- No! – Evelyn woke up screaming.
- Evie! What's wrong? – Rick asked her.
Evie looked around, she was on her bed, with Rick beside her. That was her room in her London manor.
- Imhotep and…
- Honey, we got rid of Imhotep last week. – Rick embraced her – It's okay.
- But there was the Asylum and Anck su namun and the gods…
- Darling, - Rick pointed to an Egyptian Mythology book on the night table - I guess this isn't a nice bedtime reading.
Evelyn got up and rushed to Alex's bedroom.
- Alex? – She woke him up.
- Mom, It's Sunday! God's sake! – Alex told her, impatiently.
- Have you seen the Seshat's pen? The one who made you remember?
- Sorry, but this brilliant mind refuses to work before breakfast. – Alex covered his head with the blanket – which comes after sleep!
- Anybody home? – Evelyn heard her brother's voice.
She went downstairs in a hurry. She stopped when she saw Jonathan.
- Hi, old mum! Have you seen my wallet? – He told her while he looked around.
- Jonathan! – Evelyn shouted and embraced him with tears rolling down her cheeks.
- Evie! What happened? – Jonathan was surprised. He wondered something bad had happened.
- I missed you. – Evelyn said, trying to control her tears.
- But… I saw you three days ago… - he tittered – are you really fine?
- Now I am. – Evelyn smiled at him as she hugged him again.
Rick went downstairs. Jonathan gave him a confused look.
- Bad dream – Rick told him.
- Oh, I see. – Jonathan said.
- Come on, Evy. You don't really need me. You never did. You've always been the most self-assured in family… The Miss Equal Rights! – Jonathan tried to make Evelyn smile.
- I do need you – She reached her hand to Rick – I need you all with me.
Rick and Jonathan embraced her. Alex came into the room and watched them together.
- That's weird. – Alex smiled - You look crazy.
Evelyn smiled and hugged Alex too.
- Oh, there you are! – Jonathan said when he found his wallet on the table. He dropped something when he picked it. It was a reed pen.
- Is that yours? – He asked, handing the pen to Evy.
Evelyn looked into the pen. It was an ancient scribe's pen with a seven petal flower carved in it. It was The Goddess Seshat's emblem.
- No, it's not mine. – Evelyn said, still looking at the pen. She wondered if it still had the power to change the reality. Maybe she could bring her parents back. Write that they had survived… Write she had one daughter too…
- Evie, Is something wrong? – Rick asked her.
- No… Nothing is wrong. Things are just the way they should be. – She smiled and put the reed pen on the desk again.
- Let's have breakfast, I'm hungry! – Alex told them, and they three went to the kitchen.
When the living room was empty, Seshat appeared and took her pen.
- Good girl. – The goddess said smiling and disappeared.