"Oy, lads! Let's dock here!"
The Brig pulled up to the Port Royal dock of Jamaica. Men clad in red marched off the ship and into town. They took the prisoners with them, keeping an eye on a certain one in the front of the group. The prisoner was barely clothed in decent attire, and his hands were restrained behind him. He appeared to be a mere commoner, judging by his rugged looks, messy blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was stripped of all of his weapons. But these guards knew better. They knew who this man really was. He was the notorious Edward Kenway, a pirate captain of the infamous Jackdaw. This pirate had alone taken down countless Spaniards and plundered several large ships, including Man o' Wars. They didn't stand a chance against him if he had his hands on even a single weapon.
They all made their way to the hanging with their leader just behind them. Governor Laureano Torres was summoned to witness the hanging of two other pirates, though these two were female. Anne Bonny was a fair skinned, red haired Irish beauty several men lusted after. However, they knew better than to get too close to her. Beside her was her pale-skinned, cross-dressing friend Mary Read, formerly known as "James Kidd". She was a different story altogether. Although she wore the appearance of a man well, she couldn't hide her long black hair and feminine features. Both women were being tried for treason, murder, and several other accounts.
The men took their seats and Edward was forced to watch his friends in trial.
"Tell us where the Observatory is, and we will let you go. It's as simple as that." Governor Torres looked over at Edward, trying to persuade him to spill the location details. He wouldn't cave though.
Just before the two of them were going to hang Mary cried out,"We're pregnant!" Everything stopped after that. No one could do anything about this if they were pregnant. "You can't hang a woman with child!" She was right. No one could say anything more about the matter. There was a law. No one dared argue with it.
Once the two women were taken to the prison, the men stood and dragged Edward away, even though he continued to fight them. They went back towards the dock and shoved him into a suspended cage, where he was locked inside of it and left to die. Or tried. Whichever came first.