A/N: Sorry I haven't updated, life's been kind of crazy. My best friend's mom went into labor early, and that was surprising. Problem: My best friend and her dad weren't in the city. They decided to drive a few hours away to go camping, and my best friend's mom stayed back because she had work and really doesn't like camping. So that was crazy. And then summer school is sucking up my time. Stupid required courses that don't teach you anything... But anyways, have this chapter! It's kind of filler and short, but I wrote it today while I had some time. I have the next chapter planned out, just not written yet.

Disclaimer: I am not and will never be Stephanie Meyer or J.K. Rowling. I would happily own their books if they let me though...


I made my way to the DADA room, and started setting up for the first lesson. Who were the lucky children I got to torture today? Nah, I'm not that bad. It's just fun to make them squirm sometimes. Anyways. Back on track. My first class of the day was seventh year Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Only two Cullens to deal with. For today, at least. Tomorrow I have the others. But no use worrying about the future when I have to get through the present.

I started scribbling in my chicken scratch handwriting my usual welcome message on the chalkboard. Unfortunately becoming a vampire didn't magically make my printing flawless. Although, I must admit, it is legible now… mostly. And why couldn't Hogwarts upgrade to whiteboards or something? Seriously, chalk is an old method. The dust gets everywhere!

I looked up as the class started filing in. They all walked to their seats, chatting with their friends. I knew the instant they saw the board and read my welcome message: "Welcome to seventh year DADA. I trust you remember me, and I don't have to introduce myself again. I hope your summer passed amicably, and that you didn't forget all that you learned. Please follow these instructions in order. Sit quietly and do absolutely nothing until otherwise stated verbally by me. We will have a test that accounts for ten per cent of your grade later. In the meantime, wands away, and start writing a list of everything in this room that is dangerous, could be used as a weapon, or could be hiding a creature. Also explain how and why. Hand it in if you finish before I collect them."

It was a test I gave the seventh years every year. Most of them fail, but it's always nice to see the few that pay attention. See, every time, only three or so of them catch the part saying "Please follow these instructions in order." So while the majority of the class is furiously writing away, trying to complete the very first assignment, there are a few sitting there, wondering if they are doing the right thing. It teaches them to pay attention to every detail. It may save your life, whether it be on an assignment, signing a contract, hearing details about an enemy… You get the idea. I let them write for another twenty minutes or so, and then stood up.

"Quills down, everyone. Would the students who did not write a list please come to the front of the room?" They looked nervously at each other, and then four students came forward. Obviously Alice and Jasper, but also a girl named Julianna Daeyr and a boy named Gideon Gray. The humans looked scared, but Alice and Jasper appeared as if they had no worries. I looked at the four of them. "Congratulations," I said. "You four successfully passed the first test. The rest of you failed." I paused as I heard everyone groan.

"How did we fail, Professor Swan? We followed the instructions," asked a boy in the middle row.

"Actually, you didn't. I told you to follow the instructions in order. The very first one was to sit quietly and do nothing until I told you otherwise, which I didn't. Don't worry, this did not count for any of your grade. It's a lesson. Always pay attention to every detail, no matter how minor you believe it to be. Oh, and by the way, I was lying about the test. You're saved today," I said. "Now, Alice, Jasper, Julianna, and Gideon, please return to your seats so I can begin the lesson." They did so quickly, and I erased my welcome message on the board.

"We're going to play a game," I said. "Find the person with the same number seat as you on the opposite side of the room," I continued. This caused many people to make noises reflecting their unhappiness as they realized they wouldn't be in a group with their friends. Once everyone was partnered, I began again. "The partner who has the first letter in their name closest to the beginning of the alphabet will think of a creature. You have ten yes-no questions to determine what it is. And the only acceptable creatures are those we have already studied in previous years. Record the questions and whether they successfully guessed or not. Switch after every guess. Hand in the parchment with the necessary information as you leave."

They set about doing it, and before I knew it, class was over. As they walked past, they all handed in their parchments. Once everyone was out of the room, I whizzed about fixing chairs and desks, and setting up for my next class. It was the wee little first years! They were so cute, and innocent, and little, and cute, and did I say little? Aw, here they come in!

It was the last class of the day. I was wrapping up with the third year Slytherin and Hufflepuffs. Unfortunately, they were not listening today and all just being brats. I blame it on the fact they're becoming teenagers. But even if I have a cause, they're still annoying. They've been disrespecting me all class, which means there's only one thing to do.

"SHUT UP THE LOT OF YOU, OR IT'S DETENTION WITH PROFESSOR WEASLEY!" I yelled. And I never yell. The children all promptly went silent, except for one Slytherin girl.

"Which Professor Weasley?" She asked, snickering.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I responded. She grinned back at me.

"Obviously, or I wouldn't have asked. For a professor, you're acting quite dumb, Isabella," She said calmly. My vision flared red for a moment.

"Come here, Miss Rigot," I said quietly. The other students all looked scared. My quiet voice meant I was more furious than when I yelled. This was not looking good for the girl. She walked up front with a little less arrogance, but still attitude in her walk. I levitated the chalk behind me, and had it write out the list I was saying.

"Let's see… Disrespecting a teacher, a week of detention. Disrupting class after being told to stop, another day. Being a smart ass, one more day. And disrespecting me by not only calling me dumb, but also using my first name, a month. So what's that add up to… If I'm so stupid, why don't you tell me, Miss Rigot?" I asked her, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, Isabella," there was a collective gasp as she called me Isabella again, "I think that you used disrespecting you twice, so you can only count the first punishment. So just over a week." She said smugly. Was she trying to land herself in detention for life?

"Tut tut, Miss Rigot. Your math is wrong. It's now three months, because I added to your sentence for being an arrogant brat. I think you will have detention with whoever needs you. A few shifts in the hospital wing, some time with Professor Weasley cleaning out cauldrons, some time doing extra Arithmancy work because you obviously are struggling… And I'm sure other people will want help. Now get out of my sight." After dismissing her, I dismissed the rest of the class. I sat on my desk and rubbed my temples. And this was only the first day. Why did she think she had the right to do that? I sighed, and looked at the clock. It was time to introduce Rosalie to Ellie and Jordan.

A/N: So that was the chapter! Review, tell me what you thought. I read and appreciate every single one. Hopefully I can update soon. Cya!