I'll admit to crying as I wrote the last chapter and this. I hope I captured the emotions clearly to make you cry too. For those of you who skipped the last chapter (perfectly understandable) here is the quick recap I promised

Memory 4 - Harry is forced to kill the unborn child in Ginny's stomach

Memory 5 - Ginny gives up and dies

Memory 6 - Harry realizes that the screams they heard when they entered (See Chapter 5) are actually the screams of Ginny and himself due to the time-turner. Specifically he learns that the room next to his at the time held a living Ginny.

But that's that. Here is the final memory and Charlie's reaction.

The final memory was clear. Charlie hadn't even realized that the past two memories had been hazy until he appeared in a memory so clear he had to blink his eyes to adjust. His eyes immediately sought out Harry. He way lying bound to the table, his eyes trained to the roof of the room, but Charlie could see the life, the determination, and the hope that glittered in the green eyes. The sound of tinkling came from the corner where an older woman was digging through potion vials. Charlie recognized some healing and fortitude potions along with potions he had never seen before. She had just picked up a deep silver one when an alarm went off.

"Damn it! I still wanted to try 2 more" with a huff she stood and released Harry. She didn't seem overly concerned for her wellbeing as she immediately turned her back on the now freed Harry. Harry burst into sluggish action seconds later. He snatched the wand from the woman's surprised hand and had stunned her wordlessly before she could call out. Harry wobbled over to the table and picked up what Charlie recognized as a strengthening potion. He leaned against the wall until the tremors stopped. He stood and stretched a bit, before taking another strengthening potion and blasting the door down.

Outside the room Harry quickly stunned the three nearby people. His lips not moving. The screams echoed around them. Harry went over to a rail and Charlie found they were looking at the main door. Five familiar figures quickly entered the building and went into a room. Ginny's vibrant hair flashing. Harry froze. Charlie wanted to scream that Harry could go get his sister now when he realized two things. One, things happen the way they are supposed to. If Harry had gone back and rescued Ginny in the beginning, Harry wouldn't have watched her die. Even if Harry wanted to try, he was too weak to take on the men who had captured them to begin with. Harry was obviously reluctant when he turned and went the opposite way. He cast a 'point-me' and Charlie followed the man, wondering where he was going.

Finally they approached a door, Harry's wand pointed straight at it. Harry took a deep breath before casting a disillusionment and pushing into the room. There were two figures, a man and a woman. The woman standing wasn't anyone who Charlie recognized. But the man was instantly familiar. It was Harry. Charlie couldn't find his Harry and so turned to watch. The woman lifted her wand and cast the final unforgivable. Charlie gasped as Harry Potter's body slumped over dead. There was a mild cheer from 3 others gathered that Charlie hadn't noticed.

"It's over. Go and do what you will." The woman spoke softly, her voice sounded only exhausted. The crowd, including the insane woman from the memory before, left and the woman approached Harry Potter's body. "It is about time you died."

"Why did you do this?" Charlie and the woman instantly looked over to where Harry Potter stood, his wand pointed at her heart.

"That's not possible. You never escaped!" She screamed, terror lacing in her voice.

"Tell me why!"

"No! It isn't possible! The time-vortex wouldn't allow it!"

"MAYBE IF YOU HADN'T MADE ME LIVE THE SAME 12 HOURS 416 TIMES THE VORTEX WOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR RULES!" Charlie took a step back at the anger surging around the man. The woman stumbled backward and hit the floor. "YOU TOOK GINNY AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE RULES ANYMORE!" Charlie heard the woman whimper. "GO TO HELL." Green light surrounded the tip of his wand before surging to the woman.

Charlie followed soundlessly behind Harry. He felt like he should say something, but what could he say? This was a memory. But the woman had changed something. She had said Harry hadn't escaped, which meant that the time-vortex would rebound anytime. Harry ran to a room where they could still hear Ginny whimpering Harry's name. Harry burst into the room, green surrounded the torturers. He glanced only a moment at his own unconscious form before freeing Ginny. She clutched to him mindlessly, seemingly unaware that this was different that the Harry on the table. Harry carried her bridal style, her feet gone at the ankles.

Harry killed everyone he saw until he finally exited the house. Charlie felt the tension in the air around them. It tugged and pulled. A scream came from the building they were walking away from and Charlie watched the time-vortex take its toll. The house melted on itself, appeared to be a candle that was burning quickly, until it turned into a recognizable ruin. Harry cried out and Charlie's eyes turned to the man. Ginny was melting too. Harry clutched at her, his magic dancing around her trying to save her. She reached up with a tentative hand that he immediately grasped, she smiled softly before all but her hand disappeared. Charlie felt his heart break anew. Magic surged from Harry and ripped the wards from the air around them. Charlie watched as the man cradled his wife's hand sobbing. There was a sound of disapperation and Charlie looked up to see Ron Weasley running toward them. Then the memory faded and Charlie was dropped back into Darian's room.

Charlie stared down into the pensieve, tears spilling from his eyes. His mind was numb and he couldn't think straight. A soft peep had him looking up to see a terrified Harry clutching to the dragon as though it were his last hope. Charlie reacted instinctively. Standing he approached Harry and ignored the flinch of the man. He reached out, and hesitated when Harry flinched so hard he hit his head against the wall. Charlie looked into the green eyes and saw sadness and guilt. Charlie growled and Harry closed his eyes as though preparing to die. Charlie grabbed the man's shoulder and tugged.

Harry had said to himself that he wouldn't' fight. That he would take whatever punishment Charlie wanted to give him. He had convinced himself of that over and over again as the man had sat with his face in the pensieve. But he was unprepared to be pulled and so fell forward. His eyes shot open to see the dragons scattering before his face was pulled into a shoulder. Unexplained panic filled him and Harry struggled against the arms now wrapped around his middle. He didn't deserve a hug. He didn't. His own tears misted his vision, but he blinked them away. Charlie was just as strong as he looked. Harry was unable to escape the grip of the man and he made himself sit rigidly. It was only when he did that he could heard Charlie sobbing into his shoulder. This made Harry's own breath catch and he fought against the tears that threatened. Then Charlie spoke and Harry almost couldn't' take it. "I forgive you." Harry choked back a sob. "Dear god, it wasn't your fault. But I forgive you." Ringing filled Harry's ears but Charlie's voice was still clear. "Thank you for trying." Harry couldn't stop his tears. His body shook and his breathing was erratic. Sadness untainted by his memories surrounded him and Harry couldn't resist his body's instinct. He wrapped his arms and legs around the man and truly cried. The bleakness of his heart seemed to grow with every moment but then Charlie would adjust his hands or say something more and it would beat back the sensation. This only caused Harry to cry even more and pull the man closer. He didn't deserve this. He knew he didn't deserve this.

Suddenly a memory enveloped him. It had been about a year after the Battle. Something had sparked him and Harry had ended up sobbing to Ginny. She had calmed him down and told him. "Everyone needs a good cry now and again. No one can blame you for that. And if they do? Fuck them." The memory caused a bit of laughter to escape now as it did then. Ginny had been everything he had needed in life. And she was gone now. He might as well have killed her. But her brother was here, hugging him close, telling him it was OK. He knew what Ginny would have told him. His tears changed. His body relaxed and he began to cry. He began to cry for himself and his loss, and Charlie seemed to know that and cradled him closer. Harry felt the dragons lay next to them, and Harry realized for the first time - at least one person didn't hate him. One person and four dragons.

Harry didn't stop crying but he accepted the blackness that tugged at him and allowed himself to fall asleep.

Charlie felt Harry's body slack not long after his tears had dried up and he had held Harry simply because the man had needed it. He glanced at the door of the rooms, but figured Darian would get him if the man needed assistance. He leaned down to lay Harry on the bed, but Harry's grip was unrelenting even in sleep. Charlie noticed that the man was even crying quietly in sleep. He paused for only a moment before layed down next to Harry and pulling the man close to give him comfort.

Charlie was nodding off when he felt a dragon climb on top of him. He opened his eyes to see the oldest dragon eyeing the small gap between him and Harry. He leaned invitingly and soon three dragons climbed into the space and curled up, a nice heater. The oldest one lay watching Charlie and Charlie watched it back until sleep overcame him as well.

When Harry woke up he found himself under 6 dragons and wrapped in the arms of one Weasley. For once, red did not threaten to overtake him. He wondered what had woken him and looked up to see the man from earlier standing in the door frame. The man smiled at them all before leaving and closing the door. Harry hesitated only a moment before allowing to sleep to wrap around him again.

As a final aside - thank you to all who are following this story/liked this story/reviewed this story. Unlike a few other MCs of mine, this one will be finishing eventually. Its just a matter of dealing with my own emotional turmoil while writing the chapters. I'm going to aim for uploading a chapter every 6 weeks at the latest and sooner if I can.

You are all amazing, and please let me know what you think and any recommendations. (And yes I know I need a BETA to deal with all my errors)