A/N: Sorry this has taken so long. I've been really stressed and busy lately. Thanks to everyone who has followed the story and reviewed to keep me going. Some of you may have noticed my new story which is a Phantom of the Opera one, but it is a one shot and there will not be anymore chapters to it. I'll try to get the sequel to this one up and running asap, but I don't know how long it will actually be. If not soon then it will be up and probably finished during my winter break. Well, here ya go!

"Merry…close the curtains will you?" No reply came and the girl's mind slowly realized that she was not in a bed and the air was thick with the smell of salt. Holly groaned as she opened her eyes and looked around her.

Rachel and Tricia were sprawled out on the sand a few feet away from her, both still asleep. Their belongings were scattered about on the beach but intact. A clear ocean greeted her, and the island (which she assumed it was) was covered in beautiful tropical forest. A few groans alerted Holly that her friends were waking.

"Well…we're back." A strange emptiness crept inside her, and she stood up to take a better look around,

"Where are we?" Tricia stumbled to her feet and groggily looked around.

"A tropical island…not sure where though." Holly began walking.

"Where are you going? We can't stray too far or we'll get lost!" Rachel was obviously not a happy camper.

"I'll be back in just a minute, I gotta pee." She smiled.

That night,

The girls had managed to build a small fire and were laying around it looking at each other sadly. The small amount of food that they had brought with them was useless now that it was wet.

"So what's our plan of action?"

"What do you mean "plan of action" Rae? As far as I can see we're not going anywhere for a while." Tricia threw a stick into the fire.

"Tomorrow we'll pack our stuff and start walking along the beach, if there was anything big here there'd be signs of it on the beach. If not we'll start looking through the forest. Okay?"

"Who died and made you leader?"

"No one, but we need to do something…right?" Holly sighed. "I just want to go home."

"Well we could just stay here and wait to be rescued." Tricia suggested. The three looked at each other once more and sighed. They left the ones they love just to be stranded on some godforsaken island with no food, no fresh water, and no way of getting home.

"What about my cell phone?" The other two looked at Rachel. "It might still work."

"It's worth a shot, who you going to call?" Holly asked.

"My parents…though I doubt it will work, you think they cell phone signals this far out?"

"Well, they have to have towers somewhere. If we can get a signal then we know that there has to be a tower somewhere on the island. And if there's a tower then people know how to get here. Go for it." Holly smiled for the first time and looked around. "If it works then we'll get a few days of a tropical vacation, awesome." Tricia and Holly watched intently as their friend dialed, and put the phone to her ear…

To be continued…

A/N: Heh, until next times guys!