" was cursing at him. Slowly,he extended his arm to touch Misaki. However,all he earned was a slap and his beloved childhood friend running away at full speed with horror in his eyes.

Why the fuck was he ignoring him? Saruhiko didn't like this one bit.

Now,in the dark alleyway,all Misaki could do was groan from frustration and curse loudly by herself from all the pain.
"Damn it-! If only I can find that fu-"
She stiffened. She knew that small and stoic voice from anywhere. It was Anna. Slowly,she turned her head around to see Anna with teary eyes in front of her.
"...H-Hi A-A-A-Anna….",Misaki stuttered,laughing nervously inbetween. Soon,she was tackled down by one of Anna's hug as she broke in a sniffle.
"W-Woah! A-Anna wh-",She was once again cut off
"Where were you? Everyone's worried about where you were because we couldn't find you….We thought you were mad at us and left o-or...disappeared for some reason.",Anna mumbled. Her voice had a mix of upsetness and relief. Soon,the older girl realized she must have worried everyone back in HOMRA. Patting Anna's back; Misaki gave an apologetic and guilty smile.
"I'm sorry for worrying you and everyone,Anna...It's just…",Misaki was hesitant,she didn't want to tell Anna her reason of desperately avoiding HOMRA for the meantime.
"Can...Can you keep it a secret if I tell you?",Misaki asked in a small and soft whisper. Anna thought for a bit,and nodded. "Only if you promise you'll come back as soon as possible."
"I promise."
After a few minutes of explaining what had happened and why she was avoiding HOMRA. Anna let out a small laugh.
"W-What's so funny?"
"It's nothing. I'll keep it a secret for now,but you have to tell everyone soon…"
"I-I know!"
"Ah- Red…",Anna pointed out. Misaki looked over her shoulder,realizing that she was still bleeding. 'Shit I completely forgot about the pain for a moment…',Misaki winced. Looking back at Anna,the small girl was fishing something out from her small bag. Bandages. Giving them to Yata,Misaki thanked her kindly and began wrapping the bandages on the wounds.
"Misaki,can you even move in your clothes? It looks like you're having a hard time.",Anna pointed out. Her observations skills were really up the roof.
"Y-Yeah...Most of the clothes I own are either too big,too baggy,or a mixture of both.",Misaki sighed. Defeated that she didn't have any feminine clothes to suit her needs for this body. A defeat for Misaki that soon turns into a win-lose.
"Let's go shopping then.",Anna said,her eyes fill with excitement.
"You need new clothes that would fit you,right?"
"W-Well yeah…"
"Let's go.",Anna repeated,but with more persuasion in her voice. Misaki sighed once more in defeat and nodded,letting the smaller girl lead her to shops that- were much to Misaki's dismay- full of girls everywhere.

~Next Chapter:Shopping Hell and everyone's worry~