Okay first things first, I know I haven't updated in such a long time but this year I've just been super distracted and I basically gave up writing but after reading my reviews and thank you for them btw, I have decided to take another shot at picking up writing again.

Rachel singing is in Italics

Santana is bold


So...onward with the story...

Chapter 5: A Really Dumb Idea

"Rachel" I call out to her as soon as I see her walking down the hallway, she quickly turns around and smiles at me.

"Good morning, Santana" She says cheerily as soon as I've caught up with her.

"I know you have a free period right now and I was hoping that I could maybe talk to you about something important that I need your advice on" I was talking fast trying to get the words out but Rachel simply smiles and nods.

"Sure, I know the choir room is empty so lets go in there" and then she is off walking in the direction of the choir room while I'm still standing in the empty hallway, Rachel must've noticed that I wasn't beside her because she turns around and gestures for me to hurry up so I did.

"So... what's the "something important" thing you need my advice on" She smiles and sits one of the chairs and she pats the one beside her so I take a seat.

"Well, when Quinn and I watched Titanic last night something happened..."

"WAIT YOU DIDN'T SLEEP WITH HER DID YOU?" Rachel cuts me off and her eyes have managed to get even bigger.

"No, would you let me finish?"

"Sure, the floor is yours" She smiles.

I huff in annoyance, "last night with Quinn and I watched Titanic I realised that I have feelings for her that aren't friendly"

"So...you like Quinn Fabray?"

"Yes and I want to date her" I look down at the ground, I've never exactly been one for relationships but I know Quinn is so I know I can manage being in a relationship with her because she is absolutely gorgeous..

"Santana...Santana...Santana" Rachel is snapping her fingers in my face.

"Can you not?" I say pushing her hands away.

"I'm sorry but you weren't listening to me and I would appreciate it if you did because you're the one who came to me for advice" Rachel crosses her arms and she's clearly annoyed with me.

"Okay, I'm sorry for not listening to you. Please continue."

"Well, I might have a plan but it's a risky one" Rachel is fiddling with her fingers, what's her plan?

"What's your plan?"

"Well, I have to admit that I like Finn and you like Quinn"

"Ew Finnocence, Rach really?" I scrunch up my face at the thought of Finn Hudson, i really don't like the guy.

"Finn is the perfect leading man for me, so shut up and listen" I'm slightly surprised Rachel told me to shut up but whatever, "I know Finn has feelings for me but he's with Quinn and I've been wanting to find a way to make him jealous and at the same time you can make Quinn Fabray jealous"

"Wait a minute, you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting are you?" I look at her rather skeptically.

"Yes, Santana your thoughts are correct, I think we should fake date each other to make Finn and Quinn jealous so that we can eventually be with them. I know Finn doesn't like you so that should make him rather jealous when he thinks I'm dating you and Quinn doesn't exactly hate me but I know she isn't that fond of me" Rachel smiles at me and I know her smile is pretty forced, she's really trying to sell this idea.

"Rachel, I don't know about this plan" There are so many cons to this plan, "I mean how do you know it'll work?"

"I don't" Rachel furrows her eyebrows, "But this will also be a good acting exercise for me to play a loving and devoting girlfriend" She notices my frown and continues, "BUT I also think this will work, I mean I did see Quinn Fabray get rather flustered during your great performance of Closer"

"This is a really dumb idea but okay"

"Okay? That means you'll do it?" Rachel is literally beaming at me and then she jumps out of her chair and squeals, "YAY, this going to be great, thank you Santana" and she leans down to kiss me on the cheek and skips out of the choir room just as the bell rings.

What have I gotten myself into?


By the time Glee starts, word has already spread about Rachel and I being a couple (Did I mention how dumb this plan is?) I know this school isn't big but news spreads fast around here and pretty much everyone knew by the time lunch started. I haven't seen Quinn all day which is a bummer but I had the pleasure of seeing Finn's face when he blatantly stared at Rachel and I at lunch like someone kicked his puppy. Rachel is now sitting next to me and she's holding my hand and leaning into my shoulder. Quinn and Finn have yet to arrive but Rachel has gotten fully into character. I can hear Kurt and Mercedes behind me gushing about how cute Rachel and I, and I think the amount of times I've rolled my eyes is too much and soon there will only be the whites of my eyes to be seen.

"Show time" Rachel whispers to me, and I look down at her confused until I look up and see an angry Quinn walk into the choir room followed by the jolly green giant who still looks sad and constipated. Quinn doesn't even look at me as she sits down at the front of the room and then Finn sits next to her and tries to put his arm around her but Quinn shrugs him off. I wonder what's happened between those two? I smile happily that Finn is sad, maybe this plan isn't that stupid.

Mr Schue finally walks into the room with his usual happy go lucky smile plastered on his face, "Hey guys, let's talk about love songs" he looks lovestruck and then I look down at Rachel and her smile turns mischievous.

"Mr Schue, Sanatan and I have a song we'd like to perform" Rachel stands up and I instantly whip my head up to look at her.

"You do?" "We do?" Mr Schue and I ask at the same time both looking equally confused for different reason, his being that he probably doesn't listen to gossip at school and me being because what the hell is Rachel talking about.

"Of course Sanny, I always have a song prepared you know that" she giggles and gives me a kiss on the cheek then she leans into my ear and whispers, "Trust me, you'll know the words of this song and Finn and Quinn are going to be so jealous" I just nod.

"Well just hurry up and sing Berry, I have better things to do and see" Quinn quips from the front row. Rachel looks at me and winks and holds my hand as we make our way to the front of the room.

Rachel then nods to the band and Brad the piano guy and the opening chords of the song starts and I instantly know what song Rachel has in mind.

Don't go breaking my heart

I couldn't if I tried

Oh, Honey if I get restless

Baby you're not that kind

Rachel and I are singing and casually dancing around each other and I catch a glimpse of the audience and most of them are bopping along to our singing but only two are sitting there; one is angry and looks hot while doing so and the other has an angry/constipated look on his face.

Don't go breaking my heart

You take the weight off of me

Oh,Honey when you knock on my door

Ooh I gave you my key

I'm embarrassed to say that I know all the words to this cheesy ass love song but whatever.

Ooh Ohh

Nobody knows it

When I was down

I was your clown

Ooh ooh

Nobody knows it

Right from the start

I gave you my heart

Ohhhhhhh Ho

I gave you my heart

Rachel and I have started dancing and twirling each other around but something shifts in her eyes and that mischievous look is back.

Don't go breaking my heart

Rachel looks down to the ground and tucks a piece of her around her ear and gives me the most innocent look she can muster up and I glance to Finn who looks even angrier which makes me smile even more.

I won't go breaking your heart

Don't go breaking my, Don't go breaking my

Don't go breaking my heart

don't go breaking my

Don't go breaking my heart

Oooh Ooooh


Everyone is clapping and I could hear Kurt and Mercedes saying "so cute, so cute" and I turn to look at Rachel and she jumps on me with a bear hug.

"We were so awesome" she beams at me and I have to agree we kinda were.

"Good job guys, that is how you rock a love song. Tomorrow someone else should volunteer to sing a love song. You guys can go home now" Schue says before he picks up his messenger back and hightails it probably back to Miss Pillsbury.

Finn and Quinn are the first to leave after Mr Schue and eventually everyone else leaves, leaving Rachel and I behind.

"Did you see their faces, they were so jealous" I laugh with Rachel because she basically looks like a hyperactive puppy right now.

"Yeah, we killed it" I grin.

"Tomorrow, we have to up our game" Rachel looks at me again with her mischievous look and I'm starting wonder if that's just her face.

"Sure Rach, we can do that. Do you need a ride home?"

"No thank you, I want to stay behind and practice my scales for an hour. My dads will pick me up" Rachel is already pulling out sheet music from her bag.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow"

"Thank you Santana for going along with my plan" She looks at me gratefully.

"I have to admit it might not be a really dumb plan" I shrug and she smiles at me.

And that's the end of that chapter :) Please review if you wish for me to continue because I'm struck with the writing bug at the moment