Does She Hate Me?

There's nothing Amethyst hates more than feeling as if no one cares about her. Of course, she knows that Steven will always think of her as a loved one, but that was Steven. It was different when it came to Garnet, who was always so stoic. It was hard to tell when she was mad, or disappointed, or even happy. Amethyst was always left wondering what Garnet thought of her, despite the countless times the taller gem told the smaller one that she was a very important member of the team.

But Amethyst could handle this. She could handle being ignored, because she was so used to it while living in the Kindergarten. What she couldn't handle were verbal insults. Actually being acknowledged, but in a bad way, was the worst pain imaginable for the purple gem. And who berated Amethyst more than the perfect, pristine Pearl?

Ever since the two have met, Pearl and Amethyst were on uneven terms. Pearl knew why; It was because Amethyst was a slob, plain and simple. She wanted the shorter gem to be more careful with her things, more tidy, to be more mindful of other people's surroundings. Amethyst, on the other hand, had no idea why Pearl was so mean. She wasn't stupid. Of course she knew why Pearl nagged at her, but there were.. certain times where Amethyst saw nothing but hate behind the pristine gem's eyes.

Maybe Amethyst was being paranoid. Maybe she was just seeing things. Maybe she only saw hate in Pearl's eyes because she compares them to the eyes that held so much love and adoration for the living that are now held by the little boy currently sleeping in his bed upstairs. The purple gem pondered this, silently chewing on a significantly smaller bite of pizza then she usually takes, resting her back against the arm of the couch as she stares blankly at the ceiling.

There was a bright light coming from the door to the temple. A light blue crease appears, the two halves created from it slowly opening. Without looking, Amethyst knew that it was Pearl, coming to watch Steven sleep. She always did that.. why? Did she hate Steven too? Did she want Rose back? No.. no, Pearl would never think that. well, maybe she would, but she wouldn't act on that thought.

Amethyst sat up, a sly smile on her face as she shoved the rest of the pizza in her mouth. She raised an arm in greeting to Pearl, who was already half way up the stairs, not noticing Amethyst's presence.

Her mouth still full, she spoke.

"Hey, P. Watcha doin'?" Pearl stopped in her tracks, turning around quickly. It was easy to tell that Amethyst frightened her. The taller gem had both hands clasped over her mouth, a light blue blush on her face as she tried to keep herself from letting out that 'eep' that ever so wanted to escape. "Woah, chill." Amethyst chuckled, swallowing the rest of her food. Wiping the crumbs from her mouth, she leaned forward on the couch, planting her hands between her legs to prop herself.

"O-oh, Amethyst.. you startled me." Pearl's hands slowly left her mouth, folding her arms instead as she walked down the stairs to stand a few feet in front of Amethyst. "What are you still doing awake? I thought you of all people would be taking this chance to sleep."

"Well I would, but I thought I'd keep you from stalking Steven." The shorter gem replied, her face cracked in a wide smile. Pearl's blush deepened, and she threw her fists down in exasperation.

"I am not stalking him!" She whisper shouted, much to Amethyst's amusement. Pearl sighed, once again crossing her arms as she averted her eyes from the smaller gem. "I was just making sure he was sleeping soundly, is all.."

"Uh-huh, sure." Amethyst hopped from the couch, hands behind her head. She began walking toward the temple door. "I'll leave you to your.. non-stalking."

Pearl couldn't help but get frustrated. After all, she had been caught stalking Steven. Wait, not stalking.. As Amethyst opened her door, the taller gem started back up the stairs, muttering under her breath.

"Little devil.."