Oh hey there loves! Remember me? Yeah, the person who said like months ago the update wouldn't take too long? Well, better late than never right? Here you go! Chapter 21! Enjoy and let me know what you thought of it!

We emerged from the Chantry and for the moment there was a silence. No battle, and I could only imagine it was the calm before the storm. The men looked worn down, beaten and scared. My eyes went to Cullen as he looked among them with a frown. There was maybe twenty men that would stand against the horde. An impossible task. Cullen turned to the men around him holding his sword at the ready stirring me from my thoughts.

"Men! There are not many of us left, but where they have strength in numbers we draw strength from our faith! The people of Haven are depending on us to keep these monsters at bay!" I heard Cullen's shouts. "I cannot promise anyone they will make it back from this! I cannot promise you will see your wives or children again. Many of you will die. That much is certain, but your lives will not be in vain! You are the Inquisition, its last hope! If any of you wish it, this is your final chance to turn from this battle. No one will think less of you." No one moved. All eyes intently on the Commander as his eyes kept them all alert. "Then, men, are you with me?" Cries of the soldiers around him made a smile tip the edge of my lips. That was… I heard a slight chuckle next to me and I turned to see Varric.

"Curly certainly knows how to stir a crowd. To think, if I'd run like my instincts are telling me to, I wouldn't have heard it. Would be a shame, that's great material for a book." He chuckled and I nodded before looking down at Varric. My eyes searching his eyes as I bit back a frown. I couldn't watch him die and it would happen if he stayed behind. My old friend smile tipped towards the Commander.

"I won't tell you to leave, but Varric please don't stay here for this. There's still time for you to-." With a roll of his eyes he patted my arm.

"You came back. I want to make sure you stay that way." He explained with a short grin and I felt the small smile return, my heart in my throat. Sadness

and pride jerking causing my heart beat stutter in my chest. I placed my hand on his shoulder, nodding.

"Thank you, my friend." I said and he smiled as he pulled Bianca from his back.

"Anytime, Angel." He took a short pause, his eyes looking beyond the Commander to the torches that started to peak over the stairs on either side ahead of us. "Now, let's show these assholes what happens when you mess with the Inquisition." My eyes moved from him back to Cullen as I felt his eyes on me. The soldiers did as well many of them staring but turned as the roar of battle came upon us. A bulk of the Red Lyrium Templars appeared over each stair case. The red crystalline creatures ran for us and Cullen thrust his sword high in the air.

"For the Lady Protector! For your lives! For all of us!" The soldiers let out a battle cry raising their sword with their Commander's before the world erupted around us in battle. The blades in my palm were soon slick with so much blood. The dark red coating the blades to the point where it was almost hard to remember their color before. I took a breath as I looked around the battle scene. It was endless. More and more just kept coming at us, demons and Red Lyrium Templars alike knocking down our numbers till there were only a handful of us left. Cullen and I stood back to back with Varric near me firing arrows into the bodies of our aggressors. Cullen turned, his shield blocking an arrow coming towards us. I slid to the opposite side of him driving my blade through an oncoming demon that dared get close. I couldn't help but notice the way our bodies moved together. The fluidity that felt like second nature. Every weakness he exposed I blocked and vice versa. It was...exhilarating to feel. Someone always being on the same page as you in the when it matters most. My attention was ripped away from Cullen when I heard Varric cry out. My head spun towards him as he stumbled backwards. A black arrow jutting from his leg. My eyes widened and I jerked for him, but stopped. If I left Cullen now during the horde he'd be blind on one side. I called out to Varric as he stumbled against the wall still holding Bianca towards the enemies. He snarled at a demon as it clawed at him and shot an arrow through its head from his hip. Cullen turned to me before his eyes shot to Varric who was barely standing. He looked around him as my fingers gripped the bomb in my pocket. One left. I tossed it forward and it exploded sending bits of Templar and demon across the battlefield. Cullen's widened before he nodded down to me breaking the formation and we ran for Varric. Cullen stood in front of us, his shield extended to guard us from as attack as I dropped down to inspect the wound. It just missed the artery, but he would still be bleeding terribly though. If not treated he'd bleed out in a matter of hours maybe a day tops. "Get him inside! Move!" Cullen commanded as he shielded us. I helped him towards the door even though he protested as Cullen followed us with his shield extended towards the enemies in front of us.

"Varric, you need to go. You cannot fight in this condition." I told him, but he shook his head.

"I'm an archer. I can fight in any condition." He argued.

"That wound will kill you." I responded as he glared, the pain lighting his features as he gripped at his leg.

"I'm not leaving you behind." I frowned.

"Varric please-!"

"No! I'll be fine-"

"Varric, I will make sure she stays safe, but I cannot do that if she is worrying after you. Go." Cullen's voice wasn't loud, but somehow, we heard him over the roar of battle. Over the cries of his soldiers. "Curly you need me here." He argued and I saw Cullen's eyes shift back to him, a fierce look in his golden orbs. His hair mussed, blood splattered his face. Oh. NOT NOW QUINN. I admonished myself nearly missing Cullen's words.
"With that injury, you are of no use to me. I will protect her." I looked up at Cullen with wide eyes as he held up his shield and drove his sword through an enemy. "Go! Now!" Cullen ordered gruffly through gritted teeth and Varric nodded hesitantly, a stubborn anger on his face. Not at Cullen, but the situation. He grabbed my arm as I pulled the door open enough for him to squeeze through.

"Find us, Angel, and bring Curly with you. We need you both." I nodded and squeezed his hand, but then pulled it off giving him my farewell. I watched him disappear as the door shut, and I couldn't help but feel relieved knowing he was safe. Safer. My mind corrected as my eyes moved to Cullen. Now, I just have to make sure we both make it out of this. No biggie, right? My eyes widened as I peeked over my shoulder seeing oncoming enemies. I stood and immediately drove my blade through the chest of a demon watching it crumble before me. Looking to Cullen I nodded a thank you to which he returned and the battle ensued. As the fight continued, Cullen and I remained relatively unharmed. Some scrapes and scratches, well, none more than we already had. My heart was racing in my chest from exertion and adrenaline and fear. My mind was moving faster than it had in a while. Watching movements, parrying attacks, blocking any that came in the direction of Cullen. We couldn't keep fighting like this. My eyes went to a demon as it attacked at my left. I parried it, but it screeched and drove a bladed hand forward tossing me to the ground as I kept the hand away from my body. Cullen twisted to me, but a Red Templar attacked him, forcing him to fight them off instead of helping. I snarled at the demon as it snapped its gnarled teeth at me, it's claws still extended. It laughed as suddenly its claw grew and I gasped as I pushed it away, but one of the claws caught me in the shoulder. I let out a cry of pain, my shoulder lighting with pain.

"Quinn!" Cullen cried out as he tried to fight off the Red Templar brute. I snarled at the demon as I brought my blade up to it, but suddenly something tackled the demon off of me. I stared as I grabbed my shoulder my eyes widening. Jim. Jim rolled with the demon before bringing his blade down and through its chest. I stared at him as he looked back at me, running to my side. He held out his hand to me and I was just about to take it when a red crystal jutted through his chest.

"NO!" I cried as Jim me stared down at his chest and then back at me. He gurgled on his own blood.

"L-Lady Protector." He gasped before being carelessly thrown away from me by a laughing Red Templar. My eyes were wide before my shock turned into a menacing snarl and I launched at the Templar. My blade driving through its chest, but it barely went in past the armor. I sliced at its wrist and grabbed the blade that fell from it. The red lyrium singing as I cried and thrust it forward. The red blade still in my palm I looked to Jim, my head dropping in respect and my eyes clenching shut. I'm sorry, Jim. More Templars were coming and I couldn't mourn him for much longer than that. The blade cut easily through everything in front of me as I raced back to Cullen's side. A rather large Templar ran at Cullen knocking his shield away, but not going in for the kill. With a snarl I leapt towards him and arched the blade, cutting at the Templars neck once before twisting the blade above my head as I brought it back down and chopped at the Templars head. As I did a second blade drove in by my waist into the red Templar and a shield came up to block an arrow fired towards me. Cullen and I kicked the Templar away letting the decapitated creature fall to the ground. One of the recruits took out the archer when suddenly I saw two very large Templars raise their palms at us. Large red crystals forming like spears in the air pointed at us. I grabbed the last bomb from my pocket and threw it forward. Without a second thought, I yanked Cullen's arm with his shield attached in front of us. The force of the blast rocked the ground and threw Cullen and I backwards. His arms came around me waist as we skidded along the ground, the Templars around us falling to the ground or wobbling from the blast. I moved the shield and saw the Templars destroyed and the earth around where they stood broken up and with a semi large crater. Cullen looked to me with wide eyes before looking around us. There were only a few of us left and we started backing against the Chantry. More of them were coming as well and no matter how good of a fighter Cullen and I were. We and five other recruits couldn't fend them off. We'd already stalled for as long as we could. If we head back inside now, we might just make it out. I grabbed Cullen's arm as the creatures walked towards us.

"We have to retreat. They should have gotten through by now. Maybe there's still a chance." I said and he nodded, but I jumped as I saw an attack coming for him and deflected the blow. My eyes wide as his shield came up around me to stop another blow.

I drove my blade in and up into the rib cage of a Templar that still looked relatively human. As I pulled my blade free, I felt Cullen haul me backwards as a large Templar brought his blade down towards us both. The Templar attacked Cullen and I slid around it's back and drove my daggers through its crystalline skin. I turned it away from Cullen as arrows fired, hiding us behind the creature as it tanked shot after shot before finally falling to the ground. I pulled a bow off the ground and yanked the arrows free from the Templars body before firing 1,2,3 into the archers that had been shooting at me earlier. Another shot came from my right and quick as lightning I turned to the side, my hand snapping out, and grabbed the arrow as it sung through the air. In one swift motion I notched it, took aim and fired it back at the archer embedding the black arrow in his skull. Cullen dragged his sword out of a demon as it vanished into a pile of goo on the ground and nodded to me. He sounded the retreat and pushed me towards the door. I gripped the handles and opened it for the soldiers and him. The soldiers ran in, but Cullen had not moved. I noticed him staring at someone. Hatred burning in his molten eyes. I followed his gaze to see a man standing taller than most around him. His balding head and bloodshot eyes staring back at Cullen before turning to me with a sick grin on his face. I glared at him as I tried to pull Cullen with me, but he wouldn't budge.

There were too many coming at the door and in his moment of inattention I noticed a demon warp towards him. My hand snapped out faster than I could think and my palm lit up bright green under the glove. The magic flying freely from it and opening a rift just in front of Cullen that the demon fell through. Cullen stared at it and then at me as I hauled him backwards not wasting any time. My hand hummed with life as I practically dragged him into the Chantry and closed the door behind us before placing the blockade back. My heart was ramming in my chest making me feel almost a bit nauseous as I backed away from the wooden barrier between us and the army outside. Cullen's chest was heaving as he stared at the door, the same rage turning his eyes to a smoldering gold. He wouldn't stop staring at the door even though I tried to pull him away from it.

"Cullen we must go!" I called out to him trying to get him to move and it seemed to stir him. He practically dragged me to the escape as the rest of the civilians escaped.

"Go through. I'll be joining you shortly. Rylen, escort her out! If anything happens protect her at any cost." He ordered and I jolted towards him, but felt Rylen's insistent hand pull me backwards.

"My Lady we must go." He said as he pulled me. I tried to shake him off as I heard Cullen's voice echo off the walls.

"Men! Through the escape! We must retreat!" The recruits nodded as they finished the rest of the barricade. The door beveled with each shove of the Red Templars outside. Their chants and jeers making my heard pound in my ears. However, the jeering is not what made fear chill my bones. It was the sudden lack of it. The Chantry suddenly going eerily quiet as the soldiers and Cullen stopped, staring at the door as dull rhythmic thumps shook the ground. A drum? No, not a drum. Time seemed to go slower and slower as the ground rumbled. Rylen had also stopped in confusion and fear, his eyes along with everyone else's on the door.

"Get away from the door." I pleaded quietly, trying to shout to them. Warn them. No…no please. My fear enveloping my heart making it nearly stop beating as a silent moment passed. They were all just as paralyzed as I was. Confusion and fear plaguing them. Cullen spurred into action pulling an injured soldiers arm around his neck dragging him forward realizing the danger. Flashes of the Siege Monster that had destroyed the gate of Haven. That had crushed those soldiers scraped through my memory tauntingly slow. The horror on their faces. No. I saw Cullen turn to me, the shouts were muffled in my ears as he said my name, Rylen dragging me away. I resisted as I held my hand out to Cullen. His name wrenched from my lungs.

In a flash of brick and mortar the whole world came apart around me breaking the crawling moment. I was thrown backwards, my head cracking against the stone wall as broken parts of the barricade piled on top of me. Everything went hazy the sounds, the sights. My ears picking up nothing but a distorted ringing. I grimaced as everything in my body ached. I was sluggish, moments passing me by as my eyes focused and unfocused on the debris around me. I noticed body parts sticking out of the rubble unmoving and my heart jolted as my mind thought of Cullen. His face as the world crashed down around him. The debris that had been thrown around me settling slightly as the world started to come back to me. Light from the now burning Haven and the Breach shone through the gaping hole in the Chantry. I coughed, the dust drawing into my lungs making breathing painful. Quickly, I pulled up my shirt, covering my nose and mouth as I coughed both to muffle the sound and to stop the dust from entering. I shifted, grabbing at my waist in pain as my other hand worked up the wall trying to find something for me to hold onto so I could stand. I managed to slide upwards against the wall, but dropped again, my arm giving out. I was drained of energy. The multiple fights and injures now taking their toll. My whole body vibrated with strain, my muscles burning and tired. I had half a mind to lay there. To not fight anymore. What was the point? They had a fucking army. Even if I did get away. Even if Cullen was alive, we stood no chance against such a force. Echoes of rocks crashing and tumbling against each other and the jeers of the Red Templars lifting into the air only solidified my resolve. All our struggle. All our fighting and they just kept coming. Like ants swarming a feast. They had so many and we so little. Now…now Cullen had been lost too. I shut my eyes and nodded, there was no point in fighting it anymore as I succumbed to my wounds.

"Ah, still alive are we? Good, I was almost worried." The words echoed around me even though the voice wasn't near me. The sadistically amused voice distorted and cruel. It dragged me back, my eyes widening in the dark Chantry. Was this Samson's voice? "Lucky for me, you really do just refuse to die, Knight Captain." Knight-Captain? Cullen? Alive? My heart nearly stopped as I pushed myself up and stared around the corner of a structural beam, my heart in my throat when I saw two glowing red beasts dragging Cullen from the rubble. They tossed him forward, Cullen collapsing before pushing himself up onto his knees and hands. "What a strange sight. Knight-Captain Cullen kneeling before me?" Without a second thought Cullen shakily brought himself to a standing position. The monsters jeered around him and laughed. I was staring at him, my eyes so wide. He survived. He was alive. I felt a rumble against the ground and I nearly fell over. The behemoth creature was now standing in the entry way of the Chantry. It's monstrous fist, the cause of the tremor, now resting against the ground if it were natural. At least 4 red Templars surrounding Cullen, two more scouting the rubble. Samson in front of Cullen. I tried to come up with some plan, anything to get us out of here. My eyes went to the escape tunnel and my heart dropped. Rubble littered the doorway, fallen beams and stone sealing it shut. Maybe if I was quick enough I could grab Cullen and I could pull us into the dungeon with my palm. This damned mark could do that right? It might just work. I'd have to get to him first. My hand would also have to cooperate. Maker knows it was anything but consistent. My body was still aching, but seeing Cullen alive…it seemed to renew me. I wouldn't give up. Not as long as he was alive. I attempted to push myself up again. C'mon Quinn. Work through it. I encouraged, but my body wasn't responding well.

"Tell us, where is the Herald?" I paused in confusion. The Herald?...Did they not know that he was dead?

"He's dead." Cullen responded in a snarl. I noticed pain in his voice, was he injured? Maker I hope not badly, but then again he had a building dropped down on top of him.

"And the Lady Protector?" He asked, my eyes now on Cullen again noticing his eyes narrow further till they were nearly slits, a smirk in his voice.

"She's somewhere far from your reach, Samson." Samson didn't seem to like that response as he snarled and held his blade towards Cullen's neck.

"Nowhere is far enough, mark my words. We will find her. The Elder One has plans for that pretty little red head of yours and he will not be disappointed."

"Come now Samson, you are his General. He's bound to be disappointed at some point." My eyes widened and I would have laughed were the situation different. Samson looked angrier than I thought possible as he suddenly lifted Cullen and threw him into a column just to the right of them.

"How dare you speak to me like that. I am the General of the Elder One's army!" Cullen's shuffling echoed through the broken Chantry as he lifted himself up. I flinched as I tried to pull myself up too. Cullen was already injured no doubt, I wasn't sure how much more he could endure.

"Yes, we've established that." He grunted as he wiped the blood from his chin. I stared at him in utter surprise. I'd never seen him like this. He looked angry and cocky. Nothing like my normal calm and level headed Commander. No…this Cullen had the look of a man prepared to die. The look of a man who believed he had nothing left to lose. The thought frightened me to no end. "Well, is that all you've got Samson?" Cullen asked as he pulled his sword and yanked off the tattered overcoat of the soldiers' wares. He was going to fight him? I managed to push myself up the wall, now slinking towards them keeping to the shadows.

"Use your brain, Cullen. You can't beat us. Let alone me. Why do such a reckless thing when you could just join us instead?" He asked making Cullen stop in his tracks. I stopped in time too as I neared the Templars. "Join us and you can have all the power you want." Samson coaxed as he reached into his pocket and extended a bottle of red lyrium. The glowing red vial illuminating the space between him and Cullen. I looked to Cullen when suddenly I heard a crash on the ground. My heart constricted when I saw him heaving. The red lyrium on the ground shattered. I smiled at him before moving along the walls.

"I'd rather die than join you." Cullen suddenly attacked and I jerked as his blade crashed towards Samson. Samson backed away as three Templars ran at him. I continued to slink towards him, avoiding the light and making any noise. It would only take a moment for me to grab Cullen and run. Just one moment was all I needed. I watched for my opening, I would be of little use to him in a fight as I was. Cullen killed the Templars surrounding him and attacked Samson. His chest rising and falling quickly as he panted. His blade slick with blood. My heart pounded as I heard a bow and looked to my right seeing an archer pointing the arrow towards Cullen, but much to my confusion it wasn't an attempt to kill him. It was pointed down towards his leg like they were just attempting to immobilize him. Even the Templars attacking him weren't attempting to kill him even if Cullen was attempting to kill them. Samson raised his sword to stop Cullen's attack on him. I raised my dagger and threw it at the Archer and they died silently as they hit the ground with a thud. My eyes were on Cullen as he fought Samson, seeing his body move languid and practiced. His blade flashing with precision. I looked away again to make sure no more archers were taking aim when I heard Samson grunt in pain as Cullen drove his sword deep into the weak point of Samsons armor. My eyes widened, he won!? Samson's eyes were just as wide as mine as he held the sword hilt with his hands. In my moment of utter shock my brain barely registered the movement of someone running towards them. No… It was too late that I saw a Templar sprinting at Cullen. Far too late that my legs decided to move. The cry of the Templar echoed in my ears as I cried out for Cullen. The blade was raised as I pulled my other dagger and leapt forward onto him as he thrust his blade forward, the blade skimming my hip. I grimaced in pain as I drove my blade through it's eye socket. It screamed in pain as it released the sword, but I didn't hear it fall. Samson's eyes were wide as he looked to me, shock plain in his eyes. I didn't think much of the wound, it wasn't until Samson's eyes went from me to Cullen, plaintive grunt coming from his lips. The Templar that had thrusted the sword forward pulled away as he fell down, unmoving. I smirked in triumph, but it quickly fell. The sick sound of the sword sliding from flesh making my heart drop into my gut. I turned quickly, my fear overtaking me. Cullen was staring at me, his hands hovering in shock over his wound in his side, just under his heart. Blood already dampening the clothing he was wearing.

"Q-Quinn-" He dropped to his knees and I grabbed him, his name coming out of my throat in a pained whisper. I was holding him and he me, gripping my arms almost painfully as I eased him backwards. "I-I told you to run." Cullen growled through the pain, his voice growing weaker. I held his wound, my palms covered in his blood as I tried to stop the bleeding.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Cullen, please forgive me." I whimpered as I held his wound. "This is all my fault." I didn't have any potions, and if he did I'm fairly certain he'd already used them on others. There was no one to help us. This…this was it. I shook my head and held the wound as I heard Samson behind me as he recovered.

"You…" He grunted in pain, letting out a few breaths. "You must run, Quinn. Forget about me." I hadn't realized how wide my eyes were. How frantic I looked and felt until that moment. My heart racing, my eyes wide, my hands shaking. I shook my head as I felt tears sting my eyes. "Run, Quinn please!" He pleaded and to my right I saw Samson reaching out for us. His Templars circling as he spat at the one dead on the ground. I felt less like myself in that moment than I ever had. Before when someone around me died. Friend or not, I was unshakable. It hurt and I mourned them after, but in the moment, especially in the middle of a battle or when I was in danger, I was calm. I was anything but calm at the moment. My mind was loud and busy. My internal war of logic versus emotion. The storm versus the mountain. I was both unshakable and completely shaken, being scratched away at as the storm raged on.

"I said he was not to be harmed! You fools!" I shook my head as I held onto Cullen. He was fading fast. I ripped away my cape and held it onto his wound, the dark red staining and darkening the red of my cloak.

"Let me go, Quinn. You have to run. I'm already dead." It wasn't the sound of the Templars moving around us and it wasn't Samsons orders to grab me. It wasn't even the way my heart was pounding in my chest or the wild flashing of my palm that made the Fade spring to life around me. It was Cullen's eyes. Hooded and devoid of hope. Acknowledging that he was going to die, that this was his end. The electricity of the Fade tore a path through me starting in my palm and reverberating through my bones. A familiar heat of my glowing limb becoming hotter and hotter. The world flashed green around us and we were falling weightlessly until the Fade opened up once more. We tumbled onto green, wet grass moments later and I let out a cry of pain, My hand burning like someone had lit my skin on fire. The pain curling up my arm like vines of fire wrapping around my veins. I cried out into the wet grass, my eyes closed as I panted. The wet dew dampened my hair and face as I tried to force the pain to subside. The loose grass and dirt speckling along my pale skin. Cullen… Taking a few quick breaths, I opened my left eye to search for him only to find him on his side a few feet from me. I scrambled to him, the pain in my hand forgotten, now only a dull burn in the back of my mind. I pulled him onto his back gently so that I had his head rested against my lap as I looked around me. We were in a clearing of some sorts, the clouds hanging low and ominous above us. Like rain was coming.

"Cullen, Cullen wake up." I urged as I held his wound. "Please, Cullen, don't leave me. I need you." I whimpered as my hand moved his hair out of the way noticing his blood on my hands. His eyes opened and his dilated pupils hazily found mine. "I'm not going to let you leave me!" I whimpered as I looked around us. Through my watery eyes I thought I saw a barn, maybe a town? "Help." The cry I made for help was low as I tried to find my voice. My throat too choked up to make a louder noise. I shook my head and closed my eyes, my heart pounding as I looked down at Cullen again. "SOMEONE!" I cried a bit louder, "HELP!" I screamed, forcing out the words. Tears were streaming down my face as I ducked my head to Cullen's. I realized how hopeless my situation was, but I refused to accept it. Tears ran down my cheeks as part of me knew he was going to die. That-that I'd lost. Lost him, lost the Herald and Haven…and it was all my fault. "Please." I whimpered the last cry for help, my fingers biting into his skin without me realizing it. Cullen's hand went up to my cheek and I felt him wipe away the tears. "Do-" He choked. "Don't cry for me, love." He whispered. "Please, I don't deserve that." He pleaded as he gripped my marked hand. I couldn't speak, my throat constricting painfully. "You must go."

"I'm not leaving you here to-" I couldn't say it. I couldn't say that he was going to die. That I couldn't let him die alone. That I'd stay till the last moment. More tears streamed down my cheeks as I held him in my lap. One hand on his wound while the other held his head towards me. "I failed you. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." I felt something wet against my skin before I heard the rain start. He looked so in pain and I let out a small choked whimper as I pinched the nerve in his neck near his spine. A trick I learned from Avis… For a few moments, he wouldn't feel any pain. His eyes stared up at mine as his hand started to fall off my cheek, but I grabbed it. It was almost surreal, the simple action seemed to bring a calmness to me too. He was going to die. I was going to be alone. All of these things I knew without a shadow of a doubt, but the madness in my mind quieted for the moment, offering me some peace as he gave me a sad smile.

"Thank you." It almost sounded like a sigh. I grimaced and nodded as I dropped my forehead to his. Holding him to me.

"I-I wish we had more time." He choked, eliciting a whimper from me as I held onto him. "You have to fight, Quinn." He whispered as his hand shakily pushed something into mine. "Fight for all of us." I felt so numb, all my emotions mixing and the dread of what I knew was to come weighing down on me.

"We'll see each other again, love." I reassured even though I wanted to scream that he was going to be alright, lie to him in anyway I knew how, but he was losing so much blood and that wound. It would kill any normal person. "Just wait for me." I whispered and I saw a tear fall from his eye.

"I'm just glad, I got to see you one last time." He drifted off as he was speaking, my eyes widening as his hand fell completely from my face. His body limp in my arms. My hand lifted from his wound shaking like a leaf my wide eyes staring at them for only a moment before they were back on his lifeless pupils.

"C-Cullen…?" I whispered in fright. His eyelids were closed and I thanked the Maker for that, I couldn't bear to see his eyes. Usually so full of life now…dull and lifeless. The blood that dribbled from his lips staining his cheek as the rain washed it away. Then, just like that the world stood still, just like it had when we first met. This endless moment that trapped me, frozen in anguish. My eyes flicked to my palm seeing a thin material in it. My palm opened and inside was my bracelet that he'd given me. The pearl in the middle now smeared with blood. My eyes widened as I gripped onto him, a sharp, rib shattering thump of my heart bringing my pain to a new level. It all felt like it hit me at once. Like it wasn't real until now. I hugged his body to mine as my head tilted back and I let out a scream that echoed my pain and rage and sorrow. My blood felt like poison in my veins, everything burning and painful. My heart in pieces as I held him. My screams echoed in the opening. The rain was soaking us both as I sobbed. Apologies and curses fell from my lips as I clung to him, my body curled over him for what felt like hours. I couldn't stop the emotions that were lashing through me. I was powerless against them, being battered and broken by them all the same. Thinking was impossible. I faintly heard the hisses of demons around me, but I paid little attention to them. One got close to me as my tears fell down my face mixing with the rain. I saw it raise its great claw at me. Yes, kill me. Kill me please. End this. I hurt so badly, everything involving the Inquisition fell away. I was already exhausted and this…this was all it took to force me into submission. I looked up at the demon as it snarled a smile at me and I accepted it. The claws slicing the air between us.

Suddenly I heard his voice, Cullen's, clear as day like he was next to me. He yelled my name and my blade snapped up against my will. I stopped it just before it touched me, for the life of me I wasn't sure how I moved or why, but whatever was the reason. However I heard him, I felt a surge of energy and a snarl of pure rage on my lips. With precision I destroyed the demon. My body was still so tired, but it was like I was renewed for the moment. My adrenaline keeping my heart pumping. The demons had surrounded us, attracted to easy prey. I killed two more disgusting creatures when one threw me to the ground. I fought with everything I had, but it kept me down, it's claws now at my throat. I couldn't keep it away any longer. I'm sorry, Cullen. I tried. Out of nowhere a cry sounded off. A new voice crying out as a sword cut through the demon on top of me. He had dark skin and wore Templar armor. I stared at him as he struck down all the demons around us. He heaved breaths as he looked towards me. He looked normal, but I still flinched away from him. He calmed and leant down as I snarled at him.

"I'm here to help you." He stated calmly. He extended his hand, but I held out my blade in front of me, Cullen just behind me. The Templar shifted his dark eyes from me to Cullen behind me, pity in his eyes as they flashed back to me. "I'm sorry for your loss." He said as he frowned down at me making my eyes widen. "We aren't safe right now, more demons lurk in these woods. We must head for shelter. Come with me." I shook my head as I backed to Cullen.

"You're one of them. A Red Templar." I hissed at him angrily. He stared at me wide eyed.

"You know of them? Did they do this to you? Are they near?" He asked quickly, seemingly frightened at the thought. I was confused at his tone. He calmed himself and urgently looked into my eyes. "Where are we?" I asked and he looked around. His eyes shifted around us, he could obviously sense the demons near us. My eyes followed him as he moved forward.

"Near a city called South Reach. A family who lives in a barn near there allowed me to stay that is where we will go. However, we have to leave now. More demons are coming and I can't put the family in danger." I grabbed hold of Cullen's hand. His skin was cold and it made me shiver. It didn't suit him. He was always so warm. I looked to him and then at the Templar as he shook his head. "We must leave him. He's gone. He'll slow us down." I frowned and shook my head.

"Please. I can't carry him by myself, but I can't leave him to rot in a place like this. Please." I begged, but he was insistent and hurried his hand reaching out for me.

"It won't make it easier." He said as if he understood. I held Cullen's hand tighter in my own.

"I'm not leaving him out here. Help me carry him or leave. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to be lain to rest with respect. You're a Templar, would you not give your brethren the same courtesy. He would give it to you." The Templar stared at me. "Look, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I'm willing to trust you. I have no other choice. Do this for me and I will help you survive." I bargained and he looked me up and down before nodding. He leant down and in one swift movement he pulled Cullen's body over his shoulders. I stared and nodded a thank you before we moved forward. We were silent as we walked and I was thankful for it. I hardly trusted my voice, it was breaking during my plea for him to help me. My emotions running amok inside me. I couldn't even look at him. From my peripheral vision it almost looked like Cullen was just passed out. In another world I imaged Cullen had gotten drunk and our kind Templar friend carried him back to his tent. We'd laugh and joke about it in the morning. I felt a tear leak from my eye, and I shook either from the brisk evening air or the thought that I'd never see him smile at me again. Never see those golden eyes warm as his arms pulled around me. We'd never watch another sunrise together or laugh. Maker this world had taken such wonderful things from me, but taking him hurt more than I ever imagined. My heart felt like it was in pieces in my chest. Shattered, sharp pieces that burned and tore up my insides. I was walking as if I were sleeping. Following the Templar hollowly, my feet trudging through the dirt and grass. Even when I'd died, I'd never felt this…dead. My mind ran over a million scenarios where if I had just acted I would have saved him. The shock in Samsons' eyes. My own shock and fear taking me over activating my hand. Cullen, whispering my name as he collapsed. The blood on my hands, his and our enemies. I stank of demon ichor and blood. My hair matted against my face from the rain and blood. Even though I was cold and numb and wet, I thanked the Maker for the rain. At least I could wash away some of this. I almost wished the rain would wash me away too, even though I knew life wasn't that kind. Closing my eyes momentarily I frowned, I was being foolish. I knew what I had to do. I knew that I had to get back to the Inquisition. To tell them what I knew. To rally them to fight against the Templars, but I was being weak. I just wanted to die, but I knew I couldn't yet. It hurts. Maker, it hurts. I walked forward following the Templar still as he started to huff with exertion. It was then that I saw a small barn and house near it. He seemed relieved to see it and I nodded, this must be where he lives. I numbly walked forward when I saw an older looking man run out from the house towards us.

"Ser Barris! What happened?" The man asked worriedly and I flinched away from his eyes as the rain poured.

"I found these people in the woods. She was being attacked by demons and already wounded. I know it is much to ask, but would you allow her to stay? Just until she can get back on her feet." He asked and the older man who looked to me. I didn't meet his gaze. I hated it. Hated that I needed help. It made me feel like I did all those years back. Living off of others. The older man nodded and I should have felt relieved, but instead I just felt numb. I could feel the older mans eyes switch from me to Cullen.

"What about-"

"He's dead. She wanted to bury him." My heart, if it were even possible broke further, hearing it out loud. My hand started to quiver, the green energy dull, but present. I was staring at Cullen, my eyes barely focused as this woozy feeling overcame me all of the sudden. The thought of Cullen being buried made me sick. My head becoming clouded and I suddenly collapsed. Tired and beaten and bloody. I hit the wet earth hard, but I couldn't feel a thing.

"So this is the entrance?" Dorian asked as he looked towards me, his eyes reflecting in them the worry that seemed to weigh down everyone on our way here. I nodded mutely as I pulled open the hatch, the dust puffing up around us before settling. "I know it's too late to turn around now, but you're sure this leads to the castle?"

"94.6% sure."

"That'll have to do I suppose." I shrugged as I dropped down into the tunnel and he followed suit with our agents following just behind.

"Are you sure you can take these traps down?" I asked and he looked to my with a smirk.

"94.6% sure." I looked to him and felt a small smirk light my lips. We continued to walk through stopping every so often in order for the traps to be taken down by Dorian. "So, if we all make it through this, what is the first thing you're going to do when you get back?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Don't like silence, do you?" I asked noticing a grimace.

"Not when my mind is loud."

"Fair enough. I will probably drink, take a nap and thank my lucky stars no one died." He chuckled and nodded.

"That is quite a good idea." He responded with a cheery tone. I looked to him as he tapped his chin. "Hmm, I believe I will also take a nap. This beauty needs his rest." I chuckled at that. He was funny at least. "I'm surprised though, not going to run into your sweethearts arms?"

"I don't have one." I responded as I lifted an eyebrow. He looked shocked, genuinely.

"Wait, so that blonde haired sculpture isn't…well I read that all wrong." I paused for only a moment.

"Wait-what. You thought that I-that the Commander and I were together?" I nearly stuttered, but controlled myself. Maker's shit, did we seem like that?

"Last time I saw a man looking at another person the way he was looking at you, they were...more than friendly." I must've looked more shocked then I realized because he frowned. "Did you not notice?"

"Cullen is a friend. Nothing more, nothing less." It almost sounded like I was trying to convince myself more than him. Am I that oblivious?...no. No I knew how Cullen looked at me, it was the same way I looked at him...but it wasn't right. I've already decided that there is no room in my life or this world for us being together.

"I see. I apologize for reading the situation wrong."

"Don't apologize. Many do." I said and he lifted an eyebrow, but said nothing more of it. I saw the worry come back into his eyes as he stared ahead, a faint bead of sweat coming off his forehead. "Perhaps you can join me for that drink, hmm?" I asked and he looked towards me as we got to the stairs where he stopped to look at me shortly, his mustache twitching.

"If we make it through this, I'll definitely take you up on that offer, my dear." He replied. Time stretched on as we finally made it to the dungeon and I bobbed my head for them to follow. We made through the castle, my blades and the blades of my agents taking out our assailants without a sound. The throne room was heavily guarded by men in Tevinter garb, however, they weren't fast enough to stop us. My agents and I took them out with ease and I escorted Dorian along into the side entrance to the throne room. From the door I could hear a voice, Felix's. His thick Tevinter accent, but kind voice giving him away.

"I told them everything Father." Dorian looked to me as my agents got into place. Slowly moving into the throne room from the side doors. Leliana was correct, these men were well trained. I could feel the tension in the air from here.

"Felix, what have you done?" Alexius hissed, the contempt in his voice palpable.

"You wanted me here. Why?" The Herald spoke up and I felt a sense of pride for him. He sounded so strong and ready. Like a true Herald of Andraste. Showing no fear.

"Do you know what you are?" Alexius asked with a snarl in his tone. "You walk into my stronghold with your stolen mark- a gift you do not even understand- and think you are in control?" Alexius took a pause as I heard his footsteps moving forward. "You're nothing but a mistake." He said finally and I glared at the door. What did that even mean?

"If I'm a mistake, then what was the Breach supposed to accomplish?" Liam's voice rang out, not sounding an ounce bit worried at the aggression of Alexius's words.

"It was to be a triumphant moment for the Elder One, for the world." Alexius almost sounded like he was in awe and what was supposed to be.

"I cannot stand here for another moment and listen to this." Dorian grunted next me.

"Father do you even know what you are sounding like?" Felix asked as I peeked in and my agents took out the guards as Dorian walked forward. I stayed hidden in the shadows.

"He sounds like the sort of villainous cliché everyone believes us to be." Dorian spoke up and all the attention seemed to shift for the moment. I hid in the shadows to avoid their eyes, keeping a watchful eye on the Herald and our surroundings. For the moment there were no dangers left in the room except for Alexius.

"Dorian." Alexius hissed. I'm assuming they had a falling out of sorts. When Dorian had spoke of him earlier in Haven, it seemed like he hated the man, but I could sense a bit of fondness for his old mentor. I certainly know that feeling. "I gave you a chance to be a part of this. You turned me down. The Elder One has power you would not believe. He will raise the Emperium from it's own ashes." My eyes traveled from Alexius to Trevelyan whose eyes had found me and he smirked before turning his eyes back to Alexius. A confidence in me shining in his eyes.

"Blah, blah. My cult's bigger than yours. I've heard it a thousand times." Behind him I saw Bull smirking from that, obviously appreciating the humor. Dorian smirked at Trevelyan too.

"Well you know, it's a chance for the Imperium to really one-up that whole starting the Blight thing." Alexius didn't seem to be listening to their jests however, instead standing there holding his hand up like he were a prophet.

"He will make the world bow to Mages once again. We will rule from the Boeric Ocean to the Frozen Seas." I saw Fiona move forward a step, her face lighting with anger.

"You can't involve my people in this!"

"Alexius, this is what you and I talked about never wanting to happen! Why would you support this?" Dorian attempted to reason with Alexius, but he hardly listened.

"Stop this Father. Give up the Venatori. Let the Southern Mages fight the Breach and let's go home." Felix tried his hand at reasoning as well, but neither seemed to get through to him.

"No. It's the only way Felix. He can save you." Save him? What kind of twisted way could this Elder One possibly save him from death?

"Save me?" Felix questioned in shock. Alexius nodded mostly to himself as he looked back towards Liam.

"There is a way. He promised. If I just undo the mistake at the Temple." Alexius hissed, his eyes on Trevelyan.
"I'm going to die. You need to accept that." Felix ground out.

"Seize them, Venatori. The Elder One demands this man's life." I smirked to myself as he noticed all the Venatori replaced by my agents.

"Your men are dead, Alexius." Liam announced as he took a brave step forward. His eyes on him with a smirk.

"You are a mistake. You should never have existed." My body tensed as I saw him pull an amulet of some kind out of his pocket and a strange bluish green energy swarmed around it.

"LIAM!" I cried as our companions reacted too slow. I sprinted forward as Dorian shouted and threw his staff forward, magic flowing brightly towards Alexius's amulet. It hit him and the spell erupted around Alexius, Dorian and Trevelyan. I gasped as my hand lit up as the spell swarmed us. I tried to push Liam out of the way, but suddenly the Fade burst before me and the world went green.

I woke up groggy, my hand curling into something soft beneath me. The smell of earth and hay around me. A barn maybe? Or a stable? It reminded me of Haven and for a moment I thought I was there. Then it all came crashing down, the reminder of the fire. Of Samson and the Red Templars. Cullen. Cullen! My eyes snapped open and I sat straight up. My eyes wide, but unfocused as I looked around me. It was dark and fear started to tear into me. My broken voice calling out for Cullen. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. It was just a nightmare. A terrible, horrible nightmare. Cullen was alive. Haven wasn't destroyed. It was just a nightmare. I wanted to scream, but my voice wouldn't allow it. My throat raw and hoarse. I grabbed for the earth and cringed when my side and shoulder tweaked in pain. It was in this moment that dread overwhelmed my senses. My wounds were real…and that meant that everything else was too. My body shook like a leaf at the thought. Tears welled up in my eyes that I refused to let fall. I heard the sound of crunching dirt, the slide of metal against rock. It was rhythmic, chink, swish, chink, swish. I stared into the darkness of the barn before I stood, following the sound of it. My vision started to clear and I was able to make out the different parts of the area I was in. It was a barn and my mind flashed to the barn I had seen before I passed out. My heart pounded in my chest as I exited the opening of the barn following the sound. I found the sound fairly quickly. The Templar from before was standing in a hole, only his head peaking out. My heart ached when I realized it was a grave. He looked up at me with sad eyes. It was then that I noticed a body wrapped up in clean linen. I wanted to cry, to cry like I was a child. My hands twitched and I stuttered towards him, but caught myself. The Templar flinched, perhaps thinking I was going to pass out again, but stopped. He tossed the shovel up onto the ground and pulled himself out. He wasn't wearing his armor anymore, but instead a linen shirt and pants. I was staring at Cullen's body now wrapped in the linens.

"I'll uh, let you say your goodbyes." My heart pounded as he moved past me, my eyes still on Cullen's covered form. Goodbyes… I walked over to him and frowned trying to hold back the tears. Remembering his last moments, the way he looked so at peace, but so hesitant to go. Not wanting me to cry for his passing… I couldn't speak, the words that I wanted to say unable to be voiced. I wanted to say everything that I was thinking. What he meant to me, how sorry I was. I couldn't manage anything though. My throat felt tight and my eyes puffy as I dropped to my knees. I felt so weak right now. I placed my hands in front of me and felt a tear slip down my cheeks. I shouldn't be acting like this… I should be strong. I inhaled sharply,

"I was never good at this. You'd think I would be, after everyone I've lost. I should be rather proficient." I let out a humorless laugh, but I felt my heart clench as I stared down at him. This good man now wrapped and ready to be buried. Buried. "Why did it have to be you, Cullen? Of all people…why you?" I shook my head, my wet hair swaying around me limply. "It should have been me. I would much prefer death to…this." I took a shaky breath as my composure slipped. "I'm sorry, Cullen. I'm so sorry. Plea-Please forgive me." A hiccup left my lips as my hand shook on the ground. I felt a tear run down my cheek. It should have been me. My throat still felt so tight as I hiccuped again. My sobs being wrenched from my body, shaking me. It hurt. "I can't stand the thought of you not being here with me. Maker if there was some way I could bring you back, I would. I'd drag you back down here and beg you to never leave again." I shook as I thought of the Templar who did this to him. Of Samson, his army and the Elder One. A snarl pulled at my lips as my eyebrows pulled together, my face contorting. "I swear to you. I'll kill them for doing this to you. Every single one of them. I'll fight till my last breath." I seethed as I thought of every way I'd tear them apart. Of how much I would enjoy watching the light drain from their eyes like I had to watch Cullen's. Watch the hope die in them. I took a deep breath, my thoughts back on Cullen… the thought of seeing him again… "Then…when it comes time for me to die…I hope that I'll be in the same place as you. I'd like that. We'll find a nice place where we can sit and watch the sunrise. Just you and me." I whimpered, tears streaming down my face as I bent over holding my waist in pain. I don't know why I was doing this to myself. Saying these things to him that affected me so. I don't know why I felt like I owed it to him to give him this final goodbye. He wouldn't want this of me. He'd want me to be strong, not to continue this sob story. I let out a shaky breath as I wiped my face. "Things are about to get worse, I can feel it…" I said to myself as I put my hand on his head. "I'll do all I can, and then I'll find you again. I promise." I whispered as I placed a gentle kiss on where I assume his forehead was. "Until then, love." I whispered finally. This was my goodbye. For however long it took to see him again in the next life. I closed my eyes and stood from him, my eyes on his body which was wrapped with great care. My hands were still shaking as Barris, I believe his name was, and the older man from before walked past me. Barris looked to me, but I couldn't move even to make eye contact.

"Normally, when a fellow Templar falls we burn the body. It's an honorable ceremony for an honorable death. However, we cannot risk demons or the Red Templars seeing the fire." I nodded in understanding. It made sense. Everyone was in hiding from those monsters. I watched as they lowered Cullen down into the grave gently and my heart sunk with him. The numbness was back. The low burning fire of rage inside of me doing nothing to pull me out of it. Seconds passed to minutes and then to hours. Before I knew it the hole had covered up and fresh dirt now lain over his body. I stayed there after, unmoving as the world around me kept going. It was getting dark out, the sun behind the gray clouds finally starting fading into the night and I heard a voice behind me. Barris.

"You should come inside before it gets cold out." I shook him off, but he was insistent. He let out a sigh. "I am sorry for your loss, but making yourself sick isn't going to bring him back." He added as he moved next to me. His dark eyes on me as I kept mine on the fresh dirt. He frowned as he nodded and looked at the ground too. "What was his name?" I was hesitant to speak, my own emotions humming back to life.

"Cullen." I whispered, and he stared at me for a moment.

"Do you know his rank? Someone should remember who he was." I shook my head. Knight-Captain was it? But…then again he wouldn't want to be remembered as part of the Order would he?

"He left the order. He was the Commander of the Inquisition." I replied and felt the noticeable pause as he was thinking for a moment.

"Wait… Cullen Rutherford?" I flinched but nodded. He seemed shocked at this admission. "He is-Do you know who he was?" He asked me and I frowned.

"A friend, and now he's dead. All because of your kin." I hissed. I wasn't sure why I said it to be honest. I just knew I wanted to be angry at something and being angry at myself was no longer helping.

"The Red Templars are not 'my kin' I managed to escape before they could get me too. Samson…he poisoned all his men. I saw what he was doing and tried to warn the others but it was too late. When I retaliated I was nearly killed." He said as his hand went to his side, probably where he was wounded. "This family found me, saved me. If anyone is my kin now, it's them." With the frown still present on my lips I nodded.

"They will die." I whispered as I stared at the ground. "Samson wants me." I ground out as my fists balled tight. "He will come after me, he will send a horde and anyone that gets in the way will die." I said and could feel Barris next to me tensing. "I must leave. Tonight."

"Why does he want you?" Barris asked with a frown on his lips as he moved in front of me. My hands shook remembering Haven. I didn't know whether or not to tell him.

"I got away. I need to find the Inquisition. They might have a plan to stop him." I started walking off. My resolve renewed.

"Wait! The Inquisition is lost! Haven fell! Everyone there was murdered by the Red Templars." I frowned and stopped.

"You were misinformed. Some managed to escape. The Commander and I…stayed behind. Fought off the horde, but they had too many and we too few." I remembered the crash of the rubble. Cullen fighting against the Templars. The one Templar driving his blade through- I quickly shook myself from the thoughts and started moving forward again. I wasn't sure where I was going, I just couldn't stand near his grave any longer. A hand snapped out and grabbed my bicep quickly.

"Hold on. Where are you going? We had a deal." My eyes drifted up to his and in that moment I truly thought about killing him. It'd be too easy, and who would notice except this family? They might just think he was murdered by demons in the woods. So easy. "I normally wouldn't care, but I saw the way you fought off those demons, injured as you are. You can fight and right now…I'm running out of options. That army is moving down from Denerim. They're coming right for South Reach before they regroup and move west. I believe that our goals may just intertwine. We can take this family with us, help you find the Inquisition and they can keep us safe." I nodded and froze for a moment. Many thoughts running through my mind. Army moving to South Reach to regroup? Which means that Samson would be coming here. A dark part of my mind grinned. I'd get my chance to kill him-

"Wait, you said South Reach?" My heart skipped when my thoughts on Samson halted. "How far away is the army?" I questioned quickly. He shook his head.

"I-I don't know-I only-"

"I need to go there now. I have friends there. I must go get them ou-" Before I could finish my sentence I felt an explosion rock the ground. It was dull, but noticeable. My heart was in my throat as I looked beyond the trees to where the city was and saw black smoke rising. My eyes were wide as Barris looked down at the ground before spinning in shock to follow my gaze.

"It's too late. They're already here."