Four year old freak was running from Dudley as he chased him from the park where he had been sitting on the swings. His aunt told him that morning he was to stay out of the house until it was time to go to bed. He would then be allowed to go into his cupboard and go to sleep. He was also to stay out of sight of the neighbours.

The only place the four year old could think of was the park in the tunnels set up for kids to play in. It was almost sunset and Dudley had decided to go to the park dragging his mother with him. Petunia unable to say no to her son followed along allowing him to bring her to the park.

Freak saw them and knew that if his aunt saw him she would give him a beating. He had just gone through the day without getting beaten and he wanted to keep it that way. However Dudley saw him and gave chase holding a stick he intended to hit him with. Petunia was now watching as

He ran from where he was hiding and out onto the street. She was furious, she had every intention of letting him have it when he got home. She had after all told him to stay out of sight of the neighbours. Glimpsing back at his pursurer Freak saw the murderous look on his aunt's face and he realised he was running out in the open.

He felt fear grip him, the last time his aunt had that look on her face she broke his arm and then his uncle took over and his nose cheek bones were broken too. He could not talk for weeks afterwards until it healed. He wondered what it was that was wrong with him , that he could not seem to do anything right.

As he turned back from looking back he tripped over some stones and fell over hitting his head on a rock with a sickly thud. His head swam and tears sprang up un his eyes. He felt something smack him in the head and he opened his eyes enough to see Dudley hitting him with the stick.

He really wished not be there, to go somewhere where he did not need to worry about being beaten, where he would be allowed to eat. He did not see that he was no longer where he landed instead there was nothing left where he landed because he disappeared and found himself in front of what looked like ripped curtains in a dark room.

He walked over to the curtains which were hiding what looked like a cave. To Freak's four year old mind it was the less scary part of where he was. There was a little light inside and he walked in following it. His head was hurting but he was so used to being in pain he did not really pay it mind. He walked into something standing in the middle of the dark path blocking his way toward the light.

Little Freak looked up and saw a face that was ever changing watching him. His eyes narrowed trying to make out the face of the being in front of him. He knew that it was rude and he was not allowed to ask questions but how could he not ask?. He said "Why does your face do that? How am I supposed to know what you look like?" In his childish high voice and mispronounced words and lisp.

He winced as he realised he had spoken without being spoken to and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to please don't hurt me."

The being leaned its head on its side in a contemplative way as if trying to measure for something. When it spoke its voice sent a wave of fear through Freak but Freak was used to being afraid and knew that if he ran away it would only be worse for him so he stood his ground his hands over his head and stomach to protect his most vulnerable areas.

The being said "What are you doing in here. You are not supposed to be here."

Seeing the being was not about to hit him Freak slowly put down his arm that was over his head and said "I don't know! I was running form Dudley and he was hitting me then I was here."

Unsure of what to do with the child the being leaned over and picked Freak up. Freak squaked in fear before he stopped himself from doing something that would most likley get him beaten. His fear calmed when the being did nothing but pick him up an start walking. He could not remember ever being picked up so carefully by anyone. His aunt and uncle did not even touch him unless they were beating him.

The being placed him on a tree stump and gave him a banana. Freak's eyes widened at the offer of food and smiled widley. He waited a few seconds before eating it to see if the food would be taken from him. When he was till holding it an dno sign of it being taken he ate it, savouring every bit of it. He could not remember ever eating anything so good.

Teh being watched as he ate and said nothing. He sat down next to Freak and waited. When Freak finished eating he led him to a bed made of leaves and had him lie down and go to sleep. Freak did as he was told and slept. It was the most comfortable he had ever been. The being sat beside Freak. He was contemplating something.

Normally when someone walked into his domain they did not survive the ecperience. The being took their souls befor they could do anything. However this child, who talked to him despite his fear and even trusted him enough to eat the proffered banana and actually go to sleep next to him.

He never had any interruption with any creature ever. He looked at the child's memories and knew those who were supposed to love him did not and made him suffer in his short years. He made a decision as he watched the child sleep. Reaching out he placed a hand on the child's forehead and pulled out the piece of soul entrenched in the scar.

The soul piece would be the sacrifice needed to allow him to remain there. He picked up the child and took him to the meeting point of five rivers that flowed through each other. The river Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Cocytus and Phlegethon.

He made a cut on his hand and placed a drop of blood on the child's tongue then placed the child in the mixed water of all the rivers. The child would either live or die. If he was strong enough to live through it he would become his son. The son of death.


Freak felt his body get wet before the pain began. He was used to pain and knew that if he screamed it would only get worse. He curled himself in his usual position when uncle Vernon got drunk came home and beat him within an inch of his life. It looked like this was one of those times, although this was a lot more excruciating than usual.

Freak did not scream or cry out he kept his eyes closed and screamed inwardly. It would be over soon and he could rest and start to heal. As he thought about healing the pain began to lessen. He did not want to raise his hopes knowing that if he even looked remotely happy uncle Vernon would make it worse. He assumed he had somehow returned to the Dursleys while he was sleeping and they were punishing him.

The pain eventually completely disappeared and Freak found himself under water. He panicked for a second before he realised he was breathing under water.


Death watched and waited for the screaming. He had watched as grown men warriors, scream in agony whe they fell in while looking for the immortality they read about in myths. The myth, which was not really a myth was that if you fell in the rivers of the underworld and lived through it you would gain immortality. What people did not know was that you needed death's aproval and no-one ever got it. At least until now.

He was surprised when not even a whimper came from the boy, but what he really did not expect was to see the primordial Chaos appear by the rivers. He was dressed in black and had his hair short and spikey. He watched as Chaos strolled closer to where the rivers met and said "I thought you said you would let me know when you decided to do this."

Death faced Chaos and said "I didn't think you cared any more. You do not answer me when I call and you have been gone for several millennia."

Chaos smiled and said "I have not been in this universe for a long time. I only returned yesterday. Who do you think sent this child into your domain. He was too perfect not to take him. His soul is new, pure and stronger than I have ever seen. He has already suffered more than grown men do in their entire lives in his few short years and yet there is no anger or hatred in his heart. He continues to search for love and acceptance."

As he said this he made a cut on his own finger and used his powers to place the blood on the child's tongue while he was in the water. He looked up to see Death's angry face and say "We had a deal Thanatos. When you have a child he would belong to both of us. Our powers combined in him. You cannot retract that because you are angry with me. You know I want a child, I always have but I cannot risk having another one especially with how some of my children were threats to the universe. You are the only being with enough power to give my offspring the balance they need. I have every intention of making sure the child is happy and loved. He will want for nothing. "

"Fine we will have to heal his body first and make sure that the changes did not do any damage to him. He looks like he was starved and beaten a lot." Death shifted from his death persona to his less scary persona of Thanatos with huge black wings long hair and perfect face. The face that Freak was changing to look like.

Chaos replied "It's best if we take him to the void. If any complications arise I can fix it and I will not be restricted by the fear of destroying the planet with my powers."

Thanatos was a bit hesitant. He was still angry with Chaos, he had just arrived in time to butt in and place a claim on his new son. They may have been lovers once but that ended when Chaos disappeared from his life. He knew he was alive and fine, he just didn't come back. It was 200 million years since the last time he saw him and here he was acting as if the time had not passed.

However he knew Chaos would be able to fix anything that went wrong. He was death he could not heal. It was not a part of his powers. He nodded in agreement and looked away to the churning water with the child inside. He saw the boy was now awake and swimming around the water in confusion. He smiled, he had always wanted a son and this was a chance for him. He reached into the water and pulled him out.

Freak looked into the face of the being he could now see. He was not alone. There was someone else there with them. Confusion warred in his mind. what was going on? However no-one explained anything to him. Instead he was whisked away magically and he found himself in a dark place. Everything around him was dark he could not even see his hands in front of him. He was not even sure if his eyes were open or closed. Panic began to set in, he was now lying on something he could not see.

Death took Harry to the void with Chaos. The first part of the void was dark and no-one could go through it without Chaos' guidance even him. He would end up going round in circles if he tried. He had to allow Chaos to hold his hand as they passed and eventually they arrived in Chaos' home.

He was surprised to see the reception Chaos received, as if he had not been there for a long time. The beings who lived in the void with Chaos were only several hundred. Despite the space available that could fit several earth's the place not as full of life as he expected.

He looked at the child in his arms and saw the first complication. His eyes were completely blank the pupil was gone and he was beginning to panic. He placed him on a bed as soon as they arrived and Chaos took over.

Chaos spoke to Thanatos as he worked "It looks like someone bound his magic and placed loyalty, and servitude enchantment chains on his body. They clashed with the changes he just went through and the damage to his body did not help. The enchantments are fighting to retain control."

This was something simple for Chaos to fix. He removed the chains and healed the child. He then changed the child's physiology from human to a more durable one a primordial. Thanatos did not object, knowing this would protect his son from getting hurt easily. He saw the child open his eyes and frantically look around. His eyes resting no Thanatos and frowning.

Thanatos moved closer and picked him up. He sat down on a chair and said to him. "How are feeling child?"

Freak blinked his long eyelashes and placed a hand on his shoulder where he felt something move. It was his hair. It was longer and straighter reaching his shoulders. He fixed his stare on Thanatos and said "I'm fine."

"You need a Name don't you? How about Eros?" Thanatos was watching the child's reaction when Chaos said "That is probably a good name for him. I was planning on giving him Eros' domains as he is gone."

This made Thanatos look up and say "What?"

Chaos shrugged "Eros chose to live as a mortal after he fell in love with one. His domains are currently without a deity. His power has to go somewhere."

Thanatos shook his head and said "Should that not be his choice? What if he does not want it when he is older?"

"It is not completely binding yet. At least until he is old enough to decide what he wants. However as of right now he is no longer mortal. He already has powers of his own without the addition of Eros' domains. He will be very powerful, more so than the greek gods."

Thanatos turned his attention back to The newly named Eros. The child asked "Where am I? What happened?"

Thanatos smiled and said "We little one, things have changed. You do not have to go back to the Dursleys. You have me and Chaos now. We are your new family."

He pointed at Chaos who was now seated next to them and smiling. "We healed you and now you are our son."

Eros looked into Thanatos' eyes searching for any kind of deception. When he found none he smiled and said "You really want me?"

Both Thanatos and Chaos replied "Very much little one."


Eros laughed as he ran from the pegasus stables towards his room. He could not wait to see his dad. He sensed him as soon as he arrived and knew that he would be in the house with his father. He lived in the void with Chaos who he called father. Thanatos who he called dad only left when he had duties to attend to that his reapers were unable to take care of themselves.

He did not know how long he was in the void because time stood still in there. Despite his rocky start with the Dursleys he was a happy child, quick learner and quite the trickster. He looked like a healthy ten year old.

Thanatos felt his son running torward the house and braced himself for the little tornado he knew would occur as soon as he got in. Eros was learning to control wind, he had already learned water and earth. Each time he learned an element he seemed to use it when he got over excited. There were earthquackes when he was learning earth, rain when he was learning water and now a little tornado. He dreaded when he would begin to learn fire.

Until he was older and able to control his emotions better he would have these accidental magic moments. It was also the reason why he agreed to allow him to live in the void. The power in his magical accidents was a lot, it could take out a small town if he had no control over it.

Just as he predicted a little tornado swept into the room blowing furniture and everything else in the room all over the place. Eros jumped into his arms shouting "Daddy!"

He hugged him with a huge smile on his face and said "How's my little buddy, I missed you."

Eros replied "I'm fine, you were gone for really long this time."

Thanatos replied "I know buddy. I had a lot to take care of. There was a really bad alien who was trying to take over the earth and he killed a lot of people with magic that my reapers did not understand."

They discussed the happenings on earth like they always did when Thanatos returned from a job. Eros wanted to go to earth. He loved his home and his parents but he did not really have anyone to play with. He loved listening to his dad's stories about what people got up to. Even though he remembered his time with the Dursleys he now knew that, that was not what his life was meant to have been like. He wanted to experience what he was denied and see the things in his dad's stories for himself.

Before bed that night he decided to broach the subject with his dad.

"Daddy!, can I ask you something?"

Thanatos sat down on the bed and said "Of course kiddo, you know you can ask me anything."

"Can I come with you next time you go to the earth?"

Thanatos raised an eyebrow and said "What brought this on?"

Eros bit his lip and said "I just want to see it, I never got a chance to see or enjoy anything when I was with the Dursleys and I wanna."

Thanatos kissed his fore head and said "Okay but not for a little while, at least until you have learned to control your powers enough that you won't destroy a town by accident."

Eros smiled happily and said "Thank you daddy!" then went to sleep.

That night Thanatos and Chaos sat down to talk. They normally avoided spending time alone. Thanatos was finding it difficult to let go of the hurt and feelings of abandonment from Chaos, and Chaos was trying to give Thanatos some space to work things out. They talked about letting Eros go to earth.


Eros and Chaos appeared in a building in the middle of new York. Eros looked thirteen years old with pure white and silver wings. The silver in his hair tips matched the silver on his wing tips. His sky blue gaze took in his surroundings and smiled. He was finally back on earth. It took a long time for him to learn the control he needed of his powers. He was glad he waited though. He now knew what his powers were and that he would be able to protect himself if he needed to.

Chaos waved a hand and the place they stood in changed to look like their home. It was something Eros had asked for. Despite wanting to go to earth he was not ready to relinquish his home and feeling of safety. The building they stood in would Eros' sanctuary when ever he got home sick. They were planning on sending him to camp half blood.

Either Chaos or Thanatos would always be found there if he needed them. They were reluctant to allow him to come. He may be powerful but he was still vulnerable until he grew into his full powers.

The building opposite them had a large A on the side. Eros watched as a red metal man flew out of it. He smiled as he remembered his dad's stories about the metal man and his friends. Looking at his father he asked "Can we go sight seeing?"

Chaos nodded and said "okay, but no using your powers unless you are protecting yourself. We don't want to have to hide you from the mortals if you get exposed."