David walked as quickly as he could through the small town looking for a certain one-handed pirate. As usual, he found him in the library with Belle, reading up on anything and everything concerning the Dark One. Killian put on a brave face for Henry and Mary Margaret's sake, but David saw through it. The pirate was desperate to save Emma and he was clearly doing everything he could to save his love.

As for Emma, she appeared to the town once in a while. Everybody knew that she never left the town, but she never came out. David hoped that it was his daughter's way of keeping the town safe, by fighting the Dark One.

"Hook!" David yelled.

"Back here!" David followed Hook's voice to the back of the library and found him hunched over a book, his finger skimmed over the page as he read the words impossibly fast.

"You need to come with me. Now!" David ordered.

"I'm busy, mate," Killian mumbled.

"Killian, please. This is important. You're going to want to see this," David pleaded. His tone made Killian stop and turn.

"Emma?" Killian asked.

"Kind of..." David replied.

"Where?" Killian demanded.

"The docks," David replied.

The book lay forgotten as Killian raced out of the library and through the streets of Storybrooke. His feet left concrete and collided with wooden planks as he increased his speed. He ran to where his beloved ship was once docked. On the very edge of the dock stood a small girl, maybe 6 or 7, with golden hair tied back in two plaits. David appeared next to Killian.

"What's this about mate?" Killian asked.

"Hear her out," David replied. The girl must have heard them because her head turned slightly behind her to look at the two men.

"Where's the Jolly Roger? Its always docked right here and I checked everywhere else," the girl said.

"She's gone. She's been gone for long time," Killian replied.

"Why?" The girl asked.

"I traded her," Killian answered, "where are your parents?"

"I was playing on the Jolly Roger and a funny hole opened on the deck and I fell in and landed here," the girl said, turning around to face the two men. The breath was knocked out of Killian. The little girl was exactly like Emma, but with Killian's eyes. He knew immediately who this girl was. Her hair was the exact shade of golden blonde as Emma's. Her mouth, her nose, her face. It was all the same as his Swan's, even the way the girl stood had a peculiar likeness to Emma. Except for her eyes. The little girl had his eyes, that crystal blue that Emma loved so dearly. There was no denying who this little girl was, not in Killian's mind.

"You look different Daddy," the girl laughed.

"Yeah?" Killian asked quietly. He didn't known what to say.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" David asked, approaching his granddaughter and crouching down in front of her.

"Don't you know who I am, grandpa?" The girl asked.

"Where we are, you're not born yet," David replied.

"Oh... I'm Jessica but Daddy calls me Jessie," the girl, Jessie replied.

"That's such a pretty name," David smiled.

"Where's my mommy?" Jessie asked. This shook Killian out of his stupor.

"Mommy's not here right now," David replied.

"What about Liam and Henry?" Jessie asked.

"Henry's here," David said.

"Liam?" Killian asked.

"Liam. My big brother," Jessie replied, looking from her grandpa to her dad. She ran around David and threw herself towards Killian, who swept his daughter up in his arms. "I wanna go home."