"Kitten why did you bite the man who brought you here?" The mind healer asked, the teen sat there curled up on the chair hugging a pillow and looked down at the swirls and curls of the patterns
"He likes to touch me."
"He was bring you to me Kitten." The boy frowned as he looked up at the pepper haired man before pulling up his sleeves and showing him the bruises before lifting up his shirt and showed bites
"He likes to touch me!" He said with a dead voice. The Healer sat there for a moment before standing up
"How many times has he done this?" He asked
"Just to day, but normally I've been drugged. I'm not the only one." Harry said he was looking back down at the pillow and the mind Healer stood up and walking over to the door
"I will be back in a moment Kitten." He said as he walked out the room.
Harry sat there wondering what the mind Healer was going to say to Harris, Ian had been touching others like him on the ward and none of the patient would speak out about the orderly's treatment. The door open and in walked the Mind Healer and saw him sit back down with his blank face "Don't worry about him Kitten he will be dealt with." Harry saw the black tint in the man's eyes and it made the boy raise an eyes brow
"Born vampire or made?" He asked, this threw the Healer off as he spent so many years pretending to human, but the man smile and wrote down in his note book
"I was made, but I didn't want to stay with him. Drinking too much human blood can make one look…"
"Dead." Harry said.
"Yes. So let's go back to you. Was there any bad memories you kept?" Harry let his ears flatten to his head as he looked towards the window at the rain "Harry." The healer called him by his real name and it made the boy shiver
"A couple." He whispered
"Can I ask what the first one is?" The boy looked at him with a frown
"Just the first one?" The healer smiled and nodded as Harry shifted back in his seat "My uncle beating me after he found the letter from Hogwarts."
When Harry got back to his room he saw there was a man in suit waiting for him. He frowned as healer Harris walks in with a small smile on her face "Kitten this is Minister Riddle he say he is a relative of yours and he is going to take you home." The boy looked at him before looking back at the curly haired woman
"Okay." Harry whispered
"Hello Harry, do you remember me?" Tom smiled softly as he saw the boy look up at him with bright green eyes. Harry looked him up and down remembering something that made him touch his arm where the scar rested
"Yes." He said, looking away for a moment before looking back at him "Minister Riddle I remember you." Tom was quiet for a moment as the boy looked away for the second time and walked over to the small table where a black book sat, he picked it up and walked back over to them "Thank you for being so nice to me Healer Harris." Harry said,
"You don't need to thank me Kitten." She hugged him before looking at Tom "He will need to see the Mind Healer once a week and I want to see him to make sure he is doing well."
"Of course I will try and bring him myself."
They walked through the fire place together Tom's hand tightly gripping his shoulder "I know what you're thinking Harry, but you're wrong I have no interest in killing you anymore." Harry pulled himself free from the man's tight grip and looked at him as he hugged his book
"Why should I believe you? I didn't get rid of all my bad memories of you." Harry snarled, Tom sighed and watched the angered neko boy hold himself "Tell me how you are different?" Harry asked as he felt his eyes watered, his tail hung twitching
"Something happen a couple days after my rebirth and my pieces of my soul started to come back to me. Every pieces but one and that piece is part of your soul." He told him. Harry frowned and sat his tail twitch
"I still can't believe that you are Mr nice." Harry whispered
"I give you a wizard's oath I will not harm you or kill you without my magic being stripped from me." He told the neko boy "Now let me show you your room."
Harry's room was next door's to Tom's room and the teen couldn't believe how warm and full the room looks. "This is for me?" Harry asked as he turned to look at the man
"Of course." He smiled at the stun boy "If you don't like something I will change it." He smiled as he tapped the bed sheet to be a rich purply plum and gold
"I like that." Harry said shyly as he placed the book he's been holding onto so tightly on the table by the bed as he wonders around the large room opening the door to see the bathroom and he blinked in shock at the size of the room. He frowned at himself wondering what is going on. He turned and looked at the dark haired man who was watching in with not the glint of murder but with a glint of curiosity. He walked back to the bed and sat down on the lush plum sheets before he looked up at him "What do you want from me Tom?" Harry asked softly. Tom tilted his head up for a moment and looked towards the fire place
"At the moment?" Tom asked, as he looked back at the dark haired boy who is making his heart beat painfully but without knowing what is going through the dark Lord's mind Harry just nod
"For you to get some rest before tea."