Ok, so I just joined and have no clue what so ever as to what I am doing… Yay! In any case hope you like my Danny Phantom story. It gets a little dark as you will probably figure out almost right off the bat. I will try and update at least once a week but we will see how it goes. I think that is all for now... Oh right that other thing...
Disclaimer! I dont own Danny Phantom... its probably a good thing too.
She stood in a field of black roses, staring at a stone in the center that would shatter her world. Undergrowth had sent her here saying that the island needed a woman's touch, whatever that had meant. So she had happily come, fully expecting a tangle of green plants ready to be teased into a proper garden. Instead she had found this stunningly beautiful field of black roses with a strange looking stone at its heart. As she stares at the beauty before her soaking up the calm warmth of happy plants, her mind tugs at her an image long buried coming slowly back to life. Gently shooing the plants out of her path she took a step forward the feeling in her mind suddenly stronger as it showed her an image of a group of three people. Two of them were boys and the one in the center was a girl her arms thrown around the two boys in clear friendship. She couldn't see their faces but she felt as if she knew them and as she mentally reached for the picture the image faded swiftly leaving her with a sense that there was something missing. Stopping in confusion she looked down and realized she was standing before the stone as if she were drawn there. The stone was as tall as her shoulder and the plants loved it because they could climb higher getting more light by holding on to it. It was almost pillar like and was made of a stone that was a pretty swirl of black and white with a smattering of green flecks all across the surface. Marble her mind informed her uselessly as she took in its strange placement. The whole thing had been polished smooth the top slightly domed with flat sides and a flat front. It almost looked like an obelisk except the top was domed instead of pointed. Taking a moment to study it she noticed grooves on the front of the stone through the petals and leaves. Reaching out a hand she shooed them back and quickly realized the grooves were writing on the swirled black and white surface. After the black roses moved away she traced her fingertips along them reading the words slowly.
'Here lies a friend, son, brother, a hero to all who knew him. Danny Fenton / Danny Phantom.'
The image returned to her stronger this time and she could clearly see a boy with raven hair and blue eyes smiling at her waving. More images followed the first and she fell to her knees under the onslaught, the roses surrounding her slowly changing from pitch black to white as they returned her lost memories. Rich green rings appeared at her midsection changing her already unique attire. In her ghost form she had on a dark green halter top style dress that had purple vein like designs trailing down to the ends of the knee high dress. Leggings protected her legs before disappearing into black knee high boots. Green gloves covered her hands almost to her elbows and sported the same purple vein like designs her dress did. Her hair had grown in the passing years reaching a little past her shoulders now and hung loose down her back, though her bangs and front hair pieces were pulled out of her face in two braids that met at the back of her skull. A black rose held them in place. The green rings finished their journey revealing her human form in very different attire. A black corset like crop top covered her upper body with sheer purple sleeves that reached a little past her elbows and a sheer purple slip covering her midsection. A pair of dark purple almost black capris nearly met with the black combat boots on her feet. The gloves on her hands merely changed color to black and shortened to only cover up to her wrists. In both forms three things remained the same. Her hair, the small promise ring on her finger, and a green choker with a black rose in the middle on her neck. She didn't notice the change however; she was caught up in the sudden remembrance of her own name.
"Sam Mason" she whispered and started to sob one hand reaching out to run a hand across the words on Dannys grave.
Sam didn't know how long she remained there on the ground her mind rapidly reintegrating her memories. The newly white roses surrounded her, comforted her, and after a while whispered to her that someone was coming.
"Have you finally returned to us little flower?" a voice asked and Sams head jerked up trying to identify the speaker. The white roses behind Dannys grave parted and Undergrowth emerged a look of sorrow on his features.
"Undergrowth…" Sam whispered at a loss for words. She tried to stand unsure of herself only knowing that he had taken care of her for who knows how long. He hadn't had to and no one had asked him to. Undergrowth had done it on his own and Sam felt confused as to why he was suddenly here. He wasn't there to harm her he had sent her to this tiny out of the way island in the first place. That thought opened a memory in her mind and Sam suddenly remembered that Undergrowth had helped her train her fledgling plant powers when she had first gotten them, back when Danny was still alive.
That knowledge coupled with the understanding that he had been taking care of her after she had lost her memories instantly made Sam view him as a father figure as much as Danny had viewed Clockwork as one. He came around to her side slowly reaching out to her and Sam fell into his arms with another sob the last of her memories slowly falling back into place in her mind.