Here's the first chapter. I hope you like it and please read and review thanks love Moon x

Harry walked into the forest and he knew it was his time to die. He was prepared to die by now if it meant he saved others. He had already lost too many people close to him. Fred, Tonks, Sirius, Remus and his parents to name but a few. As he stood there he waited for Voldermort to turn around. He did and before Harry could even think he was surrounded by a blinding white light. Struggling to understand what was going on he realised he was in Heaven. Sirius had been right he didn't even feel a thing. "So this is Heaven huh!" he mused aloud jumping as there was a thunderous laugh from behind him.

He turned around and saw a man standing behind him looking half way between amused and highly pissed off. "Sir excuse me but who are you and where am I? I hope I didn't disturb you?" he asked the man nervously. "Harry James Potter my name is Nigel R Grimm or as my other name or title goes your personal guardian angel. This is Heaven indeed but the reason why it's empty is because it was never your time to die. Quite frankly I am an organised and controlled man being quite meticulous with how I work and I hate disorder. Dumbledore himself has caused me so much disorder with how much he manipulated and controlled you and your life that it's not even funny any more. Fate is quite pissed off with me as through his manipulating he affected various aspects of your life. I need to ask do you know anything about soul mates or soul bonds?" at this Harry looked shocked.

"I never new fate was a person! Oh wow! As for what you said about Dumbledore I'm quite confused. I know people have soul mates and as far as I know a soul bond means you marry the person involved am I right?" he asked nervously. "Oh yes her name is Evangeline Von Fete. As for Dumbledore we'll get to that in a moment as I'm not surprised you're confused. Now as for the soul bond they are rare indeed and as Evangeline has informed me you should have had one but never did because of Dumbledore's meddling. Speaking of which you were fated to have soul bond with someone special you know. Dumbledore's manipulations saw to it that you never got with her. I can now tell you that this girl is Hermione Jean Granger."

"What? Hermione, oh wow she's so hot! um ok lets focus a moment. But I am highly confused as I feel nothing for her. Why is that? I mean I do believe you I just fail to understand why I feel nothing for her now. In fact the fact that you mentioned her at all is turning my stomach even though I don't want it to" said Harry frowning deeply.

"You can blame Molly Catherine Weasley for that one which I'll get into just now. You'll soon see what happened. Now moving on for a moment as I said beforehand you were never meant to die so I am left with a choice which you must make. I can either return you right now to your own time and you can defeat and be free of Voldermort once and for all or I can send you back to the past with all of your memories up to now plus three special gifts of your own choice. Note these gifts can be anything bar me killing anyone. The choice is do you want to stay in your own timeline or go back to the past?"

"I have a few questions first. I need to know what natural abilities I have if any at all. I also need to know what you meant when you said earlier on that Dumbledore manipulated me and my life? I lastly need to know if you can affect certain choices that someone will make in the future if I ask you to."

"First off I need to address your last question because I need to understand what you are referring to" he said seriously. "In my past Neville Longbottom had a toad he was forever loosing and he had his fathers wand which made him very nervous and without confidence. Should I choose to return to the past I was wondering if you could see to it that he gets an owl and his own wand. I only ask because I care deeply for him and I feel that his lack of his own proper wand made him have absolutely no confidence performing every aspect of magic quite poorly!" stated Harry seriously.

"I had thought you might ask me something much more serious then that but it can easily be done at the drop of a hat should you decide to go back. I will now tell you that you have the ability of natural healing and the control of the element of water. As I mentioned beforehand Dumbledore meddled in your life and prevented you from having these talents amongst other things which pissed Evangeline off royally. He paid the Weasley family using your own money that he stole from the main Potter vaults to make them befriend you and keep you limited in your freedom and your thoughts. The only Weasley's who did not know about the money and actually supported you were Arthur, Fred, George, Bill and Charlie. I am sorry to say Molly, Ronald, and Percy all wanted your money more then anything else all accept for Ginerva who was also promised to you in a marriage contract created by Molly and Albus. She just wanted you to be able to tell everyone else they could never have you as money was not really a concern to her controlling you was. Albus never asked your legal guardians the Dursley's if he could do this and proceeded to anyway in essence making the whole contract null and void and highly illegal."

"There is no reason why Molly Weasley should have had your Vault key as you could have asked someone in Gringotts to keep it safe for you. Albus gave it to her so she could continue to take money from you without your knowledge. It is no coincidence she helped you on to the platform as Dumbledore instructed her to do so in order that you make best friends with her son Ronald. Ronald was instructed to befriend you making you hate everything about Slytherin based from what you learned of the so called evil house from what he told you about it. As we're on the subject of houses Dumbledore made the hat choose to put Hermione and yourself in Gryffindor and Luna in Ravenclaw. None of you should have been in Gryffindor. Contrary to what you believe while Gryffindor really suited you all of you were in fact supposed to go to Ravenclaw house for how smart you are. I know you had to hold back your smartness for Dudley's sake at home but Ronald made you enrol in the more lax shall we say courses with him so you would never achieve much educationally in the magical world either."

"As you'll remember he hated anything about studying and reading and would often choose to play wizards chess his one sole outstanding achievement in life in order to evade learning. He is rather the chess master after all. Furthermore he didn't always pass courses but because he was poisoning you and Hermione in the way he wanted him to Dumbledore often made sure to mark it in the books that he passed every exam. It was a reward for all he'd done plus of course the money he was already getting from your vaults curtsey of Mr Banker Dumbledore. In order to properly explain myself I will need you to accompany me as we view various memories together so you can see what he was really like and understand what I really mean!"

Harry was most shocked but agreed to watch the various memories and make up his mind on the matter later on.

Albus you can't seriously be considering leaving him here I've watched this family and they are the worst sort of muggles I've ever seen. Their son kicked his mother up and down the streets all day long looking for sweets and never stopped having tantrums and hitting her throughout the day without reprimand I might add. Harry will not be safe here among these animals who like to call themselves proper muggles. Surely there must be somewhere, anywhere that he can go?

Minerva I am not surprised to see you here. Alas I fear that as he is now a celebrity in our world for being the only child to have ever survived the killing curse the boy who lived he is most safe here. He would never be safe amongst our people and so it's best if he is away from the dangers of this new celebrity status. I want him to remain normal without all of this fame going to his head and corrupting him or making him become evil. He will be safest here and I have already cast charms on the house preventing anyone from finding him here. He won't receive fan mail either as I've seen to it with a charm that the letters will never reach him. It is just for his safety and the greater good alone that I do this. Let's leave him here with a letter. There we are. Hagrid don't look so sad after all it's not really goodbye is it. We'll see him in ten years.

Albus I really don't feel he is safe here. What kind of man leaves a baby on the doorstep in the middle of November? Please reconsider Albus! And what of his scar? Aren't you going to remove it?

Enough Minerva! His basket has a heat charm on it and he'll be staying here and that's my final decision! As for his scar I'll be leaving it there as it'll be useful to him one day. I have one in the shape of the London underground on my leg from years ago and it's served me well. Let's go now! OBLIVITATE! He had called out removing the whole incident from her mind. This did explain why she always seemed to know nothing.

"You see Harry how Hagrid and Minerva didn't want to leave you there but as usual Dumbledore pushed it too far and they had no apparent choice but to leave you there. You must understand at this point they would have felt they had no choice but to obey him. As well as that he altered their minds removing their memories of that night. He would want them to assume that you had been with a loving family like you had never actually been. It was a bit of a cover your ass thing on his part as he wanted no one to remember how negligent he'd been. Now take my arm and let's move on" said Nigel taking them to Dumbledore's office.

It is as I feared Hagrid. The muggles have started to ignore the letters we've been sending them and have moved away to an island in the middle of the ocean to escape us. I'm Albus fucking Dumbledore, who actually believes they could hide from me and succeed? I will always know where young Harry is a I've been tracking him with my metal spinning puffer statue. It's just for his safety as you understand. You will have no choice but to go and get Harry and bring him to Diagon Alley to get his school things before he must leave on the train. Here is his key for his vault. Don't loose this please and here please pick up the philosopher stone for me as well as I'll be housing it here and away from Voldermort this year. Give Harry his train ticket but don't tell him how to get onto the platform as I've arranged for someone to meet him there who'd love to be the first person to help him on to the train platform. Ensure he gets everything oh and Hagrid have a nice time.

Yes Professor Dumbledore sir I will and you look after yourself now while I'm gone. See you later on.

"You see Harry he even had that arranged as well now we're going to stay here and move on in time a bit as this part you need to see!"

Albus thank you for the cheque or should I say thank you Harry. Me and Arthur were even able to get a new kitchen to my delight. Don't worry I've cursed him to believe it's always looked that way. The children are firmly in their place and know well to not interfere. The older kids suspected something but I've told them I was able to modify a household cleaning charm and that it makes the counter tops look good as new. I have brought Ronald and Ginerva here sir what do you need them to do? I trust you wanted them to do something as you asked me to bring them here with me tonight. They are under a silencing spell and so they can't hear us right now. Don't worry I'll only remove it when you tell me to sir. And please don't worry if they seem shy or afraid as they WILL do what ever it is you ask of them and I WILL personally see to it that they do.

Molly that is great news. Harry's money was only wasting away in his vaults especially those he doesn't know about. I mean he would only waste it on himself buying stupid and expensive trinkets when he could be and will be supporting in raising an entire family. The extra money will help and this way he is giving back to the greater good as that is my main concern you are aware. Now I need you to go to the train station on the morning school starts and shout out very loudly about watching out for the muggles in the area and that platform nine and three quarters is ahead. I've asked Hagrid to tell him nothing about it stating that he will have someone waiting for him who'd love the honour for themselves. This way I can insure he becomes best friends with Ronald and that Ginerva's future can be secure. Don't worry your family will get all of his money when he marries Ginerva and you'll be rich Molly!" At this the woman squealed in joy her eyes lighting up greedily.

Now Molly you may remove your children from the charm as they've waited long enough. Good now Ronald and Ginerva welcome to our conversation. I need you Ginerva to know that there is a marriage contract between yourself and young Harry Potter but because he lives now with muggles he will not understand it. He may even try to resist it but he is not allowed to do so and so I am giving Ronald here love potions to feed him in your absence. You will be able to do it when you come here next year and from then onwards. He needs to be forced into this even if he doesn't want it. He may well try to go for another student a Hermione Jean Granger and this is where Ronald comes in. I have placed your name on a contract to marry her. I will charm her parents to agree or else. She will have no choice either in this matter as she must be forced to submit to you. She is a muggleborn with no money in our world but I have foreseen in a dream I had that she and mister Potter would try to love each other which although a dream I cannot allow.

Now shut up and be happy to get an easy and cheap wife who will with a few potions do whatever you tell her to happily. Here is five thousand galleons each from Harry's own account to spend solely on yourselves. Consider it a payment for the future tasks you will be completing. Ronald you must become his best friend no matter what and he must be made to believe all Slytherins are evil people so he will not be in that house. You will continue to get his money without his knowledge because it's for his own safety. Buy yourselves something pretty. You may go now. Molly do you agree to do as I have previously asked?

Yes Albus I see the benefit to my family and trust me the worm won't escape. I will be richer then Malfoy and I will have that money! Don't worry about Arthur and my oldest children as I've charmed them to ignore all we do. I'll be sure to guide him. See you later on.

"As you can see he planned it all. We up here that is Evangeline, Morton and I decided to send him that dream hoping that by doing so he would realise how serious it would be to tamper with you and leave you alone but alas he did not. In fact I must apologise as this only seemed to spur him on further which is not what any of us wanted. I mentioned Morton who is death. He deals in death all the time and it is him who has informed us you were not to die. As I have my conditions so too has he and you'll meet him and Eva later on. We don't need to see any more but there is one final thing you must see."

Ronald Weasley! What is the meaning of this? Why has Harry started to have feelings for Miss Hermione Granger? If you do not rectify it I will immediately and you can kiss all that money goodbye! You screw this up Weasley and Harry will soon be thinking on his own which I can't have. He's currently dim for some reason better known to himself. Ensure he stays ignorant of the truth or else my position as chief warlock of the Wizengamot will be of great interest to you.

Sorry Dumbledore sir I'll try harder I swear please don't take away my money or anything! I'll do anything you say! I'll even make Harry more stupid then he is now! He's a selfish git with all that money and not once does he ever even buy himself anything with it. He'd rather have the money stashed in his vaults where no one can get it but we will get it. We'll get it all and then when we've sucked him dry of all his funds he can be simply poisoned and let out at a later time.

Mr Weasley! Harry Potter must remain alive so he can die at the right time I've told you this before. You know it's because of Tom Riddles horcruxes and you already know of the prophecy. I'll be telling him the prophecy next year and all about the horcruxes the year after that or maybe at the same time I've not decided yet. Have you told him or anyone you're a parselmouth yet? If you haven't then don't as I don't want him to know you entered the chamber of secrets and rendered the basilisk corpse for parts or money. I've tallied up we raised more then ten million galleons. The school will be vastly improved because of it. As you helped me out you can have two hundred thousand galleons for yourself. The rest is going to me I mean uh my school. You may go!

By now Harry was fuming and could barely think straight. "As I essentially caused him to think of going after Hermione with that dream we sent him I have decided to add in a sweetener to the deal I offered earlier. I will now give you four requests about yourself plus two other persons whom these will apply to and I will be keeping all Horcruxes with me including that inside your scar so Morton can have them. He is often telling me how angry he is that Tom Riddle keeps cheating him. No more. He will be mortal from now on it's the least we can do to rectify the situation. The monitor that Dumbledore has in his office tracking the horcruxes will tell him that an unknown large surge of magic killed all of them which were connected including the one in your scar. I want to see what he will do then. If you return you will be doing so without the horcruxes. What is your decision as after this you must meet Eva and then Morton?" asked Nigel calmly.

"I have decided to go back to the past. My first request is to have a perfect body for my age. This includes perfect hair, teeth, eyesight, muscles etc. I want it to appear to everyone as though I've never needed glasses and that I've always looked so healthy. For my second request I want the trace removed from me permanently so I can perform magic whenever or wherever I am without there ever being any consequences and so that no one can ever try to apply the trace on me ever again with or without my knowledge. For my third request I want protection from all spells that are not practised in the classroom obviously asides from death. This means people in class could use any spells on me but once outside the classroom the only spell that will work on me is the death curse."

"My fourth and final request is to have perfect wandless magic and occlumency abilities which can be beaten by no one and I'd like the Gringotts key Hagrid has to be a fake as well. I'd also like to extend these to Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood as my friends. I was also wondering if it's possible to key in a compulsion charm to keep people away from you or to stop doing certain things. Is there anything else you need?" he asked Nigel.

"Ok I have some things to tell you before you leave. To answer your question yes you can do both of those things with a compulsion charm. I have decided to leave your now broken wand here with me. When you go back to the past you will be able to get your new different wand at Ollivanders as normal although it won't have the trace on it nor will Hermione's or Luna's. Your new wand will have a dragon heartstring core and will be ebony. As you requested beforehand Neville will now get his own wand and owl. Now remove your glasses and both you, Luna and Hermione will have perfect vision and bodies but be aware as when you next see them you will all look quite different I imagine. You will all have access to and total control of your accounts in Gringotts now because of your earlier request about Hagrid having a fake vault key. Hermione's family had two ancestral accounts in the bank with 900 billion galleons in it. The only reason there is so much money there is because no one has touched it in century's so the interest has just been piling onto it. She will have a family ring and cloak but she will still be muggle born despite being the lady of a noble and ancient home. The only person who will ever be able to access your vaults is you unless you tell the bank you want someone else to be able to access it as well. I should tell you now that the girls Luna included will be coming back from the past and remembering everything that has happened as well. I am afraid they died and Morton will be able to tell you how."

"They have seen all that I have shown you plus some things of their own with their own guardian angels. No spells or potions can affect any of you and none of you has the trace nor ever will have it no matter who tries to pin it on you. All of you have now got immaculate wandless abilities and occlumency. I have decided to give all of you the perfect body. Your height will grow naturally as it should and so no one will notice the different or shall I say slightly more defined looking body as I have charmed you all to go unnoticed by anyone in this way. This also means that you will be able to do more mature spells and have more mature conversations without anyone ever paying it any attention. Off you go now Harry as Eva is waiting!" said Nigel before Harry was blinded by a light shortly.

Opening his eyes once again once again he was sitting in a throne like chair looking at the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "Wow you're so extremely beautiful. Are you Evangeline or should I call you madam fate? I'm sorry I'm just not sure how to address someone of such extreme importance" he stuttered in awe.

"Yes Harry James Potter I am Evangeline and you may simply refer to me as Eva. Thank you for being so polite however as not everyone I meet is. I assume Nigel told you everything however I have more to add to what he has said. As result of Dumbledore's meddling and as a way of apologising myself I will now allow you to change any two things you like about a random set of people I give you. The only reason I can allow you to do this is because Dumbledore manipulated your life so much. Had he not done so you wouldn't get this opportunity. The best thing is I have to do whatever you tell me so have a field day. I feel it is only fair to do this. Ok I have made my mind up and you can change any two things you like about the lives of following people: The Dursleys, Dolores Umbridge, Luna Lovegood, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Rita Skeeter and finally Yaxley" said Eva smiling brightly at his look of sudden enthusiasm.

"Ok I want the Dursleys to be well off financially with a four bedroomed house with each bedroom containing a walk in closet and an en suite with me having one of those rooms. The second thing I want is for there to be a compulsion charm on me which makes them give me anything I ask them for without question and so that they get physically ill every time they think of doing anything horrible to me. Rita Skeeter is to be trapped in a mason jar for a week each time she thinks of publishing something untruthful about me and or my friends. She is to have enough money to be content so she does not feel the compulsion to do the wrong thing so much. Luna Lovegood is to be in my year at school with extreme confidence and nothing inhibiting her magical core like I suspect she's had in the past. Anyone who bullies Luna is to break out in puss filled boils which don't go away until they apologise to her. Peter Pettigrew is to end up in the Ministry Atrium every time he tries to aparate or floo anywhere. He is to become unable to stop spouting the truth about what he did when he gets there" Harry said before thinking some more and continuing.

"Hmm now for Severus Snape I'd like him to not harbour any bad feelings towards me because of how awfully my dad treated him at school. Secondly I'd like him to be in sheer agony for just five minutes publicly so that when the pain wears off he's no longer a death eater for some strange reason and can not explain why either. Having said that I'd like Voldermort to have sent him a howler stating that as Snape is too good and weak as he could never really seriously harm anyone that he's letting him go from the death eater core and that he's to stay away from him forever because his good and kind nature disgusts him so much" here Harry paused to think about it some more.

"Hmm I'd like Dolores Umbridge to be severely slapped every time she thinks of harming anyone she believes to be below her and I'd like her to use her own blood for all blood quills she tries to use to harm anyone else so she is permanently scarred and not them. Yaxley is to be fired from the Ministry believing that he hates the ministry and wants nothing to do with it or the Wizengamot. He should believe they feel the same way about him. Next I want him to leave a vault with three quarters exactly of his own funds in the bank for Frederick and George Weasley under the name of Gideon Prewett with the instructions that it is to solely be used to open a joke shop and create joke items. I want it to appear as though Gideon Prewett has left the boys this money for only the boys and so that Molly Weasley cannot get her hands on it. I want Yaxley however to have no memory of ever doing this as well as the goblins so it will seem genuine. It is to be dated just before Gideon Prewett passed away. Just out of curiosity how much money has he in total Yaxley I mean?" he asked her smiling.

"Yaxley has 1,000 billion galleons and so if he gives three quarters of that to the Weasley twins it will be seven hundred and fifty billion galleons they receive. All of what you ask has been done and I am amazed you have not asked for anything too major. I have changed things however with the Dursleys. They will feel and be sick each time they try to do anything bad to you but it will not be limited to just vomiting and also they will now want to give you everything you ask for. To help you further I've had Dobby fired from the Malfoy family and so he is currently free for you to bond with as you were always meant to. Don't worry about Hermione understanding about it all as we've explained to her all about house elves and so she finally gets it. Do you have any questions for me before you go on to Mort?" she asked him seriously.

"Yes Nigel mentioned my soul bond? Is that still going to happen? He told me no one will notice our appearances changing slightly either and said we can talk about things that have been openly without anyone understanding or noticing us do it. My question is how do we go about setting and finalising the bond? Do you know what I will need to do as I have no clue about women?" he asked her now suddenly very nervous.

"Yes I do. The bond will occur and be sealed with true loves kiss. Once completed I can tell you that you will feel all that she does and vice versa as well as being able to communicate telepathically with her. You will be receiving your own personal suite at school which Dumbledore will have no choice but to grant you. Please note also that because of the powerful and rare status of the bond ancient magic will be released to make her parents friends and family ok about the bond. Essentially they will have no problem with it and will just accept that she is your wife. Please when you arrive check it out for listening devices and such and this includes all of your stuff. I am only being so blunt as you are a man and will need to hear it bluntly from me in order to fully understand what I mean."

"Also women like romantic gestures every now again. We don't just like flowers and chocolates but we like also things such as reading by wandlight, watching the stars together and slow dancing etc. We love little touches, kisses and cuddles each day at random intervals to show us you still care and find us attractive to you at all times. Also when we get our cycles or times of the month we can be cranky and very angry indeed lashing out at everyone. Please understand we do not mean anything we say and that we just want your help and not for you to understand why we are like that. Things like hot water bottles, chocolates or hot chocolate, having our tummies massaged and receiving lots of cuddles and kisses during this time can really help us. Don't be alarmed if we suddenly lash out in anger or cry for no reason at this time as it is a fact of life that these things happen. I'm only telling you this to help you out in understanding women better as you should do. Try as he might Ronald Weasley's future is secure and he will be earning a normal wage and marrying Lavender Eleanor Brown. Ginerva Weasley will be marrying Cormac John McLaggan. Now off you go Mort is waiting for you" said Evangeline hugging him deeply.

He saw bright lights once again and was now in the office of Morton. "Harry James Potter it's a pleasure to meet you. Let's get down to business. I'm a serious man and have instructed Nigel to tell you that no longer will Tom Riddle the half blood scum be able to evade me. I have all of his horcruxes here and I'm currently enjoying toying with them all. Now I must inform you that the only reason Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood can go back with their memories intact is because in the last war they died. Luna was killed from behind by Lucius Malfoy who was aiming carelessly. He however didn't care once he realised who it was which in my book makes him truly evil as although he wasn't aiming for her, her death meant nothing to him any way. As he directly affected a dear friend of yours you can also change two things about his life. However you can only do this because he killed one of your most special friends otherwise you would never be able to do so. We'll start with him first and then move on!"

Harry was shocked but smiled as he thought of how he'd make him suffer greatly. "Do you recall what I asked Eva to do to Yaxley's funds?" he asked Mort who nodded in the affirmative. "He is to be left with one third of his funds and he is to leave 350 billion galleons in two separate vaults for Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood and no one even him is to remember him doing this. An old person of the Granger line is to have left it for Hermione and an old part of the Lovegood line is to have left the money for Luna. Also should he ever try to harm a house elf and muggleborn or muggle raised wizard he is to feel the affects of the crutiatus curse immediately" said Harry smirking brightly. "That has been done and may I say what great punishments these are for scum like him. Next is Hermione Granger. She died when Ronald Weasley destroyed the cup in the chamber of secrets and he stabbed her with the basilisk fang killing both her and the cup. He left her to rot and die there and so you can choose just one thing to change about him considering he's a minor.

Hmm just one thing thought Harry happily. "He is to constantly berate Professor's Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout. He is to achieve and behave exceptionally well in all of his other classes surpassing even Percy" said Harry giggling slightly. "Ok Harry it's done. As for Dumbledore he may manipulate other things but he is not allowed to manipulate death. He wasn't due to die until six years after he did and so he will be staying alive until such time as I am ready to claim him and not when he says so. You can alter one thing about him after all he's done to you it's only fair" said Mort smiling slightly. "Yes ok every time Dumbledore tries to use legillimency on me he is to be physically thrown backwards or hurt in some way with no knowledge as to why it is happening to him" Harry responded making Mort chuckle. "I wish you well now good bye dear one!" said Mort hugging him and then he was once again surrounded by a blinding light.

"Up! Boy! Get up now and make our damn breakfast!" he heard Petunia shouting and rattling against his cupboard door before running to the sink and vomiting violently. He certainly didn't miss this but now he could use magic albeit wandlessly he formulated a quick plan. He came out of the cupboard and went into the kitchen. He told everyone he was taking the largest room in the house and that no one was to complain about it. With everything he'd asked for no one put up a fuss. Focusing on Vernon he used a strong irreversible and untraceable compulsion charm that every week he'd pay Harry one hundred pounds in compensation money for how badly he'd treated him beforehand and would never request it back. Using another untraceable compulsion charm on Dudley he made Dudley extremely studious. Using a final Untraceable charm on all of them he made them feel utterly compelled to clear out all of the what he considered to be junk in the house and give him the proceeds of what they make on selling it.

He left the house then and headed to the leaky cauldron on the nightbus. He got out put on a cloak over his head to hide his face and exited through the bar tapping on the walls of the archway leading to Diagon Alley. He headed straight for the bank and entered it.

"Good morning sir and pardon me please but I'd very much like to speak to the manager of my accounts if you wouldn't mind thank you so very much!" Harry said politely to Griphook who looked extremely shocked. "Mr Potter sir it is an honour to have you here although I expected you earlier but not to worry we can go now. I am Griphook the head of your accounts. Have you got your key?" asked Griphook. "Yes sir here it is. I'd like to have a way to get money both here and in the muggle world without needing to come in here each time or without it raising any suspicions. Sir I'm quite worried for my safety as I get the feeling someone is about to rob from my accounts or something. I'm not sure I can explain why it's just a feeling I have and probably a silly one at that. Please ignore me and let's continue!" said Harry nervously.

"Mr Potter one never knows why a wizard gets such feelings but unfortunately I cannot ignore what you have just said as it may prove to be correct. If however it is not and has just been a waste of time then it's alright as we'll know nothing was wrong in the first instance. Besides which it'll ease my mind to check it out for you. I'll just check now. Well this is very interesting. You were right to feel like this Harry although no one is going to be stealing from you as they already did. Albus Dumbledore has taken various amounts of money from your account along with Mrs Molly Weasley and her two youngest children. The key they have has only now just registered as a fake one. We just upgraded our magical security here to determine if keys were fake or not and yours has popped up on the fake key list. The one you gave to me however is very much real. What would you like me to do about it?" he asked seriously as he growled in rage.

"I'd like it to appear to them as though they've totally cleared out my account. I want them to sweat for a while! Please also give me two debit cards for my friends as they will have access to my funds. Note that because I say this I mean it" said Harry calmly. "Here are your debit cards you can use in our world and the muggle world. Your account access code is 5421 which is to be used only in the muggle world. Here in the magical world it will only work for you, your bond mate and your friend as it will recognise their blood and no code is needed. Now I need you to please sign these papers making you the head of Potter house and please wear your ring as it emancipates you. Is there anything else I can do for you?" asked Griphook happily.

"Yes please bring Luna Marie Lovegood and Hermione Jean Granger into the Bank now. I want to start off the bond immediately before we go to school. I'd just feel safer that way. Do you know how one finalises a bond?" he asked Griphook blushing just for curious purposes to see what the goblin might tell him to do. "Mr Potter they are on their way here now. To start the bond one kisses his bonded and that in itself will finalise the bond also. Well here they are and now I take my leave of you!" said Griphook before bowing and leaving. As they entered the room he smiled at them brightly He entered back into the room where both girls were waiting for him.

"I know that you know everything as Nigel my angel so to speak told me that you will do. I have summoned you here today for one of two reasons. The first thing is to say you both have access to any and all of my vaults as I wanted to help out my friends as much as I can. Here are your access cards to use whenever you feel like it which also work in the muggle world with the code of 5421. You should note that I have so much money that you could never possibly spend it all or too much for that matter. The second is to start and work on the bond. We may be young but I've spoken to Griphook about it and he says we just need to kiss. I am doing this also for our safety" he said seriously as both girls teared up and lunged at him grabbing him and holding him closely. "Harry oh Harry we will of course be doing as you say but for now we need to check out our accounts here and once done we need to get some lunch and shop for our school supplies together" said Luna smiling.

They all went to check out the girls accounts who were shocked to learn of the two new accounts for Hermione and one new account for Luna. Harry was delighted as Hermione made the bond stronger by having him granted access to her accounts as he had done for her previously. They both got debit cards that worked in the same way his did for her accounts as well. As they were all sharing Luna had them added to her sudden account and they each had three debit cards on them which had anti summoning and stealing charms on them so no one could use them only themselves. Not to mention they were reinforced with blood security wards.

"Ok Hermione you need to know that if a house elf is not bonded to you without your magic keeping them here they become highly depressed and die. I don't want anyone to die so excuse me one moment please and I already know your angel explained all about it to you. Dobby!" he called out shocked when the elf popped in looking like he might faint. "Harry Potter calls for Dobby oh wow! How does Harry Potter know of Dobby?" asked the curious elf. "I heard of you from my mother and she told me as a baby before she died that Dobby was one of the best house elves in the world. I only remember her saying it because the name was cute. I have called you here ask if you wish to be bonded with me? I know you elves will die without magic sustaining you! And to be honest I would be extremely honoured to have the worlds best house elf personally serve me even if I did have rules about how he operated" he said. Hermione was about to scream about the injustice of it but stopped short at Dobby's answer in awe as she also remembered she'd been told all about it but had forgotten momentarily.

"Master Harry Potter sir you are most correct. If we elves is not having a master or family we do die or perish with depression. I knew your mother the house girl at school along with your father the house boy. They were wonderful people. I Dobby do hereby bind myself to Harry and his family and shall serve him for now and ever more!" said Dobby as a golden light surrounded them all momentarily. It would seem Luna had been included in his statement about a family unit being what Dobby worked for which Harry didn't mind at all. This meant that Luna or Hermione could call on Dobby for assistance at any time.

"Ok Dobby here are my rules. You need to choose a uniform for yourself and allow me to charm it so it always stays clean and together. Next you are never allowed to break my heart by punishing yourself as I would hate that and it would make me so extremely sad. You must except eight galleons per month or two galleons per week ok? I need you to go to the headmasters office at Hogwarts unnoticed and find his metal spinning puffer statue. Once you are there key in all charms on it away from me and onto Professor Snape. Don't let him see you do it and come back immediately when you are done. In fact while there check all of his trinkets quickly and put them on all of them. Also key in a compulsion making him honest to Harry Potter into his desk and cloaks." "Dobby will do it and will not be seen!" said the elf popping away. They were however shocked as he returned not ten minutes later. "It is done master Harry sir! What else do you need to do?"

"Dobby you are to speak here to Griphook and ask him what if any properties I have and choose one we can live in and renovate it as I'll be spending time there when I can get away from my relatives next year and of course during the Christmas holidays!" said Harry. "Wow Harry sir yes I will do it all!" said Dobby as his tea towel became a teal pillowcase in the form of a tunic. They donned their disguises which they'd been given to shop in peace and went to the nearest shop the trunk store. Harry was first to be approached much to his own annoyance. He knew however that it couldn't be helped as the man was usually the first to be approached even with his disguise. "Sir how may I help you today? Would you like the standard Hogwarts trunk that most people get?" he asked him. Harry thinking he'd be incredibly smart said "Please tell me what trunk Harry Potter bought and don't insult my intelligence by saying he didn't as I know he's starting school with me this year!" he said. The trunk specialist smiled at this. "Yes of course I know that. He bought this standard two compartment trunk with his initials in gold in the sides and cover. Would you like one as well?" he asked the young boy who was deep in concentration. "Well tell me more about it. What kind of security does it have?" he asked the shocked shopkeeper. "It has none. I mean for Hogwarts I can't imagine you would need one!" he said in awe.

"Sir I'm a very serious man and I'm very conscious about my stuff being riffled through or stolen and I don't want that. I'll have a black trunk with a gold inlay please. It is to have the standard compartments for clothing, school accessories and books, a library complete with a directory telling me of every single book I have, a living room compartment, a toilet compartment and finally a kitchen compartment. It is to come with a small bedroom complete with a single bed for a toddler and furniture to match. I want it to have every security measure it can have including harming anyone who should try to look at it. The kitchen section is to have a self replenishing potions kit and refrigerator also. I don't care what it costs to do this either as money is of no objective to me. Now these young girls are here with me so once they specify what they want I'll pay for all them!" he said as the man looked delirious with joy.

"What colour should it be sir and what initials?" he asked the young man. "Ok it should be black and gold with the initials H and P. Thank you!" he said shocked that the man didn't even notice the initial similarities with Harry Potter. Well actually he did but as this clearly wasn't Harry Potter there would be no point in saying anything about it. Hermione then approached the counter. "Sir I'd like everything my friend has asked for but instead of the living room I want a potions lab and I want a study. The bedroom is to be the same as is the kitchen with the same security measures. Also I want it to have an undetectable extension charm in each room. It is to remain weightless no matter what I put in it. Also as my friend forgot to mention all trunks are to come equipped with a gym and a working floo with a self replenishing floo powder stock. The password for my trunk floo is to be the book nook which only the three of us present may enter. However I want to be able to add people into it myself later on if it is my choice to do so. I hope you understand what I want?" she asked the man who looked shocked.

"I think I do ma'am. You want the same trunk as this young man here except you want me to add extra rooms to yours and a floo and gym to his and yours. The password is set and you can allow people to enter by saying I and your name give their name permission to visit me here so mote it be. What colour do you want?" he asked her as she smiled. "Yes that's right. I'd like teal and silver please with initials of H and P as well" she responded. Luna asked for everything they had on theirs and requested that her trunk be red in colour with silver and blue in it. "Ok people the trunks are ready now I will need each of you to prick your fingers and dab your blood on the locks and keys meaning that only you may enter or have access to your trunk and only someone who is with you when you open it may enter it there." Everyone jabbed their fingers and rubbed them on the keys and locks to seal them shut with blood magic. "That will be twelve thousand galleons as you have received the most updated and secure trunks ever!" he said as Harry handed him the debit card which he tapped with his wand it glowing blue before settling down again to show he'd paid.

The next shop they entered was Twillfitt and Tattings. Here Luna said she'd pay for them all to get brand new wardrobes stating her dad wouldn't care if she did or not. "Yes dears how can I help you?" asked Eileen the owner. "Well we;d all like to buy new wardrobes as a treat to ourselves and we want them to be of the highest quality hence us being here. I'll go first if you don't mind. I need ten pairs of various types of jeans, corduroys, Chinos and smart pants. I need shirts and blazers to match as well as cloaks. Ten of each of these as well. I need them to be in every colour bar yellow, pink, brown and peach. Will you be able to do that for me? Also if you can I'd ask that you make them fire retardant and spell retardant for the minor spells such as the stinging hex or disarming spell you know what I mean!" he said politely.

"Yes dear that will be fine with me. I can see you are Hogwarts first years by your book list so I'll do you a uniform or two as well ok? Also you haven't mentioned it but these will not be cheap and so I'll be adding in charms to make them never get dirty or old and to grow up with you as you do in terms of your height and so on. I'll also provide you with various packs of socks and underwear as most people forget to ask for those when they need them. Are you in need of shoes?" she asked him ass he looked at her impressed for thinking of all he hadn't. "Yes I do actually. I need three pairs of trainers, boat shoes, brogues, school shoes, boots and fancy shoes. Thank you so much ma'am. My friend here will be paying at the end for all of our things."

"I will take ten minutes to get it all ready and then we'll sort you two young ladies out. Thank you so much sir for using manors as not many people remember to these days" she replied smiling. Ten minutes later and all of his bags were ready and shrunk into one plastic bag he could easily carry with it being weightless. They had arranged with the trunk owner to leave their trunks with him and fill them throughout the day as they shopped and then take it away at the end of the day. He had agreed as he'd made such an amazing sale that day it would set him up for at least three months. Hermione was next to say what she wanted.

"Hello ma'am. I'd like ten pairs of jeans, cords, jeggings, sports pants and leggings. I will also require ten T-shirts, long sleeved tops, hoodies and jumpers. I require ten dresses and skirts that go to my knee, my calve and the floor length. For my shoes I require three pairs of ballet flats, wedges, trainers, school shoes, boots both high, wedged and flat, some sling backed shoes and lastly some court shoes. I also require the uniform and same charms as my friend here has. I want every colour bar yellow, brown and peach. Thank you ma'am" she said smiling brightly at Eileen who was indeed very excited.

"Please wait here sweetheart and I will be done in ten minutes. Now you young lady please tell me what you want and I can write it down so I can just make it up after her things!" she instructed Luna. "I actually just want everything she does only I want converse shoes and some lacy and normal lingerie and socks etc. as both of them forgot to ask for them I'm asking now. Please provide us all with twenty pairs of each. Thank you ma'am" said Luna politely. The quill in the corner took everything down as she got to work. Twenty minutes later she was done. "I told you all it would be pricey to get the best so that comes to a total of forty five thousand galleons" she said as Luna gave her, her card and she used it to pay for the things.

They left next going to Flourish and Blotts where Hermione had agreed to use her money next to pay for the books and then they'd all get their own wands, pets, accessories and satchels. They entered the book store getting all of their books plus some extra ones they felt might be necessary. They then got the various inks, quills and some self inking quills as well. They then picked up some packs of two hundred sheets of parchments ready to be used and some parchment books for keeping class notes in. the total came to thirty thousand galleons which no one minded. They went to the next door pet store and all browsed the animals. Luna picked up a black owl she had feeling for and bought some luxury owl bedding and treats for it. "Have you decided to name her as we need to write it on her certificate of authentication ma'am?" asked the sales lady happily. "Yes here's my card. I'm going to name her Enzo" she said affectionately rubbing the owl making it coo in delight.

Hermione saw Crookshanks and felt like going for her again but refrained as she wanted things to be different this time. She picked out a gorgeous grey eagle owl . "I'm buying this owl here please give me all of her accessories and treats. I'm calling her midnight" said Hermione paying for her owl and waiting for Harry to choose his. He eventually chose a snow white owl who wasn't Hedwig and paid for him. He named him Salem. Next they all went into the potions supply shop and bought all of their ingredients plus some other different ingredients all in self replenishing containers. The last things they got were their brass scales and astronomy things. Luna headed home to prepare for school which would be starting in two days time. Harry and Hermione went down a side alley kissing passionately as they both glowed golden in shade before two elaborate wedding rings appeared on their left hands. They held hands before Hermione flooed home with him to tell her parents the news who accepted it telling her that she should go to his home with him and be with her husband. She had known this would happen but found it strange.

"What about the Dursley's will they mind me calling by?" she asked him suddenly. "Yes they'll mind very much so however I have the largest room in the house and if they try anything they will be violently sick. Something my friend Nigel in Heaven gave me as a gift. I was able to change two things about the lives of a list of random people he gave me. I'll show you the memory of what I did at home come on!" he said taking her hand and silently aparating them to the front door which he opened bringing her with him. "What are you doing back here freak? Aren't you meant to be going to that school and whose the girl? Another freak no less!" snapped Vernon. "Actually Vernon that's my wife and you're the freak. Remember I have the largest room in the house and if you're not careful you'll see why I'm a freak. Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. It's not rocket science uncle now do grow up please as it's very unbecoming of you!" Harry said. Vernon got up to charge at him but had to run to the sink as he was violently sick and wasn't able to stop vomiting or leave the sink until his anger towards Harry was gone.

Harry and Hermione went upstairs to the master bedroom was painted a beautiful deep purple shade. Waving his wand he saw to it that his downstairs mattress was transfigured into a double mattress and placed on Vernon and Petunia's bed in their room which he made appear luxurious also. He warded their bedroom securely so no one could enter it even when they were gone. However when they were gone it would appear to everyone as though the house had only three bedrooms anyway. He rummaged around in his trunk removing his families pensive which he'd been storing there and showed her the memories of what he'd done to people. She emerged half an hour later laughing her head off. "Haha good one Potter! That's hilarious!" she said while clutching her stomach.

They both got into bed feeling utterly exhausted. "Dobby!" he called out to which the elf replied. "Yes Master Harry." "In the trunks of myself, my wife Hermione and my dear friend Luna you will find a bedroom which looks much the same. Each of these is for you to use to sleep in at night. I don't want my elf sleeping in a cupboard or something as it would make me angry and sad if you did that!" he said sternly if only to get his point across. "Oh Master Harry and Mistresses Hermione and Luna are too kind indeed. Thank you master I will use it always depending on where I am!" he said smiling before entering the trunk and going into his room with the child's bed that fit him perfectly. He was amused by the golden snitches on the walls. Clearly they'd not seen the bedroom yet. "I love you Hermione! Goodnight!" he said kissing her deeply and pulling her close against his back while wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her close to him. "Goodnight Harry. I love you too!" she said smiling as she gave him another kiss which lasted a while longer before dropping off to sleep in his warm embrace. They were back with a bang and the world had better watch out.