Hi everyone! I had this idea one day, and was like, oh yeah that would be so cool, Percy Jackson and team joining up with the Dragonets of Destiny to save Pyrrhia. I'm sorry to all of you who want more chapters to come out on Percy/Max really fast, this will definitely slow down my pace. :( But... I should probably write more frequently on one or the other because it won't get so boooring. Alternation, my friends, alternation. Okay, so this starts right after The Brightest Night ends. PS: Starflight's not blind! YAY!


Starflight's eyes were still bugging him, weeks after the volcano erupted. He rubbed at them, and peered down at the scroll. He was doing some studying on scavengers. Apparently, scavengers were actually intelligent, and thoughtful creatures, like dragons, but they were too terrified to act intelligently when in the presence of dragons. Hmm. Interesting. He wondered if that applied to all scavengers, or only some.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling noise startled him, and he nearly fell off the branch he was spread out on. One of his scrolls fluttered away, falling through the canopies. Starflight sighed, put the other scrolls in a nook in the tree, and dove after the scroll.

His wings stirred up the air, and the scroll floated between two trees. Starflight landed on the squishy forest floor, and picked up the now dirty scroll. He rubbed it off in some grass, sighing. Now it was filthy. Mastermind was going to kill him for ruining one of his scrolls.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and a boom shook through the forest, causing toucans and monkey to screech in alarm. He heard several Rainwings scream, then settle down again. He supposed it was just an earthquake. Not a big one though. Oh well.

He nearly missed the tunnel. But just as he was taking off, scroll clutched in his claws, a monkey screamed like a dragon dying. It was weird every single time, even when you were used to it, so of course, Starflight looked over his shoulder towards the noise.

He gasped, and turned around mid-air. At this angle, he could just see a long tunnel behind some vines that he had just looked over.

He flew back down, and tucked the scroll safely in the crook of a tree. He pushed his way through the curtain of vines, and started walking down the long tunnel. He considered going back and getting his friends, but he wanted to do something on his own for once.

When he finally emerged from the dank tunnel, he was in another forest, but this one was made of pine trees that were oddly tiny. They were less than half the size of the pine trees in Pyrrhia. Their branches were practically twigs, they would never hold the weight of a dragon.

What was this place? Where did this tunnel connect to? This was certainly nowhere in Pyrrhia. Was it possible? Were there lands beyond Pyrrhia? Other planets?

Starflight had studied the moons and stars, but nowhere had it mentioned other inhabitable planets. Supposedly, Pyrrhia was the only planet in the universe that was able to sustain life.

But maybe they were wrong. Starflight would just have to find out himself.

He took to the air, swerving deftly between trees, enjoying the cool air on his scales.

Then, he heard a growl. He whipped around, to find a giant creature, that looked like a giant, hideously mutilated version of what he had read that scavengers sometimes kept. Digs? No, dogs, yeah, that was it. The giant ugly dog thing was almost as big as Starflight, but it didn't appear to have any defenses except for claws and teeth.

The creature lunged at him, and Starflight leaped into the air. He could take this thing. He was the weakest of the Dragonets of Destiny, but he could still fight if he had to. Besides, this thing didn't look like it was immune to fire.

He belched a flame at the thing's face. The creature howled in pain, clutching its eyes, and Starflight felt a twinge of sympathy for it. He could still feel the searing pain in his eyes whenever he thought about it.

He quickly put it out of its misery with a quick slice of his claw down its neck.

He jumped back, startled, when the creature exploded into a cloud of shimmering gold dust. What the heck was that all about? He had never read about any sort of creature like this. He needed to write a scroll on this when he got back.

The trees thinned and he gasped when he saw what was on the edge of the forest. An entire scavenger den was here, and there were dozens of scavengers. But it looked nothing like the scavenger dens he had ever seen before. This den was bunches of small building in an odd shape, almost like, like, an omega. The last letter in the ancient tongue of Pyrrhia. Hmm. Very odd. He willed himself to blend with the shadows, and crept up on the den.

All of the scavengers were wearing odd clothes. All he had ever seen were brownish dirty rags on scavengers. These scavengers were clean, and they wore bright orange pelts on their upper halves. Several stood in a group, just babbling to each other.

"Gibber Jabber," squeaked one.

"Peely Pooly Jib," said another.

"Wata Pam Loko Jubi!" cried a third. Starflight wished he could understand what they were saying. They obviously were intelligent, if they had built this place...

He looked to his left, and saw horses that were trapped in a building, but didn't seen frantic at all. They were calmly chewing hay and they gazed at him with soft eyes.

"Grrr..." said Starflight, making a face at the horses. They stared at him unimpressed, and then one of them, a pure black one, pulled out a pair of wings. Starflight fell on his butt, startled. How did a horse have wings? Then, the horse put the wings to his ears and wiggled them and stuck his tongue out and whinnied.

Starflight wasn't certain, but he was pretty sure the horse was going NaNaNaNa BooBoo!

He growled and charged at the stables. For some weird reason, the horses didn't even appear frightened. A second later, he found out why.

Wham! He ran straight into an invisible wall and bashed his snout really hard. Ow...

The horses nickered and reared their hooves, teasing Starflight.

Starflight pressed against the wall, and tried to find an opening. He started moving left, feeling along the wall.

He passed a small building that was locked, and he was approaching a roundish building with arches and columns, when he heard a startled screech, and turned to see a small scavenger with a mischievous look to him. It had curly black fur on his head, and slowly, he started to expose his teeth. It started to get that look on his face, like the look Tsunami got when she had pranked someone.

"Ju Lola Pookin!" it cried. Starflight tilted his head and looked at the curious little scavenger. It didn't appear to be afraid at all. Most scavengers turned tail and ran at the sight of a dragon. It casually reached into a belt full of pouches on his waist, and pulled out a weird looking thing that was bright blue with yellow stripes. The weird thing was, there was no way it could have fit in the scavenger's tiny pouch.

Starflight blinked and the scavenger smiled up at him. Something was fishy about this...

The scavenger reached into his pouch again, and pulled out a little pointy thing with fuzz on the end. Wait... Starflight had seen one of those things before. But when?

His mind clicked as the scavenger started to slip the thing into the blue and yellow thing.

It was a sleeping dart. Starflight was not going to let a puny scavenger hit him with a sleeping dart.

He roared and started to build up flames in the back of his throat. The weird scavenger finished nocking the dart in the odd thing and looked calmly up at him. It didn't shoot yet.

Starflight took the opportunity, and released a giant blast of flame at the scavengers face.


I almost fell over laughing when I saw the look on the dragon's face.

He was like, "Why u no crispy critter?!"

He roared again, and I shot him with the tranquilizer dart. He staggered around like a drunk bear for a few seconds, then toppled over with a huge crash.

Percy, Annabeth and Jason were the first to arrive, closely followed by Piper, Hazel, Chiron, and Frank.

"What the heck?!" cried Frank.

"What kind of dragon is that? I have never read about black dragons with stars on their wings before..." muttered Annabeth, her brows furrowed.

"You know what's even weirder?" I told them.

"Weirder is not a word, you dork," said Annabeth laughing.

"Whatever," I said. "This dragon didn't straight out attack me. It only blew fire at me when I pulled out the tranquilizer darts."

"It's not dead?!" cried Frank, backing up a little.

"Umm, no... Why would I kill a perfectly good dragon?" I asked, startled.

"Whatever Leo, but how did it get into the forest?" asked Percy.

"Don't ask me!" I shrugged.

"I think we need to investigate," Annabeth said.

"Like how?" Piper piped in. Yes, laugh at Uncle Leo's fabulous puns. Wait, you're laughing at me? Then eat FIRE!

"Well, like visit the Oracle..." Annabeth suggested.

"That can do!" Rachel said, scaring us all half to death.

"Jeez Rachel, don't sneak up on people like that!" Percy said, laughing.

"Like this?" Nico asked, dissolving straight from Percy's shadow.

Percy jumped about a mile into the air, and yelped, "Ahh! Gods of Olympus!"

Annabeth laughed, and high-fived Nico.

Percy glared at them, and said, "You dirty conspiring..."

"Now, now children..." Chiron said, tapping his hoof to get our attention.

"Yeeees Sir!" I said, standing up straighter and saluting the horse-man.

Jason shoved me, and I almost toppled over straight onto the knocked out dragon.

"Alright, settle down," said Chiron. "Now, I do believe Miss Chase is correct in asking for a prophecy. That dragon is not normal at all, and I have a feeling this is the beginning of something bigger..."

I gulped down my fear, chuckled, and said, "I like things being part of larger things. Except for when you're talking about puzzle pieces. Once, I was doing this 1000 piece puzzle, and... Ooh, a squirrel!"

Percy, Frank, and Hazel laughed, and Annabeth rolled her eyes at me.

"So, beginning of something bigger. Please tell me there's not going to be another great prophecy..." said Percy, frowning.

"You never know," said Piper, and Jason sighed, "Let's just pray to the gods that there won't be."