And here we go... We've reached the end. I want to thank everyone whose read this religiously, followed and reviewed each and every time! It's been amazing and I really hope you've enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it! Thank you again lovelies 3

Enjoy Xo.


Dean paced around the hospital room with a lump in his throat and his palms sweaty, trying to mentally prepare himself for the next twenty minutes of this nightmare. Everything had happened so fast, so unexpectedly. He thought they still had time, four weeks to be exact but the little bugger had plans of its own and she was ready to make her presence known.

They were in Florida visiting Paige and Roman, which Brit ultimately regretted now. There they lay by the pool while Paige and Roman had taken Jake to the beach, so Dean could finally have Brit alone. But that didn't last long as she complained of stomach pain and there it was... The chair she lay in was sopping wet and she hunched over in pain as Dean stood looking on at the horror.

"My water broke," Brit panicked, her eyes huge with fright. It was way too early.

"Shit," he finally uttered, stumbling to his feet. Helping Brit to hers, he grabbed her hand and led her through the house. She winced in unbearable pain, this labor a hell of a lot different than Jake's.

She knew their daughter was coming fast.

"Okay, okay. Get in the car!" Dean urged, starting his rental.

"Oh my God, Dean!" Brit shrieked. "What the hell are we doing? We should be back in Vegas, driving to the hospital there... We don't have any of her clothes or her car seat! Do you even know where you're going! I could have this baby in the front seat of this damn fucking car!" She panicked, tears welling in the corners of her eyes as she held on for dear life.

"Relax!" Dean urged, taking a deep breath. "I know where I'm going... We lived here once, remember?"

"Yeah... That was six years ago! And sorry I didn't happen to mentally visualize this town while I was busy getting my ass kicked in training!"

"Britney... Calm down," Dean said quietly as he dialed Roman's cell. He grew impatient as it rang and rang, an exasperated sigh filling the air.

"Hey, what's up man?" Roman finally answered.

"Finally!" Dean said, "Britney's having the baby... I think."

"What?" Roman asked in complete shock.

"Her water broke and she's in pain and she looks like she wants to punch me in the face," he grinned all the while Brit glared right back at him.

"Man, you are definitely having a baby," Roman said with a chuckle.

"Awww, Jakey you're going to be a big brother!" Dean heard Paige exclaim in the background, followed by his son's contagious laughter.

"Call us when you get there, let us know what's going on," Roman instructed. "We'll stop by with Jake to so he can meet his baby sister."

"Okay man," Dean said, ending the call and shoving his phone into his pocket.

Brit had her eyes shut; her head leaned against the window as she forced her body to relax. There was no way in hell she could have this baby in the car. But as another contraction ran its course, she second guessed herself. People gave birth in cars before, it wasn't unheard of. The more she thought about it, the less crazy it seemed. She could handle it, Dean on the other hand well, she wasn't sure about that. But thankfully after what seemed like the longest car ride known to man, they made it to the hospital having to part ways as Brit ran inside frantically in search of nurses while Dean parked the car. Brit was rushed to the labor and delivery ward in a wheel chair, holding her head in the palm of her hand longing for Dean to be by her side.

Just as she was being placed into a private delivery room, Dean rushed in with the swarm of nurses running around to set up for the arrival of their baby.

But the rest was a blur even after the doctor informed them of the situation they now found themselves in.

"Shit," Dean muttered, keeping from gritting his teeth together in front of the doctor.

The baby's heart beat had been rapidly declining as time went on and having a natural birth at this point was out of the question, for the baby's sake.

"Okay... This is happening," Brit said quietly, tears streaming down her face.

Dean nodded, leaning over the bed to place a kiss on her forehead. "You're going to be fine... She's gonna be fine."

He took his place against the wall opposite of her bedside, watching as they prepped her for the C-Section. Brit couldn't help but giggle, tears still rolling down her cheeks which caught Dean a little off guard. "What the hell are you laughing at?" He asked, taken back by her sudden amusement.

"Just thought how funny it would be seeing a big guy like you falling to the ground, passed out when she comes out. Think you can handle all of this?"

Dean scoffed. "Don't worry, sweetheart... I can handle it."

Brit's smile soon fell as reality set in again, the beeping of the machines alerting the baby's heart beat dropping again. "It's okay," Dean whispered, his fingers brushed against her cheek. The nurses had him change into scrubs and a mask which Brit found amusing. "We should definitely get those for the house, Dr. Ambrose," she mumbled, a small smile pulling at her lips as Dean glared.

Quickly they wheeled Brit through the halls to the OR, pumping her full of anesthesia while Dean waited in the hall until he was able to join her again. As he approached his girl completely knocked out, he still didn't know what to expect. All he knew was that he was to sit by her head while the doctor basically tore her open so they could save their daughter from any more harm. He swayed back and forth, anxiously drumming his fingers against the sides of his legs as he waited, and waited. His eyes darted back and forth to the doctor and nurses, prepping for the first incision. He grew impatient, wondering if it was even supposed to take this long in an emergency.

He sighed deeply, rubbing at his eyes but what he heard next pulled at his heart strings and even made his stomach flip flop in excitement. He heard the sounds of his daughter's cries fill the room.

"We have a girl," the doctor announced, handing the baby over to the nurses to wipe clean and examine.

"She okay doc?" Dean asked, his protective fatherly instinct taking over. The doctor nodded, smiling as the bundled baby girl was placed into Dean's arms. He held his daughter close, a huge grin as he stared down at the beautiful, precious sleeping beauty.

"What's this little girl's name?" one of the nurses asked.

"Piper," Dean mumbled, "Piper Rose."


"You were so gorgeous, Britney! I can't believe it's been more than a year!" Paige gushed, a picture framed of Brit and Dean dressed to the nines on their wedding day.

"Britney, do you take Dean to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward for as long as you live?"

Brit nodded. "I do."

She was beautiful- dressed in lacy white, reminiscent of an angel. He had to blink a few times during the ceremony to make sure this moment in time was real. Even when she took the walk down the aisle he was sure it was all a dream until Roman nudged him, whispering a "She's beautiful, man."

The whole ceremony was a blur. Dean only saw her lips moving, the words inaudible as he was so entranced. This is what he'd wanted for so long- to be a family, and to be together. He was so in love, as was she.

"Dean, do you take Britney to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward for as long as you live?"

Somehow he was able to make out what the minister had asked him, a grin spread across his face. "Hell yeah I do," he said.

"I can't believe I still fit in that dress... I ballooned out so much with her, and I was what? Pregnant for ten weeks before the wedding actually happened?" Brit laughed, placing Piper on the floor to play with her toys and her brother. Their little girl was just over a year old and Jake was coming up on three years old. He was a funny, sweet, rambunctious little guy, just like his father.

Once everyone accepted the fact that Dean was his father, the resemblance between them was obvious. Both Jake and Piper were like carbon copies of Dean as they were deemed "Ambrose two and three."

The resemblance was one thing but it was a whole different experience to witness Dean act like a father, instead of the crazy, obscene human being he portrayed every week. Behind the curtain he was devoted to his kids, his wife. He'd have Jake in one arm, Piper in another as if he were showing them off backstage. Brit was always so amused as his love for his kids was never ending... Aside from marrying Brit, those two were the best thing that ever happened to him.

"Haven't they landed already?" Paige asked, cradling her little baby girl Willow in her arms. She grew impatient; convinced the clock was moving at snail speed. She'd spent the last few days in Vegas with Brit and her kids, the house back in Florida lonely without Roman. So the guys flew into Vegas together for the Christmas break, spend a few days together before the big day and the flight back to Florida for Paige and her family.

"You missin' your man that much?" Brit laughed.

"Ugh... You'd think having a child and the distance between Roman and I would ruin my... Drive," she smirked, looking at Jake, "But honestly, it's just made it ten times better since he's always out of town all the time and I'm all ready for him when he does comes home."

Brit rolled her eyes. "You two will never change."

"Obviously," Paige smiled, sticking her tongue out just as baby Willow seemed to mimic.

"Oh my God, you know whose getting married this weekend?" she asked.

Brit shook her head. "Who?"


She smiled an honest to God, near and dear to her heart smile. She was happy for him, she truly was. "Good for him. He deserves it."

"He does," Paige agreed. "Even if she is the devil."

Brit smiled, shaking her head. "You're evil, you."

Paige smiled, completely distracted as she noticed Roman walk through the door first with Dean following. "Ah!" she exclaimed, "FINALLY!" Jumping from the couch with Willow in her arms, she bolted to the door and into Roman's inviting arms, feeling reunited.

"Hey baby," he breathed, pulling his baby girl into his arms.

"Daddy!" Jake yelled, running to the doorway once he noticed Dean standing there with a gigantic smirk.

"Hey buddy," he said, as his son leaped into his arms. "What's up little man?"

"Missed you daddy."

Dean smiled, staring straight at Brit. "I missed you too."

Roman pounded his fist against Jakes as Dean made his way into the living room, picking his little girl Piper into his arms. Brit wrapped her arms around the two, her lips colliding against his. "Welcome home Champ."

"I like that," he chuckled. "Daddy sounds a bit better, if you get what I mean."

Rolling her eyes, she smiled against his lips. "Maybe tonight, Champ," she giggled, their lips melding again.

"Or shall I say... Daddy," she whispered.

This was her life... A life she wouldn't dare change for the world.

She had her two, beautiful kids.

She had her legacy.

She still had her nut job of a best friend and their adorable little family she could call her own.

She had everything she'd always wanted, even through all the hardships she'd endured on the path to where she stood today.

She was complete, all because of him.

She had him.