Hey everyone! Back again with another multi-fic! This idea came about when I was reading other "what if" stories. So I thought I give it a try with the HP world being altered slightly and Hermione being the main character. This is her life and fun growing up, living in France with a certain family and ending up with special people.
I want to make things clear right now! I mean in no way, shape or form ANY disrespect to the awesomeness that is the French! The people, the language, the country itself; NOTHING! I respect all European countries cause, let's face it, you guys have some kewl ass history + you're awesome (I have blood from at least three of you). I don't wish to imply any insult or assumptions, all French spoken here is translated from my knowledge of English into French via the Google program. Besides that accent you guys have; so amazing; makes me weak in the knees when you say….NEVERMIND on with the story, Hope you enjoy!
The Lost Child
Apolline Delacour was a very collected well-made woman of French decent and as she sat alone outside a small café within the wizarding community near the Ministry she silently thanked her Veela mother for raising her with patience and respect. Her co-workers were pressing down on tightly woven strings over the past week but the line was crossed two days ago when documents containing a trade agreement between the French and English Ministries were destroyed. Because of one person's mistake, she as Head of Department took the responsibilities upon herself. The minister requested she travel to oversee the new agreement and return with new papers. Two days she was staying in the country with its fine architecture and busy streets; only to have the disorganised lot below London make her grind her perfect teeth every hour of the working day. However, Apolline was putting that all behind her as she enjoyed the rare sunshine and a nice cup of coffee during the afternoon hours. She was without rush at the place called the 'Goblin's Vault'. The witch found it oddly cute in its own way.
The backstreet was quiet and there was no one else seated outside with her in the tucked away place. Apolline looked round to soak in the atmosphere. It was peaceful, serene almost but something wasn't quite right. Frowning lightly, hard blue eyes scrutinized every inch of brick, stone and woodwork surrounding her; trying to pinpoint what was making her hair stand on end and nerves on edge. Accepting her heritage was stressful on the French born especially within the 'Being' community itself; for most of her young life, Apolline saw herself as an outcast being half human unlike the full-blooded Veela of her mother, aunts and cousins. Lines were drawn within her wanting to both belong to the family yet not give up any of herself; her sisters were her rocks when it came to understanding the 'Veela' is simply there. It always would be. But it was times when her instincts took over that the witch didn't bother with questions or limitations. She was a proud half-blooded Veela woman; one who's maternal side was yearning for her to…walk forwards?
Collecting her purse while leaving a few Knuts as a tip, Apolline observed her surroundings. It was a simple street like any other around London; quiet, simple and peaceful but the aura of it changed as soon as she stood. It was only then did she notice the alley across the street and an uneasy feeling, something coursing through her veins was compelling her to enter the narrow path. Normally Apolline wouldn't listen to such odd feelings but it was instinctual and she never denied that for fear of karma taking hold.
"Odd indeed" Hesitantly she entered the deserted alley following her gut as it told her to venture far from the safe open streets to the back roads of the community. Turning one way then another, she was well on her way to getting lost and very ready to turn back when she heard the faintest of sounds; a soft whimper.
Tucked away in the dark corner, behind a pile of trash bins was a cardboard box. Such a thing wouldn't seem out of place in the area but whatever was making it move and shuffle definitely was. Slowly approaching it, the Half-Veela listened as soft whimpers escaped the half closed top and when she crouched down to get a proper look inside a gasp escaped her lips. A red faced baby was tucked in a woollen wrapped blanket with a small hat upon its head; by appearance it seemed only days old and getting upset very quickly. Before a cry could escape Apolline had the child firmly secured in her arms and pressed into her warm chest.
"Shh, shh petit. Je suis ici. Je suis ici" holding the infants head carefully as she looked over its flushed skin. No signs of abuse, cold or injury had the Half-Veela sighing with relief before she held the child closer still. Whimpers turned into small cries against her blouse but the blonde mother didn't care. Her internal thoughts and feelings had nothing against what her maternal instincts were screaming at her to do. Protect the child. The earth shifted gravity and Apolline was now a lone guardian against a world set against her.
Trust no one, find shelter and protect. That was what the Veela within her spoke and all for one unknown baby.
Collecting her discarded purse before standing, Apolline quickly backtracked her way through the maze of alleys until she was at the starting point across from the café she rested at not ten minutes before. Her blue eyes snapped back and forth, taking in every inch of cobblestone and brick; every leaf on the ground and colour filled paint work. Like a soldier going into battle the Veela woman calculated every step and each movement; noting the higher number of people walking the pavement she quickly found a hideaway behind a wall. With the coast clear she apparited from the small street to the hotel she resided in for her stay; mindful that the child would not be used to such travel Apolline decided the entrance to the building was close enough. Her instincts were spot on, no sooner had they landed safely the child started to cry out in displeasure; heavy tears falling down reddening cheeks.
The mother of one gently pressed the child into her breast as her powerful strides took her through the hotel lobby. No mind was given to the watchful eyes following her; some in sympathetic worry while others blatantly scowling at the distraught noise maker and the mother who could not handle her own child. They only stopped when an intense atmosphere suddenly dropped with each step of the distracted woman; bodies reacted automatically in fear from the threatening predator they challenged unknowingly.
"Shhh petit. Je suis là" Apolline tried her best to release her pheromones over the child; a defense mechanism Veela's used to help control their surroundings but her own feelings of distraught were battling against the ones wanting the child to know safety. "'Ow could someone just leave a child out zere in ze cold. It is not exactly warm and ze colder mon'zs are closing. Oh my poor babe" the French born didn't notice her stumble into the English language as she entered her high-tale suite and tossed aside her bag like it was nothing.
"Alright ma petit. Let's get you warmed up oui? Elf!" after the strong call Apolline waited until the familiar crack was heard.
"Did the Madam call for an elf?" a squeaky voice called from her left; standing beside the large bed that served the witch well, was a house-elf of small stature. While most of the creatures wore used dishtowels for attire, this one was dressed in more appealing actual clothes, most likely for being present among the magical guests of the hotel.
"Oui, I need a small ba'z in 'ere for my babe. I also need food. Whatever you 'ave for a new-born will do. Bring it quickly" Apolline spoke fast but politely. She was never one to disrespect another magical creature; be it mighty or small.
"Of course Madam. Nash will bring only the best for the child" the elf disappeared with another crack; the sound of which had the small one crying again. The mother of one looked down with distress upon the wailing baby with understanding.
"I know; you are 'ungry and cold. I will fix it. I promise ma petit. I promise" gently placing the squirming bundle onto the lavish bed to slowly and carefully undo the mass of blankets keeping the child protected from the outside elements. The fabric was woollen, the thickness enough to fight the cooler temperatures but it was the only thing the poor infant was wrapped in and given the time of year, if Apolline had not found the box when she did; there would be no child to save.
"So you are a little fille. I 'zought so" soft blue eyes gazed down at the fleshy squirming jumble of limbs. A smile wove its way across her features when two small tear-filled orbs peaked open. Brown; they reminded the witch of the delicately made bon-bon's her daughter loved to indulge in every Sunday afternoon after dinner. They were gentle, pure and unyielding as they soaked in every inch and detail of her face. Chubby hands waved about in a silent symphony of music while her fingers clenched into tight fists. Her colour was returning after her bout of emotion and when the familiar crack sounded, there wasn't even a flinch.
"The bath is ready for Madam, Nash has also brought assortment of food for the little one" the elf had returned with the requests. A small oval tub was sitting in the open floor space filled with water while a trolley carrying covered platters sat near a dresser on Apolline's left. Upon a lower level of the trolley the witch saw neatly piled baby blankets, towels, bottles and diapers; the elf went beyond commands.
"Merci. 'Zis is exactly what I need" the Veela woman gently removed the hat to place aside before sliding her hands under the baby with practised ease. Moving in a swift but gentle motion she moved the girl from the bed to the tub.
"Is there anything else Nash may get Madam, or the young one?" the polite creature didn't move from his spot by the trolley only bowing his head in respect. His eagerness betrayed his want of service through voice.
"Oui, zere is. I need an owl sent to my room. I 'ave an urgent letter to send to ze Ministry zat must be received today"
"Of course. Nash will fetch our fastest owl for you Madam" with a snap of his fingers Nash was gone. Apolline smiled down to her little pink squirmy baby. Taking care to kneel on the floor gently and with practiced ease she removed her long sleeved coat before testing the temperature of the water.
"Perfect. You will enjoy zis ma petit. A nice warm ba'z to cheer you up" blue softened as she watched brown eyes take in what was happening around her. As soon as the girl was placed into the warm liquid her legs started kicking and her arms waving back and forth, the feel obviously confusing her yet soothing at the same time. With a hand still firmly on the child's upper back, keeping her upright with her arm support her head, Apolline used her free hand to move the water around, letting it climb over soft skin in waves and bringing forth a small smile upon pink lips. The girl had no name, she had no parents and as of that moment no future but all of that didn't seem to matter. She was safe, warmed and cared for. The older woman held no meaning to her but in her arms she was the safest she could ever be.
There were moments of splashes and squeaky giggles as the two enjoyed their time with the water and delicate oils provided. Ten minutes of the adorable play and the Veela felt it enough when the girl's temperature had been raised to more appropriate levels. Scooping her up and quickly into a fluffy towel, Apolline took the chance to really admire her. Soft chubby cheeks alongside a button like nose with small lips to finish. Light brown curls sat atop her head; all of it creating the beautiful, happy child in her arms.
"I just want to take you 'ome wi'z me. Ma petit Fleur would love you. And ma mo'zer, she will enjoy poking your little cheeks. Oui, she would" their moment of giggles broke when a light tapping came at the glass window. A medium sized barn owl sat there patiently, taking a nip at a wing while it did so. The woman stood with child in hand to open the panel.
"Excellent. Now we can send a letter to Monsieur Delacour and tell 'im all about ze precious petite 'zing I found today. Don't we?" squeaks once again came as a form of reply from the fluffy bundle. A smile split across the mother's face when she saw twinkling eyes staring up at her. "Let us see what zat elf brought you today oui? Some'zing warm and cuddly or pur'aps you would like some'zing simple. You do seem like one to care not for appearances…" Apolline trailed off as she gazed upon the innocent creature. Her eyes were sparkling, her lips parted in a smile while she tried to fit her fist between them.
"…You do not even 'ave a name. Oh my sweet" the child could not understand the sudden sadness but she liked it when the woman smiled. Taking her hand away from her mouth, she tried to say something but all that came out was gargles of squeaky gibberish.
After taking her time to gently dry off the girl and dress her warmly in an outfit provided by the very helpful elf, she took a seat at the corner table by the room's kitchenette and looked over the arrangement of platters the elf left behind. Settling the baby first with a bottle of warm milk as she was lying cosily against her chest, Apolline wove a hand through the hair; her magic doing its part.
"Dear 'usband, I 'ope you get zis quickly" a small piece of parchment materialised before her and her favourite quill that never left her side zoomed to anchor itself in her hand. Veela woman prided themselves on being multi-taskers; especially when it came to childcare. Two seconds later the letter was written and secured to the owl's leg.
"Take zis to Monsieur Delacour in ze Ministry's Magical Creature Department immediately" instructing the animal with a fierce tone may not have influenced the delivery itself but it made her feel slightly better, so Apolline ignored the tiny influx of guilt. The bird wasn't there to take her negative emotions; it was only there to help. She turned her attention back to the baby girl who had just finished her bottle and was getting sleepy by the dimming light of her eyes and the flicker of lids. It was adorable how she tried to stay awake for a few moments more.
"Is my petit getting sleepy? Let us put you down for a nap, oui? After zat, you will get to meet my darling 'usband and zen we can decide what your future 'olds…" she barely finished speaking her accented words when tiny eyelids fluttered closed; a small sigh escaped the girl as she snuggled into the blanket and the Veela's ever present warmth.
"I promise; you will not be left alone ever again" soft lips barely touched curls as she whispered. "Ever again"
"Apolline! Are you alright?! I got your letter and came as soon as I heard" the door was burst open by the force of one man. Tall in height with thick black hair he grew to shoulder length; due to work conditions tied up with a blue ribbon daily, giving him a very mature look. He had soft hazel eyes and a strong jaw, his skin was mildly tanned and was of medium build. He was a real threat to meet in any dark alleyway alone.
"I am in 'ere, ma amour. Come to ze bedroom" her voice was calm and soothing; an indication that everything was fine. The man sighed quietly to himself before straightening up. Married and living with a Veela woman for so many years had the man trained well; one must always be confident in themselves and composed when dealing with emotional situations. After closing the door with gentled ease, he took his paced steps down the small hallway and into the more open living space. His eyes took in the unchanged room that his memory confirmed was just as that morning but when his eyes caught sight of his wife seated on their bed he was honestly frozen stiff.
Leaning back on a small mountain of plush cushions and pillows was his wife, mother to his only daughter and Half-Veela witch; situated in her arms was the bundled up form of a baby.
"My love…can you explain why I find you here with a child?" Leon spoke softly and with surprising calm. When he first read the quill stroked letters from his wife, the man worried for her safety. It was only when he saw Apolline did he understand her meaning of 'help' was in reference to the child of unknown origin.
"Come see 'er Leon. She is so precious and soft" Apolline couldn't take her eyes off the small thing and the present smile adoring her face was hear-warming to say the least. Leon caught himself before he too fell into action rather than thought.
"Apolline. Where did that baby come from? You cannot just have a girl in this room without some sort of explanation"
"She was abandoned after bir'z! You zink me insane when I take a child off ze streets when she was zrown aside like garbage?!" her tone was livid and her eyes changed colour after her husband finished accusing her; blue to black. A sign a Veela was on the verge of violence. While her Veela side was weakened by the dilution of wizarding blood, she was still powerful, ferocious and deadly like all her species. They were the warriors of the Being kind. Any means to call for war; honourable or not they fought till death for their beliefs and life was at the top of that list.
"I think you are a mother who can't deny her calling" Warmth; it soaked into her skin as her lover of so many years closed their distance with steps of pride. A smile gave her the reassurance that she did nothing in the wrong and knowing she would get into such a state in the first place almost had the witch rolling her eyes at herself.
"She is so small…I couldn't just leave 'er zere"
"I know my love" Leon replied softly as he placed a gentle kiss to her brow. "But I must ask why bring her here? Couldn't you take her to a hospital or somewhere…?"
"Non! I won't let ano'zer put zeir 'ands on 'er! She will be 'urt. I cannot trust zem!" Leon couldn't help but find amusement in his wife at such actions her kind was famous for. Of course he did not state such things.
"Alright, I understand. But can I ask where you found the poor thing?"
"She is no 'zing' Leon. She is my petit, and I found 'er not far from ze Ministry. In an alley near zat old brick house café…she was all alone"
"Ah; the 'Goblin's Vault'. I'm surprised it is still there after all this time"
"Zat is all you can zink about when zis poor child was sleeping in ze cold and dirt for who knows 'ow long?!"
"Is she hurt?" the man interrupted his wife with calm effect.
"Was she in any distress?"
"Zey only left 'er wiz a blanket and it was not…" Apolline tried to keep her voice steady but it was failing her.
"Yet she sleeps silently in your arms"
"My instincts were crying to me. Zey would not let me leave 'er zere. Zey told me to 'old 'er, to carry 'er away. To give 'er a 'ome"
"Have you ever known me to deny you when you listen to such signs?" Leon questioned as his wife's bright blue eyes landed on him. He held her gaze with solid determination. If one wanted to get through a Veela, they must be ready for a hard battle. Luckily Leon didn't plan for such a thing.
"Now, may I hold the girl you've claimed, as my own?"
"Zere you go again. Stealing my 'zunder like zat" tears were spilling from her eyes as she couldn't hold back the love she felt for the wizard before her. Placing a long lasting kiss to his lips before gently handing over the child hoping not to bother her in the slightest; Apolline felt both dread and happiness.
"You're right. She is very small" Leon had her securely against his chest as his free hand touched the tiny curls atop her head. His touch brought her from the depths of sleep and the little girl squirmed in his arms. With experience from his first child, the father knew to let her adjust while assuring her she was safe. A few seconds passed before once again she went still.
"Chocolate" Apolline answered.
"You wanted to know 'er eye colour. Zey are chocolate brown; very unusual for such a new born babe. Zey are normally blue at bir'z" she smiled when he had the familiar look of being caught.
"You always know what I am to say before even myself"
"Of course. It is my job to know zese zings. Now I want to know your zoughts" the blue eyed witch gently removed herself from the bed to put together the child's next feed, consisting of another milk mixture in a bottle. If experience has taught her anything, a baby is always hungry after a nap. No matter the species.
"My thoughts? On what would you like to know my opinion? If it's concerning this gorgeous baby girl, there isn't anything to say. She's ours" Leon replied without looking up. He didn't see his wife turn sharply to stare at him.
"Do you mean zat? Do not play games wiz me, Leon. I will not stand for…"
"I wouldn't, when it comes to an innocent life" the two had a staring contest; cold blue against strong hazel. It was only broken when a short cry came from the bundle. The little one had awoken.
Leon was in awe when he first held his new-born daughter for the first time and when he saw the eyes open of the small one in his hands, he was again in a stunned state. The words his wife used hadn't done the justice dew. True the two orbs were chocolate brown in colour but they were so much more. The depth of them, the intelligence they held and understanding couldn't be denied. The wizard grinned.
"Hello, little one. You've had a tough life already haven't you; well I hope to change that. If we get some help of course" hazel eyes lifted to blue. "I have been meaning to ask, does she have a name?"
"Non. I found 'er wi'zout notice or note. Ze blanket she was wrapped in 'ad no'zing on it ei'zer. I did not want to call 'er any'zing in case we…did not get to keep 'er…" her voice went into a whisper of fear. Leon nodded his head, his own mind coming to the same conclusion; getting close only to have the object of affection taken away. He couldn't think of the pain.
"You want her. I can clearly see it"
"Oui, I want 'er Leon. I feel it set wi'zin my blood, my bones. My Veela is calling for me to 'old zis child and keep 'er against my breast for years to come"
"Then I suggest we go into the Ministry immediately to settle this legally before they come for you" he smirked. "I wouldn't want to be married to a kidnapping Veela"
"What do you mean you cannot tell me if she is a magical child?!" Leon was growing angrier by the minute with the witch seated behind the small desk. It had taken the couple time to prepare the little girl for travel after a small tantrum concerning food and clothing before just being upset with her holder's movements. With a silent promise of pampering later, the magical duo headed down to the Ministry depths of knowledge to try and find out who the little girl was. The first step was to find out if she was a magical child; being found inside the magical community they assumed so to begin with but it had to be confirmed by the workers in the law department. Unfortunately it wasn't that easy.
"I'm sorry sir. But that knowledge cannot be given out to members of the public. The child is parentless and shall be taken in by the Ministry to be placed within an orphanage until such a time where the identity of said child can be affirmed if they are a witch or wizard. I will ask once again that you hand over the baby so it can be taken away" the witch gestured to her left where two big men stood at the ready. Leon did no such thing.
"You cannot touch this child because as of right now she is under the protection of the French Ministry. No matter where she was born she is within our protection now and cannot be taken away without causing international conflict. I demand to talk to your Head of Office this instant" the woman gave the tall man a sour look before sparing a glance to the blonde woman over his shoulder, gently cradling the sleeping child in question.
"Of course sir" Leon grudgingly nodded his head and stood back to wait. Apolline was a lot calmer than her husband during the conversation. Being a high Ministry worker herself, she could understand the situation the woman was put in. An unknown child abandoned, wanted to be adopted into a wizarding family of another country and yet it wasn't absolute that the girl was a witch at all. She could be a Muggle simple placed at the location by any stranger for the purpose of just getting rid of her. The Veela snapped herself away from such thoughts instantly; she didn't need the child picking up on her emotions again.
"I understand that you wish to speak to me Sir?" a well-dressed man walked up to them calmly, followed by two assistants, each carrying piles of paperwork and blank faces.
"Yes, I need someone who is capable to help me in the documentation needed to take this child into my home legally" he motions for his wife who smiled politely. "But the issue of whether or not she is magical is halting the process and no one is willing to give me any answers. I will not be leaving until it is solved" Leon could hear his own accent coming through his anger, a common habit among the family.
The Ministry Head took a moment to gather himself after realising just who he was standing before. Magnus Derge was a man in his late forties and working at his post for the last decade, he knew very well who the Delacour's were. Not just known in their own country as powerful magical users but were held in high regard in the English Ministry for their actions in assisting the workers in international criminal co-operations, magical species laws and peace keeping. If the Head wasn't tense because of the atmosphere, he would be by the sheer thought of upsetting a Veela…
"I may have a way to solve all this very quickly and subtly. Please accompany me to my office. We will speak further there" he bowed his head in gratitude when the two did agree to such an act only after another tense moment of silence. Waving off his followers quickly and leading the way to a far hide-a-way corner of the Ministry floor, the man sent a quiet spell to the one person who he hoped would save his political life.
"I hope you can forgive me for my employee's behaviour. It is normally not our custom to disclose such information when it concerns young witches or wizards; however I have contacted someone who may be able to help us. Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the holder of the Quill of Acceptance; every new-born witch or wizard will be written by that quill along with the date of birth. If this little girl is on that list then we can move forward with the adoption" Leon finally breathed a sigh of relief at those words. He looked to his wife with a smile. "However there is the minor concern forming with the prospect that this English born child being raised across the water within the French magical community…" Magnus continued.
"There is no concern" Leon interrupted.
"I mean no disrespect sir but…"
"There is nothing to discuss. I am English born and still retain my citizenship despite living with my French family for most of my life. She will carry my family name which I retained after marriage. I believe there is nothing more to be said here" the Ministry worker gulped in his silence. The words spoken about the two were well whispered through the hallways. Before anyone could say anything further there was a gentle knock at the office door before it opened to reveal a witch draped in green robes and her long greying hair tied up in a bun atop her head.
"Ah Minerva. Thank you for coming on such short notice, I know it is usually beyond my place to ask but this is very different circumstances…"
"I have heard very well the circumstances. I do not believe any harm will come to the child either way. It may actually make things easier for all parties present if the child was taken by Monsieur and Madam Delacour" the teacher spoke with a tone of certainty and unwavering confidence. Only the set of blue eyes looked to the woman without a hint of shock or surprise.
"Ah, well Minerva…I'm sure if I would say it is that easy…there are laws and regulations" the Head of Office tried to piece together a sentence.
"Laws and regulations do not describe what to do when a child has been left on their own with only a first name" Minerva easily out spoke the man. Apolline caught the minor detail but it was what had her nervous.
"A name? She has a name. Does that mean she's to be a witch?" blue eyes pleaded with the older woman in the room and a small smile appeared on the Professor's face.
"She would not appear on my list if she didn't have some form of magical core. I know it to be her; she is the only child to be born on that day with no last name. If you are certain you want the child then I can support your decision"
"Thank you Professor. Thank you" Apolline whispered as she hugged the bundle close to her chest as tears filled her eyes. Leon also had a face splitting grin smeared across his face.
"Well then, we must sort the paperwork now. May I know the name of the child to be? You may change the name if you wish or keep the one given to her" the man behind his desk had a quill in hand waiting for the reply. Leon looked to the Professor.
"What is her name?"
And there we are! First chapter done. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Good or bad, it is appreciated and really-really wanted. This is rather early post; I want to write more chapters before I post anything else online. I like to be a head as the planning is a lot more on this one and I never like leaving things half-baked.
I know most people don't take the time but please if you do/don't like what I'm writing let me know in a review/PM; I'm a writer cause I love it but I only post because the feedback is wanted by you guys and girls; what you do like or not does matter to me. So please review!
If the feedback is in the positive, this will become my main writing for the next however long it takes (I hate to leave things unfinished) but my one-shots will still pop up every now and then.
French translate:
Shh, shh petit. Je suis ici. Je suis ici – Shh, shh little one. I am here. I am here.
Any others can easily be done through translate Google.
Midmoon Kitsune out!