Haha yes, it's giant i know. I went really overboard but i couldn't help it! I LOVE these two, my ships usually break but i think this one will last forever! As usual, have fun~~~

Chapter 2: Tour

Thomas woke up groggily, feeling strange but incredibly comfortable and warm. Shifting a bit, he tried to move but realized that some sort of weight held him down. He was too sleepy and dismissed it until he heard a giggle from the other side of the room. Trying to wrap his head around who the owner of the giggle was, he figured out it was Newt and his brain snapped into full attention. When Newt giggles, it can only mean that something absolutely terrible has happened. Turning his head around, Thomas had identified that the weight, which was holding him down, was, in fact a person- a very handsome person who was only in his boxers. He also took note of how close the other person was. If Thomas were to lean forward a bit, their lips would touch. He stared mesmerized and wondered how soft and moist the lips would feel on his own. Lost in his thoughts, he leaned forward unconsciously, until a cough broke him out of his thoughts.

"Ayy, making a move so early eh? Well it's early in the relationship AND in the morning. Well I can't blame you, I mean he IS the most popular in this college and unless you want hordes of angry fangirls chasing after you and hunting you down, I suggest you keep that look outta your eyes. And plus you two are barely friends; in fact you probably don't even know his NAME. So chill down and take things slow. And you realize that you have luggage to unpack and clothes to dress right?" said Newt with a knowing smirk as he lay next to another person who was also asleep. Thomas blushed wildly as he realized the situation he was in and oh god he hated Newt some times.

"Well, does it look like I can move?! C'mon, if you are going to just sit there and tease me, why don't you help me a bit here? This person weighs a ton," scowled Thomas as he turned to glare at Newt.

"Hmm? Who weights a ton?" Minho said as he woke up and shifted around. Minho was quite a light sleeper and he usually woke at this time anyway. He smirked as he could tell that Thomas was blushing furiously although he was turned away from Minho.

"N-n-nothing!" stuttered Thomas as he sat up abruptly and started inching towards the edge of the bed. He forgot that the bed was single sized and promptly fell off with a startled yelp, triggering laughter around the room and waking Alby up.

"Oh my god guys, it's only 6 in the morning and it's a day off! What are you thinking?" Alby asked incredulously, glancing back at forth between a groaning Thomas and the other two who were laughing their ass off.

"Haha sorry about waking you up man, it's just that this greenie here is being a giant cutie pie," laughed Minho, as he roughly ruffled Thomas's hair.

"Greenie? What the f-"

"Shuck," Alby cut in, making Thomas even more confused.

"Don't worry about it, it's just the terminology our grade uses. You will get used to it, green bean. I see that we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Minho and it seems that I'll be your roommate for the rest of your college years so better hurry and get used to me," said Minho as he gave Thomas a casual, lopsided grin, which made his heart stop at the sight.

Spluttering, Thomas managed to choke out, "Err I'm Thomas and I'm really sorry about last night, I mean waking you up and all that…"

"Hah, you didn't just wake him up, you woke the entire dormitory up. This shank over here is Alby and he's my boyfriend. I wonder when you'll get yours Thomas~" said Newt in a teasing voice, giving him a wink in the process. "No need to be so panicked Tommy, everyone in this room is gay. Well hurry and get dressed you two, touring this school isn't exactly the easiest." And with that Newt left the room cackling and dragging Alby with him. After the pair left, an awkward silence filled the room, before Minho breaking it with a cough.

"Well let's get down to work then. You get changed while I do my stuff in the bathroom… or do you want to shower with me?" said Minho with a mischievous smile, making Thomas blush profusely.

"W-w-well then get OUT!" shrieked Thomas, flailing his arms and legs around. Laughing, Minho walked to the bathroom, sending him a wink before disappearing inside. Thomas is left in the room feeling very flustered and his heart beating strangely fast.

Sighing, he got dressed, putting on the red hoodie and black leather skinny jeans he wore yesterday and sat on Minho's bed waiting for his return. After what seems like 30 minutes, Minho walked out, bathroom steaming behind him.

"You took a shower?" asked Thomas, trying to not let his eyes wonder all over his body. The resistance was futile and he was just left with trying to make his stare not too obvious. That didn't work either and Minho's smile turned into a smirk.

"Try not to stare too much shank. Don't want the girls hosting a witch hunt in this school," Minho said casually, laughing it off, but Thomas could sense some truth behind his words and his face blanched.

"Don't worry too much about it. They won't attack if I'm near so in that case just stick close to me. Either way it's a win, win situation for you, unless you get out of my sight. Don't worry I'll still be at your funeral," said Minho chuckling.

"Are they that bad? I mean I am a guy- I mean I am gay and all that, but it's not like they'll know right…?" questioned Thomas. Back at his old school, the girls were all extremely sweet. His friend Teresa was a strong girl but soft hearted to the ones she loved and cared about. It seemed a bit over the top with these girls.

Minho shook his head and thought, "Thomas is really a greenie. He's going to suffer if he doesn't know well enough about this school."

"Not that bad eh? I remember last time a boy called Ben got really close to me and the girls went crazy and did shit like blackmailing and beat him up. It got so bad that he went crazy and had to be admitted to a mental hospital. Newt and Alby weren't targeted cuz obviously they were with each other. Well whatever you do don't go anywhere near the girl's dormitory. We call that place the maze and every month, the girls go into a process we call the Changing and they become Grievers. They return to normal of course, but we don't know for how long and it's extremely unpredictable. They can roam anywhere of course so make sure you avoid them. Bad thing is, you usually can't tell the difference all the time so it's very scary," said Minho is a very solemn tone, drying his hair off at the same time too. Hearing this Thomas started laughing uncontrollably, cracking Minho into a grin too.

"Hey, I'm being serious you know. Everything that I've said is true , well whatever," said Minho, rolling his eyes, grin still plastered on his face, "well are you going to do the bathroom? Or would you rather watch me dress then?" Shutting Thomas up immediately, he flipped him the finger before running off into the bathroom.

When Thomas exited, Minho was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, dressed in a simply red V-neck and black skinny jeans, much like Thomas's. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but just stare at him. He had no idea of what is happening to him right now.

"Are you going to just keep standing there and stare at me all day or are we going to go and meet up with Newt and Alby?" said Minho as he sat up, running his hand through his hair.

Spluttering, Thomas grabbed his keys and phone, opening the door to leave, but not without waiting for Minho of course. Flashing him a thankful smile, Minho grabbed his own keys and phone and Thomas shut the door behind them. Jogging at a synchronized pace, these two ran down the stairs to meet up with Newt and Alby.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? THOMAS DON'T TELL ME THE TIME WAS SPENT ON STARING AT MINHO!" yelled Newt as he jumped up from Alby's lap. The instant blush on Thomas told Newt the answer and he groaned loudly, pulling on his hair. "I take that you haven't packed either…"

"Aha…haha…ha…. No," muttered Thomas as he half hid behind Minho.

"YOU NEVER CHANGE I SWEAR TO GOD!" yelled Newt as he landed a kick straight in Thomas's crotch, causing him to scream and double over in pain. "Okay, we'll unpack later, let's start the tour," said Newt and he walked away ignoring someone who is very much in pain.

"Err… what about him…?" Minho asked nervously, His face whitened considerably when Newt turned around and smirked evilly.

"You're carrying him of course," said Newt, his smile widening even more, "It ain't like I'm carrying him. Don't even think about getting Alby to do it."

Sighing, Minho picked him up and tried to ignore the blush on his face and the stares around him. Thomas wrapped his arms tightly around Minho's neck, still squirming from the pain. He was very much aware that this was his second time being carried, and through his fuzzy- mind, he unwittingly tried to hide by burying his face into Minho's chest.

The first few minutes of the tour around the male territory or "The Glade" went past in a haze but as the pain started clearing, Thomas's brain had also started clearing. He knew he could walk but he didn't want to be out of Minho's arms. It was too confortable and warm and felt really safe. But of course, Newt noticed and his smile just couldn't be wiped off. Thomas couldn't help but notice how toned Minho was, how nice his chest felt every time it rose and sank accordingly to his breaths, how slender his neck was and oh god, those ARMS. He felt a strong urge to reach out and just feel up these arms, or better yet, trace his tongue along the muscles and place bites all over them.

"That's sexual harassment Thomas, you'll get arrested," said Newt with an ever knowing smile, making Thomas flinch and blush visibly at his own thoughts. Newt's now serious voice shook him out of his thoughts again, "Thomas, you need to walk on your own now. You don't want a girl to see you getting carried by Minho. Hell will break lose."

"Newt's right, you have to walk by yourself now. It's too dangerous outside our territory," said Minho as he started to set Thomas down. Out of instinct, he whined at the lose of contact and heat, making Minho raise his eyebrows in amusement and Newt to start laughing loudly. Alby could only shake his head in exasperation at the trio.

"You want me to carry you that bad greenie? Sorry, but that'll have to happen later when we are back in The Glade," smirked Minho, sending Thomas a wink, making him blush harder, which triggered Minho to start laughing as well. "Oh god why does his laughter have to sound so beautiful," thought Thomas and immediately he knew that he needed therapy. Lots of it.

"Guys let's finish giving this greenie a tour first. Classes are starting tomorrow and it'll be a giant stick in the ass if he doesn't know his way around," sighed Alby as he knocked Newt and Minho on the head as a warning. If Thomas could, he would shower Alby with kisses and thanks right now for saving his ass, but knowing Newt will probably kill him, he decided against the idea.

"Well, let's see what classes he has. Makes it easier for the tour," said Minho, signaling Thomas to get out his schedule and check. Gathering around Thomas, the group 4 inspected his schedule, nodding in approval at the classes.

"Well, you have almost all your classes with us. Art, you have me, music you have with Minho and woodworks with Alby. Dayum, you are a pretty lucky kid aren't ya? First you land in the same school with me, then you get to share the same room with Minho and now all your classes will have someone who you know," whistled Newt, reading Thomas's schedule once again to make sure nothing important has been missed.

"I've been wanting to ask this, but why is it so dangerous to be around with Minho?" asked Thomas.

"It's cuz he's the most popular person in the school and in the entire female community, they believe that he belongs to everyone and falling in love with him was forbidden. There's like only one fanboy and that's Gally. Better to avoid him, in fact avoid everyone who is with the grievers because everyone is a douche there. Especially Brenda, that bitch is the leader of the fangirls and fanboy and thinks she's top shit," said Newt, with a bitter tone in his voice, while Minho only sighed.

"So basically every female and Gally in this school is bat shit crazy?" said Thomas incredulously, only to feel even more confused when all three nodded their head vigorously.

"Yes, I've said that many many times Thomas. You'll understand the situation better when we leave The Glade. There's not much we can actually put into words," sighed Alby as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Thomas was curious- way too curious in fact, and the others could sense it. Newt was close to kicking him in the balls again just to shut him up. As Thomas opened his mouth again, Newt acted up and started walking briskly, making Thomas hold onto his questions.

"C'mon ya shanks, we need to unpack and supply Thomas with his necessities remember? He's 100% going to have a lot of useless shit in his suitcase. Let's just get this over and done with," said Newt. Not being able to find a comeback, Thomas simply grunted and followed along. The pace slowed to a walk when they reached the school building and Thomas immediately understood what the others meant. Everyone (the girls) was staring at Minho, some even sending glares at Thomas. They had a hungry, greedy look in their eyes, making him feel cornered. The feeling slightly opened Thomas's animalistic, violent side and he was able to snap a remark at one of the girls, Newt placed his hand on Thomas's shoulder, sending a warning look. He bit on his tongue to stop himself and only growled quietly in annoyance. Despite he held his temper back, any disturbances would immediately make him snap. The three others could feel his intimidation and couldn't help but shudder in fear, even Newt who was known to be one of the best at fighting.

They made haste and quickly gave Thomas a tour of the school until they reached their last destination: the cafeteria. There, loud, annoying chattering blasted itself at Thomas as they stepped inside the room. He could spot a giant group of girls with a boy in the midst. He quickly identified the girl who was obviously in the center of the attention to be Brenda and the boy was no doubt, Gally. One look at him and Thomas's mood darkened. His laugh was disgusting unlike Minho's, which rang like bells. Not to mention that his face was also hideous, especially those eyebrows of his. The girl who was Brenda also annoyed him. She wore way too much make up and her clothes were too skimpy. Well, Thomas DID used to work as a stripper but at least he didn't behave the same way as she was. "Pretentious fucks," muttered Thomas under his breath, getting un-approving glares from Newt and Alby. Knowing that Thomas would cause A LOT of trouble if one of them riled him up, they tried to make their way as fast and as stealthily as possible. It didn't work and Gally, one of the worst possible people alive, noticed them.

"Oh hey, if it isn't the GREENIE," sneered Gally, making the rest of his group laugh.

"Sorry Gally we are in a-"Newt tried to say but he was cut off by Thomas.

"Well what do you want, UGLY," Thomas sneered back, he was quickly losing his temper. The other members tried to pull him away, but he was already making his way to Gally.

"HA! UGLY? Isn't that too much of a big word for you, BOBCUT? You don't even look half as good as me," cackled Gally, receiving snickers and nods from his little group.

"Trust me, I don't even want to look like you. You think you're so handsome? Have you seen your EYEBROWS? You just called me stupid right? Well, why don't I use your eyebrows so that I can learn all about angles?! Also lend me your face while you are at it so I know exactly what NOT to draw during art class. Your face is so disproportioned that even South FUCKING Korea can't help your sorry ass!" Thomas retorted, his voice gradually getting louder. Gally's expression turned more and more hostile but he just kept talking. "Honestly, I feel sorry for MINHO! Having such a REPULSIVE admirer amongst his midst! You think Minho will pick someone like YOU? How bout you and wish upon your BITCH-ASS birthday cake and go pray to God everyday, because it ain't happening and it NEVER will!" Thomas finished, his was so close to snapping and beating the crap out of Gally. The other males in the cafeteria, including Thomas's little group, who was watching from the sidelines, started snickering, making Gally red in embarrassment and anger.

"You think you are all high and shit huh? Ya shank, I'll beat your ass up all the way to next week," spat Gally, making Thomas crack up in amusement.

"Beat ME? Did I just hear something? YOU want to beat ME up?" sneered Thomas before grabbing Gally's collar and looking at him dead straight in the eyes, a menacing aura started rolling off Thomas, "Listen here pretty boy, I can and I will beat your ass straight to your funeral. Step down and know your place, because I can tell you that I am stronger and have more experience." Things had started turning serious and Minho tried to stop Thomas but was held back by Newt who had a look of warning and fear in his eyes, which surprised Minho. Reluctantly, he didn't move from his spot and continued to watch.

Clearly overtaken by his anger, Gally didn't step down but in fact decided to say or rather confess something, which made Thomas snap completely.

"Haha, stronger than me? I clearly heard you scream and cry over the little prank I pulled yesterday," said Gally with an overconfident smirk on his face.

Holding a little suspicion, Thomas gruffly asked, "What prank?"

"Oh, just thought you would like to meet my friend, Albert," said Gally in a sickly voice. As soon that sentence was delivered, a spider crawled out of his sleeve and Thomas immediately clicked everything together and his self-control shattered in pieces. He punched Gally right in the face, knocking him onto the floor. The room was frozen except for Thomas as nobody expected him to punch, especially that hard. Grabbing a fork from the table, he stabbed the spider, which also stabbed Gally's hand in the process making him howl in pain. Gally's howl woke Minho from the shock and he shouted Thomas's name just as he was about to bring the fork down again, this time aimed at the neck. Flinching at Minho's voice he stabbed right the spot next to Gally's neck, not missing completely either as blood from a shallow but long cut starting dripping onto the floor.

"Next time I won't miss. Provided that there is a next time," said Thomas through gritted teeth and he left, leaving Gally panting in shock and anger. He couldn't believe that he got his ass handed to him by a complete Greenie. Getting up, he threw the now dead spider onto the floor and glared at everyone who stared. Despite getting beaten, Gally was still one of the strongest in the school and wasn't someone who you should mess with unless you are Alby, Minho, Newt or Thomas. Sensing his glares , Thomas turned to Gally with his own glare, which made him turn his eyes to the floor on reflex. He gritted his teeth, hating how he feared Thomas so much. "I'm going to get revenge someday but not today," he stubbornly thought as he watched the group of four leave the cafeteria.

They toured the rest of the college briskly, and began returning to The Glade around an hour later. Although he was still angry, it was better than before and now he is able to think and act rationally… or not. He had the sudden urge to touch Minho's arms, or rather, be in these arms. He wanted to be carried again, but since Minho can't do anything outside the Glade, it made him even more pissed, an aura oozing out again. Minho started to pick up the pace, making everyone else flinch in surprise and hastily increase their own pace in order to keep up. Seeing Minho move so fast away from him made Thomas sad, the sudden change in emotions was evident and was easily picked up by the others but the pace had not dropped.

They came into an abrupt stop once they were behind the closed door of The Glade, making Thomas bump into something or someone hard. With a surprised yelp, he started tripping and was expected to fall onto something hard but instead he was lifted and was in something really soft and warm and nice and beautiful and… basically he was in Minho's arms. His mood lifted up instantly and Thomas latched himself onto Minho and started nuzzling his neck, making him chuckle in amusement.

"Could feel you stare at my arm miles away, ya shank. Thought that the faster we get back, the faster you get to be carried by me. Sorry if I made you sad," said Minho with a teasing but playful smile. Thomas bonked Minho lightly on his forehead and muttered something like a 'stupid' before going back to his resting position with his head against his neck. Newt decided to make a mental note of how Minho simply works magic on Thomas.

"Are you two sure you aren't married?" asked Newt incredulously, earning blushes and weak glares at him. "I mean, Alby and I are together and I swear you two just skipped the dating part." Alby started blushing too and Newt found himself surrounded by three tomato- looking idiots. "Well, since ya'll have so much energy right now, let's go and start unpacking Thomas's shit. Trust me, we need all these energy," said Newt as he started making his way into the dormitory, ignoring the insults from Thomas.

"Oh my god Thomas, please explain why your duffel bag is bigger than your suitcase," Newt said the moment he laid his eyes on Thomas's luggage.

"It's cuz it's filled with necessities like clothes, shoes and stuff," Thomas said matter-of-factly. When he said that, Newt's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull and his threw his arms up in exasperation.

"You are seriously telling me that this giant ass suitcase is full of random shit," Not waiting for Thomas's reply, he stomped over and flung opened the suitcase. He felt like he was about to faint and he closed his eyes and breathed deeply 10 times.

The art and crafts materials in there, Newt understood, but more than a quarter of the suitcase was occupied by a large box. He prayed that it was not filled with what he thought it was and he slowly took the box out and dramatically opened it. It was exactly what Newt didn't want it to be. The box was filled with cards, Yugioh and Vanguard cards to be more precise.

"Thomas Green," said Newt with a menacing smile, "May I ask why do you have this here?" Thomas turned bright red as Alby and Minho tried to hold their laughter while watching this exchange go on between them. He was about to speak but was cut off. "Yea, yea let me guess, you thought you might needed it, but thing is, I don't see any 12 year old here so your argument is invalid. Reality is, you couldn't really part with these cards because I quote, "it took such a long time to get these cards and plus they are so pretty and shiny, why would I get rid of them?" Knowing what Newt had said was true, Thomas could only resort to pouting, He was just about to remark again, when something very interesting caught his attention.

"Ayyy Thomas. I never know you were into these stuff ehhh?" Newt said teasingly as he reached into the suitcase.

"What stuff?" asked Thomas suddenly having very bad feeling about this.

"Don't pretend to me innocent. I'm talking about these erotic books you have here," deadpanned Newt as he pulled out a stack of them. Laughter couldn't be held in anymore and Minho and Alby were rolling around laughing, while Thomas's face turned even more red and started spluttering.

"No wait I DID NOT pack this! Teresa or Chuck or both did this!" yelled Thomas as he leapt up onto his feet, but tripped himself over in the process.

"Oh stop lying Thomas. We all know you LOVE these stuff. Let's see what books you have, Cock-sucking trilogies-" Newt was cut of by a singing Thomas, who was trying to drown out Newt's readings. He chuckled and turned back to search his suitcase more and he found something even more interesting… or disturbing.

"Oh DUDE! What is this? Boku No Pico?! Oh my god you actually like this shit? Dude that's creepy," Newt said, causing more laughter and Thomas simply gave up trying to take it from his hand.

"I DIDN'T PACK THIS I SWEAR! TERESA AND CHUCK DID IT OHMYGOD I HATE YOU ALL!" wailed Thomas, trying to prove himself innocent. Seeing that it wasn't working, he decided to plop right on top of Minho.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say Tomtom. Well whether you are into these or not, I don't see how you really need them, considering who your roommate is. You don't even need to fap anymore, just ask him for a roll of his abs when you are hard and you'll come immediately," mocked Newt, flashing one of those teeth-sparkling advertisement smiles. Thomas chucked one of the ero books at Newt and it landed on the floor with the worst possible pages open, causing all four extremely responsible and sensible adults to scream and duck for cover.

The erotic stuff were carefully moved and locked away in a place no one will every find, which was underneath Thomas's bed despite his protests. They got back to work, unpacking and storing away Thomas's useless stuffs. He had also forgotten to bring tops with him except for the hoodie he wore on the trip so he has to wear Minho's clothes for the moment, not that he complained. They didn't finish until much much later as connecting the Play Station took up a lot of time and playing on it took away 2 hours as well. By the time they had finished and bid farewells, it was already 10. After cleaning themselves up and goofing around for another good 30 minutes, it was 11:30 and both were extremely tired. Sleep fell quickly and Thomas was extremely chill about starting school tomorrow, much to his own surprise.