Long time no see! I did say that I'd only ever update when the time was right. :P Anyway, just a little blurb. One big thing to note is that Male!Marinette is not "Marinet" but "Martin" in this one. Two years is enough for me to fall out of love with the admittedly stupid name (though I knew it was stupid to start with haha). I may go back to change the other two chapters to "Martin" as well.

Monsieur Ladybug is fine. Not fine, but fine. With the italics.

Don't get her wrong, Adrien was still her number one love. It's the same vein of logic as having a boyfriend and a crush on a celebrity - like Johnny Depp.

Paris was lucky to have two incredibly hot guys fighting her supernatural crime. Like most young people in the city, Chloe had been swept up in the hype surrounding the two vigilantes. Cat Noir's easy on the eyes, sure, but Monsieur Ladybug. Now that was one fine gentleman.

Of course, Chloe, with her high profile status as mayor's daughter and her stunning looks, had been the subject of kidnapping several times. Which also meant several times interaction with Paris' superheroes.

There was an air of sophistication in the red and black spotted hero that Cat Noir simply lacked. The cat hero was kind, handsome, and very goofy. Monsieur Ladybug was just as amicable but less goofy and more 'smoking hot assurance and authority', Dieu. There were so many things about him that had won her over. His ever polite demeanor when speaking to the public - when speaking to her. The easy, steady confidence he held himself with. The flashed hints of secrecy Chloe sometimes caught glimpses of in his eyes and swore existed. He was tall, dark, and mysterious, and it was all those little things, added up over time as she saw and interacted with him, that finally pushed Chloe from simple admiration to full blown crush.

"Chloe!" A deep voice called. "Are you okay?"

"Ugh," Chloe groaned. Whoever had pushed her would be in for a world trouble once she found out who it was - the buffoon! She'd been by the stairs! She could have been seriously injured (or worse, killed) from the fall! (Nevermind that it was the about, what, five steps at the entrance from which she'd fallen.)

"Chloe?" Again, that deep voice.

The world slowly swam into focus. Despite not falling far, falling at all was not something she was much used to and she felt disoriented. It took her a moment to figure out what she was even looking at, but when she did, she was suddenly staring into a pair of the bluest eyes she had ever seen. Wow. A deep blue-green that she'd only ever remembered seeing in Monsieur Ladybug's eyes.

"Er...Chloe? Dieu, you really must have been hurt..."

It was quite hard to think with that beautiful gaze on her. Everything felt too bright and her head was dizzy. Where was she? Had Monsieur Ladybug come to save her?

"Chloe, if you're hurt, I'm going to get the nurse."

Suddenly, her head cleared, and everything rushed back into clarity. The familiar blazer, that blue-black hair, and freckles across a familiar face.


She scrambled up with nary a second thought, slim hands pressing on a surprisingly firm chest as she righted herself in a hurry. At this observation, not even Chloe's usual icy front could hold up. Urgh, her ears definitely felt hot and she'd been saved by Martin of all people. Martin Dupain-Cheng. Kill her now.

The other boy gingerly picked himself up from where he'd been pushed over by her shove. He didn't quite succeed in hiding the pained wince that flashed across his face, and gave his blazer a few pats to remove the dust and dirt. To distract herself from the (completely unnecessary - so unnecessary that it did. not. exist.) nub of something in her bosom (guilt, it was guilt), Chloe bent and retrieved the pair of bright plastic glasses lying nearby.

"Here, dork." She shoved them into his hands before abruptly letting go. No more guilt needed because Chloe Bourgeois had just retrieved an item herself, and Martin should be bowing at her feet for the honour. Chloe did not simply retrieve things for people like a common slave.

He barely managed to hold onto them - wow, had his fingers always been that long? - and turned them over quickly for scratches before placing them back on his face. Come to think of it, this had been her first time seeing him without glasses.

It changed his face completely, mostly the eyes. Without thick red frames around them, the blueness was more potent.


He looked at her warily, but in the end he gave her a grin. A stupid little grin, but suddenly she couldn't forget how large his eyes had been without his glasses and his voice had been very deep when they were rough with concern - NON. That was a line of thinking she was NOT ready to go down. Ever.

Martin was a dork. He'd been a dork the whole time she'd known him and just because she's seen him without glasses now did not mean he was suddenly not a dork.

She scoffed. "We're even now, geek face. So get out of my way."

She brushed past him, deliberately bumping into the teen as she went by before she power walked to the limo waiting for her. Martin grumbled of course, but despite how angry she tried to pretend, Chloe still noticed the way he'd moved aside for her. She hadn't bumped into him so much as he'd sidestepped for her. What was wrong with her today?

"Just a dork," she repeated to herself. "Just stupid, Martin."