1. Harry and draco are twins. Draco has wolfs hair, and Yuri's eyes, harry has wolf's eyes and Yuris hair.
2. The twins are taken on their first birthday.
3. Now this part has two options to choose from
A. Harry and draco are raised Together. Be it, both by the potters until their death. Or the malfoys.
B. Harry and Draco are NOT raised Together, but become extremely close at hogwarts.
4. Yurri and wolf find the twins by somehow tracking their soul's.
5. If you chose 'B' in number 3. Harry and draco are in the same house, and are as close as brothers.
6. There are some scenes I would like included, pease remember, I am just giving you the outline. You don't have to include these to the point, just the idea of it. Feel free to change details, word choice, pov, ext.
Wolf, Yuri and the rest of the gang find their soul's at hogwarts. After meeting with the headmaster and giving a description of the bous, Dumbledore is like well there are 2 people that fit the descriptions, and sends a house elf for them.
... Draco walked down the school hall way, what could the headmaster want from him? He entered the headmasters office after sayings the password. As he entered he saw two men the their mid to late 20. One had jet black hair and eyes. The other had blond hair and bright green eyes, just like Harry's. He liked Harry's eyes. (Conrad, Genwdal. And Gunter are also there) after draco I'd don't looking at the men. Harry runs in and sees draco, and basically hug tackles him to the ground... wolf can only think, those are his children and he is so happy.
7.(optional) Dumbledore can be good or evil I have no preference
8. Harry and Draco are not found before 13 or after 16
9. Voldemort Mau or may not exist, your choice. He can be good. If you want. Or harry and Draco can have killed him by the time they meet wolf and Yuri.
ACCEPT PM ME. QUESTIONS? Pm me! I want to know!