Disclaimer: I don't own greek mythology.


Hades- Henry Grace

Persephone- Patricia Shade

Poseidon- Dylan Grace

Athena- Adelaide Jackson

Zeus- Zachary Grace

Hera- Hanna Bright

Hestia- Harmony Bright

Hephaestus- Hudson Mae

Aphrodite- Angelica Jackson

Hermes- Harry Hape

Demeter- Dania Bright

Artemis- Alyssa Hunt

Apollo- Aaron Hunt

Dionysus- David Johnson

Ares- Arnold Mae

Leto- Lisa Hunt

Rhea- Raina Grace

A/N: I was trying to make their mortal names and immortal names start with the same letter, but for some reason, the name Peter didn't seem to fit Poseidon. (I couldn't come up with a mortal ship name for them-or maybe I knew someone named Peter who wasn't like that? But anyways, I changed his name to Dylan instead.)

Keep in mind that being put in this situation, the gods are acting more childish under the influence of mortals, soo...

*A week before Halloween*

"Mom!" Poseidon ran down the stairs in the morning. "We need to get Halloween costumes and go trick-or-treating!"

"Sure sweetie," Rhea said, looking at the ingredients for the cereal that Demeter had wanted to get. "Wait, what?"

"We're going trick-or-treating?" Aphrodite squealed. "I have to get the cutest little princess outfit!"

"I never said-" Rhea started.

"CANDY!" Hermes ran down the stairs after hearing Aphrodite.

"Food?" Apollo was on his heels.

"What the Hades are you doing?" Athena walked in from the next room.

"Did someone call me?" Hades popped up from behind the couch. "And Halloween is the perfect time to scare a couple mortals."

"We aren't-"

"PLEASE, Mom?" Poseidon begged, using baby seal eyes. "I'll go as a dolphin." He added.

"We are going out right?" Dionysius asked. "They might have Diet Coke."

"And a lot of snacks." Ares came barreling down the stairs.


"We need to get to school now. That's why we came to Rhea's house, remember?" Athena reminded them, standing at the door.

"Right!" Rhea ran out of the room, dreading the ride to school.

"I want to get my costume at Walmart," Apollo said. "I saw a sun costume."

"I want to get one at a Disney shop!" Aphrodite bounced up and down.

The car was filled with chatter.

"There's cereal, so I'm going." Demeter declared.

"It's a great family opportunity." Hermes was trying to convince Hera.

"I'll go if you stop bothering me." She grumbled.

"Why do you want to go?" Rhea asked.

"I promised a couple people that we'd go trick or treating." Poseidon replied.

"So today we'll be doing a Halloween activity." Mr. Dios started. "I'll hand out these coloring sheets, and you'll color in the pumpkin. When you're done, write a sentence about Halloween underneath. Adelaide, can you hand these out?"

"Sure, Mr. Dios." Athena walked up and grabbed the papers and started dividing them into groups so that she wouldn't have to go near James.

"Chicken," James muttered. Athena just glared harshly at him, causing him to pale.

"This should be easy." She sat back down.

"Aph-Angelica, why is your pumpkin pink?" Artemis frowned.

"Pink is pretty." Aphrodite beamed.

Meanwhile, at the Big Three+Ares table...

"Why is it always about Halloween? Mom still hasn't agreed to get costumes, even if Halloween's a week away." Poseidon whined.

"Maybe because you just asked this morning?" Hades suggested.

"I'll come up with a bloody costume, that'll scare all the punks to death," Ares muttered, grinning maniacally.

"I'll be the most realistic skeleton, and just pop up behind people randomly. It'd be so much more amusing with my powers." Hades said as he colored his pumpkin a deep black color with greenish yellow eyes.

"I want to be a dolphin." Poseidon pouted, crossing his arms.

"What's wrong Dylan?" Mr. Dios walked over to Poseidon who immediately uncrossed his arms and picked up the first color he saw. Which was orange, luckily.

"He's just sad," Hades said, emitting a dark and gloomy aura. "Because mother hasn't agreed to go trick or treating."

"Oh. There are also other ways to celebrate Halloween, you know." Mr. Dios said, looking at Poseidon and trying to not focus on the creepy kindergartener, AKA Hades.

"Really?" Poseidon looked unconvinced.

"Of course! You could hold a party-"

"I did that last year, I think." Poseidon frowned.

"Have a feast with family and friends."

"There's no candy."


"My paper's on fire!" Chloe shouted in alarm.

"What?" Mr. Dios rushed over, just in time to see James walk away with a match. "JAMES! REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" He grabbed a pail of water, doused out the fire, wrote a pink note, put it on a lanyard which he looped around James' neck and took his match and pushed him into the hall at the same time. "Actually, I'll come with you."

"That was weird," Persephone commented.

"The guy's psycho," Athena muttered. "I can not wait until school ends right now."

"That's a first." Poseidon joked.

Just then, a curly haired woman walked into the room. "Mr. Dios is a bit busy right now, so I'll be your sub for-" She checked the clock. "Two hours. Anyways, I'm Ms. Mel. What were you working on this period?"

"A Halloween project!" Hermes blurted out when he saw Athena raising her hand.

"Very nice." Ms. Mel commented. "You may continue working on that while I'll see what was planned for today."

"I want to be a princess for Halloween," Aphrodite said.

"Sure Angelica, sure," Athena said sarcastically.

"This is just plain ridiculous." Artemis sighed once the teacher walked out of hearing distance. "We have to spend our time with the male gods, and some people," Cue glare at Aphrodite. "...are getting too excited."

"Well come on. We're stuck as mortals until we die. At least this way we can live the mortal life without worrying about killing people." Aphrodite retorted.

"That was actually true." Athena agreed. "If we can't blast people, we will learn how to get along, and that might benefit us when we're back to gods."

"I guess this could be kind of fun..." Persephone trailed off. "At least I know I won't accidentally blast anyone."

At the other table, Poseidon was complaining about the activity. "What the heck! I wish we were in a higher grade so that I could do more stuff, like make a sculpture or something."

The brothers leaned back in their chairs, having finished their drawings long ago. Meanwhile, Ares was busy adding "blood" red morsels of crayons to his pumpkin. Zeus was stacking a couple crayons together. "What did you write for the sentence?" He asked.

"I wrote 'Halloween is fun.' What did you write?" Poseidon answered.

"Black is mostly a symbol of death and darkness and says that Halloween once was a festival that marked life and death," Hades said.

"Of course." Zeus rolled his eyes. "Had to be about death."

"Well, what did you write?" Hades challenged.

"We go trick-or-treating on Halloween," Zeus said. "Don't write anything too complicated, else the mortals get suspicious."

"You've been spending too much time with your daughter, you almost sound wise!" Poseidon exclaimed.

"When will lunch start?" Ares sighed, leaning back in his chair.


"Lunch time!" Ms. Mel called.

"...Are you psychic?" Hermes deadpanned.

"Of course not, it was purely coincidental that he said-" Athena was cut off when Aphrodite dragged her away.

Poseidon laughed. "Thank us for that."

Hades just stared at him. "Halloween is fun? Really?"

"I said that five minutes ago, don't comment now if you didn't say anything then!" Poseidon said.

"Let's just go." Zeus walked off to get his lunch bag.

"I still don't get the point of this." Hermes groaned, from his position on the table. "I mean- Oh hi Chris!"

Christopher turned around and smiled. "You seem very happy about school."

"I'm tired," Apollo said randomly. That's weird, I'm tired, even though I usually feel much more awake at this time.

While Hermes, Apollo, and Christopher were speaking, Hestia was trying to calm her sisters down.

"Come on, we can learn things from a mortal life!" She said pleadingly.

"It's only giving Ze-Zachary an easier way to cheat on me," Hera muttered.

"But it also means that you aren't as bound to your title." Hestia pointed out.

"This is ridiculous," Demeter stated. "I mean, I can't even tend to my plants properly.

Hestia sighed. "As the eldest, I command you to shut up and start eating."

"..." Demeter sighed. Her sister was sweet and all, but when you started to complain about unnecessary things, she would put a stop to it. Usually. Sometimes. Actually, make that rarely.

"I mean, he spends all of his time checking people out and looking like a creep." Hera griped.


"And then he'll probably just have a whole lot of affairs and-"

"So HANNA. What did you write?" Hestia gripped the desk, leaning forward to warn her sister about the teacher.

"Hmm?" Hera turned around in time to see Ms. Mel walk up to them and paused. "Black and orange are the colors of Halloween. What about you?"

"I just wrote that there are a lot of pumpkins on Halloween." Demeter shrugged.

"The largest pumpkin weighs 2,032 pounds," Hestia said.

"Do you want to go trick-or-treating?" Demeter asked.

"No," Hera stated plainly.

"I guess?" Hestia said.

"Lunch is over!" Ms. Mel said.

"What now?" Athena whispered sarcastically.

"Wow Theeny, I didn't you had it in you." Hermes laughed.

"Do. Not- Hi Ms. Mel!" Athena cut off, smiling brightly.

"Teacher's pet," Poseidon whispered.

"Brainless idiot," Athena whispered back.

"Smarty pants," Poseidon replied.

"Frog cells."

"So for the rest of the afternoon, we will be working on a worksheet that Mr. Dios left for you." Ms. Mel interrupted their discussion.

"Well this will be fun," Artemis said, rolling her eyes as they walked back to their seats.

"You can start once you have the sheet." Ms. Mel added.

"This is ridiculous," Athena said once they got the sheet. "I mean, identify the amount of objects?"

"This is kindergarten," Persephone said. "I mean at least it isn't too hard."

"The writing was only challenging because none of us knew how to use a tiny child's body. Most of us were born in a 20-year-old form." Athena said.

"Okay that's true, but we should just go along with this," Persephone said. "I mean, what would the mortals do if a kindergartener was suddenly able to speak all the languages and do complicated math?"

"Well..." Artemis started to smile.

"No," Athena said. "I'm pretty sure we shouldn't do anything to the mortals that tips them off about our existence completely, even if this is boring."

"So now what? We just sit around and do nothing for the rest of the class?" Artemis asked, crossing her arms.

"If that's what we're supposed to do, yes," Persephone said.

Meanwhile, Athena counted to ten and then raised her hand.

"Yes," Ms. Mel paused to look at the name tag. "Adelaide?"

"I'm done." She replied.

"Already?" Ms. Mel stared. "That's two people already..." She mumbled. "Alright, you can sit on the carpet and read."

"Alright." Athena got up to get a book, looking for someone else who finished and saw Hades leaning on the desk poking Poseidon. "Of course."

"This is ridiculous," Artemis said, leaning on the desk. "I mean, what are we even going to learn from kindergarten?"

"I have no idea. But, hey! I saw a poster for Karate on the way here. Maybe we should sign up for that?" Persephone suggested.

"Aren't we too young?" Artemis asked gloomily.

"I'm pretty sure there are others who are just as young in those classes." Athena walked by just in time to say that. "I definitely want to try that out."

"Why would you want to do that?" Aphrodite scoffed, checking her nails. "I mean, it's not like we'll need it, Theeny."

"If you haven't noticed, we currently have the form of mortals, so we need to learn various self-defences." Athena snapped.

"I'm going to try to learn it, along with archery." Artemis started to think.


"Class dismissed!"

"Can I sign up for karate lessons?" Was the first thing Athena asked the second she got into the car.

"Why?" Rhea questioned.

"Well, we have mortal forms now, so I thought that we should learn a form of defense," Athena replied.

"Maybe later," Rhea answered.

"So are we going trick-or-treating?" Poseidon asked her.

"I guess so. But you'll have to finish preparing a costume and everything before Halloween starts." Rhea said.

"YAY!" Hermes cheered. "I'm going to be a bandit!"

"I'll be a dolphin," Poseidon added.

"I want to dress as poetry," Apollo said.

"Idiot." Artemis face-palmed.

"You could be a poet. But it would be really difficult to dress as a poem." Athena suggested.

"But how do you even dress as a poet?" Apollo complained.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be the sun earlier?" Rhea sighed.

"Oh yeah! Well, I changed my mind." Apollo said.

"When we planned this, I never thought this would happen," Rhea muttered.

"What?" Athena leaned forward from the back seat.

"Nothing, dear," Rhea replied.

"I thought you just said-" Athena started

"Maybe we could take a look at the lessons once we get home." Rhea cut off.

"Oh, and can the two of us also join karate?" Artemis pointed towards Persephone.

"I suppose that wouldn't hurt." Rhea sighed.

"But grandmother didn't you say that-"

"Oh look, we're home." Rhea smiled and parked their car, effectively cutting off Athena.

"It's finally Halloween!" Hermes chanted while skipping around the house.

"How do I look?" Aphrodite twirled around in front of Ares.

"Great." He said, inspecting his sword.

"Humph." She frowned, then turned to Hephaestus, who was examining his hammer.

"You look fine." He smiled at her.

"Thanks!" She beamed.

"A skeleton. Really?" Poseidon deadpanned.

"How is a dolphin any better? Oh wait, it's not." Hades replied.

"Well, at least I'm not a lightning bolt." Poseidon glanced at Zeus.

"True." Hades agreed.

"Hey! You're just jealous." Zeus said.

"Let's just go already," Poseidon said, glancing outside. "I mean, it's already 6, and we still have school tomorrow."

"You're just worried that the candy will be gone by the time we leave," Hades sighed. "But let's get this over with."

"Alright, we can head out now," Rhea said, after handing Zeus a jacket.

"But mooom," Zeus glared at her, shoving the jacket away.

"Don't blame me if you catch a cold, sweetie." Rhea opened the door and shooed the gods out.

"Let's just get this over with," Hades said, shoving the jacket on Zeus.

Meanwhile, Apollo was busy bothering Artemis, who was rearranging the arrows on her costume.

"Let's have a little competition! The person who gets to collect the most candy by the end of today will have the other as their slave for a day," Apollo grinned at Artemis.

"What?" She paused for a second. "No way."

"Of course, you don't need to accept if you're too scared..." Apollo stretched his smile even further.

"Fine. Deal," Artemis said. "I wonder what I should make you do after I win..."

Apollo gulped at her sadistic look and started to sprint towards the nearest house.

"Where are you going, son?" Leto grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Arty and I are having a competition!" Apollo smiled innocently.

"Idiot, now mother will start to lecture us," Artemis facepalms behind them.

"And this is why you should never make a competition of any sort with your sister." Leto continued on as they were heading home.

"Mmhmm." Apollo nodded, counting the pieces of candy he had collected. "500!"

"600!" Was the distant shout from Artemis.

"...Are you listening?" Leto paused to stare at Apollo's overly dramatic sigh.

"Of course mom!" He straightened immediately.

"Kindergarteners..." Leto just sighed. "You should go to bed now, you still have school tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," Apollo grumbled, overhearing Athena and Artemis.

"So what will you make him do?"

"I'll save the day for another time, so I can get maximum embarrassment. Maybe I'll wait for when he likes someone, and then start playing around with that." Artemis grinned.

"You should probably stop eating candy, you could get cavities you know." Athena lied on her bed. "Besides, we have school tomorrow, so we should sleep now."

"Whatever." Artemis yawned. "It's not like we're doing anything important."

"I told you to wear the jacket!" They both turned, hearing Rhea lecture Zeus downstairs.

"This was actually pretty fun," Aphrodite walked past their room, chatting with Persephone. "I mean, I would have thought the air would mess my hair up now that we're mortal, but nope!"

"There actually were some things that scared me. I would have thought centuries in the Underworld would have changed that, but apparently not." Persephone laughed.

That's it. I know, it's really short, but I kind of had no idea on how to continue in the same chapter. And it's been so long since I've updated. But yeah. I got this out. After working on it since forever. I'm actually supposed to be doing homework now, and this is honestly a terrible idea, but I kind of had to write something after so long. It's just that I got caught in many other fandoms, and then you know, I kind of fell out from writing. I mean, I only wrote this because I was about to write this little kind of one-shot-like fanfiction in another fandom, and then saw someone PM me. So yeah. thanks for reminding me! (Even though I've been stuck in writer's block since forever)

I dunno, I kind of can't do much right now. I mean, these sound like excuses, but I do have homework and stuff to do. Also, I've kind of had writer's block with this fanfiction. (And it's also why I was about to start another fanfiction.) Honestly, don't expect perfectly scheduled updates from me. I will never understand how people can do that. But ideas kind of bounce around too much. And some are spur of the moment ones that are hard to continue, while others are the ones I've thought out for weeks. All the stories I have up were spur of the moment. Which is also why I find it hard to continue them now. But I have this idea for something that I've been ignoring for this one for a while. I mean, since the last time I updated, I couldn't draw or write. Like everything I tried came out terrible. So this is the end result. Maybe I should take a break from PJO fanfiction writing.

On another note, have any of you seen Tower of God? It's a really cool webtoon. And I think I might just put this in a little hiatus and write the fanfiction I was thinking about earlier. There are many PJO or greek mythology fanfictions out there, which means it's hard to be original, but there are few ToG ones, so I think I'll just put out my idea, and then hope my writer's block in PJO is gone by the time I'm done. Because at this pace I'll be dead before finishing this fanfic.

If you read all that, thanks for doing so, and sorry for uploading such a short chapter. Try not to expect any updates until I put out another fanfiction. Because really, I don't have inspiration right now. Or the energy to perfectly balance more than one fanfiction. Oh well. Hope I continue this with a better chapter. (I kinda lost the inspiration to write because of my pessimistic views of life. [Aka, I moved, had too much homework and extracurriculars])

Thanks for understanding!