"Goodbye. I'm sorry that it had to end this way, and I could have prevented it, but, it happened. You were my first and only friends, but I'm a freak. A monster. So before I hurt someone else, I will leave. Don't look for me. I don't want to be found. Take care of Festus, and remember the little joker who made him. That little kid doesn't exist anymore. He was ruined by Gaea. No, he was ruined by himself. Percy, don't blame yourself. Annabeth, you couldn't have stopped it. Hazel, don't cry. Piper, stay strong. Frank, you're beast. Stay that way. Jason, you were an awesome best friend. And Festus, .. ._.. _ _ _ ..._ . _._ _ _ _ _ .._ Nico, don't bother, I'm not dead. Everyone, move on. Moping isn't becoming of the Saviors of Olympus. Goodbye for good." -Leo

That's what the note said. And that's the last the Seven ever heard of Leo Valdez, McShizzle Man.