Table of Contents
Slot #1: done!
Another. Professional. Tragedist
Aragorn, heir to the Gondorian throne, is not a very big fan of cats. Viper, however, absolutely loves them, and that frustrates Aragorn to no end.
Warnings: slash pairing. Cats are also scheming villains. Tharbadir's in on it.
Slot #2: done!
Soluna Skystar
The Fellowship has personal story time and Viper is the main attraction. Somehow, Viper feels like the universe it out to get him, and his Fellowship fam really doesn't like his aunt and uncle in any way, shape or form.
Warnings: mentions of child abuse. Heavy usage of Eragon elements in this one. And Viper can cook good, wow.
Slot #3: to-do
We have Viper, the all-knowing teen with the ever-present penchant for killing himself, and then getting better. We also have the pseudo-werewolves, to whom this immortal teen is very much the accidental founder of. And then we have the Volturi, who treats Viper like family; some sort of twisted mix between 'that weird but fun uncle,' the 'adorably brilliant little brother,' and the 'terribly fascinating subject of a science experiment.'
No warnings apply.
Slot #4: to-do
Momochi Zoey
Viper in the verse of The 100, mentor/student relationship with Lexa, possible Viper/Anya pairing.
Warnings: Possible slash.
Slot #5: to-do
The story behind the Merlin BBC entry in Viper's journal.
No warnings apply.
Slot #6: to-do
Viper/[Eric or Godric] from the True Blood verse.
Warnings: slash pairing.
Slot #7: to-do
A pairing ficlet between Viper and Tauriel the elf.
Warnings: het pairing.
Slot #8: to-do
Inyx Dawn
Viper/Fellowship family fic, possibly featuring Eothan and Freda.
No warnings apply.
Slot #9: to-do
Mikage kisses someone other than and very different from Nanami Momozeno. His name is Viper. Tomoe is very much done with his life.
Warnings: probable slash pairing.
Slot #10: to-do
Allusive Ryder
Viper/Aragorn, two dorks tip-toeing around each other. The Fellowship gets sick of it and decide to team up and play matchmaker.
Warning: slash pairing.
Slot #11: to-do
Viper unknowingly casts a translation spell over the Fellowship, and they finally understand the depressing things he's saying to them thinking they don't understand him. Things get a little awkward and tense before they get better.
No warnings apply.
Slot #12: to-do
AEtheral Devastation
Somehow, for whatever reason, Viper/Galadriel happens.
Warnings: het pairing. Possible threesome?- -Or, Galadriel just has two men. Because she's Galadriel and she can do that.
Slot #13. Enuescaris
([claim on hold]
Still waiting on you, my friend. No rush, though, you've still got a while yet, ahah...)
Slot #14: to-do
A study on how Eowyn and Viper become bros, and no one really understands.
No warnings apply.
Slot #15: to-do
Viper in the NCIS verse. Tony-broskis. Gibbs is best dad.
No warnings apply.
Slot #16: to-do
Viper/Aragorn platonic bromance, Viper comforting Aragorn about something for reasons.
No warnings apply.
Slot #17: to-do
Viper's initial reaction to the 'immortal' elves of Arda.
Warnings: possible vague spoilers for AitDBT at the end. Undecided.
Slot #18: to-do
Lucinda Silver
After the war, Legolas is sent to the dwarves as an elven ambassador. Convinced that the social gap between the two races is one not so easily settled, Viper tags along. Just in case, he says.
Warnings: slash pairing(Legolas/Viper)
Slot #19: to-do
Pink Pickles
Viper gets a dragon in the Inheritance Cycle verse.
Not-Really-Warnings: characters feeling protective siblingness for Viper.
Slot #20: to-do
Viper in the Doctor Who verse, meeting 10th, who's oblivious to his identity and doesn't figure it out until later. And the doctor, well... he isn't quite sure how exactly he missed it, but he's certainly not complaining.
Warnings: sort of possible AitDBT spoilers. Maybe.
Hey guys! I'm so sorry this is all taking me so long. I'm sort of turning 18 this year and becoming an actual adult sounds v scary so I'm sort of hiding under my bed all this time... there's a lot of crying... and fear... Terrifying stuff's going on here, my friend. Scary stuff. Help meeeee!
Anyway! I'm trying my very best to get these done as soon as possible, it's the least you all deserve for sticking around my lame ass *laughs nervously*
I'ma little behind in schoolwork at the moment and my teacher is getting antsy because of it, but.. otherwise I'm doing alright, I guess? I'll work on these ficlets and the next chapter of AitDBT in between my schoolwork as much as I can. Thanks again for being so patient, you guys! Really means a lot~