Hello everyone! I know! I'm glad I have another update for you guys! Thank you so much to everyone who favorited and followed this story! Unfortunately I didn't get any reviews for last chapter. I'm hoping I get some with this chapter! They really do make my day and I love to read them! Maybe as a birthday present as mine is tomorrow? :)

Anyway, enjoy chapter four!

Chapter Four

"Is what Clint said true?" Wanda asked tilting her head to the side. "Are you coming with us to New York?" She asked, Kate could tell that she was trying to hide her excitement. Cooper and Lila had gone to bed a couple of hours ago, which left Kate, Pietro and Wanda sitting in the living room simply talking. Kate had learned about their childhood in Sokovia. In fact she was surprised that it had taken Wanda this long to ask about her taking Clint's place as an Avenger.

Kate sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, I did. I'm not sure if it's the smartest decision, but I decided to give it a try."

"Does this mean we have to go shopping again?" Pietro questioned with a frown.

"You do not have to come, you can stay here with Clint. But I do not think that you will have to shop long, that purple dress is the one that you need." She smiled. Pietro nodded in agreement.

"It did look nice." Pietro confessed glancing towards Kate, who smiled.

"Thanks, I think that is the dress that I want to get for this ball. Do you guys have any more information about it? Clint was simply vague, plus he was too excited that I wanted to be Hawkeye." This is something that she knew he would never let her live down. But she couldn't believe that he had thought of her enough to ask. Sometimes she swore Clint thought of her as the six year old who wanted to know everything about archery, not the twenty two year old she was now.

"Stark is hosting a ball for the Avengers in a couple of days, not only is it a ball but a fancy dinner as well, we do not know who else will be attending besides the team." Wanda spoke with a shrug. "It is the first time we will have been to something like this."

"I'm sure it will be fun." Kate said, "It will be an adventure for all of us then."

"After the ball we are going to stay for a month to train." Pietro spoke. "Then we will either go on mission or come back here." Kate nodded. It wouldn't be such a bad thing, she thought of. In fact, by the second she was growing excited about what was to happen. Reality was beginning to sink in, she was going to be Hawkeye. She took a deep breath.

"Are you alright?" Wanda asked. Kate simply nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a long day and I'm tired." She told them. Sure, that was part of the truth, but not all of it. Wanda nodded her head and gave the other girl a smile. Wanda stood up and walked towards the bottom of the stairs.

"Get some rest, we can talk more in the morning." She assured her. Kate nodded and returned her smile.

"Night." She spoke before getting up and making her way into the kitchen. She started to finish cleaning up the dirty dishes. Kate felt a soft gust of wind against her back and found that Pietro was standing right behind her. She turned around and saw just exactly how close he was standing. Kate sucked in a breath.

"Yes, Pietro?"

"There is something else you are not saying, what is it?" He asked tilting his head to the side. In that moment, Kate felt small. She supposed she never realized how much taller the Sokovian was than her.

"What happened to you in Sokovia?" Kate countered glancing up at him. Her blue eyes looked into his own.

"I asked you first." Pietro countered.

She huffed. "Fine, it's just been a crazy day. I mean I have a new nephew and I'm going to be the new Hawkeye. I am going to be Hawkeye." She repeated over again as if the words were finally sinking in.

"He would not have asked you if he did not think you can do it."

"Sure, I knew that it was something that would happen eventually, but I didn't think that it would come this quickly. If ever." She explained. "It was a childhood dream that I didn't think anything of."

"I have seen you shoot, with some fighting practice you will be fine." He assured her. Kate swore that he had taken a step closer to her which she wouldn't have seen anyway, but she didn't budge. Instead she stood her ground.

"I answered your question, now you answer mine." Kate said with a more demanding tone than she had intended too. Pietro leaned down a little closer to her, his lips were inches away from hers.

"I saw you staring at me this morning." He started.

"I wasn't staring, you were in my line of vision talking to Clint," She lied. Clint was on the opposite side of the room of Pietro, but it was the first thing that came to her mind. Kate could almost hear him smirk.

"I will tell you about what happened in Sokovia when you stop lying to yourself."

"Lying about what?" She asked.

"That is something I think you already know."

In a flash he was gone.

In that moment Kate knew she was fucked.

The next few days passed by quickly. Kate somehow managed to keep her distance from Pietro, she wasn't exactly sure what to think about her recent encounter with him. Sure, she had noticed that he was extremely attractive, and the accent didn't help much either. Kate just knew that she had to hide them. No matter what her heart was drawing her too, she had to push it away. That and Natasha would kill her.

Kate and Wanda had grown closer, which Kate enjoyed. It was nice being around someone her age and not much older, or much younger. They had gone back to the dress store, and Kate purchased the purple gown with the golden laced bodice. It was perfect, and she simply couldn't wait to go. Besides, part of her couldn't wait to see Pietro's face again when she wore the dress.

It was the night before they were about to leave for New York. Laura walked into her sister's room and closed the door before taking a seat on her bed. Kate watched her walk into the room, and continued to pack her clothing. "So you're really doing this, huh?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"What about school?" At that Kate stopped her packing and turned around to face her sister. The two of them looked a lot alike. They both had the same brown colored hair, but while Kate had blue eyes, Laura had brown ones. She always told her younger sister that she looked like their mother, while Laura looked more like their father.

"I'll just take a break for a little bit." Kate told her with a shrug, walking over to sit next to her sister.

"You and I both know that won't be the case. I spent all this time worrying about my husband, now I have to worry about my little sister." She spoke stroking Kate's long hair. Kate took her sisters hand and smiled.

"I'll be fine, I promise."

"I know, but please for all of us." Laura begged.

"I'm much faster than Clint is, please Laura stop worrying. It will be fine." Kate assured her for the last time. She heard her sister going to speak again, but she cut her off. "Are you going to help me pack or just try and talk some sense into me?"

Laura sighed. "Fine, I'll help." She got off her sisters bed and began helping her to pack. "But you have to take pictures."

Kate finished packing her things several hours later when another knock came to her door. She got up from her bed and opened the door. On the other side stood Clint, holding his favorite bow. "Can I come in?" He asked. She nodded her head and stepped to the side. "There is no easy way to do this, I've already spoken my peace to you about this and more, so here." He said handing her his bow. "Laura says you use it when I'm not here, and you'll need it more than I will."

"Clint," She trailed off taking the bow from him. "What will you use then?"

"One of yours, or if you're nice you'll give me one Stark makes to try to get this thing out of commission." He laughed. Kate joined him in laughter and shook her head.

"Thank you," Kate smiled.

"Kick some ass, alright?" He asked.

"You bet."

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