My eyes slowly peel open as I take in the sunrise over Seattle's skyline. Today seems like the perfect day for a wedding. I'm surprised I didn't have any nightmares last night. Normally I wake up pissed that I didn't sleep well. I get up, take a quick shower, and make myself breakfast. I'm not letting Gail work on her wedding day.

"Morning boss," Taylor says as he comes out with his daughter Sophie on his hip.

"Morning you two. Excited about today Sophie?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to get another mommy," she states as she claps her hands. He pours her a bowl of cereal and then gets his future wife. Gail comes out looking lovely in her auburn sundress as she smiles lovingly up at Jason.

"Good morning Mr. Grey. Sleep well," she asks as she prepares her and Jason breakfast.

"I did thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go get dressed while you three enjoy your breakfast." I quickly get dressed in on of my gray suits and wait for the rest of the group to come out to leave. Sophie soon comes out in a white dress with auburn edging. "Well Sophie, look at you! You're practically a lady." She giggles and twirls around for Jason and I. Soon, Gail and Sawyer come out and we're ready to depart.

I can only smile as I watch two of my friends become one, in addition with Sophie. I can't believe after five years, they've finally decided to tie the knot, even though they were practically married already. Sophie, Gail, and then Jason light a candle and place it on the altar, to represent their joining as a family.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Washington," the Justice of the Peace states. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." They share a quick kiss as Sophie does a silly face at me.

"Congratulations you two," I say as they step away from the altar. Gail gives me a hug while Jason gives me a pat on the back.

"Thanks for being our witness boss, that and for the three month honeymoon," Jason smirks at me.

"Oh yes thank you so much Mr. Grey for the honeymoon treat," Gail gushes.

"Now, now, no more Mr. Grey. I'm starting to feel like my father. I'm just glad you'll be able to take Sophie for at least the first month. She's such a sweet kid." Speaking of her, she comes skipping out of the chapel with her flower basket in hand.

"Mr. Christian," she chirps. She's so cute!

"Yes Sophie?" I kneel down to her level. She walks up to me and shyly gives me a hug. I might be an asshole in the business world, but I'm a sucker when it comes to kids.

"Thank you for the trip."

"You're welcome Sophie. Make sure you get all the Disney princesses autographs for me, okay?"

"Okay I will!"

"Remember the new housekeeper should be at Escala when you get home Christian," Gail reminds me.

"I will, now you all better get a move on." I wave them goodbye as Sawyer drives them to the airport. I get in my black Lamborghini, bring it to life, and drive home. Why should I even go home to an empty house, I think to myself. If Leila hadn't cheated on me, maybe I would be going home to a loving girlfriend. I park in the parking garage, and go up to my apartment in my private elevator. I step into my apartment, my haven. But it seems so lonely now. You'll have the new housekeeper. Yes, but I don't want to have her thinking I'm flirting with her. I might be proud of my looks, but sometimes, it's a pain in the ass. Speaking of the housekeeper, I bet she's not even here yet. I would normally fire anyone if they were late on their first day, but I'll go easy on her, for now. I go into my room, strip off my suit, and fling it on my bed. I'll go for a run. I change into a pair of black sweat pants and just a gray sweatshirt. I lace up my tennis shoes, and begin.

The leaves are just starting to change colors as the fall season is coming into full swing. There's a slight breeze in the air, causing my lungs to tingle as I run at my full speed. When I usually run, it's to stay in shape. But today, it feels like I'm running with a purpose. I need to clear my head from all work related issues, and personal issues. With my hood up, no one is noticing me: I just look like an average person. But I don't feel average. I feel like something is missing in my life. Most people my age are married, or even have children. Maybe I need a pet? No, that would just be more mess for this new girl to clean up. Maybe I should start dating again? Although when I go out with Elliot, none of the girls he introduces me to seem to peak my interests. I know I can't run from my problems, but I don't really know what my problems are. Maybe I'm just restless? Maybe I need a vacation? A rusty white Volkswagen that looks like a death trap drives past me at probably its top speed. I chuckle to myself as I think of the embarrassed person who has to drive that piece of shit.