Hey, Andie here. This is the other story that I've been working on. I already have pretty much all the story figured out, I just have to transcribe it. Some characters in this story will be (slightly) ooc due to the circumstances of the story, but I hope this won't scare you away from it. Well, I hope you like this new idea.

Second Chances

Chapter 1: What I've Become

I run. I don't know for how long I've been running but I don't stop, the full moon barely lighting the dark streets. I can't resist anymore. Everything I had. Everything I hoped for. It's all over, never to come back.

It's been four years since my encounter with Gin and Vodka in that theme park. Four long and agonizing years. Now, the Black Organization is gone, everyone either dead or in prison. Everything should be fine now, right? But it's not. And it will never will. The final confrontation with the B.O. was barely a month ago. The Japanese police, the FBI, the CIA, everyone was involved in its take down. Other countries even aided our cause. It was hard. And it came with a great price. With open acts of terrorism from the B.O., many lives were lost, even innocent lives, with no knowledge of what was going on.

Ran was one of them.

She was among a group of refugees when the building they were hiding in exploded, killing 107 civilian refugees and 22 law enforcers. Slowly but surely I saw the people close to me disappear. Haibara sacrificed herself for me and another group, allowing us to escape from a certain death. My father was killed in a raid while helping the police. Members of the Japanese force were lost, Detective Takagi being only one in the list.

Shinichi Kudo was officially declared dead after his name was found in the victim lists of the Organization. It's not like he would ever walk this planet again, either way. I was trapped as Conan Edogawa forever.

I feel my legs burning, giving under the pressure, and I'm forced to stop against my will. Forced to face the world around me. I can't hear anything. My heartbeat and rocking gasps are all I can register. I lift my eyes, blinking the black spots away from my vision. I'm on a small bridge, over a river at least three meters down below. I drag myself to the side of the bridge and look down.

There he is.

I stare down at my faded reflection in the river's water. My face immediately twists with anger. Everything is his fault. Conan Edogawa. The one I've come to despise. He shouldn't exist. Everything is his fault. He took everything from me. I can't deal with having his face anymore. I will erase his existence forever.

In a mindless impulse I start climbing the bridge ledge. I can't help feeling disappointed at myself. Is this how things will end? My chest feels hollow and I swiftly let myself fall over the edge. I feel the freezing cold water engulfing me from every direction, the harsh temperature feeling like needles against my skin by the sudden contact. The water enters my nose and my lungs start to burn. Everything feels like in slow motion, but at the same time, faster than a second. My consciousness steadily fades away until I'm surrounded by still and silent darkness.

For what seems like forever, I feel nothing, numb. I can't tell up from down, lacking any kind of sensation or direction. A small but bright light begins to form in the distance. It slowly comes closer; forming what appears like a human silhouette. It reaches for me before the light envelops me completely.

I suddenly snap my eyes open and find myself staring at the ceiling of my bedroom in the Kudo residence. Am I dreaming? I sit up and feel everything shift. I put a hand to my head, the dizzy spell quickly disappearing. I look up again, confused. Turning to the window it appears to be early morning, birds chirping outside. Something is wrong. Something is different. I fling my legs over the edge of my bed and promptly realize the reason of my sensation of oddness. I'm taller. I stand up hastily and look myself down. Could it be? I run to a mirror and look at my reflection.

It's me…

It's Shinichi. Shinichi Kudo. But what happened? Has all of this been a terrible nightmare? Some kind of crazy hallucination? That's impossible.

I leave my room, the shock leaving my senses alert to everything around me. As I begin to step down the hallway, I notice the room besides mine has the door slightly ajar. The guest room. I grab the handle and carefully open the door. My eyes widen, looking around the room. This is no dull guest room. It looks like an actual bedroom. Desk, chairs, bookshelves, posters and other things are lying around. My head fixates to the blue covered bed, or more specifically, the person sleeping under the blue covers.

I feel my heart stop and rise to my throat, recognizing the person at once. Conan. Conan Edogawa.

A short, visceral scream leaves my lips, almost without me noticing. I stumble back and fall into the hallway. My eyes on the boy, expression shocked as said boy awoke with a start.

"Huh!? W-what? Shinichi?" the boy exclaims while reaching for his glasses by the bedside table and putting them on his face with a confused and tired grimace. "Shinichi…? You're awake… What's wrong? Why are you yelling like that?"

Hope you liked that. Don't worry, the rest of the story itself is not as dark, I swear it has a good ending XD It's called second chances for a reason. This being the first chapter is shorter, so next ones will be longer. Please review and tell me what you think. Thank you ~

Also, something seems to be wrong with my Doc Manager so the text looks really... weird... for me. There's different fonts ans sizes. I have tried fixing it via source code but it doesn't seem to be working. I don't know if this is some kind of glitch in the manager or something (this has never happened to me with There is Only One Truth before) so if the story itself looks strange please tell me and I'll try to fix it somehow.