Nico and the Avengers

A/N: Hey guys I'm back. You miss me? Of course you did! I will update my other story very soon but this Idea came to my head and I decided to try it. As always, if you don't like it… don't read it. Please leave a review and happy reading. Oh yeah- by the way- Clint is a son of Apollo and other than that enjoy!

Clint/Hawkeye pov

I let the arrow go and noticed that my quiver was almost empty. Wait… have I really been shooting that many arrows? Guess time flies when you're having fun! Oh well, might as well finish these last five arrows off then I'll to go collect them from my tree targets.

About a hundred feet away was my desired target. I let the arrow go and I heard whistling sounds as the arrow cut fastly through the heavy, foggy fall air. "OH MY GODS!" a pained male voice said. What the….Could I have hit someone? I've never seen anyone this deep in the woods. I heard more pained cries and curses and decided to see what I shot. Hopefully it is not another tree nymph; they don't like that very much. I quickly ran ahead thankfully dodging a few fallen tree branches. I had a weird feeling as I got closer and I now noticed the shadows are heavier. The sun that was bright just a few moments before was now significantly lessened by cloud cover. Well, I suppose that could be because of the dense trees. I was in my favorite spot for target practice in the dead center of a forest near Long Island Sound. I liked the peace, quiet, and most importantly, the solitude.

Just a little further ahead I see a man. Wait make that a boy, he can't be any older than 13. He wore black combat boots, black jeans, a skull shirt and a dark brown WW2 jacket and there was something hanging by his side. Wait- is that a sword? It doesn't look like a costume piece, it looks real. Who is this kid and why are his parents letting him run around with a sword? Come to think of it, I guess I should not be saying that because I literally just shot an arrow at him! I watched him from a distance as he pulled the arrow out. It was covered in blood, just like his jacket. I realized that the arrow was buried in the top of his shoulder. It must have hurt like Hades himself! The boy did not seem to notice me or just did not care and he was not even crying. Did the arrow not hurt him? Was he just really good at hiding his injury? As I got closer to him, I heard what was saying, but thought it strange…he was cursing in a combination of Italian and what was most definitely Greek.

I stepped forward and then "snap!"… I stepped on a tree branch. The startled kid turned on his heel and before I knew what happened or could see his face under his short greasy black hair, he was gone and the shadows dispersed rapidly. Who was that? After our experience with Loki five months ago I'm not taking any chances. I'm going to report this to shield. I started walking back to gather as many arrows as I could before I left when something struck me-shit! He has my arrow!

Nico's pov

I decided to leave Camp Half-Blood and I'll be back some time before spring, but for now, I just needed to get away. No one except Will knows I left but at least he supports my decisions. Now I'm southwest of Camp Half-Blood, have nowhere to go and- HOLY HERA! What the hell? I just got hit by something sharp in the front of my shoulder. I looked down and saw the feathers at the end of the arrow. Good gods! I got shot with an arrow! Who would have done this? I was more irritated that in pain- irritated at the tear in my leather jacket! Guess I can't leave this thing sticking out of my shoulder…I'm just going to rip it out. If I get it out quickly, the pain will be over sooner and I can have some ambrosia. Whew. Deep breaths. It won't be too bad. It will be fine. I say to myself out loud. I grasp the middle of the arrow to get a good hold on the object. Another quick exhale and ARGH! Let me tell you, I'm not ok! As soon as I touched the arrow, a fiery pain shot through my body. "OH MY GODS!" I yelled in Greek. Shit! that's not going to work! After a few seconds I heard rustling around me, the pounding sound of my heart beat started to quiet down. The searing pain shooting through my shoulder was quickly becoming unbearable. Oh well- It does not matter if someone's here. I need to get the arrow out. I tried to get out of there, but something was wrong. I don't know why, but I can't shadow travel right now.

I exhale sharply while I straighten my arm and quickly yank the arrow out of my shoulder. The whole time I was cursing in Italian and Greek. Calm down, Nico you have felt worse pain! Remember the time you were in Taurtarus? Visions of Percy and Annabeth in Taurturus flooded my head and when I was there. They almost- you know what? I'm ok. Don't cry, don't cry. I looked down at the blood soaked arrow. The Apollo symbol was on the arrows shaft. Wait! this is one of Apollo's arrows. Behind me a loud twig snapping brought me out of my thoughts. I spun around expecting to see a monster. I see a man in his twenties, wearing all black. He had a bow in his hand and a quiver on his back. I recognized him from somewhere and I knew he was Hawk-Eye from the "Avengers." That's cool! I wonder what he's doing here….Oh Hephaestus! I'm screwed. He's a demigod and an assassin! I need to get out of here. I commanded the shadow to me and the last thing I knew I was in the comforting darkness of shadows and then I was in a cemetery in downtown Manhattan.

Yet again Hawkeyes pov

I arrived at Shield headquarters and told Pirate Fury about what happened. Natasha and I are now on a quest…sorry, a mission to find the kid and walk around to see if anything is weird or unnatural. After two weeks I give up. I saw him in the woods two freaking weeks ago and we still have not found him yet. Even after tracking the device on the arrow. Everything I have tried to track the arrow says to go (somewhere) he is supposed to be, we go, and nobody is there. I want my arrow back. The arrow wasn't' left behind when he disappeared, so It should be somewhere, and lead me in that direction. I mean, I want my arrow back, I want to question him and find out who he is, and also to see if he's ok.

After another slow week we have another reading, and we go. Tasha and I are silent as we walk to the graveyard in lower Manhattan. I tell her it's a waste fo time, and that we should just give up, even though it pains me to even think such a thing. She tells me we "have to just go look…stop complaining!"

When we arrive, we walk to the center of the grave yard. I see a boy in black with the same hair and sword. "Be careful he has a sword, if gets bad, let's use the tranquilizer," The red-headed assassin says in my ear. I nod and walk over to the bench where he is sitting. The boy is facing the other way and we slowly walk up to him.

Once again nico's pov

It was a rather cold and windy Saturday and I'm in the cemetery. I heard them behind me but I decided that Black Widow and Hawkeye would probably attack me if I did anything sudden or threatening. I have gotten away many times but I meet up with this "bird guy" and somehow he picks up that I go with shadows and somehow stops me. All the sudden I feel the sun on my back and the clouds make way just over the cemetery. I am very weak right now from lack of sleep. Now there's no shadow and I don't have the energy to try to make shadows or shadow travel so I'm stuck here. "Hey kid can we talk to you for a minute?" I heard a confident male voice; it was definitely a sun of Apollo with the way he spoke. Apollo, Will… oh my gods! I miss him so much!

Ok… I'm getting side tracked now- stupid ADHD! "Fine… got nowhere else to go." I said tiredly, the truth is I could pass out right away, nice darkness. No, I need to do this. "Ok can you tell us your name please or do you prefer kid?" a woman with a hint of a Russian accent in her voice said to me. I could feel the gun pointing at me. One move and it would all be over. "My names Nico, and you're called Black Widow." I stood up slowly, facing the two of them. Her gun was pointed at me in warning and he stood there broadly. "Ok Nico, where are your parents?" Hawkeye said to me. "Does dead count?" I said with a smirk. "When did your parents die?" they questioned. "Well I live at camp, my mom died forever ago and my father is just dead." I said, I wanted to just leave and walk away before I passed out. The sleep tugged furiously at my eyes and I fought back as much as I could."Would you care to come with us, Nico?" Hawk-eye asked. "No, not really…but thanks. It's been a long day and I'm gonna go take a nap now," I said and turned to walk away. "You know we can't let you do that, right Nico?" I turned And smiled,"I know… make me then." I said as I took a few steps toward them. "Don't make us do this." Natasha warned. "Too bad, I'm guess making you then." I turned and pointed my sword at them. I saw Hawk-eye's skin pale…he realized who I was! Natasha looked over at me and looked somewhat regretful, but confused. "I don't think this is smart, Natasha. I know who he is…let's not take this further. "Too bad he should know better than to threaten us-" She said and before I knew what happened there was a soft bang sound. I fell on the ground and it all went black.

A/N: thanks for reading sometime before Monday (maybe tomorrow, actually) I'll post the next chapter. If you liked it then as always review and like. If you hate it then review and like any way. Good bye now! see you all soon. :-]