A/N: It's been so long since I've been here. Life gets busy in University :L

However I want to finish this story, so I'm returning briefly to conclude Experiment 13. I will be posting more stories on my AO3 account, if you want to follow me there, I'll post a link in my bio ;)


PS: This chapter was written a year ago. I'm not sure how good it is/isn't.

Chapter 55: Seasons Greetings

She shivered, Kaiba's voice doing wonders to her body. Her hand caught his head and pulled him so that their lips connected, as he worked on taking off her bra. She interrupted their kiss long enough to complain that he was still fully dressed and Kaiba simply agreed, his attention focused on her breasts.

He bent his head and latched on, throwing Alyssa's focus off as she squirmed under his expert touch. His hand moved to her waist to hold her still, before travelling further south and finding the bundle of nerves that Kaiba had other plans for. She moaned loudly, loud enough for Kaiba to bring his mouth to hers again to quieten her. She moaned into his mouth and he groaned in return, his fingers playing her like a musical instrument.

Alyssa accidentally found her way into his thoughts, seeing the almost obscene idea he had in mind for her. She blushed even more, completely unprepared for what he planned to do next.

Kaiba trailed kisses down her body, taking his time on her exposed chest. His hands moved to hold her as he made his way down the apex of her thighs, his eyes raising to meet hers as he kissed the inside of each thigh slowly and carefully. Alyssa's breathing caught and she watched, mesmerised, as he brought his mouth to her most intimate area and suckled gently, his eyes never breaking contact from hers.

"OhmygoshSeto!" Her words poured from her mouth all at once, flooding into one as she tried to contain herself. Kaiba smirked against her, his hands now holding her waist to prevent her from thrusting into his face as he focused on her. Alyssa's hands gripped his hair again and tugged slightly, making Kaiba groan at the contact.

She was driving him insane.

Her thighs squeezed his head, her fingers drilling into his scalp as he dragged his tongue around her opening lazily. She squirmed and fidgeted, one again feeling like she was missing something. Like she needed something.

He waited until he knew she was on the very edge, before pulling away and looking straight back up into her darkened aqua eyes. His hands were still resting dutifully on her thighs, holding her close to his body as he appraised her. Her face contorted into a frown as she ground her teeth, her hands twisting into the sheets beneath her.

"Seto, why did you…" She was breathless. She was breath-taking. Kaiba stared at her pale body squirming on his bedsheets, squirming in a puddle of mess that she had created in his presence. Never in a million years did Kaiba ever think that this was what he wanted, what he truly wanted. Money and fame was not all that it was hyped up to be, Kaiba had realised that a long time ago, but having someone so close to him, someone that he cared deeply for that wasn't related to him, was a mystery in itself.

His hands moved slowly, pulling off the odd articles of clothing he still wore. His tie, his shirt, his trousers. One of his hands moved slowly to reach hers on the bed, gripping it so lightly that he could barely feel her slim fingers at all. As he lined himself up he looked her fully into the face, pausing at her opening as he told her with the utmost sincerity;

"You're the greatest thing I've ever found."

It took Alyssa a while to wake up fully, her mind and body lulled into such a comfortable sleep that subconsciously she refused to wake up. Slowly, her mind and body pulled away from sleep and into a conscious state, one that Alyssa was certain to be a dream.

There was someone in the bed behind her.

She took in a breath and held it, unsure of what to do. This was the first time she had woken up in the same bed as Kaiba, and she wasn't sure how to proceed. His lean body was pressed flush against her own, his arms wrapped around her to hold her in place. Holding her to him. She sighed and leaned back, snuggling into the warmth that was his chest.

He breathed in the scent from her hair, making her giggle. "I didn't mean to wake you Seto, I'm-"

He cut her off, pulling her around so that he could press his lips against hers. "Go back to sleep Alyssa. It's a little after three." Kaiba's arms tightened around her middle just slightly, as he snuggled his face into her shoulder and breathed deeply. Her eyes slipped closed again, and she tried to fall back asleep.

After twenty minutes of waiting patiently for sleep to come, Alyssa decided to be slightly cheeky and peek into Kaiba's thoughts. There were blues and silvers, and at first she didn't know what was happening. Mokuba appeared, as did who she assumed to be their biological father and mother. The Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared in her peripheral vision, and so Alyssa turned around on the spot to see it more clearly. Standing there beside the Blue Eyes, was Kaiba.

A feeling of unease crept into her throat and she gasped, the idea that suddenly manifested in her mind proving more worrisome than she had first thought. Kaiba looked at her from across the dining room table, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. The small family was eating breakfast together. Mokuba gripped the sleeve of her oversized sweatshirt and tugged it slightly, despite being sat right beside her. "Alyssa, are you okay?"

She nodded, focusing her gaze on her French toast and fresh orange juice. "Seto…" Her voice faded, the idea seeming so surreal to her that she almost didn't want to know for sure.

He stared, waiting for her to continue. "Yes, Ally?"

Finding her voice again and encouraged by his curiosity, Alyssa decided to ask. "What did you dream about last night?"

Although there hadn't been much conversation before this in the grand dining room, the silence following her question was so prominent that it hurt her ears. Confusion swallowed her, as she looked back and forth between Kaiba and Mokuba. Immediately regretting her question, she tried to backtrack her way out of the thick tension in the room. "I didn't mean… You don't have to answer, I was just curious about something is all…"

Kaiba frowned. "Did I say something in my sleep? Or did I…" He trailed off, his fork hovering dangerously on the edge of his fingertips. One hand was laid flat on the table, but Alyssa could see that it was due to effort that it stayed that way. "Or did you see it? Was that what happened?"

The blush rose in her cheeks as she debated how to tell him that she had invaded his privacy. Mokuba piped up, earning himself a glare from his older brother. "Alyssa, tell us what's going on. Seto doesn't usually remember these dreams very well, so you'll have to tell him what you saw."

She looked back to the older Kaiba, head tilted. It dawned on her slowly, like resurfacing after plunging deep into water. "Oh, it wasn't anything bad. It was… Unusual. There were people."

Kaiba visibly relaxed, his fingers clasping around his fork properly and his 'resting' hand actually rested on the tablecloth. "Yes, I had a dream with people in it." Alyssa nodded, her hands clenching and unclenching around a napkin on her lap. "What about it? Were you prying?" Kaiba's expression was now smug, and Alyssa smirked.

"Well… I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd see what you were dreaming about. But it was strange. I saw you in your own dream." Mokuba burst out laughing, pointing at Kaiba across the table.

"You dream about yourself, Seto? That's hilarious!"

Kaiba became confused once more and placed his fork carefully back onto the table. He folded his arms, probably to keep from clenching his hands, Alyssa theorised. "I wasn't dreaming about myself, Mokie." The younger boy stopped laughing. "In my dream, I saw you, mom and dad." Mokuba's mouth fell open slightly. "I was standing beside a Blue Eyes White Dragon, and then out of nowhere, Alyssa appeared."

Mokuba's eyes narrowed as he analysed Alyssa. "Can you visit people's dreams?"

Alyssa held her breath unintentionally. Thinking over what she had seen in his dream and what Kaiba had described his dream to be, she realised that if she saw him and he saw her, then that would mean…

Her lungs gasped for air and she released the breath that she had been holding through pursed lips. She swallowed thickly, her throat feeling constricted. "It appears so, yes."

Kaiba sensed her apprehension upon realising this, and decided to divert Mokuba's attention as much as possible. Feigning indifference, he shrugged and returned to his breakfast. "Well that's interesting to hear. It might even be helpful at times." To reassure her further, he looked up and winked at her, making her flush again.

Mokuba agreed, passing it off as something less extraordinary like Kaiba had hoped he would. Alyssa resumed eating, as did the two brothers, and Kaiba hoped for no more surprises for her.