Well, this is the final, hope you people like it
The time passed, the curse was broken and Madara finally defeated, but that doesn´t mean that the woods would be the human´s. He put on a spell, too strong for any but him to break, to protect his people even if he was gone. The injured guardian and a little Susume were taken to the palace, the girl afraid. Hashirama, that didn´t have the hearth to execute his love and daughter, sent them to live in an island known for interrupting any magical power, like a prison. After that Madara stayed there, alone with his daughter, chewing his defeat and misery.
For his part, Ashina never knew about his true heritage, his supposed father´s real daughter and the big wings in the trope room. The long red hair inherited from Mito moved behind his back and he was happy. When he was sixteen a terrible sickness started to plague his people and, as the kind prince he was raised to be, he wanted to help them. So he went to see a clairvoyant to ask her for a solution.
"Tell me, have this something to do with the winged creature curse a few years ago?" he asked once in the woman´s house.
"No, my child. This is sadness, the sickness was caused by sadness present in the people´s hearth… specially someone"
"You know who? I can try to cheer him up!"
"I can´t tell you… but he is closer than you think" she smiled, looking at her crystal ball. "Do you believe in the love between your mother and father?"
"Are you saying that I´m not born from true love like my mom says?" he asked confused. He heard the history a lot of times and he was convinced of that. Only true love can make someone fight a monster for the loved one.
"No, my dear, you are definitely a product of the true love. I´m just saying that… you don´t know the true version of things" she said calmly. "But that´s something you will have to find out by your own. Now, what do you really want to know?"
"I have told you, how can I cure the sickness?"
"Go to the island that serves like a prison, dear boy, there you will find a girl. She is going to show you a fountain, stole a few drops of water and then leave. After that return here and, with the revelation of the truth, the sadness will disappear, people will be healthy again and happiness will return."
"Then… I shall find this girl" he stood up and grabbed his things, paying the woman. "Thank you"
"One more thing, try to be understandable with your mother, she isn´t as level headed as you thing she is. And she didn´t know how to fight against her family. Oh, and love is universal, it doesn´t matter what race you are"
"Hum… okay?"
-In the island-
Susume flew happily around the threes. Apart from not being able to do magic, that island was not that bad. Her mother was still angry about something, but he still smiled to her, cuddle her and told her histories about her family or the woods they came from. The first time she noticed her mother´s lack of wings, the little fairy asked and he answered that he lost them because of a mistake. She said she will find them. He laughed.
"Sure you will" he assured.
That day she was taking a trip… until she found something strange. A boy her age was walking through the woods, trying to find something. He was cursing every time he felt. Curious, she followed him until in the end she decided to talk.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
"Are you… from this island?"
"Yes… well, no. I brought here with my mother a lot time ago. I was raised here, anyway, if there is somewhere you want to go…"
"To the fountain! The fountain that can save my people?"
"The fountain? It is just… the source of this island´s lack of magic. Is your people suffering because of a magical being?"
"No, from sadness, apparently. But some of that water can help and if you help me then I will give you whatever you want"
"Whatever?" she thought and remembered her promise. "Unless you happen to have a pair of big black wings the size of an adult…"
"In fact, I have, in the castle. In our trope room there is a pair of those. My mother said they were from a creature that cursed our kingdom once, because my father defeated him and stole his wings to marry my mother."
"What a romantic history" she said with sarcasm.
"Hey, it is! Who else than the person that really loves you will face such an horrendous monster to win your hand?"
"And why didn´t he killed the beast? If it was such a terrible demon then it should have not been problem…"
"He has a good hearth, even for the animals."
"Animals your…" they fought a little bit more until both of them were tired. Moving her wings in annoyance, she turned around. "I will take you to the fountain, but in exchange I want those wings."
"Okay, anything for the people"
They walked all day and soon found the fountain, full of gems and water. The gems seemed to be absorbing all the magical power. He went and let two droplets fell on a bottle, that instantly began to glow. Then they left. Susume was surprised when she was able to leave the island, that never happened before. Once in the castle, the prince found out that his parents were each in a room after fighting again. For a couple made of true love, they fought quite a lot. Susume smiled and followed him to the room.
"There, al yours" she took the wings out. She caressed them softly… until they moved and a figure appeared of green smoke out of nowhere. The wings joined together again with the body by the shock of everyone, that entered the room that moment. There stood Madara, complete and more furious than before.
"Beware of my rage, because it will be even worse than it was years ago" he growled. "Susume, come"
"But, mother…"
"I said come!"
They left.
-In another room-
Hashirama could feel his hearth sinking grabbing the feather that he still wore around his neck as a connection with his true love. He didn´t want to lose them, either Madara or his daughter. He wanted to be with them, but the threat from the poison was still there and the guardian hated him with a passion…
"I love you, Madara" he mumbled and started putting on his armor for the battle that was going to come.
-In the kitchen-
"You have to escape, dear" said Mito, dragging her son to the place Tetsuya was waiting. He was ordered to take the prince, his son, to a safe place, even if he resisted. She gave him to the servant and crying a little, she hugged and kissed him. "Be careful, my love, take care of our son"
"I thought you said Hashirama loved you more than me and that was the reason he defeated the winged creature before me."
"But I love you more than him. Poor him, but it´s true. And true love needs to be in both parts"
"Then I´m lucky" he smiled. "Mito… the things Hashirama did were for love, it´s just that… it was not for you. He told me one day…"
"Stop, I already said that I love you, not him, no matter how much he loved me" she said, tears in her eyes. "Now go, the creature is about to come"
"As you wish, my princess" Tetsuya and he advanced a long way to get out of the castle, but in the middle of the way he stopped and gritted his hands.
"I want to stay" he said and started running in the direction of the castle. His father followed him and tried to stop him, but he was stubborn. He was going to confront the winged creature, the mother of his friend.
For her part, Susume was not having fun. Using magic against those pitiful creatures seemed unfair… but then again, their greed killed her family. Her mother looked terrible, like a god of death that visited that place. There were steel traps everywhere, of the same element that was so poisonous for the fairies… she continued evading them and walking right beside her mother, trying to calm him down.
"We don´t have to do this"
"Yes, we do"
"Tell killed my family, our family, they want to destroy our home… That man betrayed me! And I will never forgive or forget that!" the raven said in a rage, scaring his daughter. She was not used to this. "Walk with me, join me in my quest, daughter. Then we will be free… after I have crushed his dreams…"
"You… need to control yourself a little more"
"I´m in control"
"No, you aren´t! You are consumed by your desire of revenge, and not seeing straight. You need to stop before doing something you can never fix."
"I have all my magic, there is nothing I can fix, child!"
"Yes, it is!"
"Oh, and what it is, my dear daughter?"
"Life" she answered, worried. "No magic can fix a lost live and you should know that. Your family, even with all the magic they have, couldn´t safe themselves… and you couldn´t bring them back. This needs to stop before tragedy strikes"
"It´s never going to happen"
The portals opened and the knights entered, right before their king. Hashirama was in his armor… and he wanted to die. He wanted to escape from that hell and be able to sleep in Madara´s lap like when they were younger. An eternal sleep… that doesn´t sound pretty bad. Better than sleeping alone all nights because he didn´t want to see his wife.
"You finally came"
"Of course, now prepare to feel my rage"
Tetsuya and Ashina arrived in time to see the battle. The waves of magical power Madara emitted threw the enemies everywhere and the ability Hashirama had could penetrate his defense. Both of them seemed to be dancing.
"We have to help him" the teen said and tried to run, but the man grabbed him and kept him out of danger. "Why are you stopping me?!"
"Because… this is what the king wants. He wants to dance with that creature once more"
"But it´s a beast!"
"Your friend was?" Ashina remembered Susume and quickly shook his head. Then he understood, this was Susume´s mother. It wasn´t a beast, he was a person. A very hurt and sad person that needed to drown his sorrows in something, namely blood. "That´s exactly. And he is not the only one that is sad"
"Are you implying that…"
"Yes, the curse came from Hashirama"
In the middle of the battle Madara lost his balance. After all this years without wings, they were not making him any favors. A knight then activated a trap without being ordered first. A huge spear of steel was thrown in his direction, making him close his eyes. But the pain never came. when he opened them he saw Hashirama over him, with his chest pierced by the weapon.
"I´m so glad" the brunette said weakly, with tears in his eyes. Mito, that came after hearing her son´s voice, was speechless. Did her husband, the man that loved her even if she didn´t love him, just sacrificed himself to safe that beast? "I will never… let anyone hurt you or our daughter"
"Hashi… why?" now tears came the guardian´s eyes.
"For love… years ago I cut your wings for love too" he breathed almost forcefully. "My father… had that poison that killed yours and threaten to share it with the army… you were going to… die. I couldn´t let… that happen"
"The only way to save you… was to… bring the trope Ashina wanted… even if you were going to hate me forever… I will protect you… ever"
"Hashi, no" he said and tried to use magic and heal the injury, but the steel burned him and anyway, it was too late.
"I love you… and I ever will" the king smiled, raising his hand to touch the raven´s cheek and then dropped. He was dead.
"No… no… wake up, you idiot, you can´t do this to me. Not after all that happened, don´t leave me!" he screamed in rage and the magic started attacking violently. The castle started to shake and the people to run. With his love´s head in his lap, Madara let loose at his feelings of sadness, practically collapsing the place.
"Mom…" said Susume.
"You were right, dear, I can´t fix anything" he smiled to her in a weak way. "I love you, sweetie, and will protect you from anywhere I go"
"But…" Madara shook his head, looking at the magic around him.
"I can´t leave the circle, and now that all my magic is burning… I will die too. But you don´t have to, Susume, live and remember me… and your father. We both love you a lot… now leave" crying, the fairy obeyed and left. She will remember her parents ever and will make sure that all the people in the world does too. Their sad love history…
"So this was what you were trying to tell me" said Mito, looking at the castle collapsing. "His love burned, but not for me. It was him, every time."
"They are kinda like us, my love, but were never allowed to love each other" Tetsuya sighed. "What do you want to do now?"
"Arrange this place" she said. "With you as my king. Come on, there is a lot of things to do"
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