Hey guys.

Before starting with my story, I hope you will lend me your eyes for a short moment to read this. I have, in the course of publishing this story, received a few flames and insults directed not only to the story, but at myself as well. I am welcoming criticism with an open mind, so please be honest about your comments. But if you don't like the story, I am asking you to please not insult me. I am working really hard on this, trying to make it into a good story and trying to make sure it is plausible. Insulting me is neither making me or you feel better. So if you don't like it, don't read it, or tell me exactly what you didn't like. I try to respond to all the reviews, as long as it's possible, so if something is unclear, just write me a message. I don't know how to improve if you just call my story garbage.

Thank you for your attention, and now please, enjoy my very first Fanfic ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto


Chapter 1: Family one last Time

Naruto woke up from the light of the sun, which was shining through the window of his bedroom. He turned to the side to look at the time on the Alarm clock. It was 5:55. He woke up 5 minutes before the alarm. Again. He pushed the blankets of him and slowly sat up. Then he smiled. Today was the day. The day where his Dad would finally start teaching him to throw Kunai. He hurriedly got up and ran to his closet and took out a pair of black shorts and a white shirt with a red swirl, representing the Uzumaki, his Mothers Clan, on the front. He put them on and ran out of his room downstairs. The moment he arrived downstairs, the alarm clock in Naruto's room started to ring. He had forgotten to put it out. But Naruto just ignored it and ran straight into the living room.

"Good morning Naruto" Said Minato Namikaze who sat on the couch in the living room reading a book. Minato looked like an older version of Naruto. Same Blond hair, while slightly longer, and same blue eyes, even though their eye-shape was slightly different. The biggest difference between the two with the exception of the age and height, Minato being around 6 feet and Naruto barely 3.5 feet tall, was the fact that Naruto had 3 whisker marks on each cheeks. Minato wore the traditional Blue Shinobi pants and the Blue sweater with red swirls on both shoulders. He turned to his 4 year old son and smiled. "Ready for some training I presume?"

"Good Morning Tou-chan. I'm ready. Let's go let's go." The 4 year old boy said running to his father and pulling on his arm. He was smiling brightly.

"Haha. Alright, alright I got it." Minato said laughing all the while.

The two of them walked outside. Well… Minato walked. Naruto kept jumping and smiling while still pulling on his father's arm. Arriving on the Porch, both put on their Shinobi sandals and walked into the open field.

"Alright Naruto. Unfortunately, I only have an hour to teach you. I need to head to work afterwards. But I can at least show you the right way to throw the weapons." Minato said.

"Yup I know. I'll give it my all" Naruto said grinning.

Minato smiled at that. He walked into the middle of the field and pointed to the target. A circular piece of wood, where the middle had been marked by a black point and different sizes of circles spreading to the outside.

"Alright Naruto. This is your target. Your goal is obviously to hit the centre. The closer you get to the centre the better. You will start with a distance of 30 feet from the target. We will increase the distance once you've gotten better." Minato said and reached into his Kunai pouch that he had on his back and took out a Kunai. He crouched down and motioned for Naruto to come closer. "Alright Naruto. I want you to listen carefully now ok?" Minato said seriously once Naruto had reached him.

Naruto looked into his father's eyes that had turned serious. Gone was the playfulness. Naruto turned serious as well and nodded to his father.

"Very good. Now this is important. This is a dangerous weapon and you can seriously hurt yourself if you're not careful. This isn't like Nin or Taijutsu. You understand?" Minato asked his son.

"Yes. I'll be careful." Naruto said seriously.

Minato nodded and handed Naruto the Kunai.

"This is a normal Kunai. The kind that everyone uses. One day I'll teach you to use mine, but until then you will learn to use the normal ones. The Kunai is separated in three parts. The point, the handle and the ring. You can use Kunai to fight in close range and in long range. Because of that you have a handle. To throw, you hold the Kunai like this." Minato said while taking the Kunai from Naruto and holding it between his Point and middle Finger. "Once you're confident with throwing one Kunai, you can increase the number of kunai you are throwing. Do you know why there is a Ring?" Minato asked while handing the Kunai back to Naruto.

"To attach a wire. Right?" Naruto stated.

"Correct. Those wires will be lifesavers someday." Minato smiled at his son. Then he got up. "Ok. Let's look at the stance. It's important that you have a stable position. At least when you're learning it." Minato said while spreading his legs a bit and bending his knees slightly. He then took a new Kunai out of his pouch and threw it, the Kunai hit Bullseye. "Like this." Minato stated while turning back to his son. "Now you try it."

"Hai." Naruto said while taking the same position his father had taken. He then threw the Kunai. It flew about 10 feet past the target. "Can I have another Kunai?" Naruto asked while extending his hand to his father.

Minato just handed him a new one, which Naruto took and then he tried again. The target flying past the target once again, but this time a bit closer. This went on for half an hour. The Kunai had now hit the target on the circle farthest from the centre.

"Well someone is making progress." The voice of a woman said from the house.

Both Minato and Naruto turned around and started grinning the same way. There on the Porch stood a beautiful woman in a green dress with long red hair and purple eyes. The most noticeable feature about the woman was however her big Belly. Showing clearly that the woman was highly pregnant.

"Good morning Kaa-chan" Naruto said while running to his mother and gave her a hug. Then he put his hand on her Belly. "Good morning little one".

"Nii-chan Morning" said a small toddler from behind Kushina. He had spikey, short raid hair, the same purple eyes of their Mother and was wearing a Blue Jumpsuit.

"Morning Kei." Naruto said to his 2 year old brother and ruffled his hair.

"Morning Kushina, Kei." Said Minato who came up behind Naruto.

"I'd say it's time for breakfast. Don't you think?" Kushina said and saw how the faces of both Minato and Naruto lit up and both started to grin. "God… These two are so alike" Kushina thought and smiled along with the two oldest men in the Namikaze family.

With that, the Family all went inside and ate there breakfast. Once they were done, Minato got up and put on his flak jacket and his personal coat with the insignia "Yondaime" written on the back.

"Alright guys. I gotta run." He said ruffling both Kei and Naruto's hair while passing, resulting in both of them complaining and Minato laughing, and kissing Kushina on the cheek. "See you tonight. And Naruto. Don't overdo your training." He said while throwing him a Kunai pouch. "And be careful with that." Smiling one last time, he disappeared in a yellow flash.

"Sweet. Finally got my own weapons." Naruto said while attaching the pouch on his back, like his father had it. He then looked at the clock. It was 7:30. "Kaa-chan, can I leave? I'm meeting with Itachi." He asked his Mother.

"Sure. But be sure to be back for Dinner." Kushina said while tidying up the table.

"Got it. Love you Kaa-chan. Kei, see you later." Naruto said while running out of the house.

"Be careful." He heard his mother shout after him.


Naruto arrived in the clearing where he and Itachi usually trained at 7:45. 15 minutes later than usual. The clearing was in the middle of the forest, and in the trees hung the same targets that Naruto had just practiced on in his yard. The two of them had started their training together about 1 year ago. Both were doing really well for children so young. And soon they would start going to the academy. The first half year they had started training, they had mostly worked on stamina and on getting their chakra reserve bigger. They had met about 3 times a week at that time. They didn't want to overdo it. They had only started to meet daily 3 month ago, and they had been making a lot of progress. And they planned on keeping up the hard work.

"You're late." Was the first thing he heard when he arrived. He turned to his best friend that was sitting in the clearing with his eyes closed. Itachi had black hair that reached shortly above his shoulders and he wore a Blue shirt with a collar and black shorts.

"I know, sorry. But Tou-chan taught me to throw Kunai today. Look at that, he even got me my own pouch." Naruto said and turned to show him his Kunai pouch.

Itachi opened his eyes to look at Naruto. His eyes as Black as his hair.

"I know. You wouldn't shut up about it yesterday." He said. "Well I guess that means that we can start to practice Kunai-throwing together now." He added and stretch out his hand to Naruto.

"Haha, sorry 'bout that. Yeah, I'll catch up to your throwing in no time." Naruto said grinning a foxy grin and helped Itachi up by grabbing his hand. Standing next to each other, one could see that Itachi was slightly bigger than Naruto. Around 3.7 feet tall.

"We'll see about that. I did learn 3 Month before you."

"Well Tou-chan didn't want to rush it, so it's ok."

"The usual warm up?" Itachi asked.

"How about adding an additional round today?"

"Sounds good."

With that, they both started to run. They ran a total of 15 Laps around the training field that was next to their clearing. This took them about 1 hour. Then they did a round of push ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. Then they stretched. By the time they were done with warm up it was 9:15.

"Alright. How about starting with Chakra Control?" Naruto asked.

"Sure." Itachi said and soon enough, both were running up and down a tree. They did that for another hour before taking a break. "By the way, how's that coming along?" Itachi asked, making sure not to talk too loudly. They both knew that Naruto's father had an ANBU on their watch. Just to make sure they didn't hurt themselves. They had both noticed his presence since the first day he was there, since he didn't try to hide his presence at all. They had even asked him for some tips sometimes. After all, ANBU were the elite. It would be stupid not to take advantage of the fact that he was there. And with that, it wasn't so boring for the ANBU either. It was a win/win situation. The reason Itachi spoke so quietly was because Naruto had been working on something without his father's knowledge. Well, without anyone's knowledge. Except Itachi obviously.

"Well, I think I'd be able to pull it off. But it's hard to tell really I mean, I can't really try it out now can I. That's why I wanna work on chakra Control until then. It's the only thing that's making me slightly uncomfortable. You know?"

"Yeah… I'm surprised you even got the Technique down. I mean, it's not like your parents taught it to you. And they're the only ones that have it written down."

"Haha yeah. I really thought they'd catch me when I copied the Technique from my father's office. But like I said. I don't know if it would actually work." Naruto said sounding worried.

Itachi looked at his friend and gave him one of his seldom smile. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be able to do it if necessary."

Naruto stopped in his run and looked to Itachi. He closed his eyes and smiled. That guy always knew what to tell him. "Thanks…" he murmured under his breath. But he knew that Itachi heard it.

In order to calm Naruto's worries about Chakra control. They mainly worked on that after the break as well. This time by doing Water walking, which was harder than tree walking obviously, but they had been training it for about a week now and thus didn't fall into the water once. They had made their training harder by avoiding rubber balls that the two of them threw at each other. They training was then interrupted by a loud growl.

"Hehe… How about Lunch?" Naruto asked from the middle of the Lake and put his hand behind his head while smiling sheepishly.

"But no Ramen today." Itachi said seriously which resulted in a pouting Naruto.


After some Lunch at the Barbecue restaurant, Naruto and Itachi resumed their training. Naruto stood in the middle of the clearing with one Kunai in each Hand. Itachi stood 20 feet from him with a Bag full of Stones.

"You ready?" Itachi asked grabbing a few Stones from the Bag.

"Yup. Go ahead." Naruto answered while looking closely at Itachi.

Itachi took the Signal and started throwing the Stones at Naruto. Naruto meanwhile did his best to deflect the stones with his Kunai. He was doing a pretty good job since only a few actually hit him, and none of them hit him in a lethal place. Once Itachi was out of stones, a rustling of the leaves informed the two of the arrival of the ANBU.

"That wasn't so bad Naruto-kun. You sure improved since last time. And this is your first time deflecting with actual Kunai and no wooden sticks." The ANBU said.

The ANBU was about 6 feet tall and had short brown hair. He wore the traditional ANBU uniform consisting of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spikes for travelling into mountainous regions, three ninja pouches on his back-waist and a signature spiral tattoo on his shoulder. He had the Mask of a Panda.

"Yo Panda. Thanks for the compliment, but I'm far from my goal. I'm still not fast enough. And had those Stones been Kunai, I wouldn't be able to walk now." Naruto said while picking up the stones that were around him. Now was after all Itachi's turn.

"You're still better than me though…" Itachi said not looking up and picking up the stones together with Naruto.

"You guys…" Panda said with a sigh. "It's not like Kids your age are usually even training." He thought shaking his head. "Those two aren't even aware that they are already mid genin level. With the exception of Kunai throwing which they have only just started. But really. And that with barely being 5 years old… Freaking Prodigies… They'll be some scary Shinobi one day." Panda thought while looking at the two kids picking up stones.

"That's only because I've been working on that more. Your aim is a lot better than mine. So we're even." Naruto said picking up the last stone. "Ok. Your turn." Naruto said taking his Position.


It was 6 in the evening when Itachi and Naruto put an end to their Training. They had finished their Training for the Day with some Ninjutsu. Panda had agreed to teach them a new Jutsu. In the past year he had already taught them the 3 Jutsus they usually would only learn at the academy. The Bushin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu), the Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Jutsu) and the Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu). Both Itachi and Naruto had had little trouble with learning them, but were currently still working on mastering them. Meaning, they were trying to use them without Hand signs. Today, to Naruto's and Itachi's delight, he had taught them the Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Jutsu). Of course, this being a D-rank Jutsu, unlike the 3 Academy Jutsus which were E-Rank, The Shunshin was harder to learn. And both had to accept that they would need some more training to be able to perform the Technique flawlessly.

"With that, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Panda asked the two boys that were doing some stretches to finish with training.

"Nope. Tomorrow is my Birthday so I'm going to take a day off. And Itachi promised his mom to watch his younger brother for the day. Guess you won't need to play babysitter tomorrow Panda. We'll see you the day after though." Naruto said while finishing his stretch and standing up.

"Ohh. You're getting old Naruto-kun. Soon you won't need me to be here anymore." Panda said in mock sadness.

"Well I gotta leave. See you." Itachi said while waving to the two that were now bickering.

"Ah. Ja Ne" Naruto said while grinning and waving after the disappearing Itachi.

"Guess that means my job is done for now." Panda said with his hands on his hips.

"By the way Panda. What do you report to my father all the time? All we do during the day?"

"Haha no, of course not. I'm only supposed to make sure you don't get hurt. He doesn't even know that you guys realised I'm watching you. Even less that I am teaching you. Basically I'm not reporting anything. If you were to get hurt, which until now you thankfully didn't, I would go and report."

"Hmm. Sou ka… Well I have to head home as well, or Kaa-chan is going to get mad." Naruto said and shivered at the thought. An action mimicked by Panda, who apparently had already met an angry Kushina. "Ja Ne Panda. And thanks for helping us today." Naruto said tuning around and heading home.

"Ja Ne Naruto-kun. Anytime." He answered and waved back.


"Tadaima" Naruto shouted the moment he entered the House.

"Okaerinasai Naruto." He heard his Mother from the Kitchen.

"Okaeri Nii-chan." Kei said while running as fast as his 2 year old legs could carry him to his older brother and clung to Naruto's leg.

"Yo Kei"

"Naruto, why don't you go take a shower. Dinner will be ready soon." Kushina said while looking out of the Kitchen. "Kei, you have to let go of your brother, or he won't be able to move." She said while chuckling.

"Yada." Kei said grabbing Naruto's leg even more.

That is when Naruto was saved by the appearance of his father. The Moment Minato flashed into the living room, Kei ran over to him and held on to his leg like he had previously done with Naruto's leg.

"Okaeri Tou-chan/Minato" Said all three of the Namikaze family that were already present.

Naruto then used the moment to run up the stairs into the bathroom He quickly took a shower and pulled on clean clothes. He then went back down and sat down at the table. Dinner went by peacefully. After they had all finished, Naruto and Minato cleaned up the Kitchen and Kushina brought Kei to bed. Then the three that were left sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"Alright Naruto, there is something I have to talk to you about. It's about tomorrow…" Minato said while glancing at Kushina every now and then. "Your Kaa-chan and I went to see Tsunade again today, and…"

"Baa-chan? Is something not alright? Is it the little one?" Naruto interrupted in a panicked voice.

This caused both Minato and Kushina to smile. Naruto had called his new sibling little one since he found out that he was going to be an older brother again. And he already proved to be a great brother. Caring for his unborn sibling right away.

"No Naruto. Everything is alright. It's just… Tsunade said Kushina would most likely give birth sometime tomorrow… So… we won't be able to celebrate your birthday like we had planned. I'm sorry."

This caused two different Reactions from Naruto. The first one was confusion. But that was replaced after a few seconds by a grin plastered on Naruto's face. That foxy grin he and his father had in common.

"So the little one is going to have his birthday on the same day as me? That's so cool." Naruto said surprising his parents. "And don't worry about celebrating my birthday. We'll do it together with celebrating the little one's once things have calmed down from Kaa-chan giving birth. When will you be leaving?"

Minato and Kushina were dumbstruck by their son's reaction. They had expected a lot, but not this. Not only was Naruto accepting happily the fact that none would be present on his birthday, he had already realised that they would certainly leave soon to prepare for the birth, like they had done the two previous times as well. Not that Naruto should actually remember that…

"Tou-chan?" Naruto asked in confusion as all Minato did was stare at him.

"Ahh… Right… Ehm… We'll leave in the morning. To make sure we have all in place and all." Minato answered after coming out of his shock.

Naruto nodded. He had thought that it would be like that.

"Then, is it alright if I head to Itachi's tomorrow? Both Mikoto-obasan and Fugaku-Ojisan are out and Itachi is watching Sasuke-kun. I'm sure Kei will enjoy the time he can spend with Sasuke-kun."

"That would be great Naruto. Thank you." Kushina said smiling fondly at her oldest son. "He is such a good brother"

"Naruto. You need to promise me something alright?" Minato stated seriously.

"I know Tou-chan. If the Kyuubi gets free, head to the shelter and don't come out until the all-clear sounds." Naruto said just as seriously as his father.

Again Minato and Kushina were taken aback by their son's reaction. Apparently he remembered the talk Minato had had with his student, Hatake Kakashi, back when Kei was born. Naruto had been right beside them that day. But to think that he remembered that was surprising. Minato had made Kakashi swear that he would watch Naruto all day, and to bring him to the shelter if Minato was not able to hold the Kyuubi back.

"Correct. Try to find Kakashi if that were happen. Alright?" Minato asked after gaining his control back.

"Got it. But… Tou-chan, Kaa-chan… Please come back safe alright?" Naruto said looking down. The worry was written all over his face at the thought of his parents facing the nine tailed fox.

"Of course. Dattebane. And then we'll celebrate your birthday. That's a promise." Kushina said raising her fist.

"That's right. We'll be fine." Minato added with a secure smile. "We were able to keep the Kyuubi from escaping twice. We'll manage a third time as well."

This caused Naruto to smile. "That's right. They're two of the most powerful Shinobi. And there's still that if worst comes to worst." Naruto thought while gaining some confidence back.

"Alright Naruto. You better get to sleep now. Kushina and I will leave before the sun's up in the morning so we'll see each other again the day after tomorrow with your new sibling."

"Ok. I'll see you soon then." Naruto said while walking over to his parents and hugging them. "Love you Tou-chan, Kaa-chan"

"We love you too." Was the answer of his parents.


Morning came very fast. That is at least what Naruto thought. He turned to the alarm clock on his bedside. It was 5:30. The sun hadn't even gone up yet, but Naruto knew that his parents had already left. He turned on his back again and looked at the ceiling. He had managed to put up a strong front the evening before, but even though he really did believe in his parents to keep the Kyuubi at bay, he couldn't help but feel really nervous and worried about the outcome of today. "Enough of that. I have to get ready." Naruto thought and got up. He went to his closet that was situated across his window. He took out a pair of white pants and put on a blue T-Shirt. Over that he put on a grey sleeveless sweater. Next he attached the Kunai pouch to his back like he had done yesterday. He then took a deep breath and walked over to his Bookshelf that was across from his bed.

It was a simple one with three rows to put in his books and his scrolls. He took out all the books of the middle row and put them to the side. Most of the books were about sealing. An art he had been learning for the past two years. One would think that with two parents who were both seal masters, Naruto would have actually asked them for help. But Naruto had not done so. All the books he had now put to the side were copies of his father's office. The reason his parents had not found out about the fact that he had been studying Fuinjutsu was because all of the books had a cover that did not match the content. Like the first book about sealing, Fuinjutsu. First steps without blowing up-written by Jiraya, had a cover of the Bedtime story Bubbles the dog and his Adventures. A Story Naruto had greatly enjoyed as a Toddler. Now the reason for keeping the fact that Naruto was learning Fuinjutsu a secret, was because his parents would never have agreed to teach him if they had known of his reasons. So Naruto just kept quiet from the very beginning. Naruto took once again a deep breath put his head in the row and looked up. The seal he had drawn month ago was still there, like he had drawn it. "Good" He thought. "Time to get it out. Need to have it with me at all time now…" Naruto got his Head out again and put the palm of his hand on the seal and then activated the seal by channelling Chakra through his Palm into the seal. There was a poof of smoke and out came a scroll that now lay in Naruto's hand. Naruto turned it around and looked at it carefully. Making sure it had not been damaged in any way. He was after all still far from being proficient with seals. Nodding to himself he got up and put the scroll into his pocket. It wasn't that big after all. Naruto then put all of the books back into the shelf and slowly went downstairs.

Kei was still fast asleep and wouldn't wake up for at least another hour. So, waiting for Kei to wake up, Naruto went into the yard and practice his Kunai throwing. It was around 7:00 that Naruto heard Kei crying from his room. So Naruto packed up all of his Kunai again and went up to his brother's nursery.

"Good morning Kei. No need to cry, I'm here now." Naruto said and went to pick up his brother from the crib.

Kei stopped crying after seeing Naruto and started to giggle. "Nii-chan morning" Kei said still giggling.

"Well someone is happy to see me." Naruto said smiling fondly at his younger brother. "We're going to visit Sasuke-kun today. How do you like that?"

"Yay!" Kei said throwing his little arms into the air.

"Hehe. Alright. Let's get you dressed then shall we?" Naruto said and went over to his brother's closet and took out a pair of long brown pants and a red shirt, as well as a black sweater. He then proceeded to cloth Kei. The two of them then went downstairs and Naruto made them a small breakfast, consisting of cereals.

"Nii-chan, where are Kaa-chan and Tou-chan?" Kei asked after eating his cereals.

"Hmm. Kaa-chan and Tou-chan will be back soon. They went to get our new sibling, you're going to be a big brother Kei." Naruto answered while cleaning up the Kitchen.

"Yata!" Kei said excitedly.

"Alright, how about we head over to the Uchiha compound now?"

"Hai. Let's go. Let's go." Kei said excitedly and pulled up his arms. "Piggy back."

"Haha. Alright. Piggy back it is." Naruto said and turned around for Kei to climb on his back. Then the two headed out of the house in direction of the Uchiha district.

While walking through the village, Naruto couldn't help but notice that everything, everyone, was just like usual. "Well it's to be expected. No one knows that there could be an attack of the strongest Tailed beast any moment. But it sure is nerve wracking." Naruto thought looking around.

They arrived at the Uchiha compound at 8:30. Naruto walked up to the guard and greeted them. Since this was not the first time he had come here, the guards let him in. And then, Naruto, together with Kei, headed to the main house, where Itachi and his family lived. Naruto knocked on the door and then waited. It only took a moment for Itachi to come and open the door. First surprise came over his face. But that soon turned into confusion.

"Naruto? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off with your family celebrating or something?" Itachi asked and his glanced at the now squirming Kei on Naruto's back.

Naruto put Kei down, who ran into the house right away and shouted "Sasuke. Here to play!"

Naruto giggled slightly at the sight of his kid brother and then turned his gaze at Itachi. He turned serious right away and made sure to talk only loud enough for his friend to hear. "Yeah, well. Kaa-chan is going to give birth sometime today. So both left in the early morning."

Itachi's eyes widened at that statement. "That's early than expected right? Last time I heard, she wasn't supposed to give birth for another 2 weeks. Is your mom ok?" Itachi asked just as quietly.

"Yeah I know. I was quite surprised too. But what can you do?" He said and shrugged." Biwako-obaa-san has gone with her and Tou-chan. So she'll be alright." He said. Sounding more confident than he actually felt. "Well, and since your parent aren't here either. I thought I'll come over, so that Kei and Sasuke-kun can play a bit. Well that and… I'd probably go crazy sitting alone with Kei all day." He said while glancing north. Somewhere that way were his parents. Maybe already trying to keep the Fox at bay. "Please let it be alright" He thought and furrowed his brows.

Itachi saw this and knew right away what he was thinking. "They'll be fine I'm sure. I guess you took it with you then?" Itachi asked.

Naruto turned his head to Itachi again and gave a small smile. "Yeah of course. Like I'd actually forget it. It's right here." He said and put his hand into his pocket and took out the scroll from earlier.

Itachi just nodded and then invited Naruto in. Naruto thanked him, put the scroll back into his pocket and entered the house.

"Oh and by the way. Happy Birthday, Naruto." Itachi said and patted Naruto's shoulder. Naruto answered with a foxy grin.

With that, the two now 5 year old boys spent the time watching their younger brothers playing with Sasuke's toys. Everything was very peaceful the whole day, and both Naruto and Itachi slowly started to relax. It wasn't until later in the afternoon that they felt it. A presence so great that both Kei and Sasuke started crying right away. A loud growl, echoing through the whole village. And Killing Intent that made both Naruto and Itachi shake in fear. They didn't need to go out of the house to see it. They didn't need to say a word. They just knew.

The Kyuubi had gotten free.


Alright, first chapter. Hope you liked it.

Your PurpleShadow95