Author's note: Well here they are... the final two chapters of this story... I will be doing a small follow up to cover the winter holiday season and birth of the twins! So be on the lookout for if in next few days...

As always thanks to all who read, support and comnent... love ya all! Also a lot of love to my fabulous beta warehouseluver13 for all you do... you are the best!

Disclosure: I own nothing of Arrow or the tear her king moment last week would not have happened! :`(

Oliver snored quietly against her neck as she woke. Felicity could feel the soft puff of his exhale against the skin on her neck as she was pulled from her dream world. She blinked a few times and felt his hand pressed into her belly. A gentle flutter let her know that her little girl was awake along with her. Felicity smiled at the thought that her boys all liked to sleep in a bit. Even Connor was a late bird on weekends. She allowed her hand to trail across the crest of her stomach, seeing her daughter shift just under the skin. She was officially at 29 weeks today. Just a few more weeks and she would be waking up and embracing both of her children into her bosom. She had decided on breastfeeding and was worried that she would not know how to do it but her mother and Lyla assured her that she would stumble a bit but soon she would get the hang of it. She opened her eyes and nuzzled deeper into her pillow only to find she was laying on Oliver's extended arm. She found his left hand out in front of her head and reached out to play with the ring there. A tender smile spread across her face as she remembered slipping that ring on his hand just a few short months before. She thought back to this time last year. It was right around this time of year when Oliver went off to fight Ra's the first time. She had spent weeks digging and searching for him only to have word, through Malcolm, that he had died in that fight. A lie of course but she remembered the sting and pain she felt in that moment. The thought that she would never see his smile again. Feel his touch. Never tell him how she felt for him. She knew he had an idea but saying it aloud and hearing that person say it back was different. She almost lost him several times over the years but that one hurt the most because she finally saw what they could have had if he would just choose her first. Now he had and she was wrapped in his arms, as he wore the ring she had given to him as he vowed a future with her, as their children grew in her belly or slept just down the hall.

As the thoughts settled over her, the ghosts of the past as well as the hopes for the future, she tangled her fingers in his and pulled his hand to her mouth. Placing a soft kiss on the ring that helped remind her each day that he was hers just as she was his and that he had finally chosen her. And always would now.

"Mmm. G'mornin Sweetheart." Oliver hummed as he came into a conscious state.

"Morning Baby. Sleep well?"

"Oh yeah. You?" Oliver nuzzled into the back of her neck, enjoying breathing in the scent of her hair and skin. Soaking in her warmth.

"Well I had to pee a few times and Little Tommy wouldn't go back to sleep after one trip but I finally got him to settle and we all slept well." Felicity answered as she continued to play with his fingers and study his wedding band.

"Good." Oliver watched her fiddle with his ring a bit more before saying, "Penny for your thoughts."

"Just thinking."


"How close we missed out on all of this. We almost didn't get this life." Oliver pulled his arm free from beneath her head and leaned up on his elbow, pulling her so that she rolled onto her back. "I guess with today being Thanksgiving, it has me thinking just what I have to be grateful for. I almost lost you a year ago. I almost missed out on all of this. I never want to take a moment for granted because I almost lost it all."

"I'm just thankful that you were willing to take a chance. You always believe in me. See the best in me. Push me back up or together again when I feel like my entire world has blown up. The thought that you also gave me your heart still amazes me. So I know a lot has happened in this last year; some things we wish had not happened and others that I would never change no matter what I am being offered. But the one I am most grateful for is the fact that you are by my side still. I nearly lost you too. First when I almost died on that mountain then again to my stupid pride and ego. I let you walk away from me too many times and now I will never let that happen. You are mine and I will fight until my dying breath to keep you that way. I love you Felicity. Thank you for choosing me."

"There was never a choice to make. It has always been you." Felicity cooed as her voice broke with emotion. "Since the very first day. I know I yelled and snapped at you. Walked away from you. I was just scared or hurt. All I have ever wanted was for you to see me. Choose me. Now that you have, I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I was made to love you, Oliver."

"And me you, Sweetheart. You're my world. My light. Since the first babble and smile. You didn't know it, hell I didn't know it at that time, but something, deep down in me, knew I would see you again. We were connected. You meant something to me even as I spied on you from the dark corner of my mother's office that night. I just never knew what or how much until years later. Seeing you being wooed and cherished by someone else woke me up. Made me realize that that was my destiny. To cherish and love you until my dying day. Thank you for giving me that chance."

Felicity fought back tears and sobs as she took in Oliver's words. It was all she had ever wanted to hear. Even if she didn't know it.

She watched as he sunk down and pressed a light kiss to her lips then her cheek and chin and jaw, moving down her neck. He sunk lower and moved so he sat just above her belly. "So who is awake right now?" Oliver spoke softly as he placed his hands on either side of her stomach. He felt a soft flutter where their daughter was but nothing from their son. "Guess it's still too early for the night owl here. That's fine. I will enjoy my time with my girls for a bit." Oliver cooed as he pressed a kiss into her stomach as he felt Harper push her foot into the air. "Hello my princess. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and spoil you but just stay in their a bit longer. Can you do that for your old man, sweetie?"

Felicity smiled as she took in the scene. Her loving and devoted husband, her hero, softly talking to their children enclosed safely in her. She let the ghosts of the past go in that moment; knowing they were done with. This was where they were always meant to be.





A soft knock pulled them out of the quiet bubble a few minutes later. "It's probably Connor. Why don't you stay in bed and stay warm and I'll get it." Oliver offers as he slides out of bed, reaching for a t-shirt on a nearby chair. He pulls it over his head and opens the door but finds someone other than he was expecting. "Barry? What's up?" Oliver whispers knowing it is still early and he doesn't want to wake the house quite yet.

"Hey! Sorry to wake you but I needed to talk for a sec."

"Come on in. We're up. Well Felicity, me and Harper. Little Tommy is our night owl and is always the last to wake." Oliver grinned as he pulled the door open wider and welcomed his friend into the room. They turned to find Felicity sitting up in the bed, her shirt pulled back down as the covers bunched on the bed around her. Her hair was a bit messy but she looked heavenly. Oliver and Barry stepped further into the room and towards the bed, Oliver moving back to sit next to his wife, reaching over the hand her her glasses from the nightstand. "So what's up?"

"I just got a call from my dad. He was going camping this weekend for the holiday but the weather got nasty so he is heading to Central City to spend it with me instead. I hate to do this since you guys invited me but this is the first holiday since he got out of prison."

"Barry, we understand. He's your dad and you have lost so much time with him already. You need this just as much as he does. Go. Be with him." Felicity smiled warmly at her friend knowing how much he needs their support right now.

Oliver smiled too but then stated, "Better yet. Bring him here! You guys can spend time together and you can still enjoy the holiday with everyone here."

"I wouldn't want to impose." Barry added skittishly.

Oliver stood up from the bed and crossed to stand next to Barry, placing his hand on the younger man's shoulder. "It's no imposition. It will be our honor to have your father here. Barry, you're family and that makes him family as well. So go get him and come back. Do you need anything?"

"Just my suit I guess."

"Make sure he has extra clothes too. Don't want a repeat of what happened to me. Remember, me standing in my bra only in S.T.A.R. Labs after the last ride along I took with you." Felicity giggled but her words caused a bright blush to form on the speedster's cheeks and a low growl out of her husband.

"Right. Okay. You're sure this is okay?"

"Yeah. We have plenty of space and food. Plus I would like to meet him. He has meant a lot to you and helped shape you into who you are now. It would be great to meet another person from your life that helps you keep such a bright outlook on life."

"What my husband is trying to say is that he would like to get to know your father and see if maybe he could learn not to be so broody too." Felicity teased as she stood up out of the bed and crossed the room to hug her friend. "I would like to know the man who helped shape you and gave you such an amazing idea of loyalty and love. If he is anything like you Barry, he will be a welcomed addition to our crazy mix of a family."

"Thanks Guys. Okay, back in a flash!" And with that Barry burst out of the room.

"Learn not to be so broody?" Oliver groaned as he turned his attention to his wife again, who just sweetly smiled up at him. "I'll show you broody!" Oliver growled as he wiggled his fingers at her, a playful sparkle in his eyes.

"Oliver Jonas Queen, don't you dare!" Felicity snapped but it was too late. Just as she finished, he started to reach out for her sides and began to tickle her. She wiggled loose and ran away from him, towards the bathroom, but he chased after her. Only a step behind her. They reached the bathroom and Felicity heard the door slam shut and the lock click into place behind Oliver's back. "Oliver, we have a house full of guests and a big day today. We need to stop playing around and get ready." Felicity held her hands up trying to block her body from her husband.

"We will. Once I'm done with you. I need to prove to you I am not always broody." were the last words Oliver spoke as he latched onto his wife's lips, his arms wrapping her in his embrace.





"I was looking for you!" Tommy called as he stepped out into the back yard. Oliver had been standing outside for a bit taking in the change of scenery. The fall colors were finally in full show in their gardens and the sun was just enough to warm the skin without being too hot. "Hiding from the terror that is our sister?" Tommy teased. Thea was in full party planning mode and was running around trying to get everything in order for dinner tonight.

"She is a handful but no. I just… needed a minute I guess."


"Yeah. A lot recently."


"Life choices. How so much has happened in these last 8 years. To all of us. Just by one choice I made years ago. A silly simple choice to get on a boat."

Tommy recognized the look on Oliver's face, knowing he was heading down his guilt trip path. "Man, not all of it was on you. Like Lis always says. Our life, our choice. Yes you chose to get on that boat but you didn't know that my crazy father had talked your parents into a plot to destroy half the city years before and that your dad was trying to get out of it. That your mom was threatened and someone put a bomb on the boat and kill your dad in order to stop him. Or that you would survive and end up on that damn island for 5 years. Well almost 5 years."

"Tommy, about Hong Kong." Oliver started. They hadn't talked about Oliver's attack on Tommy and how he actually had saved his life at that time.

"Dude that's in the past. Plus I owe you a thank you anyway so just drop it. Okay?" Oliver nodded and pulled his beer up to his lips to take a long drag from the bottle. "Now I know you feel like you are to blame for all the bad that has happened to all of us in the last few years but you also made some great things happen too. I found out I have an amazing half sister that I share with you. While you were gone, I found out what Laurel and I could be like and I fell in love. You found a stunning woman who is willing to put up with your angsty ass more than anyone could. You have made lifelong friends and allies that would do anything for you at the drop of a hat. You found a family in them that you had been missing all of your life and have welcomed others, like me, into it. Sure you lost your folks but I got to come back and so did Sara. Ollie, you have a blessed life. So stop looking at all the bad only. See the good, the light, that you have around you."

"Actually that's what I was thinking about. Felicity woke me up this morning…"

"Dude I don't need a play by play of what happens in your bed. Well not anymore. Lis is like a sister and that just makes it weird." Tommy shuddered and laughed.

Oliver rolled his eyes and playfully slugged his friend in the shoulder. "No! What I was saying is she was talking about how today is Thanksgiving and how around this time last year she thought she lost me and lost a chance at all this. Our life. Our family. And it got me thinking. What if I didn't get on that boat? My dad would have died but I wouldn't have been through all that I went through on the island. Would I still be the man I am today? Would I have stepped up and run QC? Done a better job than I did the first time? Would Thea have gone through so much pain if I was here? Would we've ever found out about my mom and your dad and the Undertaking? Would my mom still be alive if I never met Slade? But mostly I wonder, would I've met Felicity? She is so much of my life now that I can't imagine a day without her but we started because I needed her help on an Arrow project. So would we've met if I never was the Arrow?"

"First off, stop talking about yourself in third person. Lis is right, it's creepy." Tommy teased. "And secondly, I think you would've. She was working at QC when you met right?" Oliver nodded. "And she said that Walter recruited her straight out of college. Well I know you would have kept Walter on to help you run the company because your mom would have advised you to do just that so Walter would've been there. And he would still hire Lis because who are we kidding, she is the best thing to happen to that company. I think if you hadn't been on the boat and hadn't been turned into the Arrow, you still would've met. Maybe you would need help with a computer thing for the company and called down to IT and they sent her up. And she would burst into one of her epic babbles because… well… she's Lis and you're you. Then she would have charmed her way into your heart and you would have asked her out on the spot."

"You think it would've been that easy?"

"Easy? Hell no! She would've turned you down flat. You forget that you had 5 years away to not be seen as a playboy. She came to QC a year after you left on the Gambit. So she would still see you as that playboy if you hadn't gotten on it. You would have to work to prove to her that you weren't a playboy, doing all kinds of sweet and romantic things to woo her into dating you all while just trying to be her friend. Things I would've teased you terribly about. All the time." Both men laughed at that thought. "But finally you would win her over and you would ask her out for the millionth time and she would finally say yes. You would date and then get married and start a family of your own; just like you are now. You wouldn't have the friends and family you have in there now." Tommy nudged his head back towards the house. "But you would be happy. Because that is what she is for you. Your happiness. Fitting seeing what her name is." Tommy chuckled softly but then sobered up. "I'm serious Ollie. She was destined to be with you, just like you were for her. I was never one to really believe in soulmates or true love but you two are the closest it comes to being the real deal. So embrace it. Stop running and hiding and stressing over it. Enjoy it. You found your other half. Your better half. Now be whole. Together."

Oliver looked at his friend and smiled. "Thanks Tommy. And I want you to do the same."

"Whatcha mean?"

"Well I have noticed that you and Laurel have gotten… cozy here recently. I know you still love her and she you. So embrace it. Go after it. You were never one to be apprehensive in your pursuits of women and Laurel is no different. Speedy told me about the real reason you hosted that charity gala for CNRI the first year I was back. So what happened to that guy?"

"He died. Ollie, things with me and Laurel are just... really… complicated."

"I used to say that a lot. About me and Felicity. Piece of advice from a guy who wasted a lot of time being unhappy; make them simple. You like Laurel?"

Tommy nodded. "I love her. Always have and always will."

"You tell her?" Tommy blushed and bowed his head in embarrassment. "Trust me. She knows. She's just waiting for you to man up and tell her."


"We're women. We always know." Felicity's sweet voice whispers behind them. They turn and she smiles up at both of them. "The game is starting so I said I would come get you guys. Tommy, Oliver's right. We both wasted nearly two years fighting what we felt for each other instead of embracing it and enjoying our lives together. Don't make the same mistake. You never know when your time is up here so wouldn't you want to live each moment to its fullest while you can? I mean you came back from the dead. You almost missed out on all of this life. Do you really want to missed out on it again because you're scared?"


"I know you are. I was too. So was Ollie. It's scary putting yourself out there. Letting someone else have control over your heart and emotions. That's why they say love is a leap. A leap of faith. You give the other person your heart and hope they treat it as they would treat their own. Sometimes it doesn't go so well but then when you find the right person, they help heal your heart. Filling in all the cracks and holes with their love and light and make you whole again. They help your heart soar to heights you never imagined and never want to come down from. So just take the leap and see if you fly or fall. I know that one day you will find the person that will make you whole again, if you haven't already."

Tommy smiled warmly at the small blonde in front of him then at his best friend. "Ollie, you better pray to whatever God or being that gave you her and give them whatever they ask for. She is way too good for you." Tommy wrapped his arms around Felicity and hugged her deeply, feeling the fear in his heart melt away.

"Don't I know it." Oliver mused from beside them. Tommy released her and said a quick goodbye as he went inside to watch the football game before dinner that night. Alone with his wife again, Oliver turned to her and smiled. "Have I told you that I love you today, Mrs. Queen?"

"Not that I recall, Mr. Queen." Felicity giggled as she felt his arms snake around her.

"Then I am not doing my job as your husband well. I love you. I have always loved you and always will. You are what I am thankful for. And always will be." Oliver leaned down and tenderly pressed his lips to hers, the emotions he has felt while standing outside overtaking him and making him feel more for the woman in his arms than he ever thought possible.

They pulled apart shortly after and turned to head into the house. To enjoy an evening with friends and family that they would never want to part with. To embrace the light and love their lives were now filled with.