I KNOW IT HAS BEEN AGES! I really don't know nor think someone still reads this fanfiction but I'll still will end it. Finally, last chapter is here! Please do read the last Author's note once you finish this chapter!
Answering time!
YoNaMe: It indeed was so long this chapter! Thank you so much for your patience. And yes, the real life really does mess with my anime and manga life! Can't put into words how much your words means to me, a thousand thanks.
lexy1989: I'm extremely grateful with you especially. You've been hands down, one of the most amazing readers. I've been so lucky to have you as one of my very special readers. I hope you're doing well and working hard as always. You're like a role model to me and someone I'm keeping inside my you, thank you and thank you!
"Welcome to England, please come in!", Ioran said with a smile as he opened the door to the Hyuuga's mantion.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you", Yuka said once they sat on the living room.
"I'm glad you visited", Ioran smiled back at the pair.
Mikan looked at Ioran silently, she still couldn't believe that Natsume's father had that kind of conversation with her a few nights ago. She felt like it was a dream, definitely he couldn't have said such things and mean them.
"Well, you already met my father, we should go now", Natsume said standing up.
"No way, you can stay here all the time you want!", Ioran said with a smile,
Natsume send him an I'll-kill-you glare but then remembered the deal he made with his father.
"Mikan's parents want to meet me?", he asked after a long laughter.
"I've never asked a favor from you, so just this time"
Ioran interrupted his son. "Sure thing, I'll help you. In a month you work enough to save the entire company. I want to show you my gratitude so I agree. But since it's such a big request, you have to be the best son ever"
"Best son?", he asked.
He nodded, "A loving and caring son towards his father"
Natsume almost shivered. "I understand"
"It's decided, I'll move the mansion to a pretty place in England", he explained.
His son rolled his eyes. "Don't make it too flashy"
"The first impressions are important Natsume"
*End of flashback*
"It's a beautiful house you've got here", Izumi commented. "Natsume said you own a company"
"I do, that's why I'm really happy for this child to be born", he explained with a smile.
Mikan frozed for a minute, could it be…the conversation wasn't a dream?
"I'm relieved you accepted very well the news", Yuka said.
"Up at this point, all I can do is accept it and support them"
Mikan looked at Ioran again. He seemed like such a nice father. Someone unable to harm anybody. But again, that conversation that she hadn't even talk with Natsume about, kept going round and round her head.
"Is everything okay?", Natsume whispered for Mikan to hear only.
She turned to look at his stunning crimson eyes and nodded. It was like if he could see through her and immediately detect she was hiding something from him.
Her behavior didn't get unnoticed by him. "Dad, I'll take Mikan for a walk"
Izumi stood up "Is my daughter a dog or something?"
"I didn't want to say a date because you're so sensible Izumi-san", he smiled ironically back at him.
"Stop it already", Mikan stood up taking Natsume's hand. "Let's go"
"You really cherish your daughter", Ioran said with a sad smiled. "It makes me miss mine more"
"Do you have a daughter?", Yuka asked. "Nastume never talked to us about her"
"She left us a long time ago", he explained.
"I'm sorry my parents brought so many problems for you and your father", Mikan apologized once they were out of the house.
They started walking towards the nearest park.
"Don't mind that", Natsume said. "I want to know, if you're hiding something from me", he stopped walking.
Mikan stopped walking as well unable to look at his eyes and lie. "I'm not"
He sighed, "I will ask again, this time look at my eyes and answer sincerely"
Mikan closed her eyes. She didn't want to tell her about that conversation. She didn't even know if it was all a dream or it was reality. She didn't want to break the bond between Natsume and his father. Surely if she said anything about it, he wouldn't be able to forgive him.
"Look at me", he grabbed her wrists.
"Look at that couple fighting, should we call the police?", a voice was heard.
Mikan opened her eyes, "No we're not-", she stopped when she recognized the couple standing in front of her view line.
"Hotaru and Ruka!", she called out for them.
"What a scene you we're making", Ruka patted Natsume's back.
Nastume sighed, "What are you two doing here"
Hotaru smired, "See that house over there?"
They turned to look at the house she was pointing. "That's Ioran's house, we just came from there", Mikan explained.
"See that house next to it?",Ruka asked.
"The house of the neighbors I guess?", Natsume asked.
"Correct, that's our new house", Hotaru explained.
Mikan and Natsume exchanged looks. "What?"
"Please take care of us, neighbors"
Hotaru entered their new house next to Ruka.
"Operation 'make them know we're here' was a success. Now they will stay longer time in England, where the plan will be taking action"
"Nice to hear that", Youichi stand from his sit. "I came to hear the plan Ruka talked about"
Hotaru sat next to him as she took the notebook laying on a table nearby.
"I've been researching family tress from both sides", she started explaining. "But I've barely gotten some information from Natsume's side. I feel like there's something missing"
"There are two possible options to get that information", Ruka sat down as well.
"Natsume's twin sister, Aoi; whom we know not much about and disappeared fifty years ago.", Hotaru continued. "And Luna Koizumi"
The soul collector turned to look at both of them. "You want me to talk with her?"
Hotaru nodded. "I'm afraid you're the only one who can do it?"
He shook his head. "Why?"
"Don't you know what happened to her?", Ruka asked him.
"Did something happened to her?", he asked with worried easily visible on his face.
"She ran away the day of her wedding and hasn't been found since then",he explained.
"Still, what can I do?", Youichi asked again acting like if he didn't care.
"Luna is the scientist who created the portals", Hotaru explained. "If you use your powers and ask her to come, she'll definitely hear you"
"Even if she listen to my request, she won't come"
"Why do you think that?", Ruka asked surprised.
"Because I rejected her", Youichi explained sincerely.
"I've known Luna for a long time", Ruka said. "She must be wishing to see you again"
"Please Youichi, let's try it out. This might be Mikan's last chance", Hotaru almost begged, something that she only did when it was for her best friend's sake.
He sighed deeply. "I'll do it"
Both Mikan and Natsume entered to the house with confusion plastered on their faces. They had so many questions. Why were they on England? Rather, what were they doing on the human world? And even bought a house?
"They're definitely hiding something", Natsume muttered and Mikan nodded.
"You're back already?", Yuka asked when she spotted them at the door.
"Took you too long", Izumi complained.
"Did you like view, Mikan?", Ioran asked smiling at her.
She was taken aback by his words directed to her. They didn't' get to see anything though. "Yes, thank you", she lied.
"Mikan, would you mind helping me with the lunch preparations?", Ioran asked with a friendly smile.
"I can help too!", Yuka offered herself.
"Please, you're my guests. I want Mikan's help so I can show her a few balanced meals that are good for a pregnancy", he explain.
"That's very kind of you", Yuka smiled.
"I'd love to help", Mikan smiled back at him.
It was a dream after all, she thought.
"Have you think about what I said?", Ioran spoke once they were in the kitchen.
Mikan looked at him utterly surprised. "It wasn't a dream?"
Ioran shook his head. "You will die giving birth to this child. You still won't change your mind?"
Mikan stopped shaking and turned to look directly at his eyes. "I won't. I'm having this baby even if it costs my life"
Ioran smiled weakly. "Alright then, I promise to take good care of the baby once he's born"
"What are you two talking about?", Natsume entered the kitchen with a frown on his face.
"You know what will happen son, I'm just telling Mikan that she can rest assured", his father explained.
"Do you really think I'll sit down and wait?", he asked in disbelief. "I can assure you, I'll try any method possible to save the woman I love and my child"
Mikan smiled back at Natsume, even if he wasn't able to do so, even if she dies in the process, she knows Natsume will never be alone anymore.
Ioran raised a brow, "keep that promise"
"The portal is opened", Ruka said.
"Remember, you have to call her and if you listen her voice, use your powers to trace her and bring her hear", Hotaru explained.
Youichi nodded as he approached the portal.
He opened his mouth to call out for her but he didn't say a word. He simply threw himself inside the portal and disappearing in seconds.
Hotaru looked at Ruka. "What the hell did he just do?!"
Youichi traveled trought the portal as he landed in a scenery he had never seen before. The blue and endless sea was just in front of him. He stood up, dusting off the sand of his pants.
He was surprised by image of Luna with her hands covering her face.
So in the end, the person crying that he heard through the portal indeed was Luna.
"Luna", he called out for her.
She turned to look at him and laugh ironically. "So know I'm imagining things"
"How so?", he asked.
"You know like feeling so lonely and wanting to see someone so much that he actually appears not only in my dreams but in my day dreams", she explained.
Youichi didn't know what to say.
"Why so silent Youichi from my imagination? Come and sit next to me?", she invited and so he did.
"Why did you ran away from your wedding?", he asked.
"Not only I didn't love my fiancé but also I couldn't face him nor Ruka"
"You can still ask for their forgiveness", he stood up. "Come with me, I'll help you with that"
Ioran entered his room and gave a soft sigh. He had never seen his son so determined before, even when he was with Nozomi, he would never have that look on her face.
He felt a presence in the room, immediately turned to look at the window where someone was easily recognized.
"It's been a long time"
His eyes widened in surprised, unable to believe who he was seeing in front of him. He started running towards her.
"Aoi, I've missed you so much!", he hugged her.
"Me too dad", she hugged him back"
"Why did you leave? You're not leaving again, are you?", he asked almost like begging.
"I won't be leaving for a while", she explained. "There's something I need to do"
"What is that?", he asked in curiosity.
"Save Mikan"
"I shouldn't have believed in that soul collector! He used the portal to escape!",Hotaru kept complaining.
"Maybe something happened", Ruka tried to calm her down.
"Have some faith in me", Youichi said entering the room with Luna.
Luna opened her eyes in disbelief as she realized it wasn't a dream. "Ruka, it's that really you?"
"It is me", Ruka smiled at her.
"How can you smile at me?", Luna asked hurt.
"I already forgave you, you should do the same", he explained.
"I almost killed the one you love!", she shouted.
"But thanks to that I recovered my memory and remember my love for the inventions", Hotaru said with a little smile. "We really need your help"
"We want to save Mikan", Ruka spoke.
"I'll help", she replied immediately. "I owe Natsume a lot"
"You're not the only one who owns Natsume an apology, I'll help too", another voice joined them.
"So Ioran told you to come?", Ruka asked Aoi.
"He told me about your little reunion of nerds so I tagged myself in", she explained.
"We're grateful, since we have so many questions about your family tree", Hotaru added.
"If I'm not mistaken, you've been researching something for the past half century", Luna commented.
"You've been researching on me huh? Well that's true", she started. "Fifty years back I learned the truth about the connections between humans and vampires", she took a deep breath. "I had a best friend, who was also a scientist. He fell in love with a human and I encouraged him to go out with her. After some time she told me the news she was pregnant. I was happy for him. Nine months later he came cursing my name, telling me she died while giving birth and the doctors couldn't explain why since she was healthy"
Hotaru shivered by the resemblance of Mikan's case.
"So I started researching. Once there's a union of the blood between species, a demon is born. However, since there's only demoniac power from one side, he isn't strong to live on its own. He is technically dead, and when the time to be born comes, he'll take the mother's soul in order to live as a half vampire"
"There's no option B?", Asked Luna.
Aoi shook her head. "Well, only getting rid of the baby"
"It has to be another option!", Hotaru raised her voice.
"I've been trying to find another one, I just think it's impossible after all"
"This is the house, right?", Natsume asked knocking the door.
Mikan grabbed her hand. "Everything will be fine"
Ruka opened the door, "Hi guys, don't you think you can come a little bit later?"
Natsume smiled, "Sure"
Ruka and Mikan looked at Natsume in surprised.
"Imai, what happened are you alright?!", Natsume asked looked behind Ruka.
"Hotaru?", Ruka asked turning to look behing him.
"Quickly Mikan enter the house!", Natsume pulled her inside and started running.
"Natsume! Mikan! Please stop!", Ruka shouted behind them.
"What is happening here?", Natsume asked when they reached the living room and found all the familiar faces gathered together.
Youichi looked at them. "So, it wasn't the pizza guy?"
"Explain", Natsume crossed his arms.
Ruka gulped. "We met so we could discuss how to help Mikan"
Natsume's eyes softened. "That's why I came here too"
Mikan smiled. "Thanks everyone for worrying about me"
"Have you gotten any advance?", asked the crimson eyed one.
"Truth to be told, we don't think there's other way but to get rid of the baby", Aoi explained.
"Don't say it like that", Luna said. "What she meant is that we're still haven't make any advance but the worst case scenario is that one"
"That's bullshit", Natsume said angrily.
Mikan took his hand. "I appreciate your concern but I will keep this baby even if it means risking my life"
Natsume turned to look at her with obvious pain in his eyes. "Please don't say that"
"I still think there's other way", Hotaru spoke. "Aoi, tell us about your family tree"
Aoi nodded. "My grandfather was a noble vampire, my grandmother the daughter of a noble. Their union brought my father who married a lower ranked vampire who was born by", she stopped talking. "Who was born by…"
"Who was born by?", Hotaru asked.
"I don't know my mother's origin"
*8 months later*
"I hate him, I definitely hate him", Natsume said referring to his dad. It's been eight months since he suddenly disappeared. Just when they were about to ask him about the family tree, he left like if he knew they were coming with questions. Like if he was hiding something.
It's been researching like crazy ever since that day in England. They have returned to their house and Ruka and Hotaru bought another house close to Mikan's.
Natsume was losing his mind, all the researches led to nothing and the time was getting closer.
"You didn't sleep today either right?", Mikan asked him worried.
Only by seeing her, it was easy to realize the baby was going to be born anytime soon.
"I can't sleep", he said taking another sip of his coffee, not even looking at her.
Mikan sighed, she knew it hurt him seeing her at that stage of the pregnancy.
"I'll go to Hotaru's house", she excused herself.
Walking made her feel better with everything. She knew Natsume loved her too much and he was so afraid to lose her.
She knocked Hotaru's door.
"Welcome!", greeted Ruka with a smile.
"Hi Ruka!", she greeted back.
"Hotaru, Mikan's here!", he shouted. "She most be in her invention room"
Mikan sat down to wait for her but a sharp pain made her fall from her sit. She couldn't move, her knees had giving in.
"Mikan!", shouted her best friend when she saw her on the ground panting heavily. "Quickly call Natsume"
"Let's get into the portal to Mikan's house", Ruka said.
Natsume almost threw her cup of coffee when he saw the portal opening in the living room. He felt even more scared when he saw Mikan panting on the floor looking like going through a lot of pain.
"We have to take her to a hospital", Ruka said. "But what kind of hospital? She's a human but she's having a demon"
"Let's take her to the human hospital", another voice joined.
"Dad!", Natsume called out for him.
He hated him but was so happy to see him.
"Save Mikan!"
"I can't", he said curtly.
"But I'll save your baby", Ioran said carrying Mikan into a portal and disappearing.
"Quickly, let's follow them", Hotaru said.
Natsume ran through the halls of the hospital. "Is Mikan Yukihira here?"
"No, I'm sorry", the nurse said.
"Next hospital quickly!"
They had been jumping from hospital to hospital.
"Is Mikan Yukihira here?"
"It is, she's having a baby in the room of maternity"
"She's here!", Natsume said in relief.
He ran as fast as his feet allowed him.
Mikan please be safe…
Mikan please be safe…
What an irony, a demon praying for someone's sake.
He opened the doors of the room as he heard the new born cry.
*5 years later*
"I'm home Souta", Natsume said with a smile entering the house. "Did you enjoy with grandma?"
"We had lots of fun", Yuka smiled.
"Thanks for always taking care of him. I'll bring him back tomorrow"
"Daddy you know", his son started.
"What is it?"
"In school we'll be celebrating mother's day and…"
Natsume stopped walking, "That's not a good idea and you know it"
"Yeah, let's go home and eat"
Natsume slided the key and opened the door.
"Welcome home Natsume and Souta!"
"Well isn't that the most requested actress in the whole country?", Natsume kissed his wife.
"Thanks to that you can't even attend to the events at school", Souta pouted.
"What, of course I'm going"
"Mikan", Natsume stopped her. "Last time the school had to close since nobody entered to their classes"
Mikan pouted. "Fine, I'll go in disguise"
Natsume smiled, "Sure, sure, let's see how well that goes"
"Good news, I prepared dinner!"
Both of the father and son looked at each other worried.
"I promise this time it will taste good!", Mikan smiled.
"Why are you so sure?", Natsume asked raising a brow.
"Because I had a few helpers", she admitted.
The bell rang and Mikan knew exactly who they were. "My helpers are here"
"Uncle Ruka, Uncle Hotaru!", Souta exclaimed.
"Can we join you?", Ruka asked with a smile.
"You brought wine?", he asked his best friend.
"Of course, it's the less I can do for an ex vampire like you"
5 years back.
He opened the doors of the room as he heard the new born cry.
The scene he saw was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Mikan was carrying the baby with a smile meanwhile he cried safely and healthily.
His father patted his back. "Congratulations, it's a beautiful boy"
Natsume waked towards his lover and child, he had Mikan's hair and Natsume's eyes.
"Is he a half vampire? How is Mikan?"
"I'll answer the questions you wanted to ask eight months ago", he interrupted his soon.
"Bring everybody"
Once Natsume, Mikan, Ruka, Hotaru, Luna and Aoi gathered, Ioran spoke.
"My wife wasn't a low ranked vampire, she was a human", everyone looked at him in disbelief but still listened carefully. "He died giving birth at you too. One of you got her demoniac powers and the other her soul. One of you drinks blood when ill and the other drinks it every day. One of you is a full vampire and the other is a human"
"I'm a human?", Natsume asked.
"You were born as one but I gave you a little of my demoniac powers and with the blood I made you drink everyday your power became stronger. However if you stop drinking it, you lose your powers"
"So when Mikan and I-"
"You two were humans and this baby is as well a human"
"Why didn't you say anything", Mikan asked.
"I told Nozomi about it but she was so scared she ran away", he confessed. "I needed MIkan to prove she was strong enough. When I told Mikan about it she didn't doubt. That's why I said 'it's her'"
*End of flashback*
"I don't miss it to be honest", Natsume said.
"I'm glad you're happy Natsume"
How can I not be? I have it all", he patted his best friend's back.
Everyone left and Mikan land Natsume left Souta on his bed.
"We should go to sleep as well", Mikan said with a smile.
Mikan laid down next to him in the bed as he hugged her. "Hey Natsume, don't you sometimes regret not being a vampire anymore"
Natsume hugged her tighter. "I wasn't a vampire from the beginning anyway"
Mikan sighed. "I feel like I took something important from you"
Natsume kissed her forhead. "You are every important part of me"
She turned to give him a quick kiss. "I love you"
"Just a quick kiss? Don't you want to give Souta a little sister or brother?", he asked with a smirk.
She covered with the blankets. "Natsume!"
He smiled softly, "I love you too"
(Author's Note)
To everyone who read this story, to everyone who favorited it, to everyone who reviewed it, to everyone who had to stick with my terrible delated chapters, to everyone who had to deal with my terrible orthography, thank you very much!
Sometimes I felt like giving up with many aspects of my life. I stopped writtinf this fanfiction since I felt stucked and unable to move forward. A lot happened meanwhile doing this fanfiction. My mom's accident, a terrible heartbreak, a lost of many friends, a change of school, graduation, looking for a college…everything that happened I keep every one of you in my heart as if you were there supporting me every step of the way.
My most sincere thank you!
Let's see each other in other story!